The Gospel of Mark Chapters One to Three1 Turn back to lesson one and read the photograph of Mark 1:1-1:6 in a fifth-century manuscript. MApKOC Chapter One2 1. TApxH3 m-neYA.rreA.ioN n-Tc nexc. 2. kat^-n-eT^-cH^ 2n~-hc3lia.c nenpopa. region. 13 rr-eiepo river. 14 *esoMOAorei confess. 15 n-qcu n-6a.moya skin of camel, camel skin. 16 tof 2'U'CU-q (was) put upon him, i.e. he was wearing it (-f, *f-—, Tlis, TOf). 777 THE GOSPEL OF MARK oyMO.X217 n-ujAAp MHp e-Teq-frre18 eq-oyeM-^ty-xe19 2,-0eBia,2° N-£OOYT\ 7. Aycu Neq-TAcye-0oeio> eq-^ccu mmo-c Jce-q-NHy mnnccd-T Fibj-n-eT^-Jcoop21 epo-T e-AN?-oy2iK.ANOc22 AN e-0nA2T-023 e-0bo)a gboa M-nMoyc24 M-neqTOOYe. 8. anok, Al'-'f-*tBArrnCMA NH-tn 2N-OyMOOY- NTOq AG, eq — nA— BATTTI^e M MCU-TN 2N-OYTTNA. eq-oy^B. 9. Aycu AC-cyame ^n-ng^ooy €t0-mmay Aq-ei n6i-7c gboa. 2N-na*ApeT NTe-Tra.AiAA.iA.. Aycu Aq-:x«-0BATTTicMA 2^-niop- .aanhc NTN-ICU^^-NNHC. 10. NTeyNoy Ae eq-nhy e2PAi ^m-ttmooy Aq — nay e-SnHye e-Ay-oycun Ayu) nenru eq-NHy enecHT gjccu-q Nee n-oy-bpooMire25. 11. Aycu oycMh, Ac-cycone cboa ^n-Mnhye jcc-ntok ne nAcyhpe TTAMepiT eNT-A-nAoycuup tyame N2HT"~K- 12. Aya) gN-Teywoy nenNA, Aq-j»ciT-q cboa e-TepHMOc. 13. Aycu Neq-2N-TepHMOc n~2mg N~20oy epe—ttcatan ac26 nei-pA^e27 MMO-q eq-ajoon MN-NeeHpiON28. Aycu NArreAOC, Ney-AiA- KON6I29 NA-q. 14. mnnca-Nce-nApAAiAoy n-iu)2ANNhc Aq-ei n6i-Tc e2PAi e-ttaaiaaia eq-KHpycce M-ney^rreAioN M-nNoyTe 15. ^ce-A-neoyoeiaj .xa)k. cboa. Aycu ac-20Jn €2oyN n6i-tmnt-ppo m-nNoyTe. m€tanoei ntgtn —niCTeye 2M-ney^rre- AION. 16. Aycu eq-Mooqpe 2^TN-TeeAAACCA n-tpaaiaaia Aq — nay e-ci- MCDN MN-iNApeAC nCON N-CIMCDN €y-Ngx-^o)N€30 €—TG©AAACCA. Ne-2€Noycu2e31 rAp Ne. 17 n-MOJC2 N-q;AAp girdle of leather, leathern girdle. 18 T--frre loins. 19 ne-cyjce locust. 20 n-eBicu n-^ooyT wild honey (n-^ooyT = wild). 21 :xoop+ is strong, Jcoop e- stronger than. 22 ^ikanoc (Adjective) qualified, adequate. 23 rra>2T (nez-f-, tta2T=) ttaj-P bend. 24 n-Moyc M-neq-rooye strap of his sandel. 25 ne- (and tc-) 6pooMne dove. 26 tt-catanac Satan. 27 *nei-pA£e put to the test, tempt. 28 *ne-OHpioN wild beast. 29 *AiiKONei assist, serve. 30 rre-qjNe, plural tyNHy net. 31 n-oycuge fisherman. 178 CHAPTER ONE 17. neJCA-q na-y noi- ic xg-imhein . oye2-THyTN33 nccu-T. Aytu -j'-na-p-TnyTN n-^oyoj^e n-peq-6en-0pct>Me34. 18. NTeyNoy ag Ay-ka-NeycuNHy. ay-oyA2-oy Nccu-q. 19. Aycu NTepeq-Moocpe eeH35 Noyicoyi36 Aq-NAy c-iakcuboc nqjHpe n-^eBGAAioc mn-icl>2^n nhc neqcoN NTooy 20>-oy ey-2m-tt.xoT ey-coBTe n-NeycyNHy. 20. NTeyNoy Aq-MoyTe epo-oy. Aycu Ay-KA-rreyeicuT ^eBeAiioc 2M-nxoT MN-NJCAi'-0B€Ke37. ay-bcuk. Ay-oy^2"~°y Nccu-q. 21. ay-bcuk Ae 62oyN e-KAdpApNAoyM. x\a> NTeyNoy 2n-ncab-baton38 Aq-'f-^CBcu 2N-TcyN3ira)rH. 22. Ayou Ay-p-0a}TTHpe e.XN-TeqcBa), Neq--p-0CBco rAp NA-y Nee an eTOY-"p-0CBcu N6i-Nerp2k.MM3k.Teyc aaaa 2cjdc e-yNT-q-Tesoy-cia MMAy. 23. Aycu NTeyNoy Ne-oyN-oypcuMe 2N-TcyNArcurH epe-oynNA N-AKA6ipTON39 NMMA-q. AyCD Aq-Xl-^cu,KiK40 gboa 24. eq-.xcu mmo-c .xe-A2po-k41 nmma-h 7c ttnaZcupaioc. nt-ak-€1 e-^tako-n. 'f-cooyN mmo— k xe-NTK-NiM. ntk-nneT-oyAAb M-nNoyTe. 25. Aycu Tc, Aq-eniTiMA42 NA-q eq-.xco mmo-c .xe-tm-pcu-k43 Nr-ei eboa. m mo—q. 26. Aycu NTepe-nenNA n-akagapton p^T-q44 e-nKA2 Aycu Aq-cucy eBO\ 2N-oyNo6 n-2P°°Y' Aq-ei eboa mmo-q. 27. Aytu Ay-p-02OTe THp-oy zwCTe Nce-cyA.xe MN-NeyepHy ey-xo) mmo-c .xe-oy ne tta'i. eic-oycBcu m-sppe 2N-OYe5oyciA.. nkcttna n-akaoapton, q-oye2CA2Ne na-y- Aycu Ce-ccotm NCCU-q. 32 AMHem Special affirmative imperative of ei; cf. 87 (box). 33 oycu^ (oyeg-, OYA2*) oyH2+ put, place; oye^-ZoY^5 + reflexive personal object + nca- = follow, be a follower of (ACj-oyA^-q nca- = he followed, he 'put himself after'). 34 6am (6en-, 6atts) 6Hnf seize, take, catch; oycuje N-peq-6en-0pcuMe = human-catching fisherman. 35 eeH forward, onward. 36 NoyKoyi somewhat more. 37 .xai-"Beice wage earning (Adjective) (xxi— Construct Participle [lesson 9, box "Construct Participles"] of xi take + n-Beice wages). 38 ncibbaton = ttcab baton as in Koine Greek. 39 *akaoa.ptoc, akaoapton (Adjective) unclean, impure. 40 xi~ "qpKAK cry out (xi- before zero article = xe.- 'speak' + ne-cyicAK. shout). 41 a^poss nmmas what does . . . have to do with . . . ?. 42 *eniTiMa. rebuke. 43 tcum (tm-, TOHs) THM+ shut. 44 pU)£t (pe£T-, pA£t*) pA£T+ Strike, Cast. 179 THE GOSPEL OF MARK 28. A-neqcoeiT45 bcdk €boa rnreyNoy zm-ma nim m-ttkcutg thp—q N —TTAA1aai a. 29. TrreyNoy -Ae NTepoy-ei cboa 2N-TcyNAru)rH xq-BWK e^oyw e-TTHI N-CJMCUN MN-ANApeiC mn-IAKCUBOC MN-ICU^^NNHC. 30. TcycüMe46 ab n-cimcun, n€c-nh.x47 ec-^HM48. xy-c. ac-aiakon€i na—y. 32. poy^e49 Ae, NTepeq-uptüne epe-npH50 na-^cuttt51 Ay-eiNe NA-q N-N-€T0-mok252 THp-Oy MN- N-6t€ pe-NAilMON ion NMMA-y. 33. Aycu TnoAic THp-c, ac-ccuoy2 ^'P^-npo53 m —tth V. 34. Aq-eepAneye54 n-oyMHHcye ey-MOK.2 2N-0cpo)Ne ey-cpose55. Aycu oyMHHüje n-0aaimonion, Aq-NO^-oy cboa e-Meq-KA-naaimonion e-0q?A:x€ eboa .xe-ney-cooyN m mo—q. 35. Ay cd 2tooye56 cmatc, NTepeq-TcuoyN Aq-bcuk 6boa e-yMA n-JCAeie. Aq-CpAHA M—TTNAy GT0-MMAy. 36. AyCÜ ay~nU3T 6BOA NCCÜ-q nöi-cimu3n mn-N-GT0-n MMA-q. 37. Ay-TA^o-q. Aycu neJtA-y NA-q oce-ce-KcuTe57 nccu-k THp-oy. 38. ne.xA-q na—y .xe-MApON58 e— k€ma, e-NiceTMMO59 gt0~2hn e^oyN, Jcekac eie-KHpycce on N2HT-oy. nt-ai-gi tap cboa e-neVgcüB. 39. Ay cd Aq-BCOK eq-KHpycce 2N-NeycyNArtDrH 2N-tfaaiaaia THp-c. Aya) nkgaaimonion, Neq-Noy.xe MMO-oy eBOA. 40. Aycu Aq-ei cpApo-q NÖi-oyptuMe eq-coß^60 eq-nApAKAAei6! MMo-q eq-^co) mmo-c NA-q xe-eKcpAN-oycucy k-na-tbbo-'i. 45 n-coeiT reputation, fame. 46 tt-ojom father-in-law, t-ojcomg mother-in-law, Ne-cpMoyi parents-in-law. 47 NoyJte = throw, cast; hhx* = He. 48 2MOM become hot, 2HM+ be hot, have a fever. 49 n-poY2e evening. 50 n-pH sun. 51 2tUTfi (^CTn-, ^OTns) 20Tnt join, reconcile; (sun or stars) set. 52 mka^ become painful, grieved, moKjf be in pain, difficulty. 53 2'PM-n-po by the door. 54 *eepA-neye heal. 55 cyiBC (cyi-, ojobts) change; qjo(o)Bet be diverse, various. 56 2TOoye gmatg at dawn very early ("dawn very much"). 57 kcutg nca- (kct-, kots) kht1 seek. 58 MApoN come on, let's go (fixed expression, cf. 81). 59 tmmo plural of 'pMe village. 60 ca>B2 become leprous; coB2f be a leper, have leprosy. 61 *rrApAKAAei appeal to, implore. 180 CHAPTER TWO 41. x\w NTepeq-ujN-2TH-q62 ^q-coyTN-TooT-q gboa. xyuo xq-xwz63 epo-q eq-xa> mmo-c na—q ■xe-rp-oycDa>. tbbo. 42. xyaj NTeyNoy x-nc.qcwa? \o ? i to co - q. xq —tb bo. 43. xycD NTepeq-^CDN64 gtoot-cj NTeyNoy 2k.q-Jcooy--q gboa 44. eq-^ccu mmo-c ux~q xe-6a)a)t. Snp-xoo-c u-\xxy. aa\a bojk nt-tcabo-k.65 e-noyHHB66 Nr-.xi67 e^p^T €TBe—nektbbo n-n-eNT-a-moychc OYe2~CA2Ne MMO-oy e-yMNx-MNxpe ux-y. 45. irrepeq-ei Ae gboa Aq-ApxeceAi68 n-^TAqje-oeicy n-2^2 *ycxe Nq-xm-6m-06oM g-0bcuk e^oyN e-xnoAic NoycDN^70. iAAA Neq-2N-2€NM^ N-.xa.eie. xya) Ney-NHy epa/r-q ne GBOA NIM. Chapter Two 1. NTepeq-BcoK Ae e^oyN e-ka<|>apnaoym 2'-X.N-2eN20oy xy-ccdtm Jce-q-2N-oyHi. 2. xya> a-yMHHqje ccooy2 eM^y 2n 6TN-, eTOOT* command. 65 tcabo (Tca.Be-, tcx-bos) tca.bhy(t)+ show, teach. 66 n—oyHHB priest. 67 e^paT make an offering ("take up"). 68 *A.pxeceA.i begin. 69 ccup (cp-, coops) cHpf scatter, spread. 70 NoycuN^ openly, publicly. 71 £ipM-TTpo the place beside the door (Prepositional phrase used as a noun, cf. 1:33). 72 t-OYe£COi beams, roof (cf. n-[and t-] coi beam). 73 cyoTqjT (q^CTqjcuTs) q?CTqpo)T+ cut, carve. 74 *xx\x let down. 75 ne-6Ao6 bed. 76 mokmck (also MCKMoyK* reflexive) think, ponder. 181 THE GOSPEL OF MARK 7. .xe-eTBe-oy naj, q-ujAxe 2'-N2k,i77. eq--xi-0OYA78- nim neT0- N2k.-Cy-K2k.-0NOBe gboa NCA-nNoyTe M2k.y2kA-q. 8. x\ mmo-c .xe-mttn-nay e-oyoN 6Ne2 aioc eq-2mooc 21-TTeqTeAOJNiON83. ne.x.A-q NA-q xe-oyxz-k. nccu-'i. xyw Aq-TCDoyN. Aq-oyA2-q Nccu-q. 15. ac-ojcuttg84 Ae eq-NH^c85 2M-neqHi'. A-2A2 n-tcaojnhc86 2I_ peq-p-0NOBe NO^-oy mn-Tc mTj — n eq ma© hthc. Ney-oty rAp. xyw Ay-oyA2oy Nccu-q. 16. Nerp2k.MM2k.reyc mn-Ne(pApicAioc87, TjTepoy— NAy -xe-q-oycuM mn-Npeq-p-0NOBe Aya) ntgacdnhc nexx-y n-n6(|ma9hthc .xe-eTBe-oy q-oycDM xycj q-cco m 17—n peq — p—0n oBe xy ntg-aojnhc. 77 21-N2J thus, in this way. 78 xi-^oyx utter blasphemy (xi- before zero article = xe- 'speak' + n-oyx blasphemy). 79 mton be at rest, at ease, relieved, motn1 be easy, satisfied, hale; motn e- easier. 80 xepo* i.e. x epo=. 81 2ieH N-/MM00 before, in front of (Compound preposition). 82 * pass by. 83 *n-TeA.a>N ion tax office. 84 Ac-qjcune Ae . . . and it happened that . . . . 85 n HXf... Nox-oy: NoyJce mmo*, nojc* (reflexive object) sit down, be seated ("cast oneself down"), nHXf sit. 86 *Te\o)NHC money changer. 87 cp.xpiCA.ioc (Adjective) Pharisee, member of the Pharisee sect. 182 chapter two 17. Ayci) ic, NTepeq-ccuTM TTeatA-q NA-y -Xt-in-ce-p-wxpei a88 an N6i-n-eT*-THK89 m-ttcagin90 iaaa n-gt^-ujoott91 kakcdc. nt-ai- 61 AN e-0TG2M-naikaioc AAAA N pGq-p-0N obg. 18. AytU MMAGHTHC N-icd2^nnhc M N-N A-N 6(|)Ap ICAIOC, Ney-NH- CTeye. Ay-Gi ac n a—q ey--Xcu mmo-c .xg-gtbg-oy mmaghthc n-icu^nnhc Ay CD MMAGHTHC N-NG(|)ApiCAIOC, CG—N HCTGyG. N€K-MA6HTHC AG, n-CG-NHCTGyG AN. 19. ttg-xg-Tc NA-y .xg-mh oyn-06om e-0Tpey-NHCTeye n6i-FicyHpe M-nMA-N-cyeAeeT92 ^ocon epe-nA-TcyeAeeT93 nmma-y. gocoN tta-tujgaggt nmma-y n-ce-NA-cy-NHCTeye an. 20. oyN-2eN200Y a£ NHy 20TAN eyqjAN-qi ntoot~oy mtta-tT102 n-ac103. eqjtune mmon nHpn na-ttg2-n2cdt ntg-tthpit ttcdn 104 gboa nte- N2CUT TAKO. A AAA G-OJAy- N G -X-0H pff N-BppG e-02<-UT N-BppG. 23. Aycu ac-cycune105 2n-ncabbaton e-0Tpey-MOocyG gboa 2n- NGICD2G106 6T0-pHT107. AytD NGqMASHTHC, 6y-MOOO)G Ay-ApXGI N-W-^Mc'08. 24. NG(J)ApicAioc ag, nGJCA-y NA-q .xg-anay -XG-Gy-p-oy 2^- ncab baton 6-OyK656CTI 6-0AA-q. 25. ne^A-q NA-y .XG-MnGTN-ocy-q aaay .xg-nt-a-aaygia p-oy NT6pGq-2K0109 NTOq mn-ngt0-nmma-q. 88 p-*xpei3i need. 89 tcuk (tck-, tor.*) thk+ strengthen, confirm. 90 n- (and t-) cagin physician. 91 cycone/cpoon+ *k^ko)C be in bad condition, do badly. 92 T-ojeAecTbride, n-MJi-n-qpeAeeTbridal hall, n-cyHpe m-rrMA.-n-qjeAeeT wedding guest, nA-Tqj€a€€t groom. 93 Cf. previous note. 94 Noyxe put {patch on garment, wine into wineskins). 95 t-tocic n-ojaii new patch. 96 tg-ojthn garment, tunic. 97 n-nA6e rag, n-nX6e (Attributive construction) worn out. 98 ecyame mmon otherwise ("if No"). 99 qi-n-KCUTe mmay draw away the edge (of the hole that was patched). 100 ttu>2 (ne£-, TTA2*) TTH2f burst, tear, 101 tt-hpff wine. 102 n-gcuT sack, bag, wineskin. 103 ac old (Adjective). 104 ttojn 6bo\ (neN-, noNs) tthn8 pour out. 105 ac-cycune e-0Tpey- it once happened that they .... 106 n-eicuge field. 107 pa)T, pHTf grow, become covered with vegetation. 108 tojak (tak- toak*) pluck out; n-2MC ear of grain. 109 2K°i 2KA.eiTf (or 2K.oeiTf or 20K.p+) be hungry. 183 THE GOSPEL OF MARK 26. xe-M-xa) n-£€ Aq-bcdk e^oyti e-rmi' m-ttnoytg jm-abiaoap rrApxiepeyc. xyw nogik N-Tenpoeecic110, Aq-oyoM-oy e-oyice-5ecTi NA-q e-0oyoM-oy ňca-ňoyhhb. Aycu Aq--p Ň-ŇKOoye eT^-NMMA-q. 27. ne.xA-q on na-y ^e-ncABBATON, ňt-Aq-qjcDne eTBe-npcuMe. Ay cu ŇT-A-irpcoMe apcurre an €TBe—ncAB baton. 28. za>cre nupHpe m-npcuMe nxoeic ne m—ttkgcab baton. Chapter Three 1. Aycu Aq-BCUK on G2oyN e-TcyNArcurH. Ne-yŇ-oypcuMe Ae mmay epe-TeqóiJC MooyT. 2. Aycu Ney-nApATHpei"1 epo-q xe-eye-KATHropei112 MMO-q. 3. Aycu ne^cA-q M-npcuMe eTepe-Teqóuc MooyT Jce-TcuoyN-r. AMoy e-TMHTe. 4. Aycu ne^CA-q na—y .x.e-e5ecTi £Ň-ňcabbaton e-0p-0n€T-NANoy-q ^Ň-0p-6,neT-2ooy. e-í,TAN2e113-OYÝYXH JcŇ-e-0MOoyT-č. ŇTOoy ag Ay-KA-paj-oy114. 5. Aycu ŇTepeq-ócocyŤ e^oyN e^pA-y ^Ň-oyoprH eq-MOK^"5 Ň£ht e-XM-rrTCUM116 ň^ht M-ney^HT ne^.A-q M-npcuMe xe-coyTŇ- tgk.ói.X € BOA.. Aq-COyTCUN-c. AytD AC-ao117 NÓl-TGqÓIJC. 6. ŇTepoy-ei ag gboa NreyNoy Ňói-Ne kgnoó m —mhHcye gboa čň-^aoymaia mň-neicpo M-niopAANHC mn — iikcdtg ň-Typoc mň-ciacun ey-ccutm e-n-€Tq-eipe MMO-oy. no *Te_npoceecic (i.e. jipoOeaic;) presentation; the "loaves of presentation" were sacred bread kept in the Jerusalem Temple. 111 *TTApATHpei watch closely. ii2 *KATHropei accuse. 113 tan£0 (tan^c-, tan20=) tan2H yf make alive. 114 k.A-pa)= (reflexive) fall silent. 115 mka2 Ň2ht> mokjí* Ň2ht become distressed. 116 tcum (tm- toms) thmť shut. Infinitive as noun, tt-to>m Ň2HT hard heartedness. 117 ao ("cease") also means "get well" (from disease or demonic infection). 118 cyo-Xt*e take counsel. Infinitive as noun tt-cycutNe counsel, design; xi—^ojoxNe take counsel, reflect, advise. 119 *>pei withdraw. 184 CHAPTER THRKE 9. xy mmo-c .xe-NTOK. ne ncuHpe m-ttnoytc. 12. aycu Neq-eniTiMA na~y eMATe xe-NNeY-oyoN2-q €boa. 13. Aq-BcuK. Ae e2pA.i e-rrTooy. aycu Aq-MoyTe e-N-erq-oyAcy-OY 14. Aq-Ne2125-MNT-cNooYC sboa jce-eye-cycune nm"ma—q Aycu Nq-jcooy-ce cboa e-0TAqpe-oeiqj 15. Nq--p NA-y n-TesoyciA c-^ncx-^aaimonion eboa, 16. Aycu Aq-TA20126 epAT-oy m—ttm nt—CNOoyc. Aycu cimcun, Aq--p-oypAN epo-q .xe-neTpoc. 17. Ayco iakcuboc ncyHpe N-£eB€AAioc mn-io)2^nnhc ttcon n-ia-kcdboc — Aq-'f-2eNpan epo-oy xe BOANHprec eTe-nii ne nujHpe m-ne2poyBBAi127 — 18. AyCU ANApeAC MN-(()IAinnOC MN-BAp©OAOMAlOC MN-MAe-OAIOC mn-eCUMAC AyCU IAKCUBOC TTCyHpe n-AA NIM NG NACNHy. 34. Aq-6tucyT G-n-6T0-MnGqica)T6 et^mooc ^a^th—q. nc^CA-q OCG-GIC-TAMAAy Aytü NACNHy. 35. n-GT0-NA-Gipe rAp m-noyojcy m—ttnoyTG, ttaV ne ttacon Aycu TACCUNG AyOJ TAMAAy. i32 *T_nApABOAH parable. 133 ncupx (ttj\x-, nopx*) nopx* divide, separate. 134 Tcupff (Tpn—, Topn») Topff+rob, seize. 135 rre-2na(a)y thing, vessel, foodstuff. 136 Cf. note 34. 137 2' boa outside. 138 xooy na-q e^oyu sent word into Him. 186