Počítačová lexikografie Dictionary Writing Systems Adam Rambousek Dictionary Writing System • správa celé tvorby slovníku • propojení s dalšími aplikacemi (korpusy, analyzátory...) • (dictionary production system, lexicographic workbench...) • ukládání obvykle XML databáze DPS IDM (Francie) client-server DANTE lexical database, Oxford University Press A:..- - :J:>iTii :nl A:. - ■ :n Ah>snm1kin ■\oa:iru5li: -Asased Afc05Cmcn| Aba-ähedly Abasä Abatable Ahíln /*alc Asalenent AiSlEi ■stator Abattoir Abaiuie Mb] Abbacy A:.:..-: .- ä □ A ů q li1 'ä /■fulfil - Af íňií- n ir.aS. a =■ rslhila a ;-■-nnfl FilDSDtfwr m i natiD; GhtfiiTjlaughltr riilnaď ta locllsři ar Incamt TiBntmBM_ AtuleiilE n. LL. 4vAii!sl ?oie-"tsx. t. lil. .ttchirilis^ 1.4" liŕä t Kart zŕ Atidi-i InThKGí Tim ■■ 1111 n ■ l-r-ii ■ j 11, I-I hiij i 'li - i In_ -H-íl nr f ti Cncvph? jbrJI:jt:i. rrccdDm rrcm jrtfldal Ľ AJjäiiduľi _'A'b3P"dop" 1 Acíimplclc flMng up 1d [01 ck^dttiln an entry and type vaur «diln...] Hrdlili ni iri|iijhi-!x; HľľiJiiŕ";M.^:fn hiIíIkjh tjiiistiarit; ca-desL "éeeofTi or ea&e. I OľM-Kí -.n i- KiMUEEhJ IH tli icai aataoase, uxrora university rress WE5S-ER --2 q & a □ % # ä HOME PfiQE NEW PRINT PREVIEW SAVE TEMPLATE VERSIONS FIND = ile seit CO-rJFIG_IfiSLS_HELP Abandonee Abandon er Abandonment Abandum Abanet Abanga Aba n nation Abarticulation Abased Abasedly Abasement Abaser Abashed ly Abashment Abasia Abassi Abatable Abate Abate Abatement Abater Abatised Abator Abattoir Abature Abatvoix Aba wed Abaxial Abay Abba Abbacy Abbatial JSiEXft SfB □beb hubs t&\=a i Ahdal ' jv cacR. pi- aoda'. a substitute, a good, religious man. saint.fr. öadaiato change, substitute,] A religious devotee or dervish in Persia. Abderian s [From Asd&ra, a town in Thrace, of which place rjemocritus. the Laughing Philosopher, was a native.] Gh.en lo laughter: inclined to foolish or incessant mernment._ Abderite n. 1L. A&a&sta. Asaen&s. tr. Gr. Ahdhri'ths.] 1. An inhabitant of Abdera. In Thrace. The Abderite Democritus. the Laughing Philosopher._ Abdest n [Per. ibdast. ao water + dart hand.; Purification b/washing the hands before prayer -■ a Mohammedan rite._ liil xref fl U entry > ''• sense ><: def > : p attributes Elsment: DEF Name v! j( annotations |--r-::'' Abandon - = :-; ^A'ban'don" Abdicable a Capable -;f being abdicated Abdicanifi One who abdicates. Abdicanta [L. gixlicsns. p. pr. of aodirare.] Abdicating; reneuncing; - followed b.. of— '.'c^Ks abdicant c*~e.-.-o.-ce.-£. (Wmock; Abandon n. [F. See Aba^cch.] A complete giving up to [Click wttMn an entry and type your edits..! natural impulses; freedom from artificial constraint: earless freedom or ease. Use the WYSIWYG view lo edit textual content within an element EE'(LTbäN'd6N") f*™)n. E)F. SeeQ^Aban A complete giving up to [ClickvWithin an entry and type your edits...] natural impulses: freedohMrom artificial constraint; _ careless freedom or ease. } charges will be " reflected in the Tree View < > i LEX Erlandsen Media Publishing (Dánsko) client-server / desktop, multiplatform Van Dale (Holandsko) 1 4«Mm11 CfclMNMnttM LHUup; Cirr.rrM I ; ...ijd.-.j-jl n •......... I. I .-: II. ... i i rait Li r.Jli.^lv lli .. Il-eLIjIii: u ii.-.-jt: !■ -m K"j 11.- r f '"jw."J w.\i i zl Eli uI^Uie^-ltc^j ' fi ri ;v,jf| -jiii-.jf.: j.yi'd'y «■ s»J) ; -J V*ili ii mi'.IIeiihe: wjl-J tiu ri.'|ff.-> 9il ip.-.i ■! 1 nrr. K" I 'M. rll ■£ ■ t -rovn -.-i -h-. ii>- I li-r-ii illv- ■■ ■::' "in-iv 1 .11 : .-i-*V } - ■ ._ 11 l. a1 1 e 1 v Li j.-.- ^u.ai 1.^ h \ ..x x. Í4 i .. a^-aj-tu -.V.tA'^Jl-.. Li '.H JL>! arlin;x:hiT.»rv.ir ■ : pnuttr-JMci iJi.-ir.rf.i-. yiiK..«"1r.i ihoi-ir-Ed vlihri vih-chn (iflng řfc.-.c vrlč. a: w.-ji. Pfr Til.: "■'Ainluu'. £ i l-i.li-_•£..■ Jw: prard Ihi i:sHi i ■ ^pi a: Jimriii: mm □ ILEX v 2.1 040 Licensed to Jens Lil.nuV.-r. Copyright (c) 2004-2009 EMP ApS Usernaine: Jens E He Edit SJructire Reference Ust Note yiorkflovi ■0 i m la a. Functions £oto w Window deb .nun » * i Es E> m □ %i MW-coll Look up I Design chamber noicare A hot* hotchpot hotchpotch hot comb hot comei hotdog hot dog hotel Hotel hotelier hotelman hot flash hotloot hothead hotheaded hothouse hot key hill il hot link hotly hot-melt hot metal hotmt le hot pepper hot pi ale hot pot hot potato hot pursuit hotrod Ivt --i- 1c - hot seat hotshol hot spot hot spnng hot stuff Hottentot hot ticket h'tt hot tut hot up hot war hot waler hot-wire hound hounds hounds-tongue houndstooth houi hour angle hour arcle hourglass hour hand houri hour-long h:u'l hOUSe /MW-COl (£«ry Document) i - n x cham-ber \'diam-ber\ ri [ME chambrc. fr. AF. fr. LL ccaiwra. fr. L. arched roof, fr. Gk kamara vault] (13c) 1 : ROOM, esp : BEDKOOM 2 I a natural or artificial enclosed space or cavity 3a I a hall for the meetings of a deliberative, legislative, or judicial body b ! a room where a judge transacts business —usu used in pi c I the reception room pf a person of rank or authority 4 a : a legislative or judicial body; esp '. either of the houses of a bicameral legislature b ! a voluntary board or council 5 a I the part of the bore of a gun that holds the charge b I a compartment in the cartridge cylinder of a revolver — chanvbered \-bsrd\ ad; [chamberpi cham-bered; cham-ber-ing \- bie-)rin \ (1575) 1 : to place in or as if in a chamber HOUSE 2 I to serve as a chamber for; esp : to accommodate in the chamber of a firearm "'chamber ndj (1706) : being, relating to, or_| performing chamber music 1house \'haus\ ii, pi houses \'hau-ze-zato-s3z\o/feii affriii [ME Itcus. fr OE Jms: akin to OHG hus house) (bef. 12c) 1 : a building that serves as living quarters for one or a few families : HOME 2 a (1) : a shelter or refuge (as a nest or den) of a wild animal (2) ! a natural covering (as a test or shell) that encloses and protects an animal or a colony of zooids b ' a building in which something is housed 3a! one of the 12 equal sectors in which the celestial sphere is divided in astrology b I \ ---.ii^il fi;.-n 'bit if H-..- -.--it -.1 -i p'.-ir.--' r -r--..-tr.- -t influence 4 a : HOUSEHOLD b : a family including ancestors, descendants, and kindred 5a I a residence for a religious community or for students b : the community or students in residence 6a i a legislative, deliberative, or consultative assembly; esp i one constituting a division of a bicameral body ! the building or chamber where such an assembly meets_| c : a quorum of such an assembly 7 a : a place of business or entertainment b (1) I a business organization (2) ! a gambling establishment c ! the audience in a theater or concert hall 8 : the circular area 12 feet in diameter surrounding the tee and within which a curling stone must rest in order to count 9 fr. The WareVious*. Chicago dance club that pioneered the style I a type of dance music mixed by a disc jockey that features overdubbing with a heavy repetitive drumbeat and repeated electronic melody lines — hOUSC'ful Vhaus-,ful\ ii — house'less \ 'hau-slss\ adj — house-lessmess n on the house : without charge I FKEE sense Path: /horn/entryf1 j7der7sense[6)7sense[2] Model: Text Not Allowed Project MW-coll Locale: -,- Schema context: -default-Last phase: Error: ID: 100031695 Character: Q J 'J Q * D r- st r-; II ,Lf 'J □ K D t-- E Element panel sense Operations [7] Forward Validation sense X o'i Sp % «W % sin % »lb % «=t % "I % * 'S, TLex • TshwaneDJe (JAR) • client-server / desktop • Oxford University Press, Longman Publishing [«h(r [dmm iue Lqsme DK^wnrwn F^r-m 0«t*» f-m#tn if* til | * | P £ £ liUQQ + B V 11 #ICJ 4 * JJTArt « n sandal? n sangiem :'i jrui: j'-lot »0 POeCraup JlufcHurr,lififxl.PartaiSi»*J,T™(» 3 £eras ' AutnNumtwr: l CwntU fciarrptt-c Mt ton uuami hi c*idc da CcrntTtfton l«mrnjt4gr«iant cow«e^inak IE Tfc=cw»**w CcmNnalon Irnnrna&gmiani douta £Vto*o I U«WTM5(snJ»n|i:q»).£bmol« _ [A ili £J J. ili. JiJX JJi i. JL Ji. i i i Aii ±UJ. JLUflUiiJlLZJt-J 1 vfllhoul ■ C'*r: .'en quzmei ia peux dormer :&ni mi^zgaB pood utrn Yoaeu Since uiduw miHf. (EV) • *a>r/wur/a:f* saw rmaiiltr It •ztlwian^hw Wt earn do .1 in dm* lvorluag on s«td*y (sl. AjjSM'i • i-bui (nm ftdtti. CHitini ''0*8J'- ■ up*ceanolwaiK* u*{ons< ■ wh doutt ru>4ouH trttwl 3 dwU i wm|qu»|* wtat * ff.1 ci v«!fcw it man. ji*t ;j> Or airajf/awu J«r/f w( iaru out gutigu un toK id Ami wt wiled ibe body, of com* Wc -ttwiU've wvff left the body uniHt wanrww 101 Thwe CTB) t> wlkwt > VawTfljpoj Jwirtf rfew /a jl)i'j> jaw riitfouidttorj Vouwouidnc lave foutfz m the dance hit vitIkmI hat townj yog [44nr<| wi»Jol» [«l3"'a| f 1 Mdi tisfon |«r™o] lllilChH iiitrAC EV IB LvtiB PtiS^lurM] 1 htiBi t J'atpaifm aflmmjtihtr ftmmrmmmaiut Jtdts. "Spam* queiltdmJ altnfr-an lOamanaer Qua: f at tv/aapour to tsrlt"" U dit. -ft vaj au baiprvtfwma Its iwj " ] cwdia'tbdpt*fl wiHnnw w ki 1 Mid, "7t*Tt i a ye him I'd hie i» ad: you Wlas do >e* it (or >-ouc t.!"! -h * Hr (aid '[ go to dir danrr ilm(*f rr. nfh' " -r'n La >:(■■(-.--.'..• ia ifffu-i*»"ni^#) ■ 4 vo*« MnM to yow beslh *.Db9J fc ■ tm bonn« un4* n •gcri ' am mnuvoiMi unit in bad btutr ■ Dj3* í (New Document Object Model] TihweneU* - [C:\Dtctiorwry of Lowsxm f rench_tfd>ctj tí! A P P Lemme Djctionruire Fgonat p 10 Q Q Q j <. «f Out* Fenejre Ajde B / u I * IG] jTčšTx Inverse/ R.-V-.T ungues sans sanctuaire o sandále (*) sand Aich (*) Janen sangle (*) sangler (•) sano-mété (*) sanosue (*) saní sans C) sans2-2320j* Pronunciation text sä -; POSGroup Au«cWumbef=l.PartOiSpeech=píep S Sense 1 AutoNumBer-1 TE: TE=wflhout ■ Example Examote=C est Don quand tu peux gs Example Examp4e=*0npeuttatresanstravaille & Combination LemmaSignrsanscesseEtymolc TE TE:«XJ1WS TE TE=ceas«iess ICombination LemmaSion=sans cornaissance. TE TE=unconsoous Combination LemmaSiQn=sans dOute Etymoto TE TE-nooouW L-TE TE=iMtf>OutaOOuW Combination LemmaS*en=sans (que),Erymoloi _ Incomplete Lemma&gn Bracke* Frequency Notes a Soever Pdrcour [ŕČĎÄŤÄj GO LewrtaSgn PartOfScteect* BMP sans [sd] prep 1 without i C'est bon quandtupeux danser sans musique. It's good when you can dance without music. (EV) ♦ 'Onpeutfaire sans travatlfor le dimanche We can do rt without working on Sunday. (SL. An94) • sans cmm endless, ceaseless • sons connoissence unconscious ■ sans douto no doubt, without a doubt ■ sans (que) a unless • Et on veillaít le mort. bten súr. On aurattJamais latssé le mor: sans que quelqu un so;: lá And we waked die body, of course We would ve never left the body unless someone was there (TB) b without • * T auras pas bami dans la sail* sans tl tefout dehors You wouldn't have fought m the dance hall without han throwing you out (LA, An94) • ce va sans dire it goes without saying <0a&4> |MMn| sans-ctpur [sdko?r| n 1 h«artl*ss cruel pitiless person . Tues rten qu'un sans-cctur You're nothmg but a cruel man (SB) lAdmin) sans joie |sd3wa] n m. 1 great blue heron tAdrwn] Santa Claus (sdtakbz. sŕtekbz] n prop 1 Santa Claus [Admin] santé [«äte| n t 1 health • Ja: pas pu m empecher de marcher á tut Je at:. "Hy a une question J atmerats :e demander Quo: c es: tu fats pour ta same? " // dfx. "Je vas au balproche tom les sotrs." I couldn't help but walk over to ban. I said, "There's a question I'd bke to ask you What do you do for your health^' He said. 1 go to the dance almost every night '* (d* La netge sw la couverture) m a voire santé to your health ■ en bonne santé in good health ■ en mauvaise santé m bad health ABBYY Lingvo Content • ABBYY (Rusko) • client-server DEB • Dictionary Editor & Browser w • platforma pro vývoj slovníkových aplikací * • client-server, XML databáze • základní knihovny pro správu dat, uživatelů äss?£I;___ f Ba'. SgttĽ-"— LiEiEIHIieíZISl g+H- ■ Y M-H I- -■ -I * ■ h 5TeZK aiiriiicuprrrsLín limiinitľsŕsbľnl - H _.. —...... Á rr DEBVIsDIc English WordNet DE BVis.Dic ooo User Settings Windows Help code "J Search Search in al - SYNSET.ID=wnen:ENG20-062 [n] cipher5, cypher4, cryptograph!, secret code 1 [n] code flag 1, nautical signal flag! [n] code of conduct:!, code of behavior 1 [n] code!, codification 2 DEBVIsDIc Greek Wordnet jj Search Search in all [n] code:2 [n] code3, computer code:l [n] color codel [n] dress codel [n] error correction code:l. ECC:1 [n] ethic:2, ethical code:l [n] fire code:! Preview |lTee Revtree Edit Query Xml | POS: n ID: ENG20-06256978-I1 Synonyms: code:l, codifications Definition: a set of rules or principles or laws (especially written ones) Domain: factotum SUMO/MILO: Obligation -->> written communication:!, wril language:! >> [eng derivative] codify:! <<-- [engderivative] codify: 1 <<-- [hyponyml Bushido:! <<-- [hyponym] legal code:! <<-<<-<<-<<-<<-<<- [hyponym] building code:! [hyponym] dress code:l [hyponym] fire code:! [hyponym] omerta:! [hyponym] sanitary code:l, health code:! [hyponym] Highway Code: 1 Preview | Tree Revtree Edit Query Xml | POS: n ID: ENG20-06256978-n Synonyms: KQ)6iKac,:2 Definition: ouvoAo kouovoju n. ap/oju r\ vouwi ypanTtoy -->> [li\peinvm] YpanTTJ EniKoii>gjuia:l, Aoyc STAMP: / Querying a dictionary is complete. Querying a dictionary is complete. Item(s): 30 I me var PR |Proqress'R " I GBLoc 1 I'reLoc ± | LocEtym | RelEtym ' Has query headword |McMackin variants Mackin GB freq, 188l|l0 199764 2011 69 Irefreq. 1997 Main GB location, 1881 Glasgow '4 2 2008 96 8 9 1076/813 Main Ire location 1847-64 Tyrone ll |RI J f jlrish 1 + a.b. + expl 1 + sense remove sense , i -1 : sense nr, l expl from Mac Maicm<;b> 'son of the young mail', from a pet form of mac< i> 'son, youth'. Compare Mackin. _ 95 archive EB Y jlreland Allex McMacken, 1 (Leballycleare, Anuim); Ireland (Ardstraw, Flaxgrowers Irelaud< 1796 in Flaxgrowers Select special character archive EB Scotland Finiai Makmakyii 01 (Rliinns); Michell Macn 35 O Ö 0 0000000000001EQ00 ffi0000@@0000@000 0100 close more 0000000000000 Q0000000IE (click on letter, then Ctrl+V to paste it to text) + other info + references move this sense to entry move B + expl open links T + e.b. edit src open links T + e.b. edit src open links T not in IGI | IGI M | Poll Tax | Patent Rolls | Feet of Fines | PROB 11 | A2A | Discovery DAFN | Chancery Proc | Fiants | Poll Tax forename | Irish Names. Woulfe jazyk Add sense Remove sense Entry Sense 1 Sense 2 Sense 3 jazyk Entry source fsc+SSJC Entry type single word noun STAT. Sg/Pl 12792/3985 FRQ 16777 ARF 6122 Source Author wesely | Created 2008-12-04 10:44 Updated 2009-09-14 12:26 LISTS (expand/collapse) DERIVATIONS VI I Deforigin: SSJČ svalnatý velmi pohyblivý orgán v ďi LISTS FOR VI (expand/collapse ) DERIVATIONS SYNONYMS ANTONYMS Headword jazyk : HEADING jazyk Homonymy Entrysource |fsc+SS)c EntrVtype single word POS/type Abbreviations: full wording Entry comment Save and close Save ivy SEMES El for VI Adj+SUBST vyplazený jazyk, zapadlýjazyk; rozeklaný jazyk (expand/collapse) E10 for VI Infinitiv (resp. VF) + Prep+SUBST-v Ell for VI SUBST+Subst (expand/co rty a jazyk; jazyk a zuby mlsný jazyk; rozplývat se na jazyku HEADING ADMIN PRONOUNC ORIGIN HYPHEN ETYMOL EMPORAL Fl STYLISTIC F FIEL ABBR./EQU I VALE NTS COLLOCATIONS PHRASEMES OTHER MULTIWORD MULTIWORD UNPROC MULTIWORD COMP, DERIVATIONS * - + mít jazyk jako na obrtlíku Lookup Unk Poznámka |-J [+| [mit jazyk jako poleno Lookup Link Poznámka 1- + mlčí jako by/mu/přimrzl jazyk Ľ: okup Link Poznámka - Comment | Save and close Save Close -1 M Close Expand all lists Collapse exempt I Duplicate Back Print NEW SENSES □ EF Preview 1 0[ Preview 3 jazyk aiidt.. I; Searc SEMES ~] I Lookup Link »] [ Lookup I Link] [Lookup Link Close □ alldi... ^ Searc Fiont view Side view Lexical category: general noun Mouthing; [caj] - compulsory Gramatical vanats Distribution area Entire Czech Republic Meaning Zdro; ML! Sfftdnko Ta Zdtnf MO, Stfcdiskv fore*** ■ Zdroi MU.S > Examples of use ' Cornetto Synset OOO DEBVisDk English WordNet OOO doen ▼ Search Search in all SYNSET.ID=ENG20-01598809-v t Search Search in all User query d_v-9061 [verb] doen:2. zitten:7, liggen:5, lopen:5, staan:10 bezig zijn met;bezig zijn met;be; d_v-2044 [verb] doen:3 tijd kosten; d_v-7968 [verb] doen:4. verhandelervl kopen en verkopen;werken; d_v-2045 [verb] doen:5, verrichten:!, werken:! uitvoeren, doen;handeling verrichten;een taal 1 [v] eause:l, do:5. make:5 1 d_v-1401 [verb] doen:6, verschaffend, geven:2, bezorgeml bij iem, veroorzaken d v-4949 [verb] doen:7, opbrengen:l opleveren, voortbrengen d_v-6352 [verb] doen:8, reinigen:l, kuisen:2. schoonmaken:l, afnemen:4 (iets) ontdoen van d_v-2046 [verb] doen:9 oppervlakkig bereizen: d_v-6812 [verb] doen:10, stoppen:3, steken:3 in iets stoppen;in iets steken;in een ruimte ber • * • Concept Relations Tree Revtree Edit Xml Preview Tree Revtree Edit Query Xml C_SY_ID: d_v-1401 Synonyms: verschaffend/d_v-420844, doen:6/r_v-228o, geven:2/r_v-2942, bezorgen: 1 /r_v-1585 PoS specific: VERB_TRANSITIVE Definition: by iem. veroorzaken Differentiae: bij iem. SUMO: (+,, Process), (=,, causes) -» [HAS_HYPERONYM] veroorzaken:1, teweegbrengen:l, leiden:3/d_v-8i36 <<- [HAS~ HYPONYM] aanspreken:4, aanstaan:2, behagen:2, bevallen:2, liggen:4, iyken:3, zinnen:2/d_v-i322 ->> [NEAR_SYNONYM] oproepen:2, bovenhalen:l, evoceren:l, evoqueren:l/d_»-E2oi Equivalence relations: [EQ_NEAR_SYNONYM] get:3, let:4, have:5/ENG20-ooii6i75-v | /ENG30-ooi20796-v [EQ_SYNONYM] caused, do:5, make:5/ENG2o-oi598809-v | /eng3o-oi6456oi-v WordNet domains: factotum POS: v ID: ENG20-01598809-V BCS: 1 Synonyms: cause:1, do:5, make:5 Definition: give rise to; cause to happen or occur, not always intentionally Usage: cause a commotion Usage: make a stir Usage: cause an accident Domain: factotum SUMO/MILO: causes ->> rhvpernvml make:3. created -->> Tenet derivativel causal aaent:l. cause:4. causal aaencv:l ->> Tena derivativel causinad, causation d -->> Tena derivativel cause:2. reasons, arounds:4 ->> Tena derivativel caused <<-rena derivativel causal aaentd, cause:4. causal aaencvd <<-dena derivativel causinad, causationd <<-rhvponvml determined, shaped. mold:6. influenced. reaulate:3 <<--Thvponvml initiated. pioneer:2 <<--Thvponvml effectd. effectuated, brina aboutd. set ud:8 <<-Thvponvml make:8 «- Thvponvml occasiond <<- rir/| ill provoked, evoked, call forthd. kick upd 3 Querying a dictionary is complete. Item(s): 10 ^ Querying a dictionary is complete. Item(s): 1 A TeZK Intro Thesaurus Background Contact Search: ■ souřadnicová operace ■ souřadnicový systém ■ souřadnicový systém UTM ▼ správa geografických dat ▼ katalogizace • katalog kódování geoprvků a atributů ► klasifikace ■ tezaurus ■ třída ► metadata ▼ postupy hodnocení jakostí . nepřímá metoda hodnocení Hyponymic tree ■ referenční data ■ úplná kontrola » vyjádření prostorových referencí geografickými indikátory » vyjádření prostorových souřadnicový systém (coordinate system) & 1: systém umožňující určitými geometrickými prostředky jednoznačně určit polohu libovolného bodu na ploše nebo v prostoru, např. systém pravoúhlých souřadnic, systém geodetických (zeměpisných) souřadnic, polární souřadnicový systém; souřadnicový systém je charakterizován počátkem souřadnic, souřadnicovými osami a jejich orientací 2: systém, určený údaji o referenční ploše Entry details . jejím měřítku, referenčním bodu a užitém kartografickém zobrazení 3; množina matematických pravidel pro specifikování způsobu, jakým jsou souřadnice přiřazovány k bodům (CSN ISO 19111) translations domains en: coordinate systém geodézie fr. systéme m de coordonnées ge Koordinatensystem s ru: cucTSMa KoopflUHaT sk: súradnicový systém reference ČSN EN ISO 19111 Geografická informace - Vyjádření prostorových referencí souřadnicemi DEBWrite • betatest • webová aplikace, obecný editor • nastavení struktury hesla -> editace • přístupová práva, vzhled • https://deb.fi.muni.cz/debwrite/ element |hw element gram element recordirvg element |mean label headword multiple type tent multiple ■ type text * J label [pronunciation audio multiple 3 type file label [meaning multiple type containerT Label meaning nr Label explanation label usage add element I save setting multiple type | number * | multiple U type | texiaraa * | multiple l^1 type itextarea. T, light noun ] T] pronunciation audio I Choosa lile No 'He chosen -...........Ig ILLťdllílIg MT - -'-_ I ■ I =11 ■ -1111-11 . lis Age _I brightness ■from the sun or from a lighjt, which allows you to see things The room gets a lot of light in the afternoons. [7] |~T|Tneaii1nfl meaning nr - - ~-_ I ■ I =-■ i ■ -111 ■ -11 a piece of electrical equipment that produces brightness □us Age i- - - I could see a light in the window of the farifhúu&e. load [ save J | preview