IS D i a o g u e IJ Robert and Ken are vacationing in Okinawa. 3 d / i — V : §, | ft v p ! 4 It % : fe&t L J: 1; 5 It i : n ^- V I A fi If X, & X #-'/| * fNfej 6n/<-h: -9--7 -f * T-fc ■ o><- h : A:c*-r Ti, At the post office. On Monday at school. 2 a-'N-h : tt- WWnmiZ CHS | S ii^Xr ItzX, b d v < - r : ^rilU ri I 1? L tzz tz (7 L $ /v 50r- h li € i X' s I fzti\ t M1 I : Robert: Xice weather. Ken: Yes. But it is a Utile hut. Robert: WosWi beautiful sea! Ken: Let's swim. Ken: What kind of sports rio you like. Robert? Robert: I like surfing* Shall wc do it together tomorrow] Ken: But isn't it difficult? Robcrt: No. Robert: Excuse me. How much is a postcard to Britain? Person at the post office: 71) yon. Robert: Then, two 70-ven stamps, please. And one 50-yen stamp, please. i Takeshi: Robert, thank you for the postcard. Did you enjoy the trip? Robert: Yes. The sea was \er\ beautiful in Okinawa. Takeshi: Good. 1 like the sea very much. too. Was the airline ticket expensive? Robert: _\o. it wasn't so expensive. How was your date. Takeshi? Takeshi: . . . m5u Podstatná jména tor ■+*--> ŤX h feÄ/ Ľ. «fc 3 [£< y j: c a -i adjektiva ä In slovíčka $1 moře "tjQ^ř poštovní známka IfHI korespondenční lístek lé^H pohlednice tflW lístek, vstupenka surfing, surfovaní féM domácí úkol test iži^ffi) jídlo, potraviny pití, nápoje autobus mnm íetadio UŠíĚ. 0 narozeniny pftJt pokoj, místnost {H já (neformální)mužské počasí ifcfy- volno, prázdniny, dovolená Mff cesta, cestování, dovolená Ur l"1 (je) horko 3^1^ (je) chladno, zima, chlad (je) horký, pálí (je) studený, chladivý (je) velký /h^l^ (je) malý m5u adjektiva (je) zajímavý; zábavný (je) nudný, nicotný (je) děsivý, vyděšený (je) levný, laciný (je) starý (je) nový (je) zaneprázdněný (je) příjemný (je) obtížný (je) snadný; laskavý neoblíbený oblíbený nenáviděný milovaný rušný, živý tichý, klidný zdravý, plný života krásná pohledný, fešák s dostatkem volného času ~u slovesa vs. -ru slovesa * ífccfc C plave, koupe se cf < HfK zeptá se (někoho) ^ú^ěAC HH ě ^*i~0 Zeptám se pana profesora. (D-Ž) Hš<5 nastoupí (do dopravního prostředku), pojede (něčím, na něčem) m5u Adverbia (příslovce) a další výrazy Pojedu autobusem. Sednu na autobus. udělá, vykoná (neformální) vyrazí (si), zajde ven... společně A poté... pořádku. Je to OK. velmi velmi, nesmírně jaké N [numerativ pro ploché předměty] až do/po ... hm) ► sts-xsäl X ;£ Grammar a Adjectives There are two types of adjectives in Japanese. One type is called *i ^-adjectives." and the other type -adjectives." ^ and are their last syllables when they modify nouns. <> ^-adjectives: h t L h i ^iEi ff// interesting movie % 8Ü "9 , io o L ^> ^ *f!|P5 £ IL |S L / saw an interesting mode yesterday. Z.k~>\ s$t'Jr. .s'cr/rv teacher tUTvtÜ.'l - jfe.'C'I'o Professor Van/as hifa is a scarv teacher. ^.-adjectives: ^ jf'l ^N & u beautiful picture ^^"Ü^ ^^rJ:?Äa:lft') I L/:0 / ) < h '1 j -ij-/v fJ L £ is " negative -past. T' Unlike verbs. adjectives conjugate fairly regularly. The only irregularis worth noticing at this slage is the behavior of the adjective *■ >^ (.good). The first syllable of ^ ^ 1 is changed to X in all forms except the dictionary form and the long present tense nffirma-tive form." l^L\ (irregular) present past affirmative negative t£-adjectives The conjugation pattern of i-adjectives is much more straightforward. It actually is exactly the same as the conjugation table of T which follows a noun, as discussed in Lesson t. affirmative present 7Z%~C"T tt\ a- She £S healthy. past TcE'crL/t S/f inert in both polarities. For these speakers. the chart looks like the following: affimative negath 6 present ~11 # T < £* ^ 'C -f past ^ '-'^ < » 51 & * t 'There actually are alternate forms, i *1 and .£ *. »T-T, hut they are much less frequently used than i *\ ^ and iHi-C't. * As with ^-adjectives, some speakers prefer an alternative paradigm, such as the following:; affinnative negative present ■— $ "f — L* v -V •• <* past -CLA — L' &4■ C T 102 In this lesson, we learn two ^-adjectives that are very important from the grammatical point of view. They are if * { &) (to be fond of: to like), and & ^ ^( 4') (to be disgusted with; to dislike). The meaning of these adjectives is relational, and you need two terms: a person to like or dislike something on the one hand, and a person or a thing on the other hand that is liked or disliked. In sentences, these two terms usually appear with the particles U and respectively. , I i f likes i X [t Y # * rTo A Y. 1 ££>n 1 1 dislikes ' 0 M; — h | ^ ii B $J|$> 7 f 1 X'1\ Robert likes Iris Japanese classes. ihT^c^. ii ,» ? ^ v» *C"t0 Professor Ya mas hi la dislikes fish. The item that is liked or disliked can also be a person. You may want to be cautious using these words in reference to your preference for a specific person, however, because ¥t% "C i" is usually taken to be an admission of one's romantic interest. Let us note three more things about «| ( &) and ^ ^ () before we go on. One, if you like or dislike something (or somebody) very much, you can use the intensified forms of M I *C"f and >^^f-f. namely, MTj$X"-f and b^*C*"t. These forms are more common than the combinations of ft * (&) and ^ v * ( & ) and the degree modifier <- "t t, to which we will turn shortly. Two. when Japanese people want to say that they neither like nor dislike something, they usually say: I -C I I b v t *f i ^ 0 i -^-/L, / neither like nor dislike (it). 1 Three. you can use ft 5 Gr and ^ h N& as modifiers of nouns. For example, you can say things like: "In contexts where juii are contrasting two or more items, the particle li is used instead of *\ Thus, I■■1NN& ^-C-r. / $fe vegetables. Jw/ / //Ar meat. 5In the expression of romantic or familial affection, the complex particle ?) - C can replace Thus, Takeshi is in love with Marx. This is my favorite TV program. M Degree Expressions If you want to say things like "very hot." and "a little hot." you can add "degree adverbs" like £ *C | (\ery) and J o £ (a lirtle: slightly) before adjectives. itff E t | ^ ft* >t I 7c, ffei sew was very beautiful in Okinawa. ^'l!iM|M%^^ii^ff, 77//s >r, much) and A ^ fevv(^) (hate). & it l I /v e| s -1 -a**.-*? | t-r, Takeshi likes coffee a lot. A li S ^i^H^-C-tu iUfe. 7i7/« fczl&S //f///o (a Japanese fermented soybean delicacy). Take a long form of a verb and replace the ending with H n or K l i and you will get the Japanese expression for "let's . . .." which you can use to suggest a plan of action. —#f i:m*$fr-t-&8i I ± I x i 0 Z.^ -> tz^^X'i~ 1. 2. £>oo 3. 3£&V> la (i| t;|W 5. 6. ^-t^T^ 7. fc>V^ «. L-f£"l' 9. 10. Mu*fr 11. V-x ft B. Change the following adjectives into the negatives, (jil Example: f^N** -* ^1"<&')5^rA I. 7. 8. If/v ^ ^ 9. 10. $s$M?4e 11. ^>+f-A^- C. Look at the pictures below and make sentences. Example: - mb# 1+ U ft V > *C 1" <, 3^5 .5 '^/JSBi im j D □ (12) (6) (7) (10) (13) ' X i x 1 : ?< 1 x I3' i X 1 OD 103/ 1 o ; o ! o i o 3 P 8 0 f o 3 o 50 MO D. Answer the following questions. Example: Q I 0 sM§<£> 77X JiJjE I \ A»0 A : It* iL^t't/^i^, IL(I) ') t^4« 1. f s tt^ ä t-f 5. 0^ 5 e$< 107 :. Pair Work—Make your own sentences on the topics below using adjectives, and tell your partner. Example: x X h ii f| L ( fc1) HA= ^ 3 L ^ 4. 5. *.3p(i 6. ^74Ii A. Change the following adjectives into the past affirmatives. lm Example: tzti'^t - If A I * L £ 1. VT^ 2. Aou 3. Sfc1^ 4. fcU^^ 5. ^-i%,#v* 6. ls-^l^ 7. y. Lf^^ 9. i:yf*'(; io. t^V^i Change the following adjectives into the past negatives. R[ Example: ^ ^Fi 11 |»-4B-f%* 2. fz60l\^ 3. ^ItA* 4. oHi^ This is what Robert wrote down about the trip to Okinawa. Look at the memo and make sentences. Ex. Okinawa—hot 1. food—nol expensive 2. food—delicious 3. hotel—not bis 4. hotel—new 5. restaurant—not quiet 0. sea—beautiful 7. surfing—interesting Example: D. Pair Work—Use the chart below and practice a dialogue with your partner, substituting the underlined parts. A and B are talking about A's vacation. Example: A is Robert. -> A : tit A iz ffJH: ft * i L fea B : 1 -) ti U L A : £ t t^ 7c "CI"„ iix. Robert went to Okinawa very hot (1) Alan saw a movie scan- (2) Takeshi stayed home (U!'-^'«) very boring (3) Sue went to a party not fun (4) Mr. Yamashila went to flea market (7 ') —7-^7 h > ■ not cheap (5) g A. Look at the pictures and make comments on them. \< Example: «$f+ -»• ^ ^ b# s+"C'f ?a B. Answer the questions using the given cues. Example: Q ! / T 'J - £ L tl Nf& ifc&IH^ A : / T 'J - 3 A fcM^i L i to Ex. 1« T 'J - (1) X (2) h 5HM . n»4>. (3) fe t-t L beautiful interesting energetic torn § A. Pair Work—Choose the items from the following categories and ask your partners whether they like them. Example: A : / T !J - J L (ilWtt J k**'^ | |j ^-Ci"/^ b 1. Eoods: meat/& o £ 9 (fermented beans)/ice cream (TW X^'J — A) 2. Sports: aerobics (■*■■/* n f 7 X)/skiing (*^r—)/skating t*^- |v) 3. Music: hard rock (' ^- K a y 7 )/}azz ( v * X)/classical music ( f f £* V 7 ) 4. School Work: lest/Japanese class/homework "1. Drinks: sake/green tea/coffee * If vou neither like it nor dislike it, vou can use #$ $ ~Z~ h r> ^X* t $> 1 i. B. Answer the following questions. 1. e&ijfeyi $ - f 1 f ^ ■ 2 . $ H ^ * ^ I f 11' ■ 3. g /v C & ^ 9 $ ^ I T1 =61 i A. Change the following into sentences.^! Example: 0 #4$ feltefr -* a &|£ £ If L 5 L X 1 i 1. 2. i&JsfM 3. 7. R. S 9. Hi • LeU e « B. Pair Work—Make follow-up suggestions using Example: ^VvfHhfitn B:^iULn„ 1. #^"C"f*aB 2. ^#rt$t* 4. h bfzt&fc* SO __L ! I , i! i i i 1 Postcard Stamps fill 1 r A t a Photo Shop Customer: *f£-$4r/l- ? 3~ L £ > L 3 i\ Excuse me. I'd like a reprint, please. Shop clerk : £;R£> '1 X~X% U*3f f Certainly. Would the glossy finish be all right? Customer : 5Vs. Shop clerk : | 3 £ ft £ %Uff * fc®^ L Jc i"a Please fill in your name and telephone number here. Customer : ^O'C'J j t//'. When irilf if be ready? Shop clerk ! i±Xtir! li + £ 3 -C"f B ir ll'SI nWv «/ £/ir#e o'clock on the 15th. |$|& #&$^*£4M Iii» ^0 Please bring this receipt. Customer : ^^'IH jfe, C #. |Hi» L I f> .-!// /v'yV//. Thank you. Shop clerk ! f) ijpg i 5 W^M I $, Thank you very much. fl)> h--print -f- t1/- -negative f±Jufr* 9-date/time something Is ready V