^F5 1 p. (i^iíf 1 -1 60) |jgTf(i)V £ E3 i :n -t ^ JL + J) JS^fcr&fiSU^Oia-, Practice the following kanji. (n) ?i:?®5^*75£®34U.v^L*5, Study the readings of the following kanji. Numbers Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning ••• 1 + i: * 9 10 — \-- 2 i: IT rp 9 20 3 =+ i L U H> 9 30 E3 X Lr/ L 4 es-f- X L M rj) j 40 5 .5.+ Z' II \1> 9 50 > ^ h < 6 h < C * 7 60 -t 7 ^ C * 9 70 /\ 8 ii l; 9 80 J tf> 9 / < 9 5*9 U rj> 9 90 Counter for small items -to ti'^o 7 1m 9 ^oO 8 + 10 Write kanji and the readings. A. Example : 5 „5. ( Z ) 1. 3 ( ) 2. 6 ( ) 3. 9 ( ) 4. 1 ( ) 5. 8 ( ) 6. 10 _....... ( ) 7. 7 ( ) 8. 2 ____________ -----------......... . ( ) b. Example : -q__( u y. o ) 3. 4. 'S-ks. *t,«. >«• 5. V v* "V™ "V" 6. ilii Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning ---■, 1 ESO J: 4 8 2 POT 5 — 3 i; o o 6 9 Ba(BaflB)(i 'sic jjS. W 4«P 4 5i sec13 33 1 m (2) ¥ -f ^ n n @ -16 CD IJ )I ? It 1/$ U tfc :5, Practice the following kanji. I-1 FTl n (D) i*.¥fflsS*7j;§:®!^US'b*:3.- Study the readings of the following kanji. Numbers Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning < 100 ML 1,000 200 2,000 =■§ ZLlf** < 300 * /C-t+X 3,000 XLUk- < 400 4,000 if r'r/f < 500 C'-trX, 5,000 600 ^ + ^ < -btX 6,000 700 -t-f 7,000 800 liolf/, 8,000 ±^ i tp 1 X} *? < 900 ^L-f 9,000 -77 10,000 ^7J 3 < i L 60,000 -7 20,000 -tTJ fx tt: £ L 70,000 H?7 *LiL 30,000 ii ^ i ^ 80,000 X kj £ /C 40,000 ■htf $ n> i £ L 90,000 C* i /C 50,000 \lr$> 1 £ L 100,000 V"? <£L 1,000,000 4 i 3;iH(2) Word Reading Meaning one hundred yen +n -tf /C*x one thousand yen a < ^ mouth @ eye (1) assess Write the readings of kanji. 1. >Vf^+ 2. "••!' An 3. ( ) ( ) ( 4. -77H+ 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( 8. 9. ( ) ( ) ( ) @ :M'f^^:^l^5, Write the fallowings in kanji. 1. 1,200 2. 590 3. 73,000 4. 4,800 5. 65,000 6. 340 7. 8.600 8. 970 10. 11. 12. 13. 31SS(2) ( (T) a—^^ZTs fBfS^flf^^UdOc Look at the menu and write the prices. v T x i ^/ 1 X •» A >\ 9i tj a 19 w Pi n n 3 Ji^ti' buckwheat noodles topped with an egg XL.V-b l t'X wheat flour noodles with deep-fried shrimps 5'S^lf cold buckwheat noodles beef bowl Example : T/Co? b 1 YlL ¥900 1. ¥_ ¥_ 5. tf-yU ¥ 3. 2. fliL^li* 4. 5' -S^c If 6. 6 ) m i in Kffiaa f2lid) a E 'X * * £ i. (T) Jll^^rSliU^UjOo Practice the following kanji. 11 M - — — (n) ^ipCDSti^7T';£©^U^Uc};5o Study the readinqs of the following words. Month Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning HHiH 1 1 -%Xl V Sunday — ft January JPIB f "> 1 i if Monday -ft \zir'-> February 'XM 0 frl 1 If Tuesday = ft March ?KB1 H t^Xi if Wednesday ■es ft April till Iß Thursday £~R May Friday -f'B z> < ^ June Saturday -tE July- 1B X 1 if day of the week ,\ft August Other words iL ft +n < September October +-n November December +-ft Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence ft moon; month £/■ fire * water tree -- money (S) Ü^Ofre&Ti^ÄSäU^c Write the readings of kanji. l. jXbIb ( 4. ±al b ( 7. Bmn ( 10. rafi ( 13. RE ( 16. ( 19. -t-fl ( 22. *?tÄit. ( 2. ^aia ) ( 5. /MB ) ( ) ( 11. JLft ) ( i4. —n ) ( 17. ) ( 20. ) ( 23. *!*>Ttc ) ( (N) iM^^S^SLiO.:, Write the fallowings in kanji. V~^ W/v I". ft' I. _ 2. _ 3. Fi Ufa ( 6. *nia ( 9. -tfl ( 12. H—3 ( 15. = £ ( 18. ^ ( 21. *)*Ll±J.Ti". ( 24. ±^**> 'i it. ( 3. U «D 9 A5^ 7. 10. 13. 16. 18. 20. 3 < #-3 11. 14. _rf<*>'J it, _£JLi L /-o 17._____ 19. cf)«_ 12. 15. #1" f §2f (2) * a ^ # h#. ^ x? ^ (t) ;lt¥£f$iiU3JU IT one o'clock -tB| I £ C seven o'clock two o'clock eight o'clock Ha# three o'clock < IT nine o'clock EHBlf four o'clock l: t* 9 i: ten o'clock i5.H# r i; five o'clock eleven o'clock -5 < i: six o'clock +-"H# j IT rt 1 IC C twelve o'clock ^-^ rch, C J; t'fc H< J; Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence book ^IrfJEÄ i to 1: Japan one (long object) Hi -* two (long objects) three (long objects) A person ■fcWAIiM^'AT-f „ S^A Japanese people ffltí /.liB^ATt. -A one person j^-A^i-f. "A two people = A three people ttliEAT't. -AT alone -Atf^-H:ftži LZ;» now 4\ H-flT-f. this month today 4*Bli#^T"f0 («# temple ... o'clock half past ... five minutes ten minutes half to understand B^ff^íH^J i to UV) ji^t^a^^^Bt^^Ud-Oo Write kanji and the readings. Examp,e: J^JJJJJl -tHt^ ( L IT liyC ) 96:10 4:05 10 sats(s) (V) QSffi&^StílCo^UclOo Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. I. iAčA-^ CS A 2. íM?_ _i'if, .Alfo Ii .T-f. Ž J; 9 OA J I. A:c 6. £ AfJA Weilte 7. cř Ale A li (Cti AU,'A 9. féjfř íi A'SA, l; ft Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. Example : %.Llß^>ft. (5) Ä®ÄPo^[C;l?^<$ orf^U^. ^-^ oa Lofe/v »A, u OS' cte Answer the following questions using kanji. l. 4\ wr-r^0 t 2. .Jrlsfc (brothers and sisters) ftfilA^-^H'ft 3. i/L^^^^^'J i-f 12 i ssb mmm m3mo) i t * ^ & x ^ fr (7) Jf^^^s^b^L/^-j:. Practice the following kanji. 33-41 — It ft (5) *g©si*;££»uT\ x^i^sudoo --r;/u e * Mt *> OA, ,t Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence up; above ±lf £ to raise |-£±if Or. T down; below ft^it\^-t,_.......____________Tt, 2. Cli 3....................................\±fr\iL'J it. 9. hco_____________________T______________________#i>i Ltzo 10. fiLit. v—' a » ff třA. f-tt &h li i' Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. %Hi7--7/l 5. CDIiXf-|/t«_ ft. .........Tt. Tt„ 6. ^-'íťaíiŤ l" t'eo T-r. Tt„ 1J 14 S3ISO) i'3.R(2):>'.. rtw -1 © 0 ;M:? £ SI 11U 1/ 3... Practice the following kanji. TO Pi W J* ft Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence A.M. ŤIÍ-HfTt. P.M.; in the afternoon in the morning 7 7X{í^m^i~& lJ it. n gate H between time ... hours east H^IÍŤIS^f-l;*'J it. cast exit Ť* the Middle East tAMŤÍ Í to west yipligy^BT-to west exit south jhmiíM-jh 'j i to So south exit ^ullr/IT't^o Southeast Asia it north lt;tai±itl:í> 'J i to it, a north exit itaT"#*>ito ě3sc2) (J Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1>tfb if^Xi If t9 7 7>Vt>\) t-to 3. z * 9 £ 5 7. lilt l^t-fo *>£ »J. r-tfA* o 8. lifter/l/<0_ ■19 U 9.____CO________........__W_____™T_ 16 S3BH2) (T) Jx ^ © Iff © s Sf £ 31 ,;r' 8? 3r S L> £ 5 , Give antonyms of the following words in kanji. Example : O & 1. ft^ o_ 2. ;£ O_________ 3. i O. 4. t <=> 5. A <=> — n f * Uft fcE fi'A, b its *>> Look at the maps and choose the appropriate kanji for the blanks. it l. -fftli^f-maco 3. iii^li't*<0__ 4. ^liftexo 5. *ft\±m^<7>l?<7)AllH^AT-f „ t«A woman boy girl student to be bom to live Jut 9LM teacher last month % ft , a*i:*iL/;„ 3148(1) what something -ftA how many people what time 4\ iwr-r^o Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 2. A t- I ;ft^„ R :_____ 4-H 3. A : 4\ 4. _________________Tti\ b :__...........X"to cD______ic___________^'^itfc0 &coAli_ £4 * 5. *co_ 6. A : H^I«__ li £#6 li .^i-f^o b: 7. flit __T"f„ 8. *>*< it^ \^£LKL -)t ... year(s) this year year last year every day every month every year country *M , BIICfHJ i "to e>v>;fo ťl foreign country i'KH 1 Z\í&. tz\N Ti"„ China H^li^HWAT-fo (5) O-SWííí-ii-řlC^ $ ? £ í> 6 tf «IC ;tč£ L * 5, tfh 13 líh l; Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. \z^9 9 i ÝáSIŤii' —AT" AS 4. *I±A# b/.-L i"V i<< 6. li 7. A:^í A, íilí<75l> IC 9. b«1b 10. co_____ S4B(S) i 2] i. ■ (?) ;%01%mz]f:^\£z>Z%XSl;£Ö, Answer the following questions using kanji. 3. *^\±W)KT t^\ 6. f W H 7 -7 X U (i*° Answer the questions in Japanese. UO 6,'v ^fc ; coAcoi^li-fsjATt^o 2. fÄHIitSATt^o 3. CWAIi^"ZTä.i*ti L/c^ 4. 3 cOAIl^a^U^i L7c>5N ( 22 ) SIS iSP (T) /S?'&^S!USUcfe;5:l Practice the following kanji. life" '-^jv '■' T 65*72" fir ----- — - - Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence Jli> to sec to show h $JH+T < tziW can be seen Z Zfr^ditfJLz. i-f o if < to go rice to come B+^llASTl «t 9 o to come *^ * not to come EB+^AJiA^Tl J; i o next year ?SllMf * i to to eat lo drink to meet f§5K(l) ( 2 Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. ■kA. 2. A- i - £ < 7c'^ ' CO , mi_______xixio rtWHii__zm^nr. 6. &tzt>Z. at l:!I/Cl'X 12 J: <. 9. ?flX(i_ ^ 3 i L /: 10. ^cC0/£|i_ c5.5> 11. 7"Hf > h II J't. l5iS(2) * fit t # i H $ it (T) M^&ffl.i§U^U*:5o Practice the following kanji. 73-80 -: W j1^ If /HI —..... So 21 Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence ear M< to listen can be heard "t" T to say M^f^i L /c^„ %fA to speak a*M£i$L£-f„ U talk; story Mi conversation *ii:(?)Mli|Lo?t. Ao to stand AoT < 7c 3 ^„ to wait t, «t 0 Zft-oT < 7c 3 ^„ this week ^illitt LW-f „ next week last week Jtxl, + HMt* i L/co every week one week -Jmt-AXT'f £ L£ l/c Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. h 1±.±iXi Ltz 11. Ait (^26^,' SS5BC2) Write appropriate verbs using the following kanji, and complete the sentences. A. Example : t L tr_ 1. 7-l/t'£_ >l 5. 2. D-t-£_ 6. B+f§£__ (5) T'VS/uCS^ iLf:. #{/Ct^iL/:, t^^ßftt. &!i riiL^i LTJ ^t^i Jf i L/C» 15[i31>_S7C. ä: Ucfc"3.- Answer the questions in Japanese. bo a, eft I. Ty^Ali-fsfH#U^/cA ££^i L/c4-o 2. ■Ktiih^m-tzM^^i Ltzt\ 3. ry^/L(i^Ü^.i:-(3)"^t^i L/c^„ 4. ^-^(nn^riLr-t)\ 5. -f^ft^i ltzt\ fiMAi L/ctf\ H5» 09NF 81-88 I) iH^^ISSU^U^^o Practice the following kanji. TV -- lias* —y J'" .5% 1th C ,t itt!-. If Sih, ,t Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence big A* college college student adult small t Li elementary school student high; expensive cheap *Ť I ^ *rffl new newspaper «i lí mma^í-to old fine; energetic to be careful 28 S66KO) (5) 0-5t)^cC^)l?(C, ;1^^0-BtfS;|c73^3;Ucfc5o Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. o < xťa-7-|Í 4. _, 5. £cO#li_ *£6 K T _Ofcf* i L /bo Ji Í 9. ri-o lJ i-ti-zU tit 4 7. id CD li .Ti-o <£* ~- 9. di^í/Cli 10. CO 1: -tBf 11. ____ & ä -ř m 0 Cl) jlí^lf^UcřUcfeĎo Practice the following kanji. £Vu C fl/uUa .89- »8 it: Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence many I a little '*yi'Jrl-kŤ£t> L/i 9. _9 ý'A\z_______________________JfoT^Í l/A 10. íř<7)?^í>_ CO l//£1J CO JxS>t©lSP;£©B^^;1i?^!i^^U_ 3. ^X _ 4. £IX _ .AI- 5. Bfv * (dark) <=>___6. O_ >HXA, fc7cSlTtrf\ ^fc^XA < 3 A,* ') it- Ti#rlot"/l,4/; iiLh^T, KU^^T X 7hSAt^(7)T\ \^\^^mXX 'J iX ^XSXTXX A^cO'*(i A * ^ ^ T-f o .fAOO^Pmii^ < Tsfl £ ^T't„ £ Bf B tfX £Bft a i T" TX ftXflXXtT < £'*^0 8J320B % dormitory MP^ICS^-^UcfcOo Answer the questions in Japanese. 1. ^#IC|i^7j>'^ 'J t-f fro SJ.7 i 2. ««9SUM Ii ^XXWTtX 3. H^»gc0 7 7XliMHt^'-bMH#i TTXX S6S T) JH;?:'£iS§bSL_ 2. 3. ^^Ii-5<|jf____________.....__\z&i)£i-0 .LiL/;„ 7. iz < 5 S €6 .....______________UfiX T^b, If 5 i L/c _£>M7 i L/co 8. _____________________CO_______________________________£_____________________ bt> J: 9 liX L } J J L t •) X b ft 34 ) S7B(1) 105-1« . 0 il^^iiSiif L-jKUjOo Practice the following kanji. rtr — 1% (5) miscDiTc^T^^wt^T:, x^a^uo* v—' (tfc c * IMC *' au» * Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence horse station IRmhuT^X L J: 9, company •« 13 , t# Tattle ft $ it. society company president L i L /co school high school i««lcA#l i L/c„ junior high school elementary school principal shop bank &ffTfc&£tfc Li-to illness l7K(a) 3! hospital to be hospitalized graduate school graduate student &«J?coAliA^r£±T'-f„ Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1.____________________________jc#,'J SAC? « 5.____li_;_^b'«T_________,..,„?"f o 6. ...........i±___t-1% 7. *>*7)Ali__L: ^ *> U i -t+/Co__Tto 8. ^_T___.......LT^it^i,. _\z'niito 9. _IC li_tf<__.........____________IJ i to ( 36 ) SB7K(2) What are 1-4? Choose the answer from the box. a. college b. high school c. bank d. elementary school c. hospital f. station 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (5) tiucnz&Qt?, B^-m^m^Vj^oo Read the following directions and write the places in Japanese. Example: WBn^bl*Tt« ■» #11% 3. lR<7)3Rp£i±!T. +A5Hf $ 4 to ^^OtfrT-to JSH8IBI ( li i8s8(l) í* £ Ě ft M ^ 113-120 CO S?^$f Sl^L-dOo Practice the following kanji. )Xj, ÍFEj 591! --- E'A, u u Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. __________________COB i____ 2. cO 3. ^yti-r...........„„„.„*__ < tz Í c (5) m§5©§6»££ai^. X£E*3:Ut:5„ Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. 4. CO TX.lv ÍX Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence 5. li \z to rest; to be absent * I tz holiday; absence 6. CO (i, -tfX L H> 7 to run fii Tbt'J it. 7. £>„ 8. M. shellfish i^X L íX<0í7 *> £ £ T to buy 9. % i ÍX: b C'-tfX b 7 li b 3; T ft •?> to sell 10. T to read ♦ < to write 11. m 38 ) S8R(1) ĚBS(l) ;8s(2) m % * iř n % m 121-128 I) I^ÍISbíUctío Practice the following kanji. SJ<íf Oft IT ---------------- V fl * OD Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence to return t-tH#i;')f Tto feeling lír name ^coAcoSfilie-fTt. Japanese language B^ifí^lif L it. Tüll Chinese language ^SlfíM^L/c^Tt. I -10 SIOSKE) v—' b'h, b S'/v Ü Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. .LT 2. fz < i A_ *> ») Ö < <_'' íi U rfn^i V.tz tož 3. 4. ÝCO_ CO T" .Lit. co ________li LTt. ti~Č Z(T)'. 5. ______ li 6. ž« Já, _li____________T, /c < _^Íto 8. z V-o - 0 ___■£ 10. .*-tiX < L Tto 11. .£.....____< ťíwc £8gS(2) i 41 ist. -'I-r ...... 4: Make your schedule for tomorrow using kanji below. -IT tk * * Example : + flAB (±) S *n\xwMi-?tz<»T. ä::tft- tz „ -f P5 ti -itzo Et L-hHi ü T t, Ü i L 6" ^„ ÄlaJICgT! 3;L-tt.^r, Answer the questions in Japanese. -CA. i 2. TVS /ClilKrK] £it/CT\ * «-fit ¥1 £ I i L ?K 4. 5t±U&1-/i-h, £ L i I tf\> 5. ^mmz L. i l/-^o 42 ^ ^3üü ÜiffiSläS |9f(i) # x & m' :> (T) jft^iif HL-SLdO. Practice the following kanji. 12» 136 — $1 — —— 7} **• <; " tut *> m * Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence spring spring vacation Jt summer summer vacation Ä autumn; fall winter SO winter vacation m morning every morning #$fj, ^Bf c^j it. 4« this morning noon; daytime daytime lunch break way of ...ing L' early evening ttXIti'to (m) oB/ío^s?!^ ?: ^ o- 5 * < & \zfr%mi,&o. Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 3. 6. j- o 0 r-r, ^(0 li :|3/ü; Ji, X {) r-fo HAU' Jl 1- < * < __Ii ___^N t_ 7. ZW^i^W t>5 < -Si 137-144 [ Š§9ip(2) Hfc & -f- £ 1* f (T) >!?^Š£llU3;l/J-o, Practice the following kanji. si ---- ÍÉI i (5) ^noifa*:&£9ioz\ x^&suao Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence night tonight 4*ft, U^-rí«íí-fo every night night it. X^btfs^Z'J i L/co tonight midnight; middle of the night heart- to be relieved ft^JflíťWT^C L i L hand poor at -ji: good at H ^tf ^i:^Id' 'J /; oTŤo foot; leg fflifí ^i£^*í ^T-f, to be sufficient £t to add body f 44 ) S9RU) S9»(2) ( 4 neck it road Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 2. 3. ^...........Ti-ř,_______........____________________'J i L /Co T" _______o^tJT-to 4. Í CO ? «0_ 5. B*fl^'_ ÉH/cCOT. X 6. 7. il^' iö i: ? 3 /C ..COT, X—7 1 _________Att. .0 íx t#W? .-. ft .Li L/cc 10. * 6 £ 46 I SB9KO) Choose one kanji which does not belong to the others. 1. ( t it Jl & ) 3. ( * 7 « X % ) 2. ( Ä 4. ( $ & % ) =w ttt es ) fn)£<5l5-p/u©--H it í < b%^L (-tm l±^#«co~ s EBB irbliířípirAS H litt* (EIS) -f---Fi (Ijiíl) (:=>IH) %Y-m,Lt'Ak, *>L +£T&í£m$Líto Í-Aco77X|i = h# |c 'Jito XulHii-?-<*:i:|]f oT. ^T/er/coLyXV-^ífí ito -íiw^iii mtU;^ ^LJi-f-U^'J i L/X -tHfcr^Hic-g&í-Ar^ito Ä. Tsffií LT. 7tH#*Z'X«Íto iřtří neighborhood school year sports day JEUI^CDICISO. iEU^^i IX 0 /jNill i X, Mr./Ms. Ogawa small forest; grove &#«tíl::*fXX 'J iX forest !?cOŤ^-AT*rXU i IX ÄffXX, Mr./Ms. Morita Affli/UlAPŽLi IX sky air SfX'i -x XX j& sea i?XXXi lx. Hokkaido it^iiliitXX ijit» it 3= chemistry it'jXX XX T'-fo ÍĚ flower íXXÍÍX--*jxí IX flower viewing Ä IEÄ £ l i LX„ 4ÍS j SSI 05(1) Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. B*X1_ XX < i XX ') i to XX ±M a XX ____________....._...........XX_™_„__ Í5#t> *ÍL/: 3. 3c0 ii _x 6U 4. _____....._____Y.___11$ in X", _ _xť -o 7. :*U i L/;, 1 - 9 L i L/;, 7. [i* X*»ifi IX X X i-tX X \ L f XAX .£ LiX 9. I co_ si oko) rnlQrnm m * é . m & & 'Cli ÍS' ' .• v. - (7) iSí^í^gU^Ucfc-Ďo Practice the following kanji. .153-160 ft n /jifc /J1 Jji/v Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence weather VH^fi/xcO-f, tbtfMti-fo # red #7-í V £ 1 < tíCAi-r. red # f ^ baby * blue blue blue sky é white white black s V * black fe color fish dog puppy ( 50 ) *10»(2) Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. T" I TAS cojleo A ft A :|±_ CO 'i3 T. 1^3 < 6 tí 5. C CO < 3l» (7) _________________•> * -y ítti^Ať______________í L. _____X A-7iLT^^Ai' ........_______________________......... i LT~Ťo 7. ____________......._.......„W.________ 7>? lift li_ 'J í Í" o *10B<2) ( ä CT) Töffl^ESlC^töDSUcWo Color in the pictures of the national flags. Co » 6 3. a. -6 7 7>X -T- >? 7° h (5) :Jt;SÜ ib-Ä^tliif < 'J l± £ T t1r* lake Fä #S nature S fc also TO an ethnic group indigenous to Hokkaido Xit culture #§5 season 9p 'J festival cILfl^SUdOo Answer the questions in Japanese. mmiz lot A, CTl 4. it^tWXIi^ft^lTt'K 5. i>o#£$.-fc£tJrf<;M£t^ /r/r" T "l —[ 1 61 -320) 52 I SI OS Kfias