Drill 20181213吴明桦 部?边? •部:means part or section. It can not refer to regions beyond the border. •边:means side or border or region. Therefore it is not possible to say 中边。 • 部 东部 南部 西部 北部 中部 - - 边 东边 南边 西边 北边 - 右边 左边 于是 • 不是…而是… •not…but… •This pattern is used to introduce two items, one affirmative and the other negative or the two sides of one matter by putting one thing before 而 and another one after. •他不是捷克人,而是____________。 •这个动物不是__________,而是____________。 •明天不是___________,而是_________。 •这本书不是______,而是________。 •不是我不想和你出去,__________。 除了…以外,还 •除了…以外,还… is an inclusive pattern. The English equivalent is “besides” or “in addition to.” • • •他除了学中文以外,还学过日文。 •(=他学中文,也学日文。) •我们昨天去了书店,还去了酒吧。 • •à_____________________________ • • 用“除了…以外,还”问问题 •A :我昨天去超市买了一个大西瓜。 •B :我知道你喜欢吃水果,除了西瓜以外, • 还买了什么? A :下个星期五我生日,要请大家吃蛋糕。 B :________________________________ 用“除了…以外,还”问问题 A :我觉得我感冒了,有一点头疼。 B :______________________________ 至于 as for •至于 is used to introduce new subject matter which is related in some way to the subject of the preceding, or a different aspect of the issues in question. • •我明年得开始申请大学,至于哪个大学,我还没有决定。 •你觉得这个餐厅的菜怎么样? • • • • 我 •你跟你朋友喜欢吃中国菜还是捷克菜? • • • • 我朋友 •你觉得你今天穿的衣服大小、长短怎么样?样子呢? 原来 all long •It is used upon the discovery of new information, implying a sudden realization. When used in this way, 原来 is an adverb. •我现在才知道你喜欢看电影。 •à____________________________。 •我现在才知道你会说中文。 •à____________________________。 • •我以为丽莎是个球迷,_______________。 •我以为雪梅已经把她交男朋友的事告诉家里了,________________。 • 虽然...可是/但是 although…yet •This pair of conjunctions links the two clauses in a complex sentence. Note, however, that 虽然 is often optional. • • •虽然这双鞋很便宜,可是大小不合适。 虽然...可是/但是 although…yet •她的新衣服很多/她都不穿 •à______________________。 • •这条裤子很便宜/长短不合适 •à______________________。 • 虽然...可是/但是 although…yet •这件衬衫的颜色很好看/有一点儿小 •à______________________。 • •这双鞋样子挺不错的/太贵了 •à______________________。 • •这个商店不小/不能刷卡 •à______________________。 • 结果 as a result, consequently •结果 can be used as a conjunction or adverb, meaning “as a result” or “consequently.” It normally starts the second half of a sentence and can also introduce an unexpected or undesirable result. • • Reason/condition, 结果+resulting/ending. Situation, 结果+unexpected result •我点的是__________,结果来的是_________。 •我昨天跟朋友去喝酒,结果_______________。 •他吃了很多药,结果_____________。 后来 •The word 后来 (hòulái) is used to sequence past events in the same way that "afterward" is in English. • • • [Past Event 1] ,后来 ,[Past Event 2] •她昨天喝了很多酒,后来_______________。 •昨天下午我跟朋友一起去看电影, • • • • • •_____________________________。 不如 •不如 means more or less the same thing as 没有 in comparative sentences. •This pattern is used to compare two things. The two items are placed on either side of 不如to show that the first is not as good as the second. • • A+不如+B (+adjuctive, etc) A 不如 B Adjective, etc 我跑的 不如 小李 快。 •我爸爸觉得出去玩不如在家看电视。 A+不如+B (+adjuctive, etc) 要么…要么… •要么…,要么… is a selective conjunction. It means “choosing between two or more possibilities or desires.” • • 要么+option A, 要么+ option B 要么+option A, 要么+ option B •你等一下打算做什么? • • • • • 要么+option A, 要么+ option B •你想喝什么? • • 无论…都 •无论 signifies that the result will remain the same under any condition or circumstance. It must be used together with a question pronoun or an alternative construction. •This pattern indicates that even if this situation (or situations) occurs, it will not influence the fact expressed after 都. 明天无论谁请客,我都不去 谁 is a question pronoun. Together with无论, it means doesn’t matter who,or anybody. 无论…都 •A:那个地方太远了,你不要去比较好。 •B:无论__________________________。 • • A:你喜欢吃中国菜,还是日本菜? B:无论__________________________。 A:进去这个地方,每个人都得买票吗? B:无论__________________________。 一直 all along; continuously •昨天 晚上 我 一直 在 做作业。 •Yesterday evening I was continuously doing homework. •我/一直/教英文。 /男朋友/在中国 • •à___________________________。 •我/很 /你。 /喜欢/一直 • à___________________________。 像…一样 as if •像…一样 indicates that two people, places or things have similar characteristics. To further explain how they are similar, a characteristic or condition can be placed after 一样。 •她笑得像____________________一样。 • • •她生气的时候会像_______一样大叫。 • • •老张什么都学不会,像_________一样笨。 • • • Ponddy reader •https://reader.ponddy.com/ 慢速中文 •https://www.slow-chinese.com/ 爸爸去哪儿 •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c12eYJKCFmo youtuber •Thomas阿福 •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U_Ov3kuZaw0 •不要闹 •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehMzKEVbMjA •Chinesepod •https://www.youtube.com/user/ChinesePodTV •