Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 1 III. Morpho-syntactic changes in African Latin as evidenced in inscriptions 1. Vocative for the nominative (cf. Adamik T 1987, Petersmann 1998 and Adams 2007) LLDB-51653: voc. pro nom., SECVDE AMATO|R = Secundus amator, ILTun 1692, 2 = AE 1911, 115, 2, Africa proconsularis, Thabraca, 313-700 AD. LLDB-51962: voc. pro nom., VERNA|CLE IN [PACE] = Vernaculus in pace, IFCCarth 3, 311, 1-2 = CIL 8, 14223, 1-2, Africa proconsularis, Carthago, 351-400 AD. LLDB-52229: voc. pro nom., EVTICIANE | IN PACE | VIXIT = Eutychianus in pace vixit, IFCCarth 3, 582, 1 = CIL 8, 25320, 1, Africa proconsularis, Carthago, 470-530 AD. LLDB-65289: voc. pro nom., LELI () SACE|RDOS () VOTVM SOLVIT = Laelius () sacerdos votum solvit, ILAlg 1, 2941, 1 = CIL 8, 2182, 1, Africa proconsularis, Aquae Caesaris, undated. LLDB-65290: voc. pro nom., SILVANE SACE|RDOS () VOTVM SOLVIT = Silvanus sacerdos () votum solvit, ILAlg 1, 2941, 1 = CIL 8, 2182, 1, Africa proconsularis, Aquae Caesaris, undated. LLDB-29142: voc. pro nom., DOCTE PVER () COMITATVR = doctus puer () comitatur, ICI 1, 13, 7 = CIL 11, 2839, 7, Etruria / Regio VII, Volsinii , 351-430 AD. LLDB-37807: voc. pro nom., AVRELIVS () DEPOSTE = Aurelius () depositus, ICUR 2, 4305, 1, Roma, Roma, 301-400 AD. 2. The transformation of the case system in African Latin Gaeng (1992) inferred a radical reduction of the five-case system of Classical Latin into a system with only one inflection in later African Latin. In his study, however, Gaeng did not do a real investigation of frequency. Instead, he practically quoted examples for each phenomenon, and, since he was able to find examples for nearly all phenomena of transformation in his corpus, he concluded that all changes took place equally in the language of the area and a system with only one i.e. no inflection became established in later African Latin. Bibliography: Adamik, B. (2014). In Search of the Regional Diversification of Latin: Changes of the Declension System According to the Inscriptions. In: P. Molinelli, P. Cuzzolin, Ch. Fedriani (edd.). Latin Vulgaire Latin Tardif X: Actes du X e colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif, Bergamo, 5-9 septembre 2012. Bergamo 641-661. Adamik, B. (2017). The problem of the omission of word-final -s as evidenced in Latin inscriptions. GraecoLatina Brunensia 22, 5-21. Adamik, T. (1987). Romaniane vivat: Bemerkungen zum Gebrauch des Vokativs und zur afrikanischen Latinität. In: J. Herman (ed.). Latin vulgaire – latin tardif. Actes du Ier Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif (Pécs, 2–5 septembre 1985). Tübingen 1–9. Adams, J. N. (2007). The Regional Diversification of Latin 200 BC–AD 600. Cambridge. Adams, J. N. (2013). Social variation and the Latin language. Cambridge. Gaeng, Paul. A. (1977). A study of nominal inflection in Latin inscriptions: a morpho-syntactic analysis. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press. Gaeng, Paul. A. (1984). Collapse and reorganization of the Latin nominal flection as reflected in epigraphic sources. Potomac (Maryland). Gaeng, Paul A. (1992). La morphologie nominale des inscriptions chrétiennes de l'Afrique. In: M. Illescu, W. Marxgut (edd.). Latin vulgaire-latin tardif III. Actes du IIIème Colloque international sur le latin vulgaire et tardif (Innsbruck, 2-5 septembre, 1991). Tübingen 1992, 115-131. Herman, J. (1966=1990). Recherches sur l’evolution grammaticale du latin vulgaire: les emplois “fautifs” du nominatif. In: J. Herman, Du latin aux langues romanes. Études de linguistique historique. (réun. S. Kiss) Tübingen 321–325. Herman, J. (1987=2006). La disparition de -s et la morphologie dialectale du latin parlé. In: J. Herman, Du latin aux langues Romanes II. Nouvelles études de linguistique historique. (réun. S. Kiss) Tübingen 33-42. Herman, J. (2000). Vulgar Latin (translated by R. Wright). The Pennsylvania State University Press. ILCV = Diehl, E. (1925–1931) Inscriptiones Latinae Christianae ueteres 1-3. Berlin. Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 2 Table 1 Acc. ~ Abl. 24% + Nom.Acc. ~ Abl. 10% + Dat.Abl. ~ Acc. 4% = 38% Gen. ~ Dat. 10% + Dat.Abl. ~ Gen. 1% = 11% Nom. ~ Acc. = 1% Nom. ~ Acc. 1% - 3 1 nom. pro acc. LLDB-54964: PER FETVS | DECESSIT = per fetum decessit 2 acc. pro nom. LLDB-60722: QVAM PER FETVS | DECESSIT = quae per fetum decessit Nom. ~ Gen. 2% - 6 5 nom. pro gen. LLDB-50926: MEMORIAE L FABI () OMNIBVS HONORIBVS FVNCTVS = memoriae Lucii Fabi () omnibus honoribus functi 1 gen. pro nom. LLDB-46085: (/permixtio syntagmatum)M CORNELIVS FELICIS = Marcus Cornelius Felix Nom. ~ Dat. 4% - 11 9 nom. pro dat. LLDB-52396: (/-s > ø), DI MANIBVS = Dis Manibus 2 dat. pro nom. LLDB-57763: ( / dat. pro gen.), FONTEIA VERNALI V = Fonteia Vernalis vixit Nom. ~ Abl. 14% - 36 34 nom. pro abl. LLDB-42945: (/-s > ø) VI|XIT A|NI LII = vixit annis LII 2 abl. pro nom. LLDB-55990: (/litterae superfluae), LIVIA ZA|BA VXSO|RE = Livia Zaba uxor Acc. ~ Dat. 1% - 3 3 acc. pro dat. LLDB-38255: STATVAS AENEAS DVAS VICTORIAE AVGVSTAE ET FOR|TVNAM REDVCIS = statuas aeneas duas Victoriae Augustae et Fortunae Reducis Acc. ~ Abl. 24% - 52 18 acc. pro abl. LLDB-53906: (/ -ø > -m) PRO SALVTEM | DOMINI = pro salute domini 28 abl. pro acc. LLDB-57803: (/-m > ø) OB | HONORE AEDILITATIS = ob honorem aedilitatis 4 ablativus absolutus accusativis permixtus LLDB-45926: CVRATORIB|VS SATVRVM = curatoribus Saturo 2 accusativus absolutus pro ablativo absoluto LLDB-44026: CVRAN|TES FILIOS | EIVS = curantibus filiis eius Gen. ~ Dat. 10% - 26 9 gen. pro dat. LLDB-51063: M AVRELIO SEVERO ALEXANDRO PIO FELI|CIS = Marco Aurelio Severo Alexandro Pio Felici 17 dat. pro gen. LLDB-40069: (/ -s > ø) VXOR Q SILICI MARTIA|LI = uxor Quinti Silici Martialis, Gen. ~ Abl. 0% - 1 1 gen. pro abl. LLDB-54706: (/ permixtio syntagmatum) VIXIT ANNIS | XXVII ET MEN|SVM VI = vixit annis XXVII et mensibus VI Dat. ~ Abl. 3% - 8 6 dat. –ī > E LLDB-71716: (/ i: > E), D M ET PERPETVE SE|CVRITATE = D(is) M(anibus) et perpetuae securitati 2 abl. –e > I LLDB-51388: ( / e > I) FORTISSIMO | IMP ET PACA|TORI VRBIS () FELICE = fortissimo imperatore et pacatore urbis () Felice Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 10% - 26 26 nom./acc. pro abl. LLDB-43583: (/ dat./abl. pro acc.) VIX|IT ANNIS | LX MENS|ES TRES = vixit annis LX mensibus tribus / annos LX menses tres Nom.-Abl. ~ Acc. 17% - 43 43 nom./abl. pro acc. LLDB-43706: (/ -m > ø) CVRA EGERVNT = curam egerunt Nom.-Abl. ~ Gen. 2% - 5 5 nom./abl. pro gen. LLDB-68293: (/ permixtio syntagmatum) [E]X AVCTORI[TATE] | () NERVA TRAIANI = ex auctoritate () Nervae Traiani Nom.-Abl. ~ Dat. 1% - 3 3 nom./abl. pro dat. LLDB-51444: (/ litterae omissae), MARITA MERENTI = maritae merenti Gen.-Dat. ~ Nom. 1% - 2 2 gen./dat. pro nom. LLDB-54034: (/ nom. pro gen.) D M S CECILIVS | COTTAE | P V = Dis Manibus sacrum Caecilius Cotta / Caecili Cottae pius vixit Gen.-Dat. ~ Abl. 0% - 1 1 gen./dat. pro abl. LLDB-65327: TRIBVNICI|AE POTESTA|TAE II = tribunicia potestate II Dat.-Abl. ~ Nom. 3% - 8 8 dat./abl. pro nom. LLDB-51377: (/ -us > O) M IVL|IO PHILIPPVS INVIC|TVS = Marcus Iulius Philippus Invictus Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 4% - 9 9 dat./abl. pro acc. LLDB-50612: INTER EIS = inter eos, LLDB-46806: ( / -um > O) LEGENS TITVM MEO = legens titulum meum Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 1% - 3 3 dat./abl. pro gen. LLDB-37721: (/ permixtio syntagmatum) [PRO] SALVTE () AVRELI COMMODO = pro salute () Aureli Commodi Other 2% - 4 4 commutatio vel permixtio casuum aliorum LLDB-45802:, AD | MISERABILE MO|RTIS V = ad miserabilem mortem vixit Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 3 Table 2 Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 38% + Acc. ~ Abl. 13% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 5% = 56% Gen. ~ Dat. 4% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 1% = 5% Nom. ~ Acc. = 4% (+ -AS pro -ae 2% = 6%) Nom. ~ Voc. 2% - 3 3 voc. pro nom. LLDB-52229: EVTICIANE | IN PACE | VIXIT = Eutychianus in pace vixit Nom. ~ Acc. 4% - 5 3 nom. pro acc. LLDB-68767: HEC MEMORIAM FECIT = hanc memoriam fecit 2 acc. pro nom. LLDB-68769: VISSITE|NT FILOS ET NEPOTES MEOS | = visitent filii et nepotes mei -AS pro –ae 2% - 3 3 nom. pl. -AS pro -ae LLDB-42896: (/ acc. pro nom.) VNA ET BIS SENAS TVRRES CRESCEBANT IN ORDINE TOTAS = una et bis senae turres crescebant in ordine totae Nom. ~ Gen. 3% - 4 3 nom. pro gen. LLDB-53293: REGIS | ILDIRIX = regis Childerici 1 gen. pro nom. LLDB-53140: (/ x > S / SS / CX) GILIVS SE|NIS FIDELIS = Gilius senex fidelis Nom. ~ Dat. 1% - 1 1 dat. pro nom. LLDB-48749: (/ -s > ø) HOSTRILD|I FIDELIS (|) VIXIT = Hostrildis fidelis () vixit Nom. ~ Abl. 5% - 6 4 nom. pro abl. LLDB-43623: (/ -s > ø /) VIX ANNI XLVI = vixit annis XLVI 2 abl. pro nom. LLDB-51347: (/-s > ø) CASTRENSSE DVLCS = Castrensis dulcis Acc. ~ Abl. 13% - 16 7 acc. pro abl. LLDB-59514: NATVS | CASAS MAIORES = natus Casis Maioribus 9 abl. pro acc. LLDB-43608: (/ -m > ø), HABVIT PATRE LAOMEDONTE| = habuit patrem Laomedontem Gen. ~ Dat. 4% - 5 3 dat. pro gen. LLDB-43553: (/ -s > ø), IN NOMINE PATRI ET = In nomine patris et 2 gen. pro dat. LLDB-64824: NICOMACHO FLAVIANO AGENTIS | = Nicomacho Flaviano agenti Gen. ~ Abl. 1% - 1 1 gen. pro abl. LLDB-53530: (/ permixtio syntagmatum) VIXIT AN|NORVM LXXX = vixit annis / annos Dat. ~ Abl. 5% - 6 1 dat. -ī > E LLDB-67878: (/ i: > E) [I]NVICTO PIO | FELICE () PON|TIFICI = invicto pio felici () pontifici 5 abl. -e > I LLDB-40080: (/ e > I) IN PACI = in pace Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 38% - 51 51 nom./acc. pro abl. LLDB-71855: (/ dat./abl. pro acc.) VIXIT AN|NIS () MEN|SES = vixit annis () mensibus / annos () menses Nom.-Abl. ~ Acc. 9% - 12 12 nom./abl. pro acc. LLDB-51295: (/ -m > ø) MERVIT (|) CORONA| = meruit () coronam Nom.-Abl. ~ Gen. 4% - 5 5 nom./abl. pro gen. LLDB-51131: SVMMA BONITATIS ET INGENI | PVER = summae bonitatis et ingenii puer Gen.-Dat. ~ Nom. 1% - 1 1 gen./dat. pro nom. LLDB-49368: (/ permixtio syntagmatum) IVLIA FLO|RIANAE FIDE|LIS VIXIT Dat.-Abl. ~ Nom. 1% - 1 1 dat./abl. pro nom. LLDB-43775: (/ -s > ø) NON|[I]A FIDELI | VIXIT = Nonia fidelis vixit Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 5% - 6 6 dat./abl. pro acc. LLDB-45538: ( nom./acc. pro abl.) VIX|IT ANNIS | LXX MENSES | V = vixit annis LXX mensibus V / vixit annos LXX menses V (5); LLDB- 71921: (/ -um > O) PER SOLOMONEM (|) MAGISTRO = per Solomonem () magistrum (1) Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 1% - 1 1 dat./abl. pro gen. LLDB-43555: COR|PVS FAMVLO CHRI = corpus famuli Christi Other 1% - 1 1 commutatio vel permixtio casuum aliorum LLDB-52749: [I]NVICTIS | [A]VGG[G] || BONO R P NATVM = Invictis Augustis bono rei publice natis Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 4 Table 3.1: Comparison of the EARLY regions Chart 1a Acc. ~ Abl. 26% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 2% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 4% = 32% Gen. ~ Dat. 6% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 2% = 8% Nom. ~ Acc. = 4% Chart 2a Acc. ~ Abl. 8% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 0% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 2% = 10% Gen. ~ Dat. 26% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 3% = 29% Nom. ~ Acc. = 2% Chart 3a Acc. ~ Abl. 15% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 13% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 22% = 50% Gen. ~ Dat. 4% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 2% = 6% Nom. ~ Acc. = 1% Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 5 Table 3.2: Comparison of the EARLY regions Chart 4a Acc. ~ Abl. 17% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 11% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 13% = 41% Gen. ~ Dat. 6% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 1% = 4% Nom. ~ Acc. = 0% Chart 5a Acc. ~ Abl. 18% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 2% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 3% = 23% Gen. ~ Dat. 11% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 2% = 13% Nom. ~ Acc. = 2% (+ -AS pro – ae 4% = 6%) Chart 6a Acc. ~ Abl. 24% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 10% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 4% = 38% Gen. ~ Dat. 10% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 1% = 11% Nom. ~ Acc. = 1% Table 3.3 c. 1-3 AD Hispania Gallia & Germania Italia Roma Illyricum Africa Proportion of Acc.~Abl. and Gen.~Dat. 32% / 8% = 4 (10% / 29% = 0,3) 50% / 6% = 8 41% / 4% = 10 23% / 13% = 1,8 38% / 11% = 3,5 Rate of Nom.~Acc. 4% 2% 1% 0% 2% 1% Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 6 Table 4.1: Comparison of the LATER regions Chart 1b Acc. ~ Abl. 31% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 1% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 23% = 55% Gen. ~ Dat. 5% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 2% = 7% Nom. ~ Acc. = 4% (+ -AS pro -ae 4% = 8%) Chart 2b Acc. ~ Abl. 45% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 1% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 13% = 59% Gen. ~ Dat. 5% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 8% = 13% Nom. ~ Acc. = 0% Chart 3b Acc. ~ Abl. 25% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 13% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 4% = 42% Gen. ~ Dat. 4% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 2% = 6% Nom. ~ Acc. = 2% (+ -AS pro -ae 1% = 3%) Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 7 Table 4.2: Comparison of the LATER regions Chart 4b Acc. ~ Abl. 43% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 11% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 9% = 63% Gen. ~ Dat. 2% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 1% = 3% Nom. ~ Acc. = 0% (+ -AS pro -ae 1% = 1%) Chart 5b Acc. ~ Abl. 19% + Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 2% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 7% = 28% Gen. ~ Dat. 17% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 18% = 35% Nom. ~ Acc. = 3% (+ -AS pro -ae 2% = 5%) Chart 6b Nom.-Acc. ~ Abl. 38% + Acc. ~ Abl. 13% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Acc. 5% = 56% Gen. ~ Dat. 4% + Dat.-Abl. ~ Gen. 1% = 5% Nom. ~ Acc. = 4% (+ -AS pro ae 2% = 6%) Table 4.3 c. 4-7 Hispania Gallia & Germania Italia Roma Illyricum Africa Proportion of Acc.~Abl. and Gen.~Dat. 55% / 7% = 8 59% / 13% = 4,5 42% / 6% = 7 63% / 3% = 21 (28% / 35% = 0,8) 56% / 5% = 11 Rate of Nom.~Acc. 4% 0% 2% 0% 3% 4% de + abl. pro gen. & ad + acc pro dat. 16 & 4 1 & 1 5 & 0 0 & 0 1 & 0 0 & 0 Introduction to the problem of African Latin Béla Adamik (University ELTE Budapest, Hungary) LLDB = Computerized Historical Linguistic Database of the Latin Inscriptions of the Imperial Age ( 8 Note to Table 4.3: LLDB-47046: de + abl. pro gen., VINDO PORTIONE| DE TERRA = vendo portionem terrae LLDB-60035: ad + acc. pro dat., AD EVM DICENS = ei dicens Table 5a (= Table 1 in Adamik 2014: 658, based on Herman 2000: 58-59) Vulgar Latin Case-system nominative accusative-ablative dative-genitive 1. Gaul (Old French, Old Occitan) 2. Balkans (Rumanian) 3. Africa (Hispania, Italia), modern Romance Table 1: Different regions of the Vulgar Latin declension system Table 5b Vulgar Latin Case-system nominative accusative-ablative dative-genitive 1. Gaul (Old French, Old Occitan) 2. Balkans (Rumanian) 3. Hispania, Italia (modern Romance) 4. Africa (no Romance) Table 5: Different regions of the Vulgar Latin declension system Present paper intends to explore the process of the transformation of the case system as evidenced in the inscriptions of the Roman provinces Africa Proconsularis and Numidia. First the peculiarities of the transformation of the case system in African Latin in the pre-Christian and Christian periods will be analysed. Then the African distributional patterns of case system changes will be compared to those of other regions of the Empire selected for the survey including Spain, Gaul (including Germany), Italy, Illyricum, and the city of Rome. Finally, the results of the present analysis, especially those regarding the dialectological positioning of Roman Africa, will be compared with the results of the investigation of Gaeng 1992 regarding the later, Christian period.