Markers of distributivity in Czech 16-04-2019, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Mojmír Dočekal Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 1 / 91 Outline 1) distributivity 2) four distributive markers in Czech 3) typology of distributive markers: Zimmermann (2002) 4) Czech binominal each Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 2 / 91 Semantics preliminaries distributive readings: quantification over atoms distributive markers are incompatible with cumulative interpretation (1) Two singers performed ten songs. a. cumulative: singer 1 – 6 songs, singer 2 – 4 songs b. distributive: ∃𝑋[𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑟𝑠(𝑋) ∧ #(𝑋) = 2 ∧ ∀𝑦 ∈ 𝑋[𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑚𝑒𝑑(𝑦, 𝑇 𝑒𝑛𝑆𝑜𝑛𝑔𝑠)]] Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 3 / 91 English distributive markers: (2) a. Each of the two singers performed ten songs. determiner b. The two singers performed each ten songs. binominal Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 4 / 91 Czech much more expressive sentence with Czech “and” and cardinal numeral: (3) a. Petr Petr a and Karel Karel zazpívali sang deset ten písní. songs ‘cumulative/distrbitutive/collective/…’ 1) the conjunction strategy: (4) a. Petr Petr i and Karel Karel zazpívali sang deset ten písní. songs ‘distributive’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 5 / 91 Three sub-types of i 1) focus particle with: scalar (least-likely) presupposition: (5-a) additive presupposition: (5-b) (5) Petr Petr přečetl read i even třetí third díl volume Pána-prstenů. LOTR.GEN ‘Petr read even the third volume of LOTR.’ a. scalarity: ?? Petr read i first volume LOTR b. additivity: ?? Petr read i third volume LOTR but not the first two Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 6 / 91 2) obligatory distributive conjunction (boolean ∧) (6) V in Praze Prague se SE sešli gathered anarchisti anarchists i i skinheadi. skinheads ‘Anarchists gathered in Prague ∧ skinheads gathered in Prague.’ a. #𝐺𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒𝑑(𝐴𝑛𝑎𝑟𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠 ⊔ 𝑆𝑘𝑖𝑛ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑠) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 7 / 91 3) additive particle (without scalar presupp.) (7) Na to náměstí square přišli arrived anarchisti. anarchists A and pak then přišli arrived i i skinheadi. skinheads ‘Anarchists arrived to the square and then skinheads arrived too.’ (8) ??The square was empty and then arrived i skinheads. Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 8 / 91 Czech National Corpus (CNK) survey (Šafratová 2018) 1) scalar i (47%) 2) additive i (41%) 3) conjunction i (12%) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 9 / 91 Second strategy: “po Num N” the dependent indefinites strategy (9) a. Petr Petr a and Karel Karel zazpívali sang po P deseti ten písních. songs ‘distrbitutive’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 10 / 91 similar to adverbial German jeweils (vs. English each): (10) Die Mädchen haben jeweils zwei Hunde gesehen. a. #cumulative b. individual distributivity (each girl … two dogs) c. occasional distributity (each time … two dogs) (11) The girsl saw two dogs each. a. #cumulative b. individual distributivity c. #occasional distributivity Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 11 / 91 in many languages (sign languages, Hungarian, Telugu) is the dependent indefinites strategy grammaticalized via reduplication participant, temporal and spatial keys are grammatical with reduplication (Telugu) (12) prati every pilla-vaaDu kid renDu two renDu two kootu-lu-ni cuus-ee-ru see.past.3pl lit. ‘every kid saw two two monkeys’ (13) a. Every kid saw two monkeys each. Participant-key b. Every kid saw two monkeys in each interval. Temporal-key c. Every kid saw two monkeys in each location. Spatial-key Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 12 / 91 but also languges which allow only participant-key readings with reduplication (Hungarian): (14) A the gyerekek children két-két two-two majmot monkey.acc láttak. saw.3pl ‘The children saw two monkeys each’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 13 / 91 Zimmermann (2002) (15) Zimmermann’s Generalization: If a distance distributivity item can also be used as a distributive determiner, it lacks the occasion reading. reported data from Dutch, Norwegian, Italian, Russian, French, Turkish, Czech, Bulgarian, and Korean Czech seems to fit Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 14 / 91 Sidenote very dubious data reported in Zimmermann (2002) (16) Chlapci boys koupili bought po Dist dvou two párcích/párkách. sausages.loc ‘The boys bought two sausages each.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 15 / 91 “po” cannot be used as a determiner: (17) Každý/*Po Dist chlapec boy koupil bought dva two párky. sausages ‘Each boy bought two sausages.’ totally unaceptable in Czech: (18) Po Dist třech three.loc ženách women.loc vstupovalo entered.3sg do into místnosti. room ‘Three women entered the room [i.e., one triplet after another]’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 16 / 91 individual distribution vs. (possible) occasion distribution with Czech dependent indefinites is possible though: (19) Mojmírek Mojmírek a and Mariánka Mariánka si SE dali consumed po po dvou two zmrzlinách. ice-creams ‘Mojmírek and Mariánka consumed two ice creams each/each time’ a. each of two children …2 ice creams (i) Ma … 1 ice cream + 1 ice cream (ii) Moj … 1 ice cream + 1 ice cream b. each time …2 ice creams (i) Ma … 1 ice cream (ii) Moj … 1 ice cream Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 17 / 91 Contrast with binominal každý ‘each’: (20) Mojmírek Mojmírek a and Mariánka Mariánka si SE dali consumed každý each tři three zmrzliny. ice-creams ‘Mojmírek and Mariánka consumed each three ice-creams.’ a. *cumulative reading: Mo …1, Ma …2+3 b. distributive: Mo 1+2+3, Ma 1+2+3 Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 18 / 91 with singular NPs only the occasion reading: (21) singular NP + adnominal DD → doubling of distributivity …ungrammaticality can be used as a test: adverbial distributivity with proper name in sg. should be acceptable (21)???Mojmírek Mojmírek si SE každý each dal consumed dvě two zmrzliny. ice-creams ‘???Mojmírek consumed each two ice-creams.’ (22) Mojmírek Mojmírek si SE dal consumed po po dvou two zmrzlinách. ice-creams ‘Mojmírek consumed two ice creams each time.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 19 / 91 i behaves more like dependent indefinites allowing occasional distributivity: (23) Petr Petr zamíchal mixed červenou red i i zelenou green barvu. color ‘𝑀 𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑(𝐺𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑛) ∧ 𝑀 𝑖𝑥𝑒𝑑(𝑅𝑒𝑑)’ (24) Mariánka Mariánka i i Mojmírek Mojmírek si SE dávali consumed dvě two zmrzliny. ice-creams ‘individual distributive/occasional reading’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 20 / 91 3) binominal/determiner strategy (25) Každý each z of těch the dvou two zazpíval sang deset ten písní. songs ‘distrbitutive’ (26) Petr Petr a and Karel Karel zazpívali sang každý each deset ten písní. songs ‘distributive’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 21 / 91 Terminology data: binominal each vs. distributive each diagnosis of the distributive reading: lack of the cumulative reading (27) Two boys bought three books. (28) a. Each of the two boys bought three books. determiner b. Two boys bought [three beers each]. binominal (28-a): determiner each, two boys restriction, VP nuclear scope (28-b): binominal each, two boys key, three books share syntactic structure: Safir and Stowell (1988) joint work with Radek Šimík Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 22 / 91 4) Pluractional strategy plurality of events Upriver Halkomelem: the verb yáleq’ is the pluractional form many trees fell down at the same time/the same tree fell down multiple times but not one tree once (29) yáleq’ -et -tr. -es -3S te det. theqát tree ‘He/they felled the tree(s).’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 23 / 91 Kuhn’s typology: 1) Pluralizing operators sum together the objects in a set {a, b, c} → {a, b, c, a ⊔ b, a ⊔ c, b ⊔ c, a ⊔ b ⊔ c} 2) Plural filters restrict a set to only its plural objects {a, b, c, a ⊔ b, a ⊔ c, b ⊔ c, a ⊔ b ⊔ c} → {a ⊔ b, a ⊔ c, b ⊔ c, a ⊔ b ⊔ c} dependent indefinites and pluractional markers: plural filters Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 24 / 91 Diagnostics 1) No variation of plain indefinites French Sign Language: (30) EVERY-DAY JEAN ONE WORD FORGET. ✓many words✓ one word ‘Every day, Jean forgot one word.’ (31) JEAN ONE WORD FORGET-rep. *many words✓ one word ‘Jean forgot one word repeatedly.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 25 / 91 2) Innocent redundancy pluralizing operators: double distributivity (3 dogs x 7 evenings) (32) John walked each of his dogs every evening. two filters (pluractional marker and dependent indefinite) don’t multiply: vary with respect to a single key Kaqchikel: pluractional marker (-ala’) and an dependent indefinite (33) Xinkan-ala’ I-search-LA’ ju-jun one-one wuj. book ‘I looked for a book on each occasion.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 26 / 91 distributive operators license pluractionals and distributive numerals: Kaqchikel (34) Chikijujunal each ri the tijoxela’ students xkiq’etej hugged ju-jun one-one tz’i’. dog ‘Each of the students hugged a dog.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 27 / 91 Czech pluractional -(o)va seems to fit: no variation: (35) Každý student po-líbil maminku. ✓ 1 ✓ many ‘Every student kissed a mother.’ (36) Petr líb-áva-l maminku. ✓ 1 * many ‘Petr kissed a mother (on many occasions).’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 28 / 91 can be licensed by distributivity operator and doesn’t multiply distr. (37) Petr každý den vyčistil každé kolo. ‘Petr cleaned each of his bikes every day.’ (38) Petr každý den čistíval kola. ‘Petr cleaned his bikes every day.’ (39) Každý student líbával maminku. ‘Every student kissed the mother.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 29 / 91 Basic properties of Czech binominal each I Expected properties of Czech binominal each seminal discussion (English binominal each): Safir and Stowell (1988), recently Dotlačil (2012), Zimmermann (2002), a.o. Both pre- and post-position wrt share NP (jednu čepici) possible: (40) Chlapci si refl koupili každý jednu one čepici. cap.acc ‘The boys bought each one cap.’ (41) Chlapci si refl koupili jednu one čepici cap.acc každý. ‘The boys bought one cap each.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 30 / 91 Basic properties II Bare (non-determined) share NP not allowed; cf. VP-related each (44): (42) ??Chlapci si refl koupili každý čepici. cap.acc Intended: ‘The boys bought each one cap.’ (43) ??Chlapci si refl koupili čepici cap.acc každý. Intended: ‘The boys bought one cap each.’ (44) Chlapci si refl každý koupili čepici. cap.acc ‘The boys each bought a cap.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 31 / 91 Clause-mate restriction (45) *Chlapci říkali, said že that Marie Marie koupila bought každý jednu one čepici. cap.acc Intended: ‘Each of the boys said that Mary bought one cap.’ Key can be any argument, not just subject. (46) Marie Marie přinesla brought chlapcům každému jednu one čepici. cap.acc ‘Marie bought each of the boys one cap.’ (47) Marie Marie přinesla brought ty the čepice každou jednomu one chlapci. boy.dat ‘Marie brought each of caps to one boy.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 32 / 91 Share can be non-accusative (48) Těm the chlapcům se refl líbila liked každému jedna one dívka. girl.nom ‘The boys liked one girl each.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 33 / 91 Underlying structure of Czech binominal each I Language specific properties: agreement with the key Idea: Czech binominal each contains a covert singular definite description referring back to / bound by a plural antecedent. Example with discourse anaphora: (49) Přišli came nějací some muži𝑖. Každý each / Jeden one ( ten the muž𝑖) měl zbraň. weapon ‘Some men came. (Each) one of them (lit. each/one the man) had a weapon.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 34 / 91 Hypothesized structure of binominal each, where is obligatorily deleted under (partial) identity with its antecedent; cf. Sauerland (1998), Fox (2003), Johnson (2012), a.o., for a similar treatment of traces (50) Ti the muži𝑖 měli každý each < ten the muž𝑖> jednu zbraň. ‘The men had one weapon each.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 35 / 91 Proposed constituent structure S DP key the men.nom.pl𝑖 VP V DP Det DP DP share one weapon.acc Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 36 / 91 Argument: Movement Binominal each vs. floating all: Binominal each forms a constituent together with the share. (51) [ Každý /*Všichni 3 3 medaile] medals jsme be.1pl vyhráli jen only my. we (Intended:) ‘We were the only ones to win three medals each.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 37 / 91 Semantic properties distributivity over atoms in key’s denotation → prevents (usually) cumulative and collective interpretation pseudoCzech (52) two professors examined three students. a. cumulative: 2 professors … 3 students b. distributive: 2 professors … 6 students c. collective: 2 professors (cooperating) … 3 students (53) two professors examined [each three students]. a. #cumulative: 2 professors … 3 students b. distributive: 2 professors … 6 students c. #collective: 2 professors (cooperating) … 3 students Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 38 / 91 Collectives predicates like gather, be a good team, be a group (of NP) usually enforce collective reading (54) The group of two authors wrote three books. a. *distributive: 2-6 b. *cumulative: 2-3 c. ✓ collective: 2(together)-3 usually collectives and distributivity markers clash: (55) *The group of two authors wrote three books each. Dowty (1987), Brisson (2003), Winter (2002), Dočekal (2012) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 39 / 91 Two types of collectives two types of collective predicates (Dowty (1987), Winter (2002), Brisson (2003), …): 1 gather, meet, sing together, … set predicates 2 be a good team, outnumber NP, … atom predicates ▶ the criterion (compatibility with all – Dowty, sg/pl Winter): (56) a. all the boys gathered b. *all the boys are a good team Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 40 / 91 collective Czech numerals like dvojice ‘twosome’ (parallel data in other Slavic langauges: Polish, Russian, …) enforce the collective reading (57) a. Dva two sportovci athletes vyhráli 2 2 medaile, medals ✓první first zlato gold a & stříbro, silver druhý second stříbro silver a & bronz. bronze ‘Two athletes won 2 medals, the first one G & S, the second one S & B.’ b. Dvojice sportovců vyhrála 2 medaile, #první zlato a stříbro, druhý stříbro…twosome athletes.gen 2 medals Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 41 / 91 collective set predicates allow limited distributivity (Dotlačil (2012)) collective Czech numerals can distribute over reciprocals like set collectives (58) [Bill and Peter, together],/#[the team of students] carried the piano across each other’s lawns. (59) Dvojice twosome /# Skupina group podezřelých suspects.gen zradila betrayed jeden one druhého. other. (Intended:) ‘The people within the twosome / group of suspects betrayed one another.’ provisional assumption: collective numerals are set collectives Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 42 / 91 The contrast binominal each + set collectives (60) Dvojici twosome.dat detektivů detectives.gen byly were předány given [každému [each.dat tři three.nom ceny]. prizes.nom] ‘Three prizes each were given to twosome detectives.’ a. only distr.: 2 detectives … 6 prizes (3 each) binominal each can distribute ‘into’ set collectives Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 43 / 91 determiner each + set collectives (61) [Každé [each.dat dvojici twosome.dat detektivů] detectives.gen] byly were předány given tři three.nom ceny. prizes.nom ‘Three prizes were given to each twosome of detectives.’ a. only distr. over twosome: (each) 2 detectives … 3 prizes determiner each can distribute only over groups, not ‘into’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 44 / 91 binominal each + atom collective predicate (62)???Týmu team.dat detektivů detectives.gen byly were předány given každému each.dat tři three ceny. prizes ‘???Three prizes each were given to the team of detectives.’ binominal each clashes with atom collectives Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 45 / 91 determiner each + atom collective predicates (63) [Každému each.dat týmu team.dat detektivů] detectives.gen byly were předány given tři three.nom ceny. prizes.nom ‘Three prizes were given to each team of detectives.’ a. only distr. over teams (each 2 prizes) determiner each can distribute only over group atoms Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 46 / 91 Cumulative readings with binominal každý ‘each’ distributivity can survive with operators normally contradicting it (collective or cumulative) if the distributivity and the other operator don’t compete for the same argument (64) Dva two zelináři greengrocers prodali sold deseti ten.dat zákazníkům customers.dat tři three.acc řepy beets.acc každému. each.dat ‘Two greengrocers sold to ten customers three beets each.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 47 / 91 (65) Dva two zelináři greengrocers prodali sold deseti ten.dat zákazníkům customers.dat tři three.acc řepy beets.acc každému. each.dat ‘Two greengrocers sold to ten customers three beets each.’ (65): subject (dva zelináři ‘two greengrocers’) and the indirect object (deseti zákazníkům ‘ten customers’) allow a cumulative interpretation direct object (tři řepy ‘three beets’) is interpreted obligatorily distributively w.r.t indirect object Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 48 / 91 Agreement confound subject vs. non-subject assymetries (66) a. Dva two.nom detektivové detectives.nom dostali received [každý [each.nom 3 3 ceny]. prizes.acc] ‘Two detectives received [each three prizes].’ b. Deset ten.nom detektivů detectives.gen dostalo [*každý/*každého [*each.nom/*each.gen 3 3 ceny]. prizes.acc] Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 49 / 91 provisional generalization (67) Czech (Slavic?) binominal each cannot take as its antecedent genitive complement of a numeral. (68) Generál general.nom dal deseti three.dat detektivům detectives.dat [dvě [two.acc ceny prizes.acc každému]. each.dat] ‘The general gave ten detectives [three prizes each].’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 50 / 91 similarly for collective numerals: (69) Dvojice twosome.nom detektivů detectives.gen chytla [*každý/*každého [*each.nom/*each.gen tři three.acc zloděje.] thieves.acc] ‘Twosome of detectives caught [trhee thieves each].’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 51 / 91 binominal + set collectives perfectly fine in dativ (70) Dvojici twosome.dat detektivů detectives.gen byly were předány given [každému [each.dat tři three.nom ceny]. prizes.nom] ‘Three prizes each were given to twosome detectives.’ a. only distr.: 2 detectives … 6 prizes (3 each) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 52 / 91 PCDRT Dotlačil (2012), Dotlačil (2012), Brasoveanu (2008) (71) Prediction: expected difference between binominal and determiner each. Both supply distributivity but binominal distributes locally over the share (it is anaphoric to key but don’t scope over it). Determiner each scopes over the whole nuclear scope. Predicted innertia of binominal each w.r.t. colectivity (and cumulativity) outside of its share. main point: illustrate the prediction (Czech data) byproduct: semantic and syntactic description of Slavic binominal each and interaction of determiner/binominal each with collectives Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 53 / 91 Cumulative readings in PCDRT (72) Two boys bought three books. essentials: PCDRT works with sets of assignments Info state J u1 u2 j1 boy1 book1 j2 boy1 book2 j3 boy2 book3 columns: values of discourse referents, rows: assignments to drefs cumulative reading, fully compositional Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 54 / 91 E(existential) C(losure): shifts predicates into arguments S DP 𝑟𝑡,𝑡 D EC 𝑢1 NP 𝑟𝑡 two boys VP 𝑟𝑡 V buy DP 𝑟𝑡,𝑡 D EC 𝑢2 NP 𝑟𝑡 three books (73) [𝑢1, 𝑢2|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ boys{𝑢1} ∧ #(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ books{𝑢2} ∧ buy{𝑢1, 𝑢2}] Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 55 / 91 Determiner and binominal each in PCDRT (74) a. det-každý 𝑢 𝑛 = 𝜆𝑃 𝑟𝑡 𝜆𝑄 𝑟𝑡.𝛿 𝑢 𝑛 (𝑃(𝑢 𝑛)) ∧ 𝑄(𝑢 𝑛) b. binom-každý 𝑢 𝑚 = 𝜆𝑣 𝑟 𝜆𝑃 𝑟𝑡 𝜆𝑄 𝑟𝑡.[𝑢 𝑚 ∣]∧𝛿 𝑣(𝑃(𝑢 𝑚))∧𝑄(𝑢 𝑚) distributivity operator 𝛿 in both but binominal each introduces discourse referents binominal: anaphoric to the key but scopes locally over the share determiner: distributes over the nuclear scope Types in PCDRT: r … drefs, t … truth value Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 56 / 91 Determiner each (75) Each of the two boys bought three books. Info state J u1 u2 j1 boy1 book1 j2 boy1 book2 j3 boy1 book3 j4 boy2 book4 j5 boy2 book5 j6 boy2 book6 Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 57 / 91 Determiner each S DP 𝑢1 𝛿 𝑢1 NP VP V DP NP EC existential closure of the subject (predicative semantics: ⟨𝑟, 𝑡⟩) distributes over the nuclear scope 𝛿 𝑢1([𝑢2] ∧ [|#(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ books{𝑢2}] ∧ [|buy{𝑢1, 𝑢2}]) (76) [𝑢1|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ boys{𝑢1} ∧ 𝛿 𝑢1([𝑢2] ∧ [|#(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ books{𝑢2}] ∧ [|buy{𝑢1, 𝑢2}])] Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 58 / 91 Binominal each (77) Dva two sportovci athletes vyhráli každý 3 3 medaile. medals ✓distributive Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 59 / 91 the same info state as for (93) Info state J u1 u2 j1 athlete1 medal1 j2 athlete1 medal2 j3 athlete1 medal3 j4 athlete2 medal4 j5 athlete2 medal5 j6 athlete2 medal6 Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 60 / 91 S DP1 VP1 V DP2 Det NP3 𝑢1 the NP2 share Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 61 / 91 (78) [𝑢1|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ athletes{𝑢1} ∧ [𝑢2|𝛿 𝑢1 ([#(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ prizes{𝑢2}])] ∧ win{𝑢1, 𝑢2}] distributivity percolates through the semantic computation the same info state but: 1 determiner each: distributes over the nuclear scope + closes the predicative meaning of the subject (⟨𝑟, 𝑡⟩) 2 binominal each: scopes only over share (𝛿 𝑢1 ([#(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ prizes{𝑢2}])) and is anaphoric to the key (𝑢1) predicted difference: local (binominal) vs. global (determiner) distributivity Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 62 / 91 Main data puzzle binominal vs. determiner each vs. set and atom collectives pseudoCzech: (79) a. binominal each + set collective [Three prizes each] were given twosome detectives. b. *binominal each + atom collective #[Three prizes each] were given team detectives. c. determiner each + set/atom collective Three prizes were given [each twosome/team detectives] only distribution over groups Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 63 / 91 The set collective formalization (80) Dvojice twosome sportovců athletes.gen vyhrála 3 3 medaile. medals. *distributive S DP1 EC 𝑢1 two-ice athletes VP1 V won DP2 EC 𝑢2 3 medals Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 64 / 91 (81) a. S = [𝑢1, 𝑢2|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ athletes{𝑢1} ∧ #(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ medals{𝑢2} ∧ win{⋃ 𝑢1, 𝑢2}] b. DP1 = 𝜆𝑄 𝑟𝑡.[𝑢1|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ athletes{𝑢1}] ∧ 𝑄(⋃ 𝑢1) c. VP1 = 𝜆𝑣 𝑟[𝑢2|#(𝑢2) = 2 ∧ medals{𝑢2} ∧ win{𝑣, 𝑢2}] d. DP2 = 𝜆𝑄 𝑟𝑡.[𝑢2|#(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ medals{𝑢2}] ∧ 𝑄(𝑢2) our addition to PCDRT: treatment of numeral collectives as imposing the collectivity on its argument (gets propagated into the verb external argument slot) technically (81-b) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 65 / 91 (82) [𝑢1, 𝑢2|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ athletes{𝑢1} ∧ #(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ medals{𝑢2} ∧ win{⋃ 𝑢1, 𝑢2}] one verifying info state: collective on the subject all the athletes won together the three medals (technically win{⋃ 𝑢1, 𝑢2}) Info state J u1 u2 j1 athlete1 medal1 j2 athlete2 medal2 j3 athlete1 medal3 Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 66 / 91 Binominal each + set collective (83) [Three prizes each] were given twosome detectives. S DP 𝑢2 NP three prizes 𝛿 𝑢1 VP V were given DP 𝑢2 EC NP twosome detectives Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 67 / 91 (84) [Three prizes each] were given twosome detectives. Info state J u1 u2 j1 detective1 prize1 j2 detective1 prize2 j3 detective1 prize3 j4 detective2 prize4 j5 detective2 prize5 j6 detective2 prize6 collective set numeral checks ⋃ (cardinality) of u1 + imposes collectivity on the predicate ▶ binominal each distributivity is local: scopes over the share (u2) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 68 / 91 PCDRT formalization (85) [Three prizes each] were given twosome detectives. a. [𝑢1|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ 𝑑𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠{𝑢1} ∧ [𝑢2]|𝛿 𝑢1 ([#(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ 𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑧𝑒𝑠{𝑢2}]) ∧ 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑛{⋃ 𝑢1, 𝑢2}] the detectives were given collectively (local collectivity: key plus predicate) prizes each of them received two prizes (local distributivity over the share) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 69 / 91 Binominal each plus atom collective (86) #[Three prizes each] were given team detectives. Info state J u1 u2 j1 detective1 + detective2 prize1 j2 detective1 + detective2 prize2 j3 detective1 + detective2 prize3 atom collectivity is horizontal, set collectivity is vertical probably bad for the same reason as: (87) Petr drank *[two beers each]. Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 70 / 91 Determiner each + set/atom collective (88) Three prizes were given [each twosome/team detectives] Info state J u1 u2 j1 detective1 + detective2 prize1 j2 detective1 + detective2 prize2 j3 detective1 + detective2 prize3 j4 detective3 + detective4 prize4 j5 detective3 + detective4 prize5 j6 detective3 + detective4 prize6 with the determiner each the distributivity scopes over collectives and cannot decompose them Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 71 / 91 Summary both determiner and binominal each contribute distributivity determiner each scopes globally (nuclear scope) and interferes with a collectivity (and cumulativity) of other arguments binominal each distributes locally over the share and allows set collectivity (and cumulativity) outside of its share Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 72 / 91 Thanks! Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 73 / 91 Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 74 / 91 Appendix Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 75 / 91 Main data puzzle pseudoCzech: binominal each and collective numerals (89) a. Each from twosome athletes won three medals. coll+distr ok b. *Twosome from athletes won each three medals. col+bin-each (90) Two from athletes won three medals each. num+bin ok Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 76 / 91 Repeating the pattern pseudoCzech: binominal each and collective numerals (91) a. Each from twosome athletes won three medals. coll+distr ok b. *Twosome from athletes won each three medals. col+bin-each (92) Two from athletes won three medals each. num+bin ok Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 77 / 91 The determiner distributive sentence (93) Každý each z of dvojice twosome.gen sportovců athletes.gen vyhrál 3 3 medaile. medals ✓distributive Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 78 / 91 verifying info state: Info state J u1 u2 j1 athlete1 medal1 j2 athlete1 medal2 j3 athlete1 medal3 j4 athlete2 medal4 j5 athlete2 medal5 j6 athlete2 medal6 Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 79 / 91 needed ingredients: (94) a. det-každý 𝑢 𝑛 = 𝜆𝑃 𝑟𝑡 𝜆𝑄 𝑟𝑡.𝛿 𝑢 𝑛 (𝑃(𝑢 𝑛)) ∧ 𝑄(𝑢 𝑛) b. z ‘from/of’ predicates of groups → predicates of their parts – 𝜆𝑃 𝑟𝑡 𝜆𝑣 𝑟.[|𝑣 ⊆ 𝑃] c. predicative meaning of CN: 𝜆𝑤 𝑟[|#(𝑤) = 2 ∧ athletes{⋃ 𝑤}] d. whole subject: 𝜆𝑄 𝑟𝑡.[𝑣|𝛿 𝑣([|𝜆𝑣 𝑟.[𝑣 ⊆ 𝜆𝑤 𝑟[|#(𝑤) = 2 ∧ athletes{⋃ 𝑤}]]]) ∧ 𝑄(𝑣) determiner each quantifies over parts (partitioning z ‘from’) of the group denotation predicative meaning results in: (95) [𝑣, 𝑢2|athlete{𝑣} ∧ 𝛿 𝑣([|𝜆𝑣 𝑟.[𝑣 ⊆ 𝜆𝑤 𝑟[|#(𝑤) = 2∧athletes{⋃ 𝑤}]]])∧#(𝑢2) = 3∧medals{𝑢2}∧win{𝑣, 𝑢2}])] Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 80 / 91 Clash of CN with binominal each (96) *Z dvojice twosome sportovců athletes.gen vyhrál každý 3 3 medaile. medals star for the binominal each can be floated each but not the binominal each the problem is that the percolated distributivity cannot be applied to the subject’s argument meaning plus argument subject imposes collectivity ↔ clash: (97) a. DP1 of (96) = 𝜆𝑄 𝑟𝑡.[𝑢1|#(𝑢1) = 2 ∧ athletes{𝑢1}] ∧ 𝑄(⋃ 𝑢1) b. VP1 of (96) = 𝜆𝑣 𝑟[𝑢2|𝛿 𝑢1 ([#(𝑢2) = 3 ∧ medals{𝑢2}]) ∧ win{𝑣, 𝑢2}] Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 81 / 91 Each can “float” in both cases, even in a position that apparently points to a binominal each. Note two differences though: NP (being obligatorily plural) triggers plural verb agreement vs. PP antecedent does not trigger agreement → agreement with the postverbal sg každý. (98) [NP Ti the chlapci] vyhráli { každý} each.nom jednu one cenu prize.acc { každý}. each.nom ‘The boys won one prize each.’ (99) [PP Z from těch the chlapců] vyhrál { každý} each.nom jednu one cenu prize.acc { každý}. each.nom ‘Each of the boys won one prize.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 82 / 91 Derived collective numerals Czech: group nouns/numerals derived from cardinal numerals with the suffix -ice: tr-oj-ice námořníků properties: 1 both singular and plural: s troj-icí 𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑇.𝑆𝐺 námořníků, s troj-ice-mi 𝐼𝑁𝑆𝑇.𝑃 𝐿 námořníků 2 incompatible with the singular universal quantifier všechno ‘all’: *všechna troj-ice námořníků (not mass) 3 obligatorily non-cumulative: troj-ice + troj-ice = 2 troj-ice 4 obligatorily non-divisive: parts of troj-ice are not troj-ice Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 83 / 91 5 can be counted with cardinal numerals: dvě troj-ice námořníků 6 usualy enforce the collective interpretation: Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 84 / 91 Two arguments that PP antecedents cannot antecede binominal each, despite the initial appearance: Agreement with the each-phrase rather than with the antecedent (see above). No constituent: (100) *[ Každý each.nom jednu one cenu] prize.acc vyhrál(i) jenom only [PP z from těch the chlapců]. Intended: Only the boys were such that each of them won one prize.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 85 / 91 NP ellipsis of the each-restrictor not obligatory: (101) [PP Z from těch the chlapců] vyhrál [NP každý each chlapec] jednu one cenu. prize.acc ‘From the (group of) boys, each boy won one prize.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 86 / 91 Possibility to combine binominal each with distributive po: (102) Ty the slepice snesly layed po po třech three vajíčkách. eggs.loc ‘The hens layed three eggs each.’ (103) Ty the slepice snesly layed každá each.nom tři three vajíčka. eggs.acc ‘The hens layed three eggs each.’ (104) Ty the slepice snesly layed každá po po třech three vajíčkách. eggs.loc ‘The hens layed three eggs each.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 87 / 91 Comparison with prepositional restrictors The following two have identical truth-conditions in Czech → the singular nominative NP ten chlapec can have the same use as a prepositional PP containing a (partitive?) plural genitive těch chlapců. (105) Každý each.nom [NP ten the chlapec] vyhrál jednu one cenu. prize.acc ‘Each of the boys won one prize.’ (106) Každý each.nom [PP z from těch the chlapců] vyhrál jednu one cenu. prize.acc ‘Each of the boys won one prize.’ Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 88 / 91 každý v vs. každý z the distinction seems to be between non-distinguishing každý z vs. plurality non-accepting každý v partially based on ČNK: case distinction: LOC vs. GEN (107) Každý z a. pronouns: nich, nás, … b. plural count: manželů, partnerů, účastníků c. -ice: trojice d. numerals (indefinite?): pěti, … e. collective nouns: týmu, rodiny Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 89 / 91 (108) Každý v a. collective nouns: týmu, říši, rodině, nemocnici b. entity denoting: Praze, ČR, c. *plural count: # každý v účastnících, #každý v manželích, … d. *pronouns: # [každý v nich], … e. *numerals: # [každý v pěti], … f. -ice: každý ve dvojici (dostane do ruky …) Mojmír Dočekal Markers of distributivity in Czech 90 / 91 References I Brasoveanu, Adrian. 2008. “Donkey Pluralities: Plural Information States Versus Non-Atomic Individuals.” Linguistics and Philosophy 31 (2): 129–209. 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