LOUČENÍ / ABSCHIED / PARTING (1888) (Eliška Krásnohorská) Moderato (J = eo) = Kdyz mne ne - chas pro svet, Wenn du mir, mein Lieb - chen, Should you think to leave me, mo - je po - tě - še - ní, -willst die Frei - heit sehen - ken, You my on - ly plea - sure, Kdyz mne ne - chas pro svSt, Wenn du mir, mein lieb - chen, Should you think to leave me, mo - je po - te willst die Frei - heit You my on - ly P 1Ü ľ Když \ Wenn : Should P_ nine ne - chas du willst, mein you think to dej mi na pa-mát-ku gib mir noch ein Küßchen Give me for re-membrance jed als One sweet kiss no po - lí - be - ní. ein An - ge - den-ken. to trea-sure. p cresc. Když Wenn Should mne ne - cháš du. willst,mein you think to še - ní, schenken, plea-sure, dej mi na pa gib mir noch ein Give me for re mát - ku, Küßchen. membrán ce. kdyz mne ne-chäS pro svet, Wenn du mir,mein Liebchen, Should you think to leave me, dej gib for pa-mát-kou mir ei - nen re-membrance jed Kuß One no po - li - be - ní. zum An - ge - den-ken. sweet kiss to trea-sure. Kdyz, Wenn, Should, p cresc. kdyz mne ne-chas wenn du mir,mein Should you think to po Kuß, kiss li - be - ni. mein Lieb -chen. me dar - ling. Když Wenn If mne ne - cháš du willst die you leave me Critical Edition ©1983 Editio Supraphon gl Prague H 6713/p pro Lieb leave svět, chcn, me, nf dej gib give rit. 1 mi jed - no mirnoch ein me one sweet I \ J 1 J po kiss li - be - ni. ge- den-ken. to trea-sure. m m • jed - no po - li - be - ni. als ein An- ge-den-ken. you my on - ly plea-sure. m mo - je po - tě - se - ní, willst die Freiheit schenken, you my on - ly plea-sure, dej mi na pa-mát - ku gib mirnock ein Kiifi-chen give me for re-membrance pro svět, Lieb-chen, leave me, mo - je po - tě tcillst die Freiheit you my on - ly se - ni, schenken, plea-sure, dej mi na pa gib mir ei - nen give to me a mat - ku Kufi zum kiss, dear. po - li - be - ni. An - ge-den-ken. I shall treasure. nf 1 -#-— pa- mát - kou m ir noch ein me one sweet po Frei O, tě - se - ni, heit schenken, my plea - sure dej gib give po An kiss ~m- li - be - ni. ge-den-ken. to trea-sure. 82 H6713/p 11 pocof dej mi je - ste kto-mu, gib mir, was ich wünsche, Still I crave for boun-ty. t m mé srd - ce zvo - lí, daß ich's trag'im Her-zen, Let my heart re - lieve you. dej mi je - ste kto-mu, gib mir, was ich wünsche, Still I crave for boun-ty: joco f dej gib Let mi k to - mu, mir al - les, re - lieve those CO IV as things te rmou-ti, dir weh-tut, that pain you, dej gib Let mi kto-mu, mir al - le re - lieve those poco f zvo - li, Ker - zen, lieve you dej mi je - ste gib mir, was ich Still I crave for k to - mu, vjün-sche, boun-ty: co mé srd - ce daß ich's trag' im Let my heart re zvo - li, Ker - zen, lieve you, co tě rmou-ti, gib mir, was dir Of your pain and pocof m dej gib Let mi k to - mu, mir al - les, re - lieve those co was things te rmou-ti, dir weh-tut, that pain you, dej gib Let mi kto - mu, mir al - le re - lieve those a tempo dolce co mé srd - ce zvo daß ich's trag' i?7i Ker Let my heart re - lieve Ii, Zen, you vše-cko co tě rmou - ti, al - les, was dir iveh - tut, Of your pain and trou - ble, 2W dolce vse-cko co te bo - li, al - le dei - ne Schmer-zen, of the things that grieve you, te bo ne Schmer that grieve li, ten, you, Hits things PP dolce te dir that rmou - ti,_ weh - tur,— pain you,- co te bo - li, dei - ne Schmer-zen, things that grieve you, bo - li, weh -tut, trou - ble, co te rmou-ti, dei - ne Schmerzen, things that grieve you, co was things te rmou dir weh that pain ti, tut, you, vse-cko co te bo - li, al - le dei - ne Schmer - zen, of the things that grieve you, J^J dolce P J J. co dei thiiurs te bo - li, ne Schmer-zen, that grieve you, co te rmou - ti, co te was dir well - tut, dei - ne things that pain you, things that bo - li,— Schmer - zen,-grieve_ you,— 83 H 6713/p accel. pjicresc. vse - cko co te rmou - ti, al - les, was dir weh - tut, of your pain and trou - ble r r r r r vse-cko co te bo - li, al - le dei - ne Schmerzen, of the things that grieve you, co ti ]a ■ al - les, was And those crit ■ PP cresc. ko als el li Reu pangs tost e Which — te bo - li, ne Schmerzen, that grieve you, co was things te rmou - ti,— dir weh - tut,_ that pain_ you,- co dei things co ti ja - ko li - tost al - les, was als Reu - e And those cru - el pangs Which cresc. PP r r r CO was things m te rmou - ti, dir weh - tut, that pain you, vse-cko co te al - le dei - ne of the things that bo - li, Schmer-zen, grieve you, co ti ja - ko li - tost_ al - les, was als Reu - e- And those cru - el pangs Which ppcresc. m k srd Heu pangs -*- ci «, Which co was things te rmou -dir weh -that pain ti, tut, you, CO dei things tě ne that bo - Schmer ■ grieve- li,_ Zen,~ you,- CO al cru ti le el 20 nf m m na sr - dec - ko sa dick i»i Her - zen qua to your heart bring sad há, le, ness, co al and ti les, those ja - ko was als cru - el li Heu pangs tost e which na sr - dec - ko sa ha, dicli i»i Ker - zen qua - le, to your heart bring sad - ness, na al and mf sr - dec - ko sa les, was als Reu those cru - el pangs há e which na sr - dec - ko sa dich im Her - zen qua to your heart bring sad há,. le, _ eo al all m 3=p ti le those li Reu cru tost el, k srd / die bring ci sa dich qua you sad há, le, ness, li - tost Reu - e, pangs which 84 H 6713/p na sr - dec - ko sa dich im Her - zen qua to your heart bring sad ha, le, ness, co ti ja - ko al - les, was als all those cru - el li Reu pangs tost e which / na sr - dec - ko sa dich im Her - zen qua to your heart bring sad hä, le, ness, co ti ja - ko li - tost al - les, was als Reu - e all those cru - el pangs which ti ja - ko li - tost les, al - le Reu - e, those cru - el pangs which na sr - dec - ko sa ha, dich im Her - zen qua - le, to your heart bring sad - ness, co ti ja - ko li al - les, was als Reu to your heart bring sad tost na sr - dec - ko sa - ha. dich im. Her - zen qua - le. to your heart bring sad - ness. na sr - de£ - ko sa - hä, dich im Her - zen qua - le. to your heart bring sad - ness, co ti ja - ko li - tost al • les, was als Reu - e to your heart bring sad - ness, na sr - dec - ko sa - ha. dich im Her - zen qua - le. to your heart bring sad - ness. k srd die bring ci sa dich qua you sad ha, le, ness, co al all ti ja - ko li - tost les, was als Reu - e those cru-el pangs which na sr - dec - ko sa - ha. dich im Her - zen qua - le. to your heart bring sad - ness. k srd die bring ci sa dich qua you sad hä, _ le, _ ness, co al all ti ja - ko li - tost les, was als Reu - e those cru-el pangs which na sr - dec - ko sa - hä. dich im Her - zen qua - le. to your heart bring sad-ness. 85 H 6713/p 27 Adagio Dej GW How Ii mag I pan dich pray, Bůh ště - stí, - schüt - Zen, my sweet - heart, f ty má du ■ met - ne ten God may grant he dra re See you glad há, le, ness, EE Dej ti pan Buh, dej ti ste - sti C?o# Wff^- - mer dich be-schiit-zen, How I pray, I pray, my sweetheart, ty má du - še dra met - ne teu - re See God may grant you glad há, ... le, ness, Dej Gott How ti pan Buh, dej mag im-mer dich I pray, I pray, / ti ste - sti be - schiit-Zan, my sweetheart, dej Gott how ti pan Buh, mag im -mer I pray, I dej dich pray ti ště be - schüt my sweet Dej Gott How ti mag I Buh be pray, my pan dich ště - stí, sc^iiŕ - Zen, sweet - heart, dej dich pray, ti ště - stí, be-schüt-zen, my sweetheart, 86 H 6713/p