Week 1: Sep. 19 - Introductions; What is academic writing and when do we use it?
1. Please review the syllabus that we went over briefly in class, and let me know if you have any questions.
2. Begin your first journal entry by creating your "writer profile." Answer the questions below in any format you would like (unstructured paragraphs, answering by number; feel free to add photos or links to songs or videos!). Once you've finished answering the questions below in your first journal entry, upload this file to the homework vault for "journaling" below. In this journaling folder, please create your own folder for yourself with your first and last name. You will save each of your journals here throughout the semester. Remember: I can see all of your writing, but your peers cannot see your writing.
Writer profiles questions:
- What you normally write?
- What do you like writing?
- How often do you normally write, aside from school assignments?
- How do you feel about your own writing (do you feel proud of what you produce)?
- How do you feel about the writing process (does it come easily to you, or is it difficult)?
- How do you feel about sharing your writing?
- Is creative writing what you would call academic writing?
- What do you normally read?
- How often do you normally read, aside from school assignments?
- What language skills do you think you use while you're writing?
- Without looking it up on the internet, what is an essay, in your own words?
3. Read the following texts within the context of preparing to understand what is academic about each different piece. What makes them different from each other? Write down notes for yourself as you read each text so that we can discuss them together next week.
Read "Nobody Wants to Read Your Shit" pages 1 to 11.
Read "WHEN ZOMBIES ATTACK!:..." pages 1-2
Read "Into-an-empty-swimming-pool-diving in love" (it's 1 page worth of content on a website)
4. Listen to the podcast tackling the issue Is writing a discipline or a habit? The host talks about starting personal writing habits.
Finally, enjoy a funny comic in English via Sarah's Scribbles about enjoying your time spent in university: