Prepositions with Accusative Durch through, by Für for Gegen against, for Ohne without Wider Against, to, towards Um around, for; at (time) Entlang along, down -This preposition however goes after the object: Sie geht den Fluss entlang./ She is walking along the river. Bis until, to, by. Bis is technically an accusative preposition, but it is almost always used with a second preposition (bis zu, bis auf, etc.) in a different case, or without an article (bis April, bis Montag, bis Bonn). Prepositions with Dative These prepositions take the Dative case: Aus from, out of Bei at, near Mit with, by Nach after, to Seit since (time), for Von by, from Zu at, to außer except for, besides Entgegen Against, contrary to gegenüber across from, opposite (can go before or after its object) gemäß according to, after, subject to nächst Next to samt Together with, along with zuwieder against E.g. Er trank aus der Flaschen – he drank from the bottle Er wohnt bei seiner Grossmutter – He live with his grandmother Two-way-prepositions: prepositions with Accusative/Dative A two-way-preposition take either an object in Accusative or Dative case all depending on the situation An at, on, to Auf at, to, on, upon Hinter Behind In in, into Neben beside, near, next to Über about, above, across, over Unter under, among Vor in front of, before; ago (time) Zwischen between When deciding on, whether a two-way-preposition has an object in Accusative or Dative you can decide so by asking either: wohin (where to) or wo (where). If it’s a motion the preposition take Accusative case, and if it’s a location the object take Dative case. An easy example to show this rule is: 1) The boy went in the house to pick up his bag -> here the boy moves from outside the house and into the house = motion 2) The boy is playing in the house -> here the boy stays at the same place, namely in the house = location. Figurative sense In case the two-way-preposition stands in a sentence, where it has a figurative sense, then the main rule is: auf and über always take Accusative case, while the rest take Dative case. E.g. Sie freute sich über die vielen Geschenke (A) – She was pleased over all the presents Prepositions with Genitive Statt, anstatt Instead of Während During, in the course of Wegen Because of Diesseits On this side of Jenseits On the other side ausserhalb Outside of innerhalb Inside of Oberhalb above unterhalb under Prepositions with Genitive and Dative Here are some of the most important prepositions that take both Genitive and Dative case. In this case it doesn’t make a difference which case you choose. Binnen Within Dank Due to, thanks to Laut By, according to Trotz In spite of zufolge According to Die Idee: the idea Erfinden: to invent Entwickeln: to develop man/der Mann fahren: to drive wegfahren: to drive away weggefahren der Stamm: the tribe, the genealogy austammen: to originate from, to stem from Die Mosaik: the mosaic Die Technik: the technique Schwierig: difficult Die Fertigkeit: the skill Benötigen: to necessite, to require Der Maler: the painter Der Künstler: the artist Aufstellen: display Das Werk, die Werke: the work Das Kunstwerk: the artwork Wichtig: important Das Leben: the life Leben: to live wiederbeleben: revive (something) die Wiederbelebung: the revival Wieder: again Die Form, die Formen: the forms Die antiken Formen: the antique forms Die Kirche: the church, the Church Von der Kirche: by the church Verehren: to venerate Ehren: to honour Noch: still Das Jahrhundert: the century Vorher: before Un-sicht-bar: invisible Die Sicht: the vision Bestehen: to pass (an exam, a review, etc.) Finden: to find Herunterladen: to upload FUDGO Für Um Durch Gegen Ohne Der Humanismus Das Ende: the end Das Jahrhundert: the century Die Mitte: the middle Die Wende: the change, the turn Sich wenden: to turn oneself towards something Die Jahrhundertmitte: the middle of the century Die Jahrhundertwende: the turn of the century Bis über die Jahrhundertmitte: until after the middle of the century Der erste Weltkrieg: the first world war Der zweite Weltkrieg: the second world war Die Welt: the world Der Krieg: the war Die Gotik: the gothic period In der Gotik Nach defg Vor dehg Zwischen dem Barock und der Moderne Die Moderne Der Barock Der Anfang, die Anfänge Das Mal: the time Das erste Mal: the first time Des letzte Mal: the last time Die Zeit: (the) time Hindurch: throughout Durch: through Von+D