National Cinemas series Series Editor: Susan Hayward Australian National Cinema Tom O,Regan British National Cinema Sarah Street French National Cinema Susan Hayward Italian National Cinema 1896- 1996 Pierre Sorlin Nordic National Cinemas Tytti Soila, Astrid Soderbergh Widding and Gunnar Iversen Forthcoming titles: Canadian National Cinema Chris Gittings Chinese National Cinema YingJin Zhang South African National Cinema Jacqueline Maingard Spanish National Cinema Nuria Triana-Toribio I I I :tI I I GERMAN NATIONAL CINEMA Sabine Hake I~~?ia~:~~n~~:upLONDON AND NEW YORK 7 Viktor und Viktoria. Courtesy ofBFI stills, Posters and Designs. 58 3 THIRD REICH CINEMA 1933-45 From 1933 to 1945, the German film industry produced more than one thousand feature-length films and an even larger number of short films, newsreels, and documentaries. These numbers suggest two things: that the industry under the Nazis was a formidable economic force and that films were considered an important part of everyday life, propagating National Socialist ideas and providing entertainment along the lines defined by the regime. In order to understand this dynamic between entertainment and ideology, pleasure and power, one needs to approach filmic practices in a way that does not reduplicate this period's own obsession with boundaries. Labels such as 'Nazi cinema' or 'Nazi film' suggest a complete convergence ofnarrative cinema, cultural politics, and Nazi ideology that was never achieved, given the continuing popularity of foreign films and the ubiquity of American products; the conflicting ideas about film-malcing among members ofthe industry and the Propaganda Ministry; the changing attitudes towards propaganda and entertainment before and during the Second World War; and the difficulties ofcontrolling the actual conditions offilm exhibition in the Reich and its occupied countries. In coming to power in 1933, the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) under its leader AdolfHitler promised a spiritual revolution that would bring dramatic changes to all areas of German culture and society. His political rhetoric combined conservative, nationalist, racist, anti-communist, and, above all, anti-Semitic views with an extremist volkisch ideology that culminated in the glorification of the Aryan race, the celebration of Volksgemeinschaft (national community), the myth of Blut und Boden (blood and soil) and the rejection of liberal democracy for the hierarchical structures associated with the leadership principle. Central to the regeneration of the German spirit was the integration of traditional, modern, regional, folkloric, and popular mass culture within an 'authentic', but in fact highly eclectic model ofGerman culture defined less through internal principles than through its ritualistic purging by all progressive, democratic, cosmopolitan, and intellectual influences. Although the basic structure of cinema under National Socialism was firmly in place by 1934, the years until 1945 saw considerable changes in the application of political principles to filmic practices; the approach to movie audiences and 59 GERMAN NATIONAL C I NE MA exhibition practices; and the definition of entertainment and propaganda. Three main phases can be distinguished: (1) 1933-37: institutional restructuring and consolidation, (2) 1937- 42: further economic concentration and expansion as part of the war effort, and (3) 1942-45: monopolisation and mobilisation of all filmic resources for the final victory. On the institutional level, the subordination ofall aspects offilm-mal