371! v M %C MM O/H? -5- Ü ÜIrI £ ffellPI (Verbs -5- Intransitive Verbs and Transitive Verbs)i t> Staff Ut^;H>£ £>tf<£ 'J i-r„ *-3 mm i n H □ ■Ii m So (fe) lis (1Ü) T- 144 Lesson 37 tf« Vi. Intransitive Verbs vs. ~ £ Vt. Transitive Verbs -aru fei* * (*ot«) -eru jh*1)* ft*. * fr*.*) 3£;i* (^itS) -u -eru At* Mit* it#>* (i-r««) I*It* C^>-*lt4) -u -i-o^ (Jt-5Z.J*) -asu 4. -ru if* #* (?o5) -su 5. -eru *t*l* teit* (^it4) flftlf * (Alf*) #f* E<"' (AO -u 6. ^Wj^ : A*/A*l* ^*/lr*-r±* a**/&-t 145 Lesson 37 m 37 momxm^ 2-1 mmnmzu 3§ (BIS) transmit /..... r IK ^ (o /h) X. 'S to inform, to transmit ^ f§£ (TX • *) biography *-^-^(Tof;) 9 to help, to assist ^ "g~ ( T'X ■ 3'/C) message 410 ft substitute fee 4s-z. 6 (5) / T to substitute, to repl H^ff(, ( II • <■ 0 era, period ace x. . \) rent for a room •/c^)'f~'5> to take turns 411 call (8) M..... r «^U) .V to call «5J>^_( Z • $ ^ 9 ) breath vfy&Ulf-t:) I call, summons 412 146 Lesson 37 Sift 3 5 (HIS) at burn (12) ..... J/. r +- ^(^) < to burn, to grill £ J^J (|c <) grilled meat Q ( U • f) [-} suntan, sunburn ^" L Jt l)*^ to be bumed down bend, curve melody i-lf-5 (6) i..... ■r 1 It! fit? # A ^(i)^-?) to curve, to turn, to be bent TifrUK- Jt < --If L) curvedline $3(i)[f%> tobend t 3 Jt < composer ft undress escape A-C (ID n H f / ! Al li n /3r l/L (*t>) <" to undress, to take off (£-3 • h <) ~f~ to drop out 1^, ttj (tz -y • I t* -f" to part, to separate from fy] ("3S (BIS) J collect assemble *o-#>4 (12) A- f At.. 1 1 %_{^>^>) to collect i* "7 • 1*9)"^"to gather %S.1r>-r>) £ to gather ^l1^ Q 7 to concentrate line up V J. f if f jjji^' h) to line up jj£(^-A)<7} ordinary j)|> ^ (■£.'&• arowoftrees jQJ/^'J (-^ ■ parallel joy pleasure (12) ■= ja... rfcr ■■TP" i=fcr , F? ■ ■■„■fr? • T # (Jt 3 3 ) o> to be glad (3 • If 5) comedy -Ja. (J: h Z.) J/ pleasure surprise *3 (22) —\ Mir 1 IT IT F - w «W ^ (fe £*•?>) ^ to be surprised Jt 7 x) wonder %(tiZ5)* surprise 148 Lesson 37 2 2 pjrj^ (ý^L íííív Ť^jf ll.Ä^á 12. fé"ľ 149 1. to inform ■Of: 5. to curve 9. to line up 2. to replace hi 6. to take off Hi 10. to be glad 3. to call 4. to burn < 7. to part 8. to gather ~~ m I \ti 11. to be surprised < 1. message 2. biography 3. to represent TX cost 5. era 6. breath °& i: A house burns down. iri = Hi L Jt ? 150 Lesson 37 8. grilled meat 9. grilled chicken 1 0. to distinguish 14. to compose music 15. curved line 16. meeting place I: < f t ij < -co 11. to escape 12. a different place 13. special *o * Jt < * J: < -t+A I n> 7 I'7 If Lj: 17. tragedy and comedy 18. to concentrate J] z u if 3 * if 5 L Kj) 7 *> i* "5 HI. *©5?Io/cI?^fottfSLj;?c 1. L Jt 1 ftL i;/=*oi=li, /=<7) L^fct^W: < 2/ü££o 151 Lesson 37 [ ) <ÍĚSy-A> r— ÍŠSX 1--. 'J-í /U^€fŕtf«* 'J á L/bo BW«íílS