421 i£v if C * « r^f WA'J + i7A (University Curriculums) 1^ 3^ J —J$£^4 @ (Vt < ) general subjects 4p-rW@ (^LtLfr^ <) major subjects lit @ < 4" < ) elective subjects 0&|l^4 @ (^^L*t^U) required subjects ^Ei^t (C-^ltA) experiments ff?MH^£ (^'^J: 7 5) field work ^l^tffB^C ('^''^'J^'i'W graduation thesis ^r^"|^^ (Jn*^ CtUt) student teaching ^7$k (^^J'J: ^) graduation 0&-ic (Z/^JIt) necessary, required (/c/CW credit 195 Lesson 42 m 42 isoa*^ 2-1 mmas ISST graduate (8) i_ A. ^^(^o-'J'j: & tograduate ~/\^-^K " university graduate ^|^^.(^-^>-^'«t 7--th*) graduate 461 discuss theory (15) r n v\ 5 m "SIR' ^A 462 gflgü^CC^X^o'/y) thesis, paper lftt^"(^-^^)i" £ to discuss ('J • ^ L) theory J<£(^/(,-lJ) logic 31 real fruit &"'"t/O to experiment I^U-iro) fact 6<7(i:o-J: 9-T^)^ practical 463 196 Lesson 42 464 mm a5 (■*) m research tone (15) > : • w;..... ; \ U tJ 5)1 m m g/i| (L to check, to examine iJfiC^JtT-i)"^"-?) to investigate |p| -J* ( *> Jt "5 ■ L ) condition, tone |)f ^d(£ X 1 -h) harmony necessary (5) > >.. i •SL h)~f certainly, without fail t&^-iUi' Jt ? ) necessary O&'fijF^f* @(^o-Lt*9-^s,t<) required subjects 465 5- require summarize (9) rp>... f ■ff-(^N) -5> to need 1|[ J|-(I; * 9 • =t 7 ) t/." important J|>RU l)1~%> todemand (■£ 7 "themainpoint IS kind (18) 1 IF IF W m j I IS ^jf IPt ( L J: • •?> N) papers, documents IP^IÜ ( L X/ ■ £ ^) relative ■^fUCi-zC-&v /g) toclassify Üll^fo ("&v w -"" -") synonym 466 467 197 Lesson 42 468 gain acquire (11) 1 ^ (X) to get, to gain, to acquire p/f-^flf ( L J; • £ < ) income ^TJ; (£ < ■ * 0 to be good at, proud to persuade lose 7 y7/-> •/-(5) y>L—■ ^ (9 I t") 9 to lose ^.IH (Lo'-fnlf^ to lose one's job ^fLC-^-ftWfr impolite, rude ^IJC( L ^ * "t & to fail 469 thanks etiquette bow M (5) 7 (^ °) thanks, etiquette, bow ^ (-ft * >) thanks, reward 4LIK.(^W>^<) formal wear j^L^"*^) rude 470 198 Lesson 42 ^^""^H Hj^Ij jfijf? I. O :M Ť (D ffic H fj £ V- 6> if £ T m § Ír é? ^ o 5.^m 6.>&^x i.fôMtc 8.m 9. *-f 10. n. &o)S:£i&Á,"eÄf: l j:-5«, ô.ŠPMKÄá £ $ t j±}^ £ $ í, r^LLí-tJ Ztlo 8. ^J&^Ji&^Ýi&XlCi 199 Lesson 42 1. to graduate from university 2. thesis 3. experiment to ** J: 1 4. to check 5. necessary 6. documents L b I i L jt to be good at 8. impolite 9. condition % Jt 9 L 1. graduate 2. university graduate 3. without fail to 5* Jt 7 -tfv* /i'u -to ^t'h 4. to discuss 5. to discuss 6. theory 7. logic fact 9. practical use 'j hL hL 'J 10. One's effort bears fruit. c Co Co j; ? tf ij Jt < AW 200 Lesson 42 11. to say a word of thanks 12. to investigate 13. important 1 14. to demand 15. the main point j: "5 income I" n> i X i 16. to gain j: ■? TX, 18. to lose one's job 19. to fail L Jt Z< t? J: 7 Lo If IH. MlfotI?lfoT»^ U J; 9o 1. Z(DhLS-L£3^o 3. b/c L <7^^ ^> t3LX^7j-/OcD L Jt £ < li, ¥ < 500 £/C*./CT-f0 201 Lesson 42 ( ) a + a li < 5 y it if t t ? 4 jt * L j? L ^ * * * I « h I * < ^ res 7 t it * ft lJ « n 5 a £ £ 1 n t * K li 4 20 '£ * L t X * 4 t co CO T T t t ° u -a- 3 t I f 4 L * Jt CO 5 & J If: ft ^ o o *» # -> li y 1* * ft li L co t ft h L li if t ^ r J* t t J! t * 7 * i * CO -f II , ft CO ^ i M L t L (] 4 L o li 7G young leaves ft ^" If 3 £ T thanks to you 4^4' during college foiotz&>~Z again f£J£-f 5 to fulfill, to realize tint. application form ^tJt^f recommender ftW^ teaching experience filling (in) Urt^U deadline L 3 it to approach (.J. 9 K 9 <0#$^(±^ 20 SR) #-ifp season ^S^1 safely, smoothly, without incident ft-fi"^ I -1£ h to receive assistance or support ft ^ L -L If ■?> to say a word of thanks frfzhb on the side, in one's spare time §e 9 to be ready, to be prepared fffiE evaluation iStt aptitude 3\ 3 ^ It £ to take on (a request or task) WH date to be selfish 202 Lesson 42 2. OH) one's legal address, nationality 3. higher education f^^^X-h. £ f£X"f £ Z £ „ « 18^4 J! OOiS# X^ « 21 3 E «21 ^4 n OOXTOOWOO*^ x^ «25^3 £ OO^OO^SPOO^ « «25^4 ^ OOX*XmOO«*400M*IOOM: X^ ji M 27 3 4. academic degree « 27 ^ 3 ^ 20 b oo#±/oow± OOX* 5. employment 6. ■?• CO ffcll |it other work Lesson 42 .J. 'J *m off) Ji b£ [it ( 00*#00#SP00qM4 ft 00#±/001#± OOA^ ^ j! b * n b j! b E b * <7) * £t