\'c ^Íbž^^/H?1 (Verbs for Change) \1L l i i F to increase to decrease Jito change + + < h to add to become few if to disguise to increase to decrease to change fHÍŤSřž íiJffl "T 5 A Wl'J-É-UaiooAi61) *HF*a*f!i:aiB«ro5Ěffl8lj£ro£ft 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2012 1 20 0 20 40 60 80 (re*«-f •}'>■: 2014J *?ftl*je££. 2014) 100 (A) (1981 %~20\0%as (Bit) increase add .^-r (u) - 4 i if' if if iff /t. to increase ^ (i ) ~ to participate j]V( toadd #0XO--1) toprocess decrease -s.b-r (12) y r w i^i (^) -2> to decrease ^M,^ «+*X>• I J: 9 ) "f h to decrease C^) h~t to reduce, to decrease ^^(\$L-\-f L)^ to be reduced by half 471 472 473 206 Lesson 43 mm StBfc *>3S (BIS) change strange (?) $£Wfo%> tochange jSHfc^^" ^) ~t h to change, to vary 3£WZ.Z> tochange j^^zi (fz ^ -^/C) tt.' tough, hard, big move •7 "f (11) 1 ffi(l~?)Z> to move, to transfer ffi j^/ w 1 ) ~f <£> to move ^7 ( 7 ) "t" to move ^ ^ (^ • A /C) immigrant, emigrant continue -3 0-< V"7 oo-lf.?, (13) i h i r r He { to continue ^^(ftX*^ )"^~-5 to continue M; (° °') 11 h to continue /^g (* "? * < ) ~t to inherit pass exceed 1r-*z ij i--z'i- (12) i n TT7 ft 3^. ("t") H %> to pass, to exceed 2^.3!§. (° 7 • ^) ~i~ h to pass 2^. ("f) C"t" to spend (time) 2^.-^ (^'" - ) the past 207 Lesson 43 it advance -r-r-#>£ (id 4 f f it ~t) ij to move forward, to advance lli^ ( ill (i" "t") -6 to go ahead, to promote ^ if£ | L L • I if) to progress 5|(Hf/^"L/C-ZO advanced country from, than 4 (5) , 1 M..... W r VAJl~ (l N ■ ^ -t 7 ) more than w -O before (a given point), previously ^"f" ^ N' less than )K1^(V w - "7 ) after (a given point) H beauty (9) H HCt-^O n beautiful H^I%(^'Jt 7 '°^) beautyparlor J^y^Ct/1 • II/(,) beautiful woman J^lfa (^' ^ °) fine arts 208 Lesson 43 I. & <7) jl í W Sc & ^ ž l> e> if íc T » ž £3 ^ o io. Üi; u.pAJl 12.>XT 13. HL^ n. *o)ít^"?*ÍLj:^o i. 1950 ^ t <7)£W W> L, ^AWAo tf%iiu LTi^. 3. m^7 hT#«y MW5000 FWT^H^I^S 3#<-t0 J: i 7. CO t7 e - T L p ih * 12 34 37 *-fe±>^ diet ft chart ft amount ff^. vegetables Lj(tti-<-» Uli 'III f in ^IL milk -style ^'JX^L-i) to introduce i'fe staple food 'J |C instead #314 ingredients '•J^ wheat ~l-=t'?> due to- [KM] 1. 1960 ^C^B^A^-fe^li £Xtt*t5H-jJ*£^o tzTiTfro 212 Lesson 43 < 0 & ■ B.C. - 500 - w %± -A.D1- -100- -200 - - 300 - -400 - - 500 - m - 600 - e -700- & - 800 - Historical Periods >^£&(If /C I) prehistory f^, ( Z tz ^ ) the ancient period 4* -ffi: ( £> * ? -ti" i1) the medieval period ( ? -tf ^N) the early modern period ifiWH ^tz^s) the modern period StL^ (I f X> A: 0 the contemporary period, the present day (■£ ^ £* * ) pre-earthenware era $il>t(^ -t 7 t/✓) Jomon ware (straw-rope pattern pottery) period 5fc*fe. .t N) Yayoi ware period ancient tomb burial mound / tumulus period Nara (place name) period Heian (= Kyoto) period Kamakura (place name) period < b) Lesson 43 1300- -1400 1500 1600- 1700 1800- 1900 s/S/' 's/ / '/, ' 1945 mm SC 1868 jE Bp (±j i *>) Muromachi (in Kyoto)period Period of the Northern and Southern Courts S (•(+ ^ C* <) the Warring States period Azuchi-Momoyama (place name) period Edo (= Tokyo) period Meiji period (1868-1912) j\ IE ( 7r ix L J; 7 ) Taisho period (1912-1926) B§fn( L J: 9 ^) Showa period (1926-1989) ■Sp-J^C^^-tt^) Heisei period (1989- ) 214