441 *C tfotikffl&lk^t^ffl. (Expressing Abstract Ideas) A E B £ tb«ti" 4 V >)-< to compare A with B A £ B %#lti-Z> to contrast A with B C lc*#-f £ to agree with C C [zKttirZ to oppose C 215 3773 Lesson 44 2-1 M^35 (BSi) ft compare ratio (4) v 1- X V 4 t) ^ to compare ttft (t/1 • L * ? ) specific gravity, importance tk (^ 1N" ^) "t" 'S to contrast tk$'] (^ * ^v') "t" ^ to be proportional compare il9 (13) .y. ..... g..... i fx tb$t(ZA*^<)"f 'S tocompare th$C.Ö>7 (£/ ■ ^ < • T *) comparatively R opposite anti- (4) r J? K / ^.J5^ ((±/0-<75 9 ) reaction ^^(ItL-^^)'t^) to reflect 2J£2^(*. N-li/C) violation ^(li/U ~ anti ~ 216 Lesson 44 M against pair ■y>f (v) JU i i- ~ 1C (/; i 0 L T against ~, regarding ~ 2^f(^p)3 2 against 3 ^^(li/C-TcvO-if -Z) tooppose -—^"(^-o-ovO apair approve (15) — * — 1 5 l $L(* Xy'-tt^O*^" to agree, to approve J J. ^ ("J X> • approval and disapproval I |n] ( £ L • £" ? ) -f to approve it both together (6) -H- -H- > J: 9 '-o •? ) <7) common -^n 1^] Jt 7 ■ £* 7 ) cooperation •^■5^0J: <) republic (3 7 ■ J J: ?) public, common ft direct, repair straight ^3 7 (8) ■—■ (- -f- Irl |]=f ("frfe)"^" to repair, to correct l4>^(*> J: < ■ '1 9 ) direct current lÄ^lt^ ^ ' immediately after J: < direct 217 Lesson 44 Itefe *>a5 (i * surface appear, table t 3 (8) w ij^ (& h h) ~f~ to express Jt 7 "ItX) expression • W J: l)~ir %> to announce 9 • *t> /^) surface 5J J appear • present (&bb-i-) (11) T f J! JJf,(£> b fc>) >H- to appear JJlL'f^(If//• ^) tlie contemporary period, the present day IJLiHltX-^) cash igf^Of/C-*'^) now, the present m begin first ui:-* i±o V3 lilt-AT (7) f ty] (I ± l*) tf) T for the first time ^7/ ^ (I ± • ^ * ) the first snow of the year ■ffcfyjd^*' I X)n vn |JX 4. personal relations 5. republic /.^ ^ i-h< * J: 9 fc> - < 220 Lesson 44 6. immediately after 7. direct 8. indirect to announce 12. to compare ~<6 < h 15. the present 1& 10. surface 18. reaction 4^ •tin 11. to express J: T thL 13. relatively 14. cash [/■ is <. T £ ItX H 16. the basics 17. the first snow of the year I x 12 19. to be opposed 20. joint research $ J: "7 1^ * * i 2. n i z (i. * i 'J j^/C i: jt -5 S^fcKfc b=h * ft^o I /; *. T < sK. h „ 4. * < L ^ jJ^ frtz ti< ZK T ^ £ „ 5. ;a/^li^^'/Ci:{ ^T^*W#^Tfc*.r*I £tf to examine [WW] 3. r'J ^/0w^^f---7ii, ^ir^wit«lt-f ^0 t^TAi Li i„ 222 Lesson 44 Li»4i< i < l-A ©h SHIfg^Kreading index) Sl^^i^t^ £ a7l|t^<& £ 50 (Japanese alphabetical order) 11 jiK/'- & <7) T\ .i< ©SPlll ^3l(radical index) 31 ? CO £P "f (radicals) £ ill & <7) ^ £ O )l[ 10 f^l (stroke count index) .5: Ul»ftl'ltllWA3J;5 t a »j i-fo ^&<7) r^-tf H fi2 ^ 3r* J (Radicals and Similar Shapes Reference List) 4/:*!>i:fiF^iK/: t <7) T It L T £> 'J it. I J6 11(15 SB U6 113« 1356 3G2 G5t 795 850 1138 971 13(1.1 11/11 131-1 1001 382 H73 397 781 1351 553 7G3 PIT] rms in 1292 1091 1223 Ors/iei/i 101 1IR3 1257 13H I33F CD i J CD h ^ * £ ■1 H / 30 4-1 151 761 'h t d« / ** /II Mj 3S7 165 Ml 069 3,11 371 1» / # ii / n n / 1339 1301 1311 1351 1250 / lb ft ' 051 KI58 527 1380 CIS 1395 4io ISO aiis »^sf (2001) ra«3ii§^)f?^*: (^^k) ^i^tt) 187 1215 1270 .....fc I 411 st« * -a- IMa 130G 797 ± ^* * 25S 968 1156 5fe / ± tt 1IS7 277 1351 / $ ft # 528 121 ltW \W 1383 798 ^ / i- 35(1 193 /)c 5fc TJt 5fc 557 an 511 1230 1383 572 * * * 287 769 352 223 Lesson 44 Ex. rw&J : li It ^«1? r*9J Wi^ (r->3J i /ii± rnu (*>)j) ^^oT ^aif, *»ii*5it r^j tZT Pfa& (Li (2ooi) rji^in^^]s?^^j (^-ss) ^$tt) 2. [*i;«>0)ai!?a>R#**f#a»6«ct*fcS 2.1 3l?fl>M«f**»*i:§ -autf*gi 2.2 «¥«)»tt^#6 4i»i:* ^iHS^i 3. 6. VI] c rr ' *jftWrSft1 TIl^ & $ l\, 2. 5. 3. 6. -i"^ 224 Lesson 44 2. tt*5L 5. 4# 3. *© 6. 1. M.fa&&T%( I ^M^