3- — v M m&omm -3- im ■so U If sift ■■Ar». ^ (Prefixes and Suffixes -3- Abstract Ideas) ft' = all the most = the ~th @ all subjects ^■^i all students it^LJik. all production £K £P£ £® un-, in ftf/T the newest H the highest, the greatest the first &± mk M H 1 No.l 3 13 the 3rd time $ 5 ^ Lesson 5 no examination ^ftiJl) no planning ^^"5^ meaningless W Tlifr^ #^ informal ^M4^^7 unscientific #t&g$7 illogical ^Ok-fctl.' unnecessary ^iSL^tC careless ^M.VJti: unkind ^SJ-fr*: ^fe&tt ^Mtt not ~, un- 226 Lesson 45 -ization, -ize l£JIi*:-#7 = — <73 Jt -7 fl^ = ~ IC i&f^'ffc modernization Z~$~ iflWVC'^r i> to modernize X^'ft industrialization X.^K'ft't"to industrialize g«*Ht HflHt S*-ft mmt mfcit fg_ = l^P^^' various It® it A ttP^M ff^ff Jttffl Li = i^fW each &£%fc &£frH jjj _ = fSJ^W both fSjII t5j:# fSjlI] iSiA^ t^iS^- ifc- = £t£~tm not yet *Hr* *M ->£ = law *it>* = method i£ffl>£ #:Tf>£ fcb*£>£ -f'J = f'JJt system ES^ftJ ^"IfJ #fr#J . fjijc lesson, section $ 1 ^ lH:331i^ H'Hii; line, railroad ^Mf&H Jj^H &$tjt*fc tobe~ing f^^T7 M**7 _4» all-, whole- + —0+ —+ 227 Lesson 45 2-1 nm <) the worst (S ^ • "O 0 the lowest, at least 492 nothing non--less y (12) 4 —■• Br ■jHF V * not to be *1 jfef'JPll^-^WfX) unlimited §-(.}■• U) safety ^ (ij • -1+ ) wireless 493 228 Lesson 45 *>3 5 # non-un-not good t (8) ) i #1 r r # ItX- C T £) unrealistic (tA- Z 9 ) delinquency, misdeed ffi-^ O (U ■ £ J: emergency exit 494 rank no. ~ (11) M f^^^fC^ - L f) thirdparty f^ —(fc >• * ■ N *>) first, primary f^J_l^(/c^-L) secondary /ivfj^ ( L ' ^ v) 1- gradually target (suffix to make na-adj.) (8) f fl ■6 @6^(£<-T3) purpose,aim jt'f t&J ' ^ T ft cultural jfl (z ' ^' *) ft personal, individual 'j^tfy (ZrTJ)^ public, official 495 496 nature, sex (suffix to make noun) Jz4 (•>3^) (8) i... M..... rr.. t 'li^lJC-tt^'^-^) gender jP?'^(/iX'-t+vO man, male nature, character nj"fCO -7--thO possibility 497 229 Lesson 45 IBM C7ife(o*X/■it 1) grammar f'J control system (8) >^ 1 At n $ f flJ^C-tf^-O system f'M^ <) uniform ^M^'J ^H 0 membership system fjjlj (Hf*.»• If/,) restriction impose, assign section (15) r p p p in p] ' Pi p" p! p/ 3 to impose Js^4 t-^i^^idi < • L • fr- X ^) doctoral course ^ ^ '^") personnel section 230 Lesson 45 ^2in^b ^S3fl i.&m 2.*ä i.Mm^ 4.4m^w 5. mm 6. @#7 7. £44 9.^>£ 10. f'J^ 13. #14 ** 'rW 14.&&«*£ Ii @ Ijjl ^}jföti^^ t^-§[ To tne chief of the division of international relations 4. ZC0@<7)A*<7)®&'l±li, Bfl&i$T^i$££^fr*i£o 7.föli4\ ^JE^7l^#'t IC^ $ttfo psychologically very unstable frank and progressive 231 Lesson 45 2-3 «3 TSi5 1. all 4. emergency exit f 7. gender H+o -so 10. personnel section LX U 2. the first 3. free of charge 5^ U 5. Lesson 4 'i J: 9 purpose method 9. education system II9 Ii9 i I 9 ^ < -t+^ H. Z t «:CDiiP*£#7LT, frills £»^T&£ U «t 9o 1. all (the members) 2. all over the country 3. the whole recently 5. the last 5 o L * 9 6. the biggest 232 Lesson 45 7. the smallest i. ignorance 9. indifference í ^ 111 10. meaningless safety 12. unscientific t; v 13. illogical 14. unofficial T3 15. a third party 'J t> 17 Lí í^ Li 16. the second time 17. the fifth plan emotional #X L" J: 1 theory TÍ 19. modern L tf*< 20. practical theoretical Lo J: ? T3 to make into a theory - ft 'J 'J 22. to produce productive productivity ft - -tf-^ -tt^ ^ ti -tř^ ^ #v 23. humanity 24. sociality 25. male 26. female CX ItX -tin Li Týn ^ -rjn fcX -tin' L i -tin 233 Lesson 45 27. how to use 28. commercial law = L Jt 1 Iii 1fr frtz Iii Iii 29. civil law 30. a four-year university \li X Ü.L Hf^ fc*v> 31. three-shift system 32. to institutionalize I IM I I I I \tz i/C ZT -t+v. ^ £" 33. the accounting section 34. section chief m. >£cD«Wo/c;ii^£^T*£ä: u«t ?o 1. ?t* i sLlcii, *^^T*^t*/M^ t/CT^£0 2. Lt£^V < -tiroIi, tA^< T $-r±^ i: Ut;*^ l///=. 3. 45 t5^<7).vA(£9 H±o#>vMix fri^ ij fir \\ 4. fc£ 9 Eiic i z j f TT, 4 teX^ni \*7-*-yH test*)—sp<7) >j x h jjf /UiiHfU/fJ^J / -vu v 7 h \XLtiL o CA^cSlS! http^/ayashilcom | ] B lijiHT'T lyamads.OOO/YXnejpl 1*1 SMroft lrooroax>/ y^, ] 11 URL" 1=^-4 J: -5 K^f£££ LJLno 4 Y%& * &Jt& 7 > wireless LAN (Wi-Fi) I- freely, as one pleases ^MhW. newest edition ^rtt identity + ni /§ < to arrive t 4 )\s attached file ffe<75/v other people UK- %'E-% a third party various, several kinds of- »•< i» *E#-f£ to grasp ^X'f 6 to introduce (a policy or technology) tfi CUT f§X"t" ■?> to intrude, to hack Iifjt"f'5> to renew WSi"^ to specify ^tSfl measures iE#^B^<7) unidentified lil® / — spam (email) <•v dangerous ¥"|ftr"f £ to judge HKi"-5> to read in advance, beforehand group te^H- absolutely n. 'J ^It^tE filter function ft'JPS. restriction P&^6<7 limited 236 Lesson 45 ©|*|| £ IE 3 ¥m#^££t#iIi^*£«T"3 t°- L Ac 'J #nx LT^f V 9 —^v h ± L /; 'J, ©7-r 7->^'|| * -i it- mi -tti> (NPO H** -y l-7-7-btalJf-( I"-* S ££tSt:£J http://www.oct-net.ne.jp/~sno-oita/honbu/reikai/oril30309/sekyu.html J; 'J) *B^^ picture, video Ji^itS. violation of the law ^ S ft unjust, unfair to leak ■Jn^ shared ^SJT without permission t1=$C fraud, scam JifjR claim to abuse /^."t" to restore Z> to distribute -?■ o < 'J just like the real thing i$M~fZ> to ignore ^"t^i possibility