^F5 1 p. (i^iíf 1 -1 60) |jgTf(i)V £ E3 i :n -t ^ JL + J) JS^fcr&fiSU^Oia-, Practice the following kanji. (n) ?i:?®5^*75£®34U.v^L*5, Study the readings of the following kanji. Numbers Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning ••• 1 + i: * 9 10 — \-- 2 i: IT rp 9 20 3 =+ i L U H> 9 30 E3 X Lr/ L 4 es-f- X L M rj) j 40 5 .5.+ Z' II \1> 9 50 > ^ h < 6 h < C * 7 60 -t 7 ^ C * 9 70 /\ 8 ii l; 9 80 J tf> 9 / < 9 5*9 U rj> 9 90 Counter for small items -to ti'^o 7 1m 9 ^oO 8 + 10 Write kanji and the readings. A. Example : 5 „5. ( Z ) 1. 3 ( ) 2. 6 ( ) 3. 9 ( ) 4. 1 ( ) 5. 8 ( ) 6. 10 _....... ( ) 7. 7 ( ) 8. 2 ____________ -----------......... . ( ) b. Example : -q__( u y. o ) 3. 4. 'S-ks. *t,«. >«• 5. V v* "V™ "V" 6. ilii Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning ---■, 1 ESO J: 4 8 2 POT 5 — 3 i; o o 6 9 Ba(BaflB)(i 'sic jjS. W 4«P 4 5i sec13 33 1 m (2) ¥ -f ^ n n @ -16 CD IJ )I ? It 1/$ U tfc :5, Practice the following kanji. I-1 FTl n (D) i*.¥fflsS*7j;§:®!^US'b*:3.- Study the readings of the following kanji. Numbers Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning < 100 ML 1,000 200 2,000 =■§ ZLlf** < 300 * /C-t+X 3,000 XLUk- < 400 4,000 if r'r/f < 500 C'-trX, 5,000 600 ^ + ^ < -btX 6,000 700 -t-f 7,000 800 liolf/, 8,000 ±^ i tp 1 X} *? < 900 ^L-f 9,000 -77 10,000 ^7J 3 < i L 60,000 -7 20,000 -tTJ fx tt: £ L 70,000 H?7 *LiL 30,000 ii ^ i ^ 80,000 X kj £ /C 40,000 ■htf $ n> i £ L 90,000 C* i /C 50,000 \lr$> 1 £ L 100,000 V"? <£L 1,000,000 4 i 3;iH(2) Word Reading Meaning one hundred yen +n -tf /C*x one thousand yen a < ^ mouth @ eye (1) assess Write the readings of kanji. 1. >Vf^+ 2. "••!' An 3. ( ) ( ) ( 4. -77H+ 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( 8. 9. ( ) ( ) ( ) @ :M'f^^:^l^5, Write the fallowings in kanji. 1. 1,200 2. 590 3. 73,000 4. 4,800 5. 65,000 6. 340 7. 8.600 8. 970 10. 11. 12. 13. 31SS(2) ( (T) a—^^ZTs fBfS^flf^^UdOc Look at the menu and write the prices. v T x i ^/ 1 X •» A >\ 9i tj a 19 w Pi n n 3 Ji^ti' buckwheat noodles topped with an egg XL.V-b l t'X wheat flour noodles with deep-fried shrimps 5'S^lf cold buckwheat noodles beef bowl Example : T/Co? b 1 YlL ¥900 1. ¥_ ¥_ 5. tf-yU ¥ 3. 2. fliL^li* 4. 5' -S^c If 6. 6 ) m i in Kffiaa f2lid) a E 'X * * £ i. (T) Jll^^rSliU^UjOo Practice the following kanji. 11 M - — — (n) ^ipCDSti^7T';£©^U^Uc};5o Study the readinqs of the following words. Month Word Reading Meaning Word Reading Meaning HHiH 1 1 -%Xl V Sunday — ft January JPIB f "> 1 i if Monday -ft \zir'-> February 'XM 0 frl 1 If Tuesday = ft March ?KB1 H t^Xi if Wednesday ■es ft April till Iß Thursday £~R May Friday -f'B z> < ^ June Saturday -tE July- 1B X 1 if day of the week ,\ft August Other words iL ft +n < September October +-n November December +-ft Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence ft moon; month £/■ fire * water tree -- money (S) Ü^Ofre&Ti^ÄSäU^c Write the readings of kanji. l. jXbIb ( 4. ±al b ( 7. Bmn ( 10. rafi ( 13. RE ( 16. ( 19. -t-fl ( 22. *?tÄit. ( 2. ^aia ) ( 5. /MB ) ( ) ( 11. JLft ) ( i4. —n ) ( 17. ) ( 20. ) ( 23. *!*>Ttc ) ( (N) iM^^S^SLiO.:, Write the fallowings in kanji. V~^ W/v i". ft' I. _ 2. _ 3. Fi Ufa ( 6. *nia ( 9. -tfl ( 12. H—3 ( 15. = £ ( 18. ^ ( 21. *)*Ll±J.Ti". ( 24. ±^**> 'i it. ( 3. U «D 9 A5^ 7. 10. 13. 16. 18. 20. 3 < #-3 11. 14. _rf<*>'J it, _£JLi L /-o 17._____ 19. cf)«_ 12. 15. #1" f §2f (2) * a ^ # h#. ^ x? ^ (t) ;lt¥£f$iiU3JU IT one o'clock -tB| I £ C seven o'clock two o'clock eight o'clock Ha# three o'clock < IT nine o'clock EHBlf four o'clock l: t* 9 i: ten o'clock i5.H# r i; five o'clock eleven o'clock -5 < i: six o'clock +-"H# j IT rt 1 IC C twelve o'clock ^-^ rch, C J; t'fc H< J; Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence book ^IrfJEÄ i to 1: Japan one (long object) Hi -* two (long objects) three (long objects) A person ■fcWAIiM^'AT-f „ S^A Japanese people -A one person JM?-Av^t„ "A two people = A three people -AT alone -ATf»- h i LA„ now this month today 4-BI±#^T'to («# temple Z cT)#(±AÍ v ' Tto ... o'clock half past ... five minutes ten minutes -HHf oT < /=*i-„ half to understand B^ffiü^H^J it. © ji^t^a^^^Bt^^Ud-Oo Write kanji and the readings. Examp,e: J^BIil -tHt^ ( l^HIJX ) 96: IS 4:05 10 sats(s) (V) OSii'iGi^JSilZö^^UcfcDo Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. I. iAi/o^ f:.SA 2. iM?_ _i'it, :tfí i L/bc .Alfo li .Tt. £ ,t 0 OA __£fÄ<& i L /.Tc 6. £ A if A l^i L/c 7. £ A (c A _^Í to CHAD'A T't. 9. fémz (ä A'S'i A .Li L 7c o 10. OA A » '.)' t±A, l.-ir »>A, l; ft Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. Example : %.Llß^>ft. (5) Ä®ÄPo^[C;l?^<$ orf^U^. ^-^ oa Lofe/v »A, u OS' cte Answer the following questions using kanji. l. 4\ wr-r^0 t 2. .Jrlsfc (brothers and sisters) ftfilA^-^H'ft 3. i/L^^^^^'J i-f 12 i ssb mmm m3mo) i t * ^ & x ^ fr (7) Jf^^^s^b^L/^-j:. Practice the following kanji. 33-41 — It ft (5) *g©si*;££»uT\ x^i^sudoo --r;/u e * Mt *> OA, ,t Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence up; above ±lf £ to raise |-£±if Or. T down; below ft^it\^-t,_.......____________Tt, 2. Cli 3....................................\±fr\iL'J it. 9. hco_____________________T______________________#i>i Ltzo 10. fiLit. v—' a » ff třa. f-tt &h li i' Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. %Hi7--7/l 5. CDIiXf-|/t«_ ft. .........Tt. Tt„ 6. ^-'íťaíiŤ l" t'eo T-r. Tt„ 1J 14 S3ISO) i'3.R(2):>'.. rtw -1 © 0 ;M:? £ SI 11U 1/ 3... Practice the following kanji. TO Pi W J* ft Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence A.M. ŤIÍ-HfTt. P.M.; in the afternoon in the morning 7 7X{í^m^i~& lJ it. n gate H between time ... hours east H^IÍŤIS^f-l;*'J it. cast exit Ť* the Middle East tAMŤÍ Í to west yipligy^BT-to west exit south jhmiíM-jh 'j i to So south exit ^ullr/IT't^o Southeast Asia it north lt;tai±itl:í> 'J i to it, a north exit itaT"#*>ito ě3sc2) (J Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1>tfb if^Xi If t9 7 7>Vt>\) t-to 3. z * 9 £ 5 7. lilt l^t-fo *>£ »J. r-tfA* o 8. lifter/l/<0_ ■19 U 9.____CO________........__W_____™T_ 16 S3BH2) (T) Jx ^ © Iff © s Sf £ 31 ,;r' 8? 3r S L> £ 5 , Give antonyms of the following words in kanji. Example : O & 1. ft^ o_ 2. ;£ O_________ 3. i O. 4. t <=> 5. A <=> — n f * Uft fcE fi'A, b its *>> Look at the maps and choose the appropriate kanji for the blanks. it l. -fftli^f-maco 3. iii^li't*<0__ 4. ^liftexo 5. *ft\±m^<7>l?<7)AllH^AT-f „ t«A woman boy girl student to be bom to live Jut 9LM teacher last month % ft , a*i:*iL/;„ 3148(1) what something -ftA how many people what time 4\ iwr-r^o Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 2. A t- I ;ft^„ R :_____ 4-H 3. A : 4\ 4. _________________Tti\ b :__...........X"to cD______ic___________^'^itfc0 &coAli_ £4 * 5. *co_ 6. A : H^I«__ li £#6 li .^i-f^o b: 7. flit __T"f„ 8. *>*< it^ \^£LKL -)t ... year(s) this year year last year every day every month every year country *M , BIICfHJ i "to e>v>;fo ťl foreign country i'KH 1 Z\í&. tz\N Ti"„ China H^li^HWAT-fo (5) O-SWííí-ii-řlC^ $ ? £ í> 6 tf «IC ;tč£ L * 5, tfh 13 líh l; Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. \z^9 9 i ÝáSIŤii' —AT" AS 4. *I±A# b/.-L i"V i<< 6. li 7. A:^í A, íilí<75l> IC 9. b«1b 10. co_____ S4B(S) i 2] i. ■ (?) ;%01%mz]f:^\£z>Z%XSl;£Ö, Answer the following questions using kanji. 2. äsft/Hifö^l^iHi I 3. HH#l^ft± L/b^\ ft 5. &fttz to sec to show can be seen If < to go rice to come to come *ft^ * not to come a+^li*ftv >TL J; 7 o a-^ next year ?m--n* £ to to eat lo drink to meet f§5K(l) ( 2 Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. ■kA. 2. A- i - £ < 7c'^ ' CO , mi_______xixio rtWHii__zm^nr. 6. &tzt>Z. at l:!I/Cl'X 12 J: <. 9. ?flX(i_ ^ 3 i L /: 10. ^cC0/£|i_ c5.5> 11. 7"Hf > h II J't. l5iS(2) * fit t # i H $ it (T) M^&ffl.i§U^U*:5o Practice the following kanji. 73-80 -: W j1^ If /HI —..... So 21 Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence ear M< to listen can be heard "t" T to say M^f^i L /c^„ %fA to speak a*M£i$L£-f„ U talk; story Mi conversation *ii:(?)Mli|Lo?t. Ao to stand AoT < 7c 3 ^„ to wait t, «t 0 Zft-oT < 7c 3 ^„ this week ^illitt LW-f „ next week last week Jtxl, + HMt* i L/co every week one week -Jmt-AXT'f £ L£ l/c Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. h 1±.±iXi Ltz 11. Ait (^26^,' SS5BC2) Write appropriate verbs using the following kanji, and complete the sentences. A. Example : t L tr_ 1. 7-l/t'£_ >l 5. 2. D-t-£_ 6. B+f§£__ (5) T'VS/uCS^ iLf:. #{/Ct^iL/:, t^^ßftt. &!i riiL^i LTJ ^t^i Jf i L/C» 15[i31>_S7C. ä: Ucfc"3.- Answer the questions in Japanese. bo a, eft I. Ty^Ali-fsfH#U^/cA ££^i L/c4-o 2. ■Ktiih^m-tzM^^i Ltzt\ 3. ry^/L(i^Ü^.i:-(3)"^t^i L/c^„ 4. ^-^(nn^riLr-t)\ 5. -f^ft^i ltzt\ fiMAi L/ctf\ H5» 09NF 81-88 I) iH^^ISSU^U^^o Practice the following kanji. TV -- lias* —y J'" .5% 1th C ,t itt!-. If Sih, ,t Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence big A* college college student adult small t Li elementary school student high; expensive cheap *Ť I ^ *rffl new newspaper «i lí mma^í-to old fine; energetic to be careful 28 S66KO) (5) 0-5t)^cC^)l?(C, ;1^^0-BtfS;|c73^3;Ucfc5o Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. o < xťa-7-|Í 4. _, 5. £cO#li_ *£6 K T _Ofcf* i L /bo Ji Í 9. ri-o lJ i-ti-zU tit 4 7. id CD li .Ti-o <£* ~- 9. di^í/Cli 10. CO 1: -tBf 11. ____ & ä -ř m 0 Cl) jlí^lf^UcřUcfeĎo Practice the following kanji. £Vu C fl/uUa .89- »8 it: Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence many I a little '*yi'Jrl-kŤ£t> L/i 9. _9 ý'A\z_______________________JfoT^Í l/A 10. íř<7)?^í>_ CO l//£1J CO JxS>t©lSP;£©B^^;1i?^!i^^U_ 3. ^X _ 4. £IX _ .AI- 5. Bfv * (dark) <=>___6. O_ >HXA, fc7cSlTtrf\ ^fc^XA < 3 A,* ') it- Ti#rlot"/l,4/; iiLh^T, KU^^T X 7hSAt^(7)T\ \^\^^mXX 'J iX ^XSXTXX A^cO'*(i A * ^ ^ T-f o .fAOO^Pmii^ < Tsfl £ ^T't„ £ Bf B tfX £Bft a i T" TX ftXflXXtT < £'*^0 8J320B % dormitory MP^ICS^-^UcfcOo Answer the questions in Japanese. 1. ^#IC|i^7j>'^ 'J t-f fro SJ.7 i 2. ««9SUM Ii ^XXWTtX 3. H^»gc0 7 7XliMHt^'-bMH#i TTXX S6S T) JH;?:'£iS§bSL_ 2. 3. ^^Ii-5<|jf____________.....__\z&i)£i-0 .LiL/;„ 7. iz < 5 S €6 .....______________UfiX T^b, If 5 i L/c _£>M7 i L/co 8. _____________________CO_______________________________£_____________________ bt> J: 9 liX L } J J L t •) X b ft 34 ) S7B(1) 105-1« . 0 il^^iiSiif L-jKUjOo Practice the following kanji. rtr — 1% (5) miscDiTc^T^^wt^T:, x^a^uo* v—' (tfc c * IMC *' au» * Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence horse station IRmhuT^X L J: 9, company •« 13 , t# Tattle ft $ it. society company president L i L /co school high school i««lcA#l i L/c„ junior high school elementary school principal shop bank &ffTfc&£tfc Li-to illness l7K(a) 3! hospital ít-ftU^Ht, íňfĚMŤÍ Í to Km-i to be hospitalized graduate school graduate student &c0í?c0Ali*#F£±T'-fo (III) ÜBWU^mmc, •S?íří>bo'íf:lco^3;L<ř-3:, Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1.________co I i-#\ ______________co_T-fo L 4; 9 r> Č1 9 frUlf L f *j .£ 9 2. _______Ii_co__________Tto 3. __________U_,________i:o^T«Lito 4.______lá,__co_____ i-r„ 5.____li_;_^b'«T__________„„„Ti" o C 9 C 9 At 6. ^«__„,„„,...........„,..„.„j±_*5,__t-i% Ícoť 9S td^-ti 7. *>cOAIi__LXÍ>UÍ-tiX„__Tt„ 8. ^_T___.......lTc>it^iA ^-B_U퍞i-fo Í>'J:9Ž IC 0 9 IX í>'j;9lX 9. _IC 11_tf<__.........____________IJ i to L'b if-oZo no ( 36 ) 3s7kc2) What are 1-4? Choose the answer from the box. a. college b. high school c. bank d. elementary school c. hospital f. station 1. 2. 3. 4. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (5) tiucnz&Qt?, B^frcM^ujo,. Read the following directions and write the places in Japanese. Example: IRcOBatfXi^Tt. ■» #11% 1. IftcoftofisT, £ ot O-fXNf i £i-» ■♦ 2. JHcDi%a£&T, 5Xff * i-fo . 3. IRcoUpÝíÍT, -1X5Hť$ i to ^J^tícolíT-to ■* 357B* «HSB1 ( li i8s8(l) í* £ Ě ft M ^ 113-120 CO S?^$f Sl^UdOo Practice the following kanji. )Xj, ÍFEj 591! --- e'a, u u Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. __________________COB i____ fe££T 2. i» A-fiT 3. ^yt'-T...........„„„.„*__ (5) m§5©§6»££ai^. X£E*3:Ut:5„ Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. 4. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence 5. to rest; to be absent * I tz fed b T holiday; absence ±B«Bli^fe^f*AT1-„ 6. co (i, £S to run fii TA'J it. 7. £>Tto feeling lír name ^coAcoSfilie-fTt. Japanese language B^ifí^lif L it. Tüll Chinese language ^SlfíM^L/c^Tt. i -10 sioske) v—' b'h, b S'/v Ü Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. .LT 2. fz < i A_ *> ») Ö < <_'' íi U rfn^i V.tz tož 3. 4. ýco_ co T" .Lit. co ________li LTt. ti~Č Z(T)'. 5. ______ li 6. ž« Já, _li____________T, /c < _^Íto 8. z V-o - 0 ___■£ 10. .*-tiX < L Tto 11. .£.....____< ťíwc £8gS(2) i 41 ist. -'I-r ...... 4: Make your schedule for tomorrow using kanji below. it tk * * Example : + flAB (±) S *n\xwMi-?tz<»T. ä::tft-'# (T) jft^iif HUSUdO. Practice the following kanji. 12» 136 — $1 — —— 7} (5) ^©BEa^Sl^r, £^!S*3:Ur3:, **• <; " tut *> m * Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence spring spring vacation Jt summer summer vacation Ä autumn; fall winter SO winter vacation m morning every morning this morning noon; daytime daytime lunch break way of ...ing early evening ^7j, ih^if£-fo (m) oB/ío^s?!^ ?: ^ o- 5 * < & \zfr%mi,&o. Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 3. 6. j- o 0 r-r, ^(0 li :|3/ü; Ji, X {) r-fo HAU' Jl 1- < * < __Ii ___^N t_ 7. ZW^i^W t>5 < -Si 137-144 [ Š§9ip(2) Hfc & -f- £ 1* f (T) >!?^Š£llU3;l/J-o, Practice the following kanji. si ---- ÍÉI i (5) ^noifa*:&£9ioz\ x^&suao Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence night tonight 4*ft, U^-rí«íí-fo every night night it. X^btfs^Z'J i L/co tonight midnight; middle of the night heart- to be relieved ft^JflíťWT^C L i L hand poor at -ji: good at H ^tf ^i:^Id' 'J /; oTŤo foot; leg fflifí ^i£^*í ^T-f, to be sufficient £t to add body f 44 ) S9RU) S9»(2) ( 4 neck it road —' Ith, ti /j>Aj ü Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. ,lí$.l ~h~ n> i - i 2. 3. ^...........T^b_______........____________________'J á 1.7= o XTL fr X" _______o^tJT-to 4. =? co 9 co_ 5. B*fl^'_ IŮL/=cOT'\ jm< fr'J i i£. 'fr CO T" X L- ,fc 9 "f Ufr Lnmn^¥i:&ít, f r S EBB iffbii^^irÄS H +---Fi dsn) í7 vXIí^ve^ic^í 'J í-t„ +".ii#icfJcS:T"&-'R-r'ftKä:-t„ ^Air-it/V b £ it L titk, AL fr TtxŽ £ íf Ft Líto i-ftco 77X |1HH# |c 'Jito ^cbíh li-?-<*:(:#oT. ^t/er/cou.yxv^-ífí ito -íiw^iii ř-TÍTL/1:^ tLifCť 'J i Lt=0 -tHfcr^Hic-g&í-Ar^ito ML iřtří neighborhood school year iEf^ sports day JEUl^CDlCliCX jZU<^aAfe©lClSX%:-3-Mt$ £ tc 4. ( ) ^5 < b^v/LliAj-IFflcoSfrA^^'J ito m smms 47 (i) ih ;i) ^ 145-152 ® I) s^ířjSíiUaUJOo Practice the following kanji. -fcť 4& (5) ^!l©^*^SU^r, ££Se^3XJ;X Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence ill mountain 0*1:110X7: < 5 ax'j ÍX ill it mountain road Z (Dibit £ÍTÍ ÍLn. ill sí L Mr./Ms. Yamada uUH3?A(l7C:JlTXo ill river )\\^^i IX 0 /jNill i X, Mr./Ms. Ogawa small forest; grove &#«tíl::*fXX 'J iX forest !?cOŤ^-AT*rXU i IX ÄffXX, Mr./Ms. Morita Affli/UlAPŽLi IX sky air SfX'i -x XX j& sea i?XXXi lx. Hokkaido it^iiliitXX ijit» it 3= chemistry it'jXX XX T'-fo ÍĚ flower íXXÍÍX--*jxí IX flower viewing Ä IEÄ £ l i LX„ 4ÍS j SSI 05(1) Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. 1. B*X1_ XX < i XX ') i to XX ±M a XX ____________....._...........XX_™_„__ Í5#t> *ÍL/: 3. 3c0 ii _x 6U 4. _____....._____Y.___11$ in X", _ _xť -o 7. :*U i L/;, 1 - 9 L i L/;, 7. [i* X*»ifi IX X X i-tX X \ L f XAX .£ LiX 9. I co_ si oko) rnlQrnm m * é . m & & 'Cli ÍS' ' .• v. - (7) iSí^í^gU^Ucfc-Ďo Practice the following kanji. .153-160 ft n /jifc /J1 Jji/v Write the readings of the words and read the sentences. Word Reading Meaning Example Sentence weather VH^fi/xcO-f, tbtfMti-fo # red #7-í V £ 1 < tíCAi-r. red # f ^ baby * blue blue blue sky é white white black s V * black fe color fish dog puppy ( 50 ) *10»(2) Rewrite the hiragana with an appropriate mix of kanji and hiragana. Rewrite the kanji with hiragana. T" I TAS cojleo A ft A :|±_ CO 'i3 T. 1^3 < 6 tí 5. C CO < 3l» (7) _________________•> * -y ítti^Ať______________í L. _____X A-7iLT^^Ai' ........_______________________......... i LT~Ťo 7. ____________......._.......„W.________ 7>? lift li_ 'J í Í" o *10B<2) ( ä CT) T©II©ll;K©^töDSU<£-5o Color in the pictures of the national flags. Co » 6 3. a. -6 7 7>X ■X 7° h -to i/A TOWioT, T-f ZtnliLitl-^^TfrZ Z £t}*T3 it. Z £^T* i to ^li*^Tto l^Yc < *Aff-äcDTX X+-^X/-~ »4. Ktft_r.__£_ xiX 5. _________________X _____________ ?XX 'J i 9 lJ m &li ____________IT *J XriX0 (& A. i_ t J A, li Xi 'J i-t 10. ._______.........________________________ tz TX If X XX Z'ISA, 11.__X^^HIt___t____^^^Jft'JJt, TAJ SI ISO) SI1B(D (' m]lw(2) & t n n w ft * * (T) a^sa SL/^u*5o ft If 3|s^ i (S) mmcomd-Tj^w^z.. si^m^L^o, m X Japanese tea brown ■ftSf Nagano vegetable to cut postage stamp precious /hJl]^liA^'*^T^o ft* to make BA3"«$it'J iL/:. handmade ** future taste I 56 ) SI 1ISC2) 1. _fftAt'^'b, _______________________ „ ist,^ litt: Ulli 2. __________{-yc_yf/t'I^iL/c. 4.___£_;______, V7?i____ 5. Z tf)____......___Ii__irh 'J i HfyU 6. #M€^T__*I^T, -Jot T*Ä ™""IuL/i"~ 7.__ft Ale_____________3 3 V- V ££lf i-fo 8. ____________Uli,__-h'hhTL 4; ?#\, ftl~- 9. _......^ ^ftiT,___...........«iL/:. Ä ft^ ,l.'/Vl 10.__x-yx'li___________COT. I^li•t^^TL/;. 11. .........._________Ii__/;?_____„ mi rises) f s: --4 *i T v—' ft'A, l; Jr B>A. I. -J< Which new kanji from this lesson includes the following kanji? 3 K 77 (5) ^^©1411 ft^'tr < 'J i t0 ^ A^h#li 7 ^ $* £-t a j -f0 -g-^ f,, 9 ^* £ £77^' &Z,nt^£i~o 9**11, -M »i, ;t/A - i1> sauce for noodle •£> to simmer co 4+ -5 to put on SI noodle )AA. ">Vl h to dip i "^>/c It pine mushroom pan Choose the names of the food 1 to 4 and write their seasons in the table. pi 111 3- A^a) -&(C A^7~ * * sound &i'MLA* < LT < 1z^^\ music *cotT*Sjf'W!^ it. enjoyable X^Ali^L^o/cTto LA fun *{*ArJ^L ATto song Jjm^AlilW^f-Tto to sing m- singer » A sAl- s# oneself bicycle #s to ride Ste*i:ft'Jito to copy /xfibco/"IX^LiL/A photograph « # W f j T ^ J4 $ # i J i L /c o center fflT.' t. T\ tí i L ŕz 7. T U TA L f T/rltii- COoT 9. ___________________.....,_Ji_.......__¥K Western clothes #1. to wear $tf/Ui^h ^>+v£#t ^i1"o ±# jacket T* underwear #< to arrive »12K8(S) ( 6 LT/Gl k> (Z£V i-oX t;^ft< x. tJLt l/a 3. _co _ T"_____£_____-------------- 4. £> ^ * ^ £*±t„ ic*'J it. fruit. £^'J it0 (5) B*A©I T * CO ft * I i T14s J — co Ä M £ 0 * A <0 20 ft CO H -k 452 AI: M * L* A iA> £>A £v> i L /:« Ä*li|b*iif A4 Z £j £ v \ •} Ali 184 AT. -#^^/;tt. £ ü 3 Y. J £ i a A Ii 177 A, Ht-süü £ M < 3 £ j £ a A li 173 A T L tz = n^#J lil64AT[WrJ J: U fi^fcTt. m^-/r'[^-y Y^-y A V\ ft t« t).t Z.i A 9AI2MV3>j !H>7AJ: 'J'tLJ^o^Tt. rF-7-1' A J £J ft £|~«l v^UJw + TIi, |"£ L ^ U J#*-#ASM<*> 'J i I/A z tift hih^tz^m^ j i i fzo -#'?^A/cft<5fii.trx,T--yj, HiiTttHJ, A#@(irx + o.~/ 3. 8. 4. 9. «-5 Z H 5. «t 10. b. z.nfrE>$ä®>rcimm& 1. X,f-7 3. X + 3.-^'/^ t:>' A SI1SH ÄB«SS n 1Q=b (1) ^ m II H 1 93-200 © m^mm 4x m m x house *lllRco^;< T-f. family parent(s) ftuJ: < milt-to «^fr kind my older brother older brother my older sister older sister i younger brother siblings younger sister (' 64 ) 3S13S(1) 1. _li_Tt. 9 t L J: 9 3. A:_________^'^Jt^, § J; 9 7cV D : liv ^___^' _____ ^ i 1~o 4. A:______l±___T'-f/K B : iH>i, ..............._______________________________________T"f0 L- yi-, 7. ^____ ^_{i z T &__° ""'g^xt;™^' felci^A LA-tiro 8. ZiK/^b_ic__,__I £ -fa fX. iiot ^ X. J; ') 9. H#/ito my husband ±Ali-^?N;&JTt„ fit to live 4-, II^i/l-T^ito thread full name paper letter £/=^t^*M<*.£ btzo 66 ) 3S133K2) _^b £ t>tz% 'Lb llt^-co__ ; i% T < Tito To < U li Tto ') IZ b 111 bwUA, ^Jil tz 6. I CO__^ ^ __________£ X. I/o $_________ #.T<£-*v>. (i *^*A T'Xt-H^ol, »J Tto -ft IT \±%.%\ TATt^T LT^ito L/C 10. ______________co__ £cO-t+Tt-C0T\ If SS13HK2) ( 67 © (25») (27*1 ------------------jfA<^^ © a: (23«) (18ft) A AA (16j») (13ft) aA2 Aco^ (25«) (19«) 1^ © (17ft) #fAA (13ft) >^A ey ( # ) © ( (D ( ) © ( ffiA*A 7 3 U 3 T7 > a b li A A i m — V ft b 'J a ta li T A 'j T CO ° m ~A ° T" a A a b a it a fr 4. * T ft T A A A b A A IC T j< T I A A ■=5. DO y u T 'bp 'J A 11 A * ° CO t IC * A y ° li 5l A y T # 15 a * T I CO A> i \ L li 0 li 1 A i T 60 ■o ■ A * ft a L I b A H T T li li a * A 7 A b li A A / « T 4- A A li 0 a l: A L b i: ft I: i / T" a# a « ■ft T A * it L A ') b A (i T T < i. \ A A a A. I h A Jl i pa li A i T A A Af T =t \z I: A T o A L A T v \ o •t % fi A A T A T A £ -< 'J A * 0 y 0 60 A A •j A 'J #Js i T" A f£ A & V Hf o o r ° T li L A A A 3 IC A l; ti '0 T y li !)f li v ^ o a A A li 60 A 'J 'J o co L T" CO — ft I 1 co A T i> PD ^ 0 (i 'J < -7 L H A A T A b i T A T ° T no CO A L CO 'j a li h A L X3U A A S"i|| conversation ^p'J'o"'} to get acquainted ,1'S^''L^ longed-for MPn1lr.SK.^U,J;-3o 1. -7 'j r 5 A li :AA y y: z Tfr 'J d^J I fcfto L. * 2. '/Ai A4?W«T b Ai:*7cBA MAT L A A„ li C 3. ^.TvaViAli-fsflf^MLiA^^ 5. v'JT ^5 AcO^jfA A ^^Af ^5 AIA y'z lc-[£ATv ^ i -fftQ 68 I fEfflSS H3S tsmmm id) # •m. m w m % & ¥ 209-217 CD ft' L In )fc Si # If m ± tin .!V* to teach church classroom lt*co#jcSi±z :?t„ wing; feather 1? to leam character *iAtl?^X^-T"i-= Chinese cliaracter Xf=3$ entrance ceremony KflHHUX^iW&'J H. examination 70 ) SS14KO) T-Tc 2. Z CO li__^'_____ A life ■ frtz L li. T-to 4. 0 BfB X i . i I > t I tzo B *t£co__________co 7 7 X T......................____________________'J it< Tin X L- It A. 6. Z(0_ co h-ti^) £>±L CO fi^-i*-< tz »> 9 If < L £ ABTt. B*T\ £ _____^________£____ 9. ^ti%*L 9 Z*< z* £Ux.T 10. J^fCL L Jt. li-s Lt?x:i x^ w tffii-x^i-to__fluffs i-f. -------^ ^ ,A ,J, vX " I'J) ? ( 0]4ii(2) ís m # % » n m ® 218-224 la It s IS [o (n) m-ís©^££i§ur> X£0č*3:Uou m x homework •^BliiSicOis-SiTi^'J i to literature composition culture A^TB^tÝfxiT'*it„ $m English ^^třr^iit^'-i-t. rm problem; question B*i:ii£ < OFÍM^ U if. ccoFlllwtiiijgrt^o fm question fciKJtF-^a'J i to mm explanation novel 'bUt:i!bt;T tí 5. #ACO#H!i T\ _ _ -SíAjEK .cOA^-ATMOfév -7$"£_ . L T < ft i L/:. 7. li'j: Lít 8. CftlÍB^c7)_ L >pfr\1 £>A7cV T'to _í79--3 Tto Z-:^-ti o ft 10. Z C7) led/; < í /iCO__ 11._____IC#|5jf^-s •JI' M'ítí i L tzc S14B (2) 0 imm^W-mM>i 1 ,-4 > r« 1*v> t/C/c'o Ljt?-tto LoU oXA ^A<0.................._ 4Bli itL'WWJ TX JX5XT < £3^. < TA3TCX _ it%.±fra.*~MmmL-rc, 5^1 #*' : B*l§^7^CO^T A* 1. SlXOLoT : ^S/liFlffl :7 J 217 f * 'J * ?,, ikWWrb±mU 205 garnet.. 2. ?5IlX:uX : a*«^Mt.t 0»Ofa«^^hU-':5^Ti1:^ £ < £ * IV, 3. Mf-iXoiX : *a£«H £9*1101*1* WJSTo #I£a>tS!*£:SW) deadline tKi' to translate 1. *j1!^bib co h ^s§-7 -7 x ii r; z tx u i ir x 2. fai:^ XftXX*J itX 3. b^ifcO|«fi^-oTX X 4. iiH-f^li £Xtci?tiXXX S514R ml5so) it ii # ¥3i ]& 326-232 ' (D 0 jn^a^u^uto,, it i X— (5) m^©r^73»ur, *suj;3o I, f ft * #1) * far far place i£c ^ near nearby ¥4xX£< XJXT'A XX scholar ■t-%ii^ ( T. li j J: 7 /A ~f/LT 60 T" _T'1f * i-f o * < Li? 4. j+Hli 5. ^-co^li'/C, li 1h 'J i-tfX,„ UiUi 6. _60_(7)^7xT,,„,......... £ Li L/:( 7. Z60ny t0a--7-li 8. ^i,C0 >hi < X __T-fft\ 9. TX L k- ^ x 10.____li-?-60 fr" < L ^ 11. -^60 Sissm ...............Ii=tf**_ |:oi'Tli Li L 7c« *'Jit„ nl5ie (2) i i 4 i i s i s, ;i233724»yK 33 m vms at y La A. rgrt (ff) igH©^a*7j£»Ur. Xfcgga^UfcOc ^—^ fcA, C S'A, weak m±tiftm^xfa bad 7;li*3li#|;,lwTTo dark Z60ft:tliH£oT-fo Av ^ thick Z |±ic^Tt0 A£ to gain weight tz< iL-t<±* < T. .4. Tto ^bJix. i to _x____________x__TS^L^_ 6. (7)$^y>T, .v t U £ b Xitc J: i> 9. ib 8. Sjwjj^. 6. ^fflv. ^ 4i> li-E- * 7-h fcť a ^ttuiirsiJ tz%%^tz < í 'j it„ Aftí a^u < t^ i> tw-ií r?tfu r^fij rti ý o it t < n í v n j ft žtu 7 o rtu y ^ŤTX^lií- Y t, Y K3 lí^ts -SAJ ^Ťtt^Tto r?l^"il^Aj IIACO C Y £S\U LT Ě^řco^x. Ýll-o * iJaXÍ-r!^ í CO KM^ [IM^H T to tele í, rtifí^* á co T5M?*^J T U 1- £ * L W T-^^'iS < ft o /=J ft < cofé^^í, ij i to ^6^6^tk^Jj-£1#^Tm7f o* L Li Lfc '6 vN Tt ot o t £ & £ originally Á breath fiTt-5 to mind idea tt. others 1. í,cOAIÍ-^t-Ťo%coiI*^#oT^-5.„ fi/;f [ ffio • -fto ] A^0 2. Lft^^/:-cOT\ «t Uíf < <»\t%V \ -ft^ ■ ]< 3. ítólifv^' [ fí < t • if < T ■h- ^ ^v«#x.igEift^o Í15ÍS lEfflMS 1 il6l£0) if & ..it # it m :t 241-248 0 M^zmwLm^o, 21 ft 11 (5) m?g©Ea¥7j^muir> S^Sl^UjOo ft * m X to carry ills driving driver *&< to move physical exercise automobile £i:liSS#JM,!-&#> 'J it. (something) stops *[i^60|fjTjhi 'J i L/c„ ±*6& to stop (something) ^± cancellation fflTM *y/£«hkl£ #< to walk &tii T#^Tff$ it. ft 1 to use S?SftoTMftJit. to send '1,-5 LA to wash f-Ji^T^b^i I J; 7 o bathroom suddenly ,ftl;t#-4^it.i 'J i IV-„ to hurry fitflf 'J ft COT. ,|Jit, express (train) *coSRTAffl:#oT < /i*^0 ti'k, I; trh, U 9 A.TAU i* U if 9 I- 3. 4. IS L -> /i Hi? 9 zzirUn iol 5. ____......_________ # $ 9 d 9 < _< ft o T ^ fzTtJ:, .LT^&sf\ 9 ATA f «b 9 l: ^/gftv^Tt = (T) ji^iiMu^uoo HE TP. ■ ■ i B p pr. ft =7 1 v 1 * <* m x (something) opens IWtt* to open (something) M < to open (something) Sri * Li ma. (something) closes to close (something) «^COT\ «£Ffl^it„ tft to push; to press : z£fft£, «M^*it„ 51 < to pull :*t.*3l< ^ tfi^'ojito 51 ^ tb L drawer 51 Ji±iLl:6Zo 9. ::J t>< I- 3; U S T 7 as* §1 m ( d ) l. c ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ( a. pull b. stop c. close d. bathroom c. open f. push t-j-Mi* L *-.»L A- -toff) .b.^^^ L*')U< ;.JJ^ri> IcfiAT^it APJlüRlc^T, ix* U-7 ^T, Ä^ft^Ali^lcjio Ti'it. A^niÄA+Tt,, J/;, *£äfclT PÄcojc^t,!: i 5 £ rtfeiiÄ^TiTitJ t^-iÄ^ft^/i-f i Tt„ r^^tr tt, A| TliT i 'yf\ &f£fz\ tz >Z fjfl i £ L/i„ ^^ji^^sf < T, Ä^ÜÄ^U'If 'J fci^S^i l/;„ Tt Z«tI|i(ft>(ä*t,tlilT*T, A R-^Tftt^ti.-^/g-^ito ft# Coming from &Wt£ to get a job ft-?- traffic light llsbt to honk Ii" A ii'A, =^L/t*ä* (in Osaka dialect) & v. = ii i IZ,\< (in Osaka dialect) ?7?'/ä> a horn LOfcA, CS 3. r^>£''C^b*/cX? j £ ^"(standard) «H^Tt^T < ^ 00 4. ZcoAliARlc-^T-^'-? g-^Ti'J t*K pff7f(l) E # ^ #'"a ® * - — h-h 7*. &h if Ä * m x doctor medical science E*£»;iT^ä-t„ •fei -£ (something) begins to begin (something) to come to an end mh 'J end *^<7*frlJi:&tt£^£t,J stone C«€liÄ< T^Ti-trAo research H*>c;#*Sff^LT^ito researcher research room to study abroad Ihft^bi +*'JXi:f *Lit0 international student 1h F>b*i LZ;« ^«ft famous *>^ili%^t«#Tto Off) iye>mj.%mmz. mf-my^mzb^mb^j (0 U Kb 5 A5' < .17, CtA t * o 2. _co^ld'T'. S tU X__(7)_ifz < * 'iL/c. 4. mm _..................«15 if a i c___ 5. L tz L-otjL (t A t * -5 L f 6. Z<75 ^£ t, Uli_ __tf<£v>«OT__________________71$ 11 to 8- _™.™_™-7 i:-J^Ti^J I/bo „C0 7\ 11. X. I x ■) -t± v. • _<0 7\ i U_ .7't. li z.;: Y '/)"'(' Jit, 1 /, ¥ i 7$ 1-tf/U (' 86 1 S17BK1) s17n(2) * * at $ i ± i± 26S-272 (D 0 ;I¥«SSUSLj:5o it ■ ^> ^ m -x ill' production z«tnii*£±siTXt0 industry -c co«i li i mm 7t« 7t „ It manufacturing industry Z cOHcoi^'iSllXf 7t. M medicine 1 to m< to work A*liSK7"#;v^rvi to office worker 5CI±#?±!Tto #i store clerk *.onili^-WTto fPUf I bank employee Sli^if I7to job amB £-f±*7X U 1 L7c, thing Iia7i7tff L 4 L/;„ a* fire i4< 7A3MX 'J 1 L/-o ■ft* meal aflB, ^7"t**Li L x 1. 35173(2) f n 1. ^fr'/co*:^ : tts i L /c *>l° 2. Li<[; 3. B 4_ (IT v Ten 4. Ť B (1 w__.......co..... ..............___ 11 _t\ JI < i T_ * * ± L ?= l t~ 2'j.9 L/v o uUTÍ /UiA^T'M :+<7)#fft£ LT^í-fo *í*li'<4 «*cO^ŤÍ T£t* *Pt Li: Li-1 7t/1 K*#fót>tm%1l>i1ě*>í L/c„ ÝJdiT^ťL^o/i^í^K **jA j±-j 9 L tz \k(±, ím M i; fr 'J /; ^ i; T ^ i -t i<, ÍUt Tm i tz ^ Aii $> v ^ co T. ft co^íi i: & Jt/f # iloH'Mi T't „ = n I^AcoA^iiililf^'J i't0 ýcoíÍ. r-All-^itt^coitíítAito UV-i-O -1-0- v_____________________________y away 'i—circle -•' ') 9 !l— ]• X — "/ a suit for job-hunting HTJUJ? resume itlVi'l each -f tjfelS biotechnology MSizfi; job-hunting interview ^^"f-S to visit ň Á/-r>-0> (i 9 fe/v 1. OiTi ^-liA^TJsj-ř^i! LTi>íth 2. liiTÍ /úli^LJ^ [c-fpjí L i 3. /CltoiJÍŽ-Ý^it^mi^ flíLÍL/:4\ 4. Lll^Ltz'ik, řU/^^g-.T^iti1 I17B ®hss ( 8! :18lf CD 273-3§0. (D 1 H it ■ ■ ■.. ft Jt 1* it m x fU" iX director general library E*§rr*XX *.i -t, movie theater embassy old times H\ Z Zlitit^Tl/X ft u £ to borrow H#tfT*£f£'J it. age; era -ft ... fee fCih 'J ic instead ftcofttX X f±fHJf„ to lend Mm map Mill geography underground 90 ) 818BK1) (n) cj-bD'tt^iM^iz, ^fruawmcfrxMLti, £ U > y + - |"y *^ I 's ■ jji If * * m x care xeoma Lit. the world «*lH^/^'Tt. ... timc(s) -^ic-ft. Bi:f'J it. near future; next time -^«COBBIB. |5j£lit^o ... degree(s) S *iA, ~o ... time(s) f^«T-sWL i L/co how many times jllc^lsJilt; L i ttf\ to turn ÄJtliiaoT^ito errand; business H^Bliffl^^^WTlttti-tf/Lo citizen ■ftfUfft&iX ft LT^ito äxt^ to order t:°-tj:'£iHXLi l£„ ft1* meaning äftt-5» to watch out; to warn opinion to prepare 92 M18H(2) v--^ frA. U frAu 0 (7) _ > ' •?> co T . A, TtK Tto fcL/cb t-7'>£l80_ i:-t7 f LT < 7c 9. -f V^-^-y hT_ if 10. riiLJ KU, J>*~r>ih 'Jit. _ LT < TcSv'o I18BK2) { 9! (T) uicz.^cDm^^trc ss^D^ua ft It 3| 1. 2. m m 3. 4. 5t£ W B + b a t a £ n *A a A M a 1 ° A a l = a ° Y3 4 fa a — A i li ° a it 11 n a b a t a CO H CO -A C SI t t a t JL ° a -> A «f ItA mi a it i a b d a tz a I: ai (§■ i 0 -t a \ ^ a V fif 10 b a 11 a" i" II la*. a * a i D 'j i B a i 1 a t £ ~7"-" A a 10 A i - o h 11 t 7° ° \ \ ° 7J a I yi. m t a A> c li #S B t 1 t A L CO I t a * 11 5 -o A HI to t \. * L A^ ■i T t a ft < tz t t L t a a CO a ft? a w 4 a /; h 'j co If a AM * a 1 1. u X A i t b 0 i A a — b ft a a ° — a a li -i a. t H o i ft a 4 £ # ft I K^IC^SUcttA 1. H*lf I: li AAAA^'A; 'J i A4\ 3. A-AA AA-A(1AZIC*'J ifA -f I TAT ATA i A^' 94 «18H (Bffl«S i19li(1) 51 ^ t# '/'#•■' ® i) m-p%m?$ims*5. ax II J33 -- ——— A So Ifb A A ft A m A si head gPAi^coT, milkAiltzo face mt;A^£ L tzo voice AJo^TfJLT < t-:il^. especially H Aft 3 Tt# 1: A L ^ ?# J T A o muz to separate ?A«, ^]AAAi:^^i L/c„ special ABIiW?']ABTAo not in particular ^HIi^]i:ffl*A'* lJ i-ttAo ^ijco another AA* A ?'j <0/£ T»n A v A A a fr bamboo Z Ali-ttTfF-o A^ATAo ^7 to fit 2C0JRIA1A < TfACA^-tf/A game; match EflB, I'fScOl^^^A 9 ±A„ to be in time to answer Ccotr-Ac^x.T < A^^o answer zmfmo&iftbfr '1 it-t+Ao S19IS(1) ( 95 v-' ith a »h is $>tc& 2. ami sit K'-fUi Ltz cot 3- _________^"?\ _T"___ 4. A ! 4s H T>?* *tlT feift 'j i t<\ i b 9. CCO________________li_______ COT, 10. C CO...........______li. t < T, a:cd 96 S19BO) i19lS(2) I I tt I I f >X CD 0 ji'f-^^su^bdc-j,. it 9k — N TJ 1 % 1: f o5n * * ffl X t-V- New Year's holiday Mtnmwim.iW) it. right Cco^x.liif. L < *U i-tf/C. lE^ft formal noon S^iztm^i 'Jit. m l* same afl+ clock; watch plan #*Aco|+iSS-jiTi L/c. Tokyo Xi:A/K«A#lf^ft$ it. to collect fe^^BcoW^**T^ito mi * to gather fMIft inconvenient ~>xt ... or more cOt^lii^H^iT't. ... or less lf^flWT«*^||LT^ito other than ... fcJWk f ?@M$ttl L i L/i. Aft 5138(2) ( 9 CO 11 I At í á L X Ť PI jA^/l-atz A A cO 4. -r l JA AAft čo ft o V t A 6. IcO II 4X Ľ „a* í ta a •j jt i') XATft < TllXti-tiAo (73 9-7 'J i-tŕ/C„ 7 »í L x x 5 .i t203\ t * Ľcfc 9 cOT Ti-o 9. &ii_................t____________________________ŕ__ ľVÍt c 10. +-tjt_ .AA(i_ 9 ATA .T" í i A ii. ^B II h -> < T „AfUSIl. L J: 9 . T L /- 1. fcígfcífcĽiív^i ( ) A*J i to iL^-Ťlcíi'o/cť,. Tí, It i LT#^TA9 .TíTXtJ Ľi^íoRíto ut, a a ft T" #i •(+ *> ft® ^ ^ 9 it?'i ft mm*z^ô wnmm -e-) i; t*, it. ^llfcitj^^í*|)fílc*Tt;-fiŕ,fta£'(/FlJ i ixa, 4A1A^°- l-ftX" TI 9 3 Y t> T$ i to Ý L T, #Ť±^«#lcfe# 'J left 5 i t. £#Tŕf < A 4 w i to Ť« ftX II AAA ŕ>fiá.£í,ŕ>^±t„ í^i Yt^ii\ ■1-mŕz % II íi^f i Í^TtlUľAA'ít. tLCÍ fSL^ti relatives to celebrate ff-WjK New Year's card lii'J^ greeting &$t;f; soup with mochi ©f rice cake K# 'J visit to shrines and temples < to arrive LOfeAj lit 1. BATIlAíE/l Alílr^X L itA AoPXA#^T < AíA 2. B ATI1ÍA"E^ lA^Í L á t Ao £''«±#^T < XťA \ *] 93(2) 351 9SS EfflifS '.305-312 r - - (2) mf©-^^/a**irc. ££ji5?*3Xj;X case #W<$i^*§-&\ tit Li to meeting place factory :<7)XJ#T$£±t LT^ito *X§ counter; shop Sfm^ X#li*TTXo p door ~p)t ... place £Xft?f\ TtX kitchen Zco^p/rll^ < TfH^Tto am address flXli3f->T-f4\ K.yoto 3lXX*X L /C <_ 9 LX 9 II,_ U J: < £ 9 (ire XX it______Tto U * 9 L J; 3. cO #i9t L < Idi, ^ < CO___ r;X 'J ito II _ ftX'coijX 5. ziy-<) i-tt/U (something) advances (f) astf^cP^ii^ic iS? £ rj- 5 # & I z fr* * u * o 1. IC if 9 ^'"J *,<0 CO 7 3. li ftl^Tt. % fi 1 c < z (J-oifeA £ < ic 4. li u li L/co * fa ^ J; c_ 9 t * -3[i°"9 5. 6. _. _7)_U____________......J'ito 7. z TMKLr^§*A^A«A*äLAA0 ^ Jt CD ft * i - B * £ jft !t L fc ^ t JI o T ^ 3 A A A #\ tAÄAAt»»i| ^T^-5tftMc?AA#A5B#fc&US;Ao U>£JU L A 6, -Bit A A-AiA B*COMIBs m^tfV^i: gestio A**Affr?rriARA-4^A 7>75'«^A/^> «fff *fAfc boi^Suftio [iffHo B*A'XlbA/& U S Ao i$;A SÄ £ '7 - * b I, ä. 3 ft * 1? A t > A to &tt#*> recommendation IMS apprentice ,^ejAx> U >'•?/I- rental AS: powdered gi'een tea 'Cit^tm electrical appliances I?ä a night view UD-öA/ Ot 2. /;/7Ab3>tA-7-fI^/;A-5/A, A3 icfjA A iA ^ AAA 3. *A/Ai A3 lAf 5/A 'ügwi L/;A A 9 LT TAA\ JIM) IB20g (SffiSi (?) m-f-^»m^i^5. ;t # ^ ^ $F ^ 321-328 a -- 11 If z. 1—1 m x round & circle hot z t#:*ift^„ m fever enthusiastic to be absorbed cold & to become cold r^mitz^-M%nXitzo to chill to cool sweet to spoil dirty f-^' 'COT, *o/;„ to become dirty ZcOMIir^tT^-So to make something dirty fruit egg plate; dish t3 < ~(-k*\->M£;°ft-;,fZo 106^ saimi) 2. ^C0X-7ji 3. fW!|i>^ 4.___£ JOT*. ^L. £ $1, T .tWi'o $ 6 $>h~ih 5. h^ff)Ml....._ 7. icifl; 11 ?-t ~ JsVv^o ^ ') tz cfc <~. L/ "C _______LJo/; = JMf o/co J J; 7 Lo CO lift I 0 13. y'a-Xli^-j^i,_ L * < /J » .£;S*tT L ± ^tzo _* if h, 14. __......__ypb,_________ tz *2m t(0 SS215K1) ( 107 (7) m-te&mimi.j.o. 329-336 ft - "* tit -ft g 11» i 4i (5) mE©3g^S»ur, X«R»SUfc5., jji jg. « >* ! #1] x alcohol (A tz h liquor store B*;@ sake B ^:$lt$ifr b;tt b* drunk driving salt to date frit* to attach #< to stick B#/B#lt dale /t#lt* to tidy up /nit one way &< to burn; to bake to be burned; to be baked to turn off maum it X -3 something turns off; to disappear 10(1 S21SC2) Hi * «A to digest hard; firm x\mtm< r, ^£»^fr^„ to harden counter for small things individual 12. *5 tf T/C3 (lit .Li,/;, Of T 5. _iN b , in * & co 6. _____.....____ JC < v J t ■) t 9. ZZl: ---^ .„ „ _ „. £ ■¥ B co __ ^ * 7 L J: ft;g y-^tf .£#^T < tzi\\ SE 136(2) f H)9j 10. L ,1, 9 A> ^ L/t 9 11. j is* J- __X*______£ _ ,..... ., _w ° ' -c 12. X-/I/ 13. 7? * 7 I- /' 14. //;H-T 15____T W->T, ___ ■f 7 7cc 16. *f-/il- " ~~ lE^f- (i L i £ 19. ........—J75"^__ ~ ™?±* ~~" m-/ ft ■ ■ < l: i ic&frft'■ 20. / V-ir li X b ft' ' < 1/ 21. 1 Tli. r <• b (110) 1110) S213(2) (T) 33?7^^^Off07J #14 ] /ifcfe (flour) 50g / 50cc fp Ha 40g if'CO 'J (dried seaweed powder) ■/ (dried, shaved bonito) HWftJv-x (th-v-x) 3. //,u:^ 2 U*ITM4. * 4. 3 W + IC^oTc + t^'y^^^XftTil-tt^o St 5. m< L/;77-f'!/'|: 4 ^OAlf^o 6. 5 coJ-J:/gcr*l£cO-riT, Llf b < L T// **/<> 7. $mmit;h. mzr.ia 8. 7IC7-X, 73/X, —3fcSf5. -f CO ij ^-ZiMtT-fc^^o **/c < /o //fe^L < ft^cOT", / *,i:t%^ squid /t 6s prawn Order the following pictures according to the recipe. ( )-/ )-*( )-*( )-( <0 b. d. 337-344 - (ff) UHg©BE3M5£l*UT\ £>£l^;£l,dO0 ft #1 X £-> to laugh smile >£< to cry to be angry tlii painful ^A pain headache SMS W < T, pain to be embarrassed 1.___(i,___t V H ' AcO _!i\M+ftv\ 3........._____________________.......______< ->Hi^fz h,__ *> tz b I. ^ h I 4. -fi£co_ :fto/bc li I o 7c b ft o /- <5l< 6. t> ^ 7 _cii, .^l7rC0T\ -tiVn ■ CftoT, Wli ■ft1_ -j 7c 9.___ 10. v^ft-_ 11. ______ li^JTIiftH' < 09 _, nTc/)Ali_ 12. 13. CO V l-J-T _Ji. ft^ft-^ i r'^iT 14. fi-IE^' .ftcOT\ CO i 1.2) spaB(i) SS22K(1) I 113 ) 345-352 - A8 BR 'It aixx gas BR 4 ft •* to worry to distribute to be in trouble spicy sleepy m x i«xa: y. £^klxx< mm% < t-ix txtx-. /bo to sleep tXViffiTiPUlX" to remam to leave something n1) remainder _^£i>______________ S'J W^ffili^H l jx, «;ix regrettable ^fXf IXj: < X JfctX to feel £co@ U#IA£/SLXc ?§L feeling; impression " *>r I i'i to be moved; to be touched emotion ^lii^ AiLcO^XAX complaint ¥«£lXtlTSXX circumstances friendship I 114 msSM(P-) 1. ____________________________. t'COT. A>6^ 2. vn/306tt'*X 3. *X_ co:: lx .ltxa LX«V faC,fi&A>o:fc 5. 5tX(±_ U IS =fe 9 xx »j AX UX 9 „XX fXJX^X Lit A 4A/X 6. XfXT cq Kf> 9lX 9 AX U 5 9. *C0 txx 10. CO xxx x#x/x, fX 1 11. < i-'J fefc< 12. X vXA ______, AX^__ COCoT X*?XoXXb, xxx X & < lx 9 13. ^t-co CO /L- T 4 co IX AbcO-frfe I; It Li AX if 9 .LX S22!S(2) (T) 7-h[yXiS?xvi7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 fflft^ft/rfe$ bM'i>. K7-?^h&@ £ JLT, £, i 'J ji^ftv ^o £p b ft ^A £ o T t§-f «01i/•= „ —AT^&CQt^J^o £ #C0K y F C ^ ft ^ Y. , BRtLftH \ #^it<*§i;&z£^^„ Otf0ffl~5ffl©A hi 'J?U: Lft^cOT, *Iit£ Z £T* 'J i-ftf*. Mtl^Tto tLX \- l/X^'|,§i ?Tt« 4^W|TtMffili£ 'J i-tt/UA tafii;/;b, fc'SS I:Xt/; 'A 'J iT, ^y^Xfi^PuTUio ;AcOBIc ^i-i £ ?3t ■ $ ft ^ Z Y. T-f o ■os' ^ft 'J X h l/X^Y: i o T^£ J: i T-fo ^^ft:(f £^#f|cf§ l'T, (,tK^!^>^tU^L ftH^'/;i tT5 /i b, x ,t°-y ^#Mf ft ^ TfW#2* Li L J; ?, X 1 l/XS stress level S T li £ £ to apply; to be true Sillfif optimistic «t4 to fail ;RSt situation fatigue U 7 y 7 X t •& to relax fz£& to accumulate v^b^iVi~-S> to feel impatient fX^^s^ change of pace Cm) mzsm mmmm s23mci)' & th -St # — 1/t m ■% to memorize to forget things left behind to decide Hit-a r; z -Mt < ^J*^ ,j; -j „ to be decided J* IT never ;* L T w AMf £ ft ft ^ * o plan ±Bl h cOt^bIic tfa^rtO-f ,t /"c'o holiday (of a store) ^«0^|iH^B^frH/£o decision £m&}§tt-miz;A$Litz„ to compare to receive a^c^^itT^b. nmzft&o *tt/£ittfit reception taking an examination class mmb^tztL wkvbZo professor fi&m%£ttzmi)\z3b&o tuition zco^*co«*l4liS^0 pupil ll«S(0Sf £ ± It 'O ^ o 352311(1) 117 CO 2. $,«7^«_ U * £'«fc 9 U <ř 9 ÍTl> t Ž o t _li, ft CO TV* IC_ 3. J£li_ TV£ fj> oil T < 6AT tžo li -Hr^t L J: 2 Z i #i'T Ý _t, -tc_______ t5-=t -oX fcTftT COT, ÍT »oTli^ltft^o 7. cOA*£_ It o l-T -t-S Z tl\ mm T D'tf>CfA 9 If-Olf ft Í X 9. OiT._ CO # cfc 5 U i* U W> f l^0 mistake Míi^ M:f^?^ť>-ft^o /bo it*. ^ difference ^t«iit^i:o^TlíÝffl^/:o to be useful -r±^cOSi:ÍL^7^^„ city hall rfT.fÍ3í^41IAaííl;-fŤo @í a, everybody $i a,cO£fi li^-Ki-HA,, all Í23ÍSÍ1) S23B(2) 119 he; boyfriend they she; girlfriend (g) c>Stf»£:;ffXlA m^Otiif/*Xo Itz ihtzt ^tzCDU J: CO -?"?#X 9-»^ 5. ^«c0_ X ^X MX T co #X < ^XXoX 7. . 6<— v_ $*>#X ?It < 8. _ .L XJL ■fOg" J; 9 9. £>cOAIi1X. l± A f, $ II L : r -HI J: 1 ifebfrf 10. 77XT £ X 11. 12. A bo/:; t"_ ^ < L «s> -5 A 3 Z £ X X L r)X iX teoUX? __Abf/XvXSX IXX L XXo * J: 1 ___c0_______ _XrHX X \ *>#X 120) S23Xti:X-7'T«Ht, XJ i L X Kli Y. X t»T, c n o L Jt ic^mwftl f Lt { Kfz >j , &<7) H ^fgco F^tcXi L t < ixtz 'j Xto ft^AJtK * U X X JfX t, Ra*i?J XAfAXXj £/--IXilX /;cOTXX -fiHXcOi4*(i |Xa6/C„ ^ign -JtL^AA i/;M,jTL/;„ B^AIilXXJ rNOj £,lXX *£&fXX: tz -f /t TX i XJSl^c- I: I it* L T u £ tiAo (X*coxy--32Jt-^) jx1'xa comedian a a life ^ca friend }ftt stand-up comedy by two comedians 35,81 smiling face ^ t+ -S to make someone laugh friend }ftt stand-up < >«-;ca i;.sv. 4$ i 123 J to deliver m < to be delivered ^"#114-5 47 17-1 < llt'/A convenient to use (f) i>ems%i$-?'\z. 1. «0 11 ft t£e -tK//, U (* o <£ d £ A i? J; 9 2. COT, =NHT*T < 7c ^5 *46f 3. ZcOT\ 4. "coA^co_ tt'ltT AA.U 5. f"'-X_ 9 # < LAblt/v CO __ 6. i: C j: 7 -if'At-A /£M^T, _______ 7 A T /C i m tj (0 9 C*)-5.-^14 co \' < U/c.ftft' 1 8. £ £_ UJ;9 .Ui^^b, ^co/<"x|l_ <>-9d;9 9. B^li_ T _ftH£*:_ 10. 17 / fct 7 li Xt> ct 9 $ 'J < #-ft L i ft^o A ( 124) SS24SK1) (T) ^^IS^U^Ucfc-So 377-384 •»33 m TO (5) m§g0Sc*££8^T\ XSIEa^UjOo ISA 7b" m x to pay A^coti7«S*4£&o/c0 to do laundry laundry M±T*;I'-ft£--f-r0 to sleep S8f BIlSiTftT^-So mi nap *l Tit^f * = to dance dance -iftatsi'j tm&itzo life t ') H*CO^>§|7tlft/Co -a %n activity- a* weekend A* the end of a month 3*li«4-/;^i;ft< ft^„ the end of a year ^*!7fciEH^f4S£^^o end of a period youngest child fAllHAX^co^oTr/co somebody's house (polite) ^-ftcoj^^ii ft, f,ttK w% returning home ±Alii/£'Jf€lT'-ft>'. at one's own house lt£Tl4«t£P-w^T^o # 'j festival it*. £'J SJLKff j cost for .. housing average 4sli total f±/fff 54,700 PI 24,500 n 3.500H i-ftft£" 4,000 R 5,000 n 32,300 R I24,000R T* 3 b#Ph1<" b i' W p/f U * -5 o # B , F| €b A# i T'5t i «(i Ag ft <0 T", A*coii< \z\iyn-l,-? y y B y HtrU Ti>4. *-»li6>yn/c„ *| ft co T'fUX -> T o £ „ 7R <'t,^tz\ A^PJm&U&o T t b -o T^-So Oin H afB ^ ^ifBiTAf^ff < o /A >T^ 9nf i:4i«^^i lJ, 4H#^|c|?-b4o /yxf-7/U:2v->H^(0Tai:2R $*WjJl3HfM //Xinif ff^0 *-7/W*iJ***^BttT/l"M FT, 109f2*^#^t S&gTUfcCMS-fc^T. ?bS£IT. «^cO|i 12B#£itf £ z £^^0 &%H±V—7 'y«#M £H§ 'J £ 'i , *>i^rf P££ L/":Hl)o A >" xco-^six^^^/scoT", ^(i^-^/iOT^FJi^i^ r*-f#^71 a*t X#±)$lc-:n^T, lijD^/Ji r^Wi)$litsJ*T"^L^Tto ^SftW*!.! ^L^KT-f^Al £f£LT^£o ^CM house rent fll:\4 to like #rl friends -Xfe competition mmz^x-SL^o, 1. iitnU^yy g y £fu=X-> T^^Siii-fsfT-f ^c 2. aia^Acoi>$f li^ < bTt^„ tiMnk-> T^i t'/r= 4. 4-, Jl* i / > X co^-l £ I T v Z, (D |i -i LTTt ^\ ^nZ\ fs25is(i) ¥ fa m #- & & 385-392 j3L — # sä m -sc weekdays X h ft flat Ojifwmii^bftiifto peace Japanese food to fight war ■#-7 to fight; to quarrel «Ii J: < ft^o to be cured 3^7f^oft^\ >Öofto fat to cure -¥-<#äf(,$;f}L ft^„ politics &'&co; £ £*ob£uA)J<^\ politician experience via ... '(IJI4T K-f v-Mf < o economy ft»ll/xlf'-->i < toTi^. economics >>*; (something) finishes to finish (something) (Dl) ooo'S^ilflC. il^aeö'i^Ö^Udöc, _u ft -? x, ^sfi c*. fct05>& A*, 4. ;xr 10. 7C0_ __T\ .....„ _. _,,Mt ? , '_________£ L ft o cn^ (tint a 11. CCOifsM^'___ Kj) -} i> ° fj^Bm (2) m... # m m . m (T) m^mwb^L^o it .393-400.; ---- m A ® IS ft mysterious political party (m) o5tm>m'-?u.> ;so-6ö<«irsxsb, ___Ift-fJL________«*fi:X-,/c, 2. _____________.....__________<0 * x i frA.£l^ 3. XKT. CO * * X* grammar X£ method yKDjfrii^ltdll XnT < ft*X>„ 10. 3E.Ä principle; -ism ^liif-?#/cft^±afto democracy BtliK,±±«C0tSfto 11. f! £ i'.-ft socialism conference; meeting fi a (oif-m-m ^xtx*. 12. HXIÄJI Member of Congress X] .X? _£- IC < T-, 3X st 2 Xx ä li_ PflXtlft X4H /r X 7. h W-oX _X1Xco/r______........_____ fto La E>/, Li: g ££-f eft ^A (ftft WUttTftoft-ft< ^ft«ft>Rl!tSft*ITV L^(,«,f II, r«£ftffl*tft!i*, j6*M<-/&*J*:#1*T. lAUWW'f., «**t'JtlM+* L -ftft -Id L/. ft ft o-j' ?E * ffi L ft ft ft« ^ ft ^ * T ?t ft ft t« ft ^ ft a* i c -it £ ^ i^ft'ft ifArf< ■! tJ £^7>£t#£firv\ ^ll^t leftft?^ ft ft I; S11 u, ft i t „ #i11 % A T ^ b 5 0 #■ J-X ± 14 o ft -ft T C »|-,T, *ftft ttlf #oTAitft*\ -f one thousand origami cranes .'iftftfrtejoSftlS Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park WiLi, to visit origami WJB- atomic bomb IS statue ftjM" -5 to grow up £=? jfej^ leukemia 'S B# in those days f| crane ~5R1 counter for birds HA Ift this world ft-d to leave fti:'? (time) passes JiLUfefflhittO. il 0 < «11 ft ffl I x £ * £ gx * 5 1/A!i'< 3. ( ) StftytftftllL r«l«f«tJ*!*TUft, ! 1.12 i mem Bffl«« i26sd) ^ © ;«¥^SlJLSLot:50 i _^J. So" 0'1 ft to play at*, j€.^^ftft*fto play to swim ttli;i<*d<4?±tft'o swimming ^K*coi^i- aicff o fto to get tired £itM'*< TftKfto fatigue €ft*gi:ftHf(i^- cool ttCft-S L ftiA. tH-ft quiet ft, 7«0«tlittt*H'-ft„ to become quiet .»/;?i4Lfe«r, Mlif *->/bc ;ttl-ft calm ®iiwot;fti?ffto 'A-f- impartiality »1 park zoo sari* amusement park ,ft.ti;*ffl«Tiaftft» SI£6S(l) ( 133; (f) u^ms^mm^ m^osmMztpxmi,^, 2. 9 A Oft/; < T ______________________T b^/cB#, fell______________________........ 4. 4-H» CO (1 ffxf *tx 1*9 •otrntz (5 9 'J o jihpl 1- UTS o/c II XMi^t7 X\ XfJiX $>tctzft< X-^ $ iSH* 1:ii;fiTX -> tz o /JS window #^cot',t£MltT < tz*\\ window/counter in a public office ,%"nTXiX*X/X ... side Ali£#l£#^ *l±£#XjtX leaf word; language ttco^-v U-X'StXtXX',, postcard }tSitiX#i:t#£ilXX scenery JjCO±iX_ (CAS*J; 9 tt*ft a-i L ft __T\ co li_ _ft-o/cc 9. bz.fr iv-s J7M ft'J *ftc*> /"v V-::"'?:- ■-■"iT:-/-'_ (7) iljffl±CDifflll ft +_ r. li ft 7 ft # |C a a ft 1 -r -/7! 17 ft A' ¥ y 7 % ') OS « ft * co tz ft a; co IC 7 Zh-- ft IC B 4r H < 7c y m ft 7° X li Ä A ¥ ft 7ft i co li -5 If 1 If ft T •7}' ft ft fei: » I. 7c 7 -ft t li Bf Y. 77 71/ -ft: . b ¥ T ft' ■# IC li 7c IC • ft *> lc < XX IC li ft b t ^f * ft 0j m Mt ° * -r ft i li t #- T tz ~> T ft C7 ¥ *ft tri;-7 ¥ y ¥ ft *ft ft 7 ± X ii <" tz -tr Wf 1 b ft ° A r. IC _ #7j Ic co 7c y ■5* < # ft X is T -c ft 0 co * T ■» 7c i s /z H ■r y ft) i co ft se * m *. 7 * ft IC b ft ¥ m W co -5 # t —*, l H ft ft «0 * L ft 0 H _ t- h Z\ il T m ¥ ft %> y tz ft ® 7° ft IC 1M (i ^> j: IC a » / ft j" At li 1 b Wj tz ^ it * m l ft * li li ¥ ft tz 7ft j I ° y. 7)< T T> li ft b ff_* X m li < '(' -(+ ti] Hi (1 ft ft' ° JL £ co * vi CO ic y \ ■< A ft Ic 4*7 L < y T" ft if m )f +' m 0 ft i li' ft ft i 1 T Bf li 6 y ? Ic " 1 X. -ft) y ft IC y ft Y. ic i__ i. ^ # T ft 0 ^z a i ft -r l IS ■5 ft 11 l li- co li ft I U y f l m ft} b IC IC th L ft i ft co V) *? IC Ii T li 4# li i* ft ° ■ft> ft* ir 7 gg. l iL ^ —t) /c 7A ft 1. N ft b 1 T m m ft 7c ft 77 H't: T T ft T ft ft ft < co ft g* goat j i ft rabbit Bl^S; director tJ',) cage i L yes ^ift Lo release ^4.7: to scream —H'i' all day long ^tf^. u> publisri ft/^t'X rapidly Soft's to visit a~e^:, ft; D ft CO KB SIC if- ^ S U :3» Order the a-e according to the story. ( )-( )-( )-( a. p**<-< y ft y «■ ft- ft Tftje-Tj-'ft ft c. «Tlc3!li«'«MTbftfto e. ftfttJifcft^ft/j^^HIc^ft,, )-*( ) b. iz%¥mmm?^ftc d. *7j#y II IC ft /;<■ ft < * ft * ft 0 ; 136 ) JÜ26HK2) Ü26H (SHOT 1 137 (T) WSJU3;Oj-Oo -jit j3jj ^t<4< A ft * U A IS.': to tie a knot result to marry $mtZ>-fritz. together in common public z z [i.^ Ac parents both hands #ftAi < TS-f TAST'j.'v \ both (sides) m^MP^iU^X'A^i. v. wm both sides young young people ewifcligt«HTAft-^?* "So *A old people *tl±*Ai:«,^i:f "J 1. It -p C A I± j:i'A;, U J:-; AAA; _______li ____COAACO_______ «^A'„ 3. *__liKTt.jfc*U\ ____________......___________„_A^ = 5 -5 U A -fv^x^ sj|~> T 4. _______________«9*£__ ... zti\z_ LA 1 -5 # J; b T5 T. U J; ? &A-trX ItiA' 9 tlL ^A t A T" U "fc> :.iA _Ao LAAA * L. 8. A! Ab_ :NGO«_ fc>*>tA iftoti^Wt. 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( ) -rffi<«L < ^-#~^'AW A £ A x. 6 AA 142 ) 3127« [BMla (7) -»y£«5BL3;LT y h t AI "J- i tz o m'J tHA to take out 5AdiL/rt-;, S^ifxijtbL/::. * 'J MA to cancel «A last ii ,k I: --A 1 i # -li I: ^ ■>/:, JftA recently the best the lowest l«t«9e*li«teA->/i<, «*-r the latest Ay hTft#«0i3.-x*JL^. most '# ±aj|iSATfttS^OjAo *IAl;A last train of the day * f«- 't $ I c Pfl I; a ^ t£ i, ^,f-a first mv^bW.m i x < t'i^c at first tommfti-m^vw--, tz d for the first time T it;€'it * Mt L A „ -# number one AS co 4' tA ft//f-#-M-$ t1; „ ...th in order Ali = #g I A^-f A/A ... years old --Aa 20 years old wassd) ( 14.3 I ft counter for flat objects if counter tor books ft ... hundred million ® 1. T .______________L/c„ 2. li H *t&// fto/c-,, 3. b co X v -b" y h $ '.) J: 7 I /L. 4. ti ________tf< -5 _______ft-^cOT. t U (t L 1. 8. o->rii L (t/C _________«B#,__________ C ISA 46 lift*. a/-;i 10. n. 12. 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U-i*-J i * <7)ffe<7) ZlKTfi ii Z t b (D * X 2 -7 - A -t; X comicmania@com.jp 'A 1481' S28il S.BiS 3. £XAi#X ^ft^^mftl'-i 'j if^. -.Ay a 5. ^X^«^. 5±X^Bx 'J >i|t Z ^ t. procedure Z Z TX^cOXiX X continuity *ijXX7£jlXX„ dictionary «^»xfft>jx to resign Kli^lBf^T, @*LX 1. __________»11___________________________• tz^ t^X =t tfrL -O-Uvtz 2. ____^__X£X, ___________________________T -tfXZ< l=tX ftA?< ___co _________ 4?____________________________........ 3._____£___,______________________ xx f ^«>t ixx /i v-b^tz^ 4. __________________________________LXXcO___________£IT________IX xt z x 11 a -tH^..t 5.___T _ __„ __ __ _ <0___£ I fz „ ■9 (tXt —™— x—™— 6.____________________________________.....XXX ............______________o -oX^ L 4:9 -V' SC'JX 7. ____________IC_L/X<\______IfXX^ ™$f'J * 9 ^ < ttAXl^ -ffo tlHC 8. ________________co_________________£__&______^Xo HC IX J: ^5/Xo i,T 9._____H'EXX _........________________CO________________X„_„.......... iiU L * XX IXC 10. __________-.y-^______iXXXi, lllX-X_______6 ™ ffilf ' -M-tXX *> ^ 7 11. XX/___________________T I,__£______________________________Z ifL< Ott J;.t,i 3. 4-H(0lí-^T________|c 3^1 j: Ji 93+ 4 If 5 -ti-A Lt# Ji ií*t XAco li co 1/C.rX i. Hi tit: ----_______ť______í-tícn^__tz\ Ix i b^ C< ži>TS L C*ií (04!) 10. ■fir® b. 12. «bli 13. _fz^\zQB_ II Mřo x_ tztzi^X _____ti^tzo st CD t° y 9 ictbif L . -So co / £ ft o /c „ AilAli-']^: 5^/j-i',AcOH©ltl I -t «0 9 ^ — AIi fan, I: ilIi'^l. /:: ^ 9 ti T"*> * „ l990*UHlf AATf«#-l. 1992*. +A)ST' t'y 7 T & ASTC'IA *M *OW>IS* 2000* <70-> K--*'J Vf-y^TIi, rftSTir- *-&T"t£J Kt-,T«WI^/1 3 '£ ^Wlw^JriU //Wf 2003 * bltif L T. SB*** f *^ £-£f U£tttf ^ *«, *it£Mlt7t-o 2004*COT7"**'J V\£v9, tyfi\,V.Vkb-ytz. & / f Illicit f ftfzft, A'f T £ L \J.-J>'b—CO* L ^ #I««tMf lftll-5«*<0#(i, f < COS -fcAlZ'mi: 4-J-/-:* j~') > i: ■•/7 the Olympics tfcitT-S to be in a competition #43: height fHM*6 to win in a competition ttlf9ftli"T to throw out A# competition ft* representative AH to give birth it* Beijing h% ( ) : SitiilA A___ 2003* 1992* : _ ____________ 2004* 1996* :________ ____ ______ 2005* 2000* : 2008* [ 154 ; S29B n,mms A4~ Efcar * * ~] « '* m * *T (something) flies to jump out Ml£i~ to fly (something) M-ftM airplane m& opportunity mxnmizn washing machine A 9 to lose A* unemployment AliA*LT-*t:^-50 subway *mil*< Ti55fiJ/f0 iron railroad fiizmtfti'i^/za fast z fto ;S*7£ to let someone stay overnight iCal^lAk^fto (5) rj-B^s^-i^i^Ai^^o-Btfrcficft^^b^Oo i. ccofflj(i_ 2. ^fl<0_i:_ _ KD O L f 11' L J: L* * *" J; 9 *< tlfc to'f it (1 14 is* fritz t> «t> 0 L *? b S. O LJoT r_$ . __________,__ AA ft- _T"_LTi'^A^______..........._________Y.)%-ktz„ .m4^$ Lof'j: 9 ^ '•iitzL 9. t*T 10. 'J «t ft 11. 12. ......^ A h $lzM^fzo attendance empty scat ft island peninsula f S4'A£»T L/c„ APi continent 1* land airport *r L w $ ;f £ 3t T h ft ii A * !> „ ># port it bridge 3 CO^Ab^fcftliftS/A 5c# police box 158 »aoa(2) us .Lft„ < 9 r; b (7) < d-a-i _£ JLb*ift^J: -) i; 6. __r_________ 7. £ & A v______ ___1 i-n^-r______________ CO 1 tj li" < 44 11 At b ib-itz L (* -j If ^ 10. 11. ________________.________J*ftfrhf£< T,__ ;:. b li'A. it 7H^J < 12. 5sfl£_ CO iz-^l/L II 9 II 9 (7) ;+SSf?fT lilfgS"(?7 U — $A (-JU'y7?-*U) : iH^-ia, ^^-0 Ljtr)'^t<. 6m-JL4.< *-5L-j.< a. mmmt&^\i%£-9- (*7x*-k:s^ fe«4-tr>-j-f,%«^K A tusro- # R m i x ic z.^m £ n 7c A^«f||| • *!)ftJC0*5?gftli, SS*A7c:'g^*T'«4TA5ll'rL-Sto i 1 Ml ) 9S30B ItMMiH ■a u 2. ;+||<75^it$*piJ/c^Ali, c'^«i7y3tii.yr-i:|Tiirt-t 3. A-fcli. fr-feTtX #*T+A ~g| leaving... i| trip WkiftS to touch ~# arriving... *||f| aquarium ~jg) staying at... iffi/fe breakfast jBMt hmch dinner western disd ^yc?" coral fM®, '" Sliuri Castle tjf? tradition benefit fij| fee discount *ft free of charge soon mmmw i i<>i fmdlmo) $ # * « m ^ m n partner ' fe^cOffi-f lifs] C-#i±cr>Aft„ prime minister mm- i to consult 1 1. «ffl<^i: L V < L J; tHSt 2. 12 ft £ b*Lj;9 2 < * L-Acfc'3 A oft * % ,t 9 £ .HTf-f Lft0 ^A 77 = ft ft &9 b $> Sf fcf* __IA _____......._______2 £11____ U J: -) L. L Jy-o f; u> 7 J; ? L T, *£______ I ft 5 X i I'm 9 ft A (7) ■t7b2 c; t* 5W&ICftXSbcf:So 1.____if____________.___<7A_„-,,.-,.„™7'_____________» 2.___A3?U________<7)T.__COH, _Lft„ ££££ oj" 3.____coH^gli,___________i:fi\i'X__l/ctto At^1' * ^ ft Uftfc itz"> 4.______________(i^ H______ft b_____t$ £„ 5. -f-ft____________COT", _______ _____ „ ,____iT&iJL\Zftr,tz<, 6.___ft'......_____________° Kb* -AT — fefti*-:b tisíci, ž i*ftftmn-trcomkt^u to £-tftj £ o i kfíi= B^ftco^-tt^^Rt LT^ftc^j ft. cftiirs^AlisSfAífti UftogRft'J _ o 9 Z c. £.t<*l To,5 (7) ft A 9 ft„ H*AcOSf;^cítx.liT #itcftftfftftfttJ?:ÉÍ>ftft #if liB^Tfttiftft^STb bwití-i LAft. . -ft-v^j/ ftVcft.-řCft LA J-U^.ftj AftJ-rft ftcoě^co/ft#ftb ^ c. o ft^ft ft b-4éi oft tc0fto ícoftáft 0 i. -iíh ^SI7#ftft#ÍI$fflo ft#í±7)^*0 M;Mft*/í£t7 B^LfeX bftftíJL £Bift£ftU . |> < coft. .<:;;f .liTi-ž, B/AcOíft/é £ JfftcTftž #i|c,ft^LM«Lftfí-|f>ib^ < 0 Ťttfti iftftnf |7|±ŤH-hl7ft*IJ ftfr < L . 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I [ #it • M£ • * 'J X hft ] ltB^T±£*ltz, LA/1 -5 ^o^J-? %J;9 L A. y. 9 J; 9 £j:9 L -if/, <->tzi% rf\ izfc I tz o to refund tzltziWn to smoke tzlXZ £°&9 co(2#i:,l-^o to breathe in ±i < ASsJUT < £3^. -m to release ^ASSU&L/co broadcast <0 # fe 1 i ^ H# - b CO #C 5ii „ weird f| CO ,1 7» ~ b £ ft -tXPjflli/cc (something) changes ftff ^^b*lc$*Po7c„ to change (something) very; hard #0jtL < TAtf;, 832S(1) ( 169) 1 cOB#. £t£ A* to X tit A 2. 3. a XX 9 If A £XiX liiTTi -tfl \7^0 li l' ^ __X- ...............___^f- L" tf T_____ _-5/KX vitzfze Ub^i>i:bX li TfiX/c 8. :« cO + TXIi* c ii_ 10. __TXX_______________________coil_____________________ i:.__fMX?fico___ _cOTX*6T < £X ^ 11. +M XX_ 12. ?tX_____ M -o X ____<7) t _ BRti___ co X TTX 4XXX 170 J 353381(1) f m32n(2) # (T) HU3X,JO„ « & «1 £ Is He ■ fffl — (n) mmmn^^m^T, xmrn^b^oo ^ it # tooth dentist *« decayed tooth m hair picture i-XtX.ILTS*XXo picture book ^-\m\~'^mLTmtz, m side; beside m^^\±WL\t&}ktz\ really dj %l 1" 11 -Jf ^ i; IE A ft A „ £££ to be hit ^'-WI^sIIC^tXXco j£X i> to convey € t£ i X o #|3 -ft 1c X. tz „ 34k 9 to help \it message ttj 4 ^X there is no ... 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