H 36 11 ^If^^fjll^ (Expressing Feelings) JJrisOD'f* L ^N to be ashamed, shy Z V N to be afraid 9 f> ^ J L V N envious to get angry < =(/'o < 'J iT h to be surprised 1 bK*£J to envy 7$* o ^ lJ "t" t0 be disappointed 1. 7. 133 Lesson 36 m 36 m3S (BS) heart (4) /Vi. <* ■.J ^ i iCiC:^) heart, mind toworry HH<0(^/C-IX,) interest feel sense (13) f ^| C-S tofeel jf^vJC^X,- LX,)-f to be impressed jSJ£(^-^<) sense ^lSt<*^- I *) -? 6 to thank 'It emotion condition ft*-It -/3-> (11) i T" n n? li Ij 'rtf" (ft 3 ) 11 ^ N shameful, disgraceful 'HI^Rt ^ -t "7 • 15 9 ) information ^'Hf(^Xv U J: 1) feelings !^'l1f (#>°' Lt Jt "7 ) love, affection 134 Lesson 36 CS* b) "9 to laugh, to smile ^(fcb)^ laughter smile ^^(< • L Jt 6 to smile wryly head X (16) n . xa..... H|(*>/bi) head HS^il *"° ) headache SÜiH*> /= i ■ £ yC) down payment SU aß ( ^ "> • 'J>:) *e head 135 Lesson 36 407 * awake sense (12) # # 1 1 1 r ^(£(2") A. £> tomemorize ^ jJj£(*NX<"^ O sense @f L B4pff (£*lt ^) alarm clock ( *, ■ ^ <) perception 408 V > forget (7) :sir .-dr.. ^(h-t)itli> to forget i(*5'f)^l^(^<75^ something left behind ^Jp-^Oi'?'teX/'^v 0 year-end party think (6) -3$ (fr Ltf) X. ■§> to think ^-^■^ (I 9 • _ • tf< <) archaeology ^ O-^*) X. thought, idea sS.^ ("^" z 1) "t" •?> t0 select 409 136 Lesson 36 I. ^flü^ 0)SĚ&;£ £ t> 6 if ti. um t ft Ž Ho LA** 2.#?L£ 3.&jK£ 4.>i< 5.J&LÍJ 6.^9 8.^ 9. Alt 10. SS 137 Lesson 36 2-3 &<*WLW ....."................................... 1. heart 2. head 3. to cry 4. to laugh 1 ZZ6 ihtzi 5. to memorize 6. to forget +£ Kb 7. to think 8. to feel Hi till 9. feelings 10. sad frL IT Jt l t"+£ 3. to be impressed 1. to be relieved 2. to worry iri « L/C L^ i I L insecure 5. reassured 6. sense 7. psychology If* L^ 'J 8. I'd like to express my heartfelt thanks to you all. h H U 138 Lesson 36 9. human feeling 10. love 11. complaint [~L \1 x l C X "5 < L J: i 12. to wake up 13. information 14. tragedy 15. smile IT Jt 9 ÍI? IA If Í 16. headache 17. way of thinking M ■f 1 7 18. year-end party 19. something left behind it if 9 t (7) 1. If? ft/C^T* It ttf)At i'T.-fo 9 -5. 3. l±IÍW{/'j- 9 i^fcoT,*/,^ L Arc 139 Lesson 36 p7C< b> g*.^- rn^j <75^$ii r—►j, *.*ii r—->j «(3? u-t-t-At l jt ? 1 1x211 @±©AE □-t-ff iau\ —► -►B * X h U X stress (mental, emotional) 76 death L ^'Cliti to say "No" ft<5fc hobbies L it A ~S degree of ~ ~^*jg80~ioo% § 7. hi'*® 50 -80% fctt/cli* h \/7>lZ±h^7 4 7°Tir0 ^ t X V UX tftz £ o T ^ £ 1% ^ p 3. NU^Jf 20-50% &+£tz 'J i^/C^b, I 3. KU3Jg0~20% /rir^ danger SjX.'S to change -^-H^ specialist 5 ItX. ^H cause ^It-S to continue cause SfS. vegetables ^!E"t" & to worry Lesson 36 Lesson 36 :W W )il Jl JR IR W |~S$J WiH^li, ftlK (4^^9, internal organs)