1£ P V -o *> M¥■ - - e Kanji s "KUN" "ON" Meaning sun, day #y moon, month t - * tree -* mountain - ) -* river - a rice field -* A U £ — > man, person 0 - a < *> mouth 8 E | - < £ i vehicle, wheel Ml- i i - gate ^ ( ) reading is rarely used. When a single kanji is used as a word, we usually read it by its "KUN YOMI (=KUN, Japanese reading)', which gives its meaning. When one kanji is used together with another to make a word, we often read them by their "ON YOMI (=ON, Chinese reading)". Generally speaking, however, the way of reading a kanji should be decided according to each individual word. 2 Lesson 1 .................^1 M&0)%lZ/LM¥ (Basic Kanji) (Writing Kanji) < £ \i./i, Rule 1: Make every kanji the same size and balanced within a square. Example. X 0 * pi I- o 0 on Rule 2: Follow the basic stroke order. (1) Write from left to right. (2) Write downward. | j (3) Draw strokes from the top to the bottom as follows. ~* (4) Draw strokes from the left to the right in the following order, j j j j (5) Draw a square in the following way. (6) When there is a figure in the square, the line which closes the square is drawn last. i| rH riu ffl eb cf. When a stroke line passes through a square, draw that stroke last. Rule 3: There are three basic ways to end a stroke. (!) Stop (2) Stretch (3) Hook Lesson 1 mm a sun day if/-if -f-./-(-/-y) (4) I n R 0 (U) the sun, day 0 B|f 0 (IC • X 1 • If) Sunday 3 0(Ao-r)\) the 3rd day, three days 0 ^(IC • (2/1 'lc o • (£X) Japan moon month #"y (4) i n n n (-^ $ ) the moon, month 1 <>N o ) 7^ ^ (If o) one month ^ Bf[ 0 (If o ■£■)•{/) Monday 1 ^ (^ %> • t*r>) January tree $ ^y (#7) (4) —- 7f\.(£) tree 7KBÜ 0 (&<••£ 7 • J/') Thursday yf\.^"(? • iJ h) Japanese surname jk.^v(£'(f O civil engineering ill mountain (3) Lb(^i) mountain 'gttl-U ^ ' - O Mt. Fuji l_L/~~f^ (-^ i • L tz) Japanese surname • ^ L) volcano 4 Lesson 1 ji] river (3) ) I )]](frfr) river /]\)]\(&-Vh) brook, stream •f A hWWfr) the Nile River rice field (5) l n m m ffl H3(/i) rice field )Jj H3 (-f3 i ■ /c) Japanese surname HUtf7^'^'^ Japanese surname 7JCffl ("f ^ ■ TX) rice field / person A ZA t yy -y (2) / /^(UZl) person Q ^.^/^(U • I J^ • C L) Japanese (person) * 1 A^(tA^'J) oneperson 3y^(-^"l;:^) three people mouth (3) ft? u X2{<%) mouth &U(T- <"*>) exit XU 'J • <" *>) entrance y^O (^'3 t) population Lesson 1 vehicle wheel < 4 £ •> t (7) V r i J jfL( < £ i) car, wheel ^^.(TX- L ^) train |=3 jt#jjL ( L* • £" 9 ■ L ^) car, automobile 7j<. j|L ("f vx • I *0 waterwheel n gate (8) n P r n H(t^ gate ^ (-tf/C-1 specialty 6 Lesson 1 «fc &• tl A, 1/ <9> 9 (Reading Exercises) I. Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana. 1. 7K 2. # 3. ft 4. f"J 5. 0 6. a 7. a 8. ub 9. ji| io. ffi ii. An 12.Jjffl*A H. Read the following words and sentences. 1. BHfH 2. ^HgH 3. ^HIH 4.B^ ±i Jt 7 Jt-5 UX, 5. $ J: 9 li 3 ^ 15 H Tto Today is the 15th of March. 6. ^)C7)>^|iiijJ]| "J X^T""t"o That man over there is Mr./Ms. Yamakawa. 7. ub J'| "5 X./ li H ^-y^ "C"t" o Mr./Ms. Yamakawa is a Japanese. 8. ^)COuU|i^>^l-bT""f"o That mountain over there is Mt. Tsukuba. if 9. Z =t 1 y 11 16. Thursday 17. Mt. Tsukuba 18. Mt. Fuji Eg 's ± t < Jt -5 < If i: 19. population 20. specialty 21. Japanese (person) HL is/. LA 22. Mr./Ms. Yamada 23. Mr./Ms. Yamakawa 24. the Tone River iL m