/H^tfJlí (Kanji Topics) B# £ & 6 t Jlí (Telling Time) — f^^j —I 915 mm) 0:00 6:00 6:00 12:00 Meals: I ft ! ^ Ut/L breakfast lunch ^7 ^ supper late-night snack f L Jt < 87 Lesson 10 % 10 l%<0 $ řŽ/L>H^ (Basic Kanji) 2-1 /H^OÄi^ (Writing Kanji) a5 (#S) morning |$31lr(^ Jt 9 • L Jt < ) breakfast $Jf0(£>-'£A) the morning sun -^J-iji^ (i ^x ■ & ^) every morning 98 noon daytime CA 4 (9) r .J^ (£/■•£) noon, daytime -^iff; -fa) nap Jb$v(£A Í ■ fir) lunch break JHst(£ * ^ ' L J: O lunch night J:* -V J: (8) i t If ^(Jl-S) night ^t^i^-l-X <) late-night snack $t tf7 ( J: ■ ft tH the middle of the night ^^(ZL-1?) tonight 99 100 88 Lesson 10 B * 7 night (12) i n H > ■H- He H&Ctf/O night ty9fa(ZL-\ZL) tonight H^^J^((±X-Z"-|±A) supper 4g-H&(i^-liX) everynight evening (3) 7 jfirpn)^ evening *-t^ (/i^l±'/i) Star Festival (July 7th) j7fe(.rp 1 ■ L Jt <) supper 102 direction way, means (4) i It itfW $ ~3j(-t>stz) how to write ^"^((IrlH) method • tftz) evening 103 noon (4) ^P" "gy" C C • -tf /C) morning, a.m. jE^f" ( L Jt "7 • O noon ,^f"-f^( 3 • C ) afternoon, p.m. Lesson 10 before front -tfy (9) V T n n i Ifr (i &) before, front I"f 4^ ^L'the first half i z_) -yearsago W]~3f ("tf If "5 ) ahead >^ ^/ after, later >f yFp back, behind ^ (9) >> f # after,later ~Jp.^(fcX'J) ~ years from now f Jt ( 9 L) ^ behind, back T ■ «±X>) the latter half every ■?4 (6) B (i^-i:*.) everyday ^ ^ ( ± ^ ■ If o/i o • o $ ) every month -^■2||(i vw L * 9 ) every week 4j-j]=-(J^*fa/C/£ iw £ L) everyyear 1 week is**? (id i B ft ft n ■ft m m in ■i ^_2^(b^ »'L(>?) next week 2^.^.( L * "7 • i ->) weekend ^ZI^&L- I i* 9) last week •—^Pr] • I ^ 9 • ?^/C) week 90 Lesson 10 f m #>35 (# "3 (Reading Eercises) I. Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana. 2.J^ 3. Hfe 5 ^^5" 6^*T 7-^H£ 8.^ Hf 9.^Bi 10.7|CHi li. 12-^Bi 13. ±Hi 14. 0Hi 15.^0 16- 17-ft^ I. Read the following words and sentences. l.fta, 4* « 2.^h, %n ZL ZL 3.**, 6. I W^^M^Il 55 ^T-fo Lesson 10 7. TjCBgH \±$%frh*&£ T^-t^L^T-fo 8. ^Hltri- L/co 2-3 It c* ft L »9> 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. morning 2. daytime 4. evening 5. every week p.m. £ ^ L * -7 8. Sunday 3. night liX 6. a.m. z' z' iz t, X i U E. Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word. 1. breakfast 2. lunch 3. supper % I 1 I Jt < 4. late-night snack f L J: < £> * ■? I J: < 5. the middle of the night Jt t£i- last week 92 Lesson 10 7. next week N L i* ■) 10. every day 13. every morning 16. after 19. the latter half I 1 i±L 22. how to listen 25. how to see, viewpoint 8. every week 9. two weeks £ ^» liX 17. behind T L 20. how to read [_I 23. how to speak L £ ^ L t* 9 every month 12 every year i ^ 3 / every night 'If-3 ±o 15. before £ L / £ iL 18. the first half 21. how to write 24. how to eat 'S 93