6T§ fc/H1? -2- (Kanji from Pictures -2-) • * Look at the following picture. Each drawing indicates a certain meaning. Guess the meaning of the kanji characters below. 1-X 2.^C 3.& 4.£ 5.^* 6.^ 7. jl 8. 7JC 9. ^ Lesson 2 These kanji characters were made from very primitive pictures as follows. Remember that each kanji has its "KUN YOMl" (Japanese reading) and "ON YOMl" (Chinese reading). Picture ^/ -* - Kanji 'X "KUN" "ON" il Meaning fire * water #~ gold, money 4~ - ground, earth - ■> child woman, female a. * h /\\\\\\\\ HR ~* < I > -5- if 9 study 3l live, birth v ft. ft -fey ahead, previous Usually the ON YOMl" (Ch nese rea ding) of kanj i will be written using Katakana in a kanji dictionary. Therefore, students are expected to learn Katakana as soon as possible after mastering Hiragana. Lesson 2 ^2.UilU (Basic Strokes) > (l) horizontal line e.g. < £ i (2) vertical line e.g. frh it> ft ± ub (3) slanting line e.g. IA£ S ^te A tK & (4) short hook e.g. "3 J A-f - J% * -J- (5) long hook e.g. $ Z $ n> l ZZ z> TGj Aj ^ (6) corner e.g. ft HL*£ htzl d1 ib i (7) dot and various short lines e.g. tA ■/>* < frft -tt^ ^ ^ & i 12 Lesson 2 fire U ij (4) . i > fire ^JjO-^X.) volcano >X$L S (^'-t 9 -If) Tuesday y^C^C^' O fire (accident) water (4) j i TfC(A-f) water 7JCffl (t^-TX) rice field 7jCB^ Q (-f v n • J; j • If) Wednesday ^JC Jp. (t^-Lf) waterwheel gold .H^ money (8) / &j£(frn) money ^(^A) gold ^■ffl (^ft' tz) Japanese surname st^B (3 L-1 1 -Xf) Friday ground earth (3) + i(o^) the ground jl^(t'"-|f<) civil engineering jt^l H J: 1 -E/Q Saturday 13 Lesson 2 mm child (3) T .J; r child ^C-f"^^.(^ Jt • L-!><<--ttvO female student ^■(fe/C^)<7)-J-( = ) girl 15 woman female (3) k ^-(fc/C'j.-) woman t&^C^*5- L* J:) she/her •^■(^/L'j.-)(7)A(^^) woman (adult) 16 study (itt-.ro it 9 fa v-(8) V ^> J !^£0$<<--th\) student ^5{) university 17 Cfr- birth i-i^ (5) .Mr... 4 §L(^)1* Z> to live T^^C-H^'-th 0 teacher £ ( 7 ) i tl 6 to be born ^$E. <• Hfv 0 student 18 14 Lesson 2 ahead previous (6) f A- .a. ( 3 *) ahead J| MiX • If last month ^£^.(-li/C--t±^) teacher private I/me fc£ < L (7) T faibtz l/frtz < L) I/me ^AiL ( L • 'J -3 • 7; ^ • tf< <) private university Lesson 2 2-2 9 (Reading Exrcises) I. Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana. 2. -J" 3.^C 4. 5. 7JC 6. & 7- i 8. J^HtH 9. XMB 10. 7)C0fH =t i X i X i II. 7KHf H 12- iHl 0 13. ±Hf H =t "7 X 1 X 1 14. HHIB 15. ^£ i6. E. Read the following sentences. 2.i-^i-ri/0o < /c^^0 3. *><7)^-<7)Ali#ir-fo 6. L» Kb "5 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. I/me 2. student 3. woman 4. child htz I teacher 6. money 7. water 8. fire 9. the ground 10. gold 17 Lesson 2 H. Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word. 1. Monday 2. Tuesday If O ct 1 If 4. Thursday ^ X i If 5. Friday Bl i < 1 1 If 7. Sunday Bl i L X i If 8. woman \z *> X n If 10. female student 11. university 3. Wednesday Bl 6. Saturday 33? J; •? If 9. girl 12. fire (accident) IT J: L ^ i; 13. the date of one's birth 14. rice field -(+v * If TX 15. private university 16. my teacher 17. ahead Jt A CO I frtz L 18. Mr./Ms. Kaneda 19. Mr./Ms. Tsuchida 20. a gold necklace 1% tz (Do you know these kanji? Can you use them?) < f} \/ y (Calendar) > [Questions] 1. 2 ft 12 H (i-fsiiSH T-f^o 'i/,J: i if 2. 2 ft 15 B I±^JB1S T-f 5J\ 3. 2 ,317 B liigaiH T"M\ 4. 2 ^ 21 B IWIB T-T^o 5. 2 E 23 B lifffHtt^ 19