P~ ]........................ M^fr-Z>^ J 1 bright sun moon both the sun and the moon are 'bright' A + ?K ^ ^-f-i; + ^ rest man tree a man is 'resting' beside a tree A + * man origin ht-1 9 A the origin of man is the body' body Lesson 5 Combination Kanji "KUN" woman child a woman loves a child "ON" Meaning like fy -f-y rice field power 'a man' is powerful in the rice field man, male tree tree two trees make a wood' wood, grove 7fc + tK + ?K tree tree tree t 'J V > three trees make 'a forest' forest gate sun the sun can be seen between' the doors between fire field burn up the field and make 'a cultivated field' cultivated field mountain stone 7j=j tfy a big stone in the mountain is a rock' rock Most kanji were adopted from China, however, there are some kanji that originated in Japan. For example, #H , W) ( (to work), (mountain pass) are of Japanese origin. Therefore, they do not have "ON YOMl" (Chinese Reading). Many kanji used to express the names of fish and plant are of Japanese origin. e.g. M (cod) f§ (sardine) f-.h i-bl Lesson 5 ^SMZ\IA,&¥- (Basic Kanji) 2-1 ft c* ft tz (Writing Kanji) *>3 5 (*<* 3) w bright clear (8) 46 n 0 Bj 0/] BJ^ (£>rfO <£> \. * bright, cheerful * H£J H (* I fz/fr-f/AX 1 • \Z t,) tomorrow (&) [ | /£ to break (to dawn) §^BJ=1 (-1+ "3 ■ *"> <■ 0 ~f to explain (6) / { ft it ^(K'i')tJ to rest, to be absent $L 0 ( * 9 ■ U holiday JTJvCY'-f)^ break, holiday 47 /j— body htz 7 A (7) I i i- it it fatyhtz) body ^"^f n-(. n < ) physical education i^^J (?z ^ • {) X < ) physical strength 48 41 Lesson 5 mm like favorable i. I i i í j^-W^tH favorite ) h to be liked j^-^) ( 3 9 • .i'-^>) one's favorite food man male f-y (7) r "7 m FF? FH FH m ^(££1) man ^~f~^^E.^^' L-'5<< "th 0 male student (fe £ Z)CO-^-(Z) boy Jt Ť -ft/,) theeldestson wood grove liťl 'J > (8) * # T A ^v.Oi'f'L) wood, Japanese surname 'JJ: 7 ) forestry /J N/jsfv ( 3 • 1 i*L) Japanese surname 0i forest (12) A- A. fr fr fr jfp^C t 'J) forest, Japanese surname ^f?M^( L L - l) L) woods and forests tJ^B3 ( i> 'i ' Japanese surname 42 Lesson 5 a? (tKti) between iiv H interval i (12) n F1 0 3 |^ (í>^/c) between Fífl(i)IC 9 tobeontime —j^fa] (v^-ftX-^/,) one year time cultivated field Ii/; It li/t < 9 (Reading Exercises) I. Write the readings of the following kanji in Hiragana. 1. $V 2. ^ 3. 4. J§ 5. g 6. 7. H 8-0^^^ 9. jfrztc io. fri; ii. 12. H#H II. Read the following words and sentences. 1. ^Alij^W7^^^ $ ~C^~o I like physical education. 2. ^ ~f~^f-$L ^C""f"^-^L male students and female students 3. ^ (D Aw £ <7) men and women 4. £ ^(7)f^ IZ lJ i"t"0 There is a river between the forests. 5. 0^ & <■ x $L < ^> 'J i^~0 Tnere are cultivated fields on the top of the mountain. 44 Lesson 5 -3 J&* c£ tl A 1/ Kb 9 (Writing Exercises) I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate kanji. 1. tree x 2 = wood x 2 = 2. tree x 3 = forest x 3 = 3. woman + child = like 4. rice field + power = man 5. sun + moon = bright 6. man + tree = to rest 7. gate + sun = between UX * K>-f 8. mountain + stone = rock 9. fire + field = cultivated field 10. man and woman — — tz Ii/-It t-lL i: J: boy 12 body's power = physical strength — CO — 3 tzL L h tz fz^ 'J i < 45 Lesson 5 II. Write the appropriate kanji based on the meaning of the word. 1. for one minute 2. for two hours 3. for three days 1. x l: 4. for four weeks 5. for five months J; L I rt> i -fi-L 7. forests and woods 8. holiday for six years 6< frL inactive volcano 10. physical education 11. I like cheerful people. * i* 9 ¥ L 11 it-: < fr/il 12. Those men are Mr. Kobayashi and Mr. Iwata. ■f Z If >? L 46