21-25 2fg (21 -25) 21 1 B one — % % —■ one — ■ % r — if once -tfc £ £ " January — J] ^ • Q one day —A -—-H^f one o'clock — —^ one month —Ajj # ' 0*tO —O one - , — t- ^Al CD -A one person —-AA tv r'i *—* Q the first day of the month - P, ■■ 22 2@ ■ ■ _ _two —. ill/to two m, m+ # Q3 ^1A two persons Mi'-A __^ February —J3] _.B^f two o'clock i ._Q the second day of the month, two days — U, — ffiA °1 = __."I- Q the twentieth day of the month, twenty days -A~"P,.....-h^h -.+A °]^ -t j. c EHB^f four o'clock H,S X Ullr < «fcA> E9"@" 400 "I? E3 Apru mn 4« E3 H the fourth day of the month, four days H 0 ■ Y3four persons ES^A Lll 25 J5. 4il r 7i i five i «: jS. »ve ii i AB^f five o'clock I.S 4* -1,^0 J5. B the fifth fay of the month, 1 tOO a™ i, Jit jEL^ May JLR -5-A persons I-Is A Cl-S 1 IH.I^.IX (^) <£<^3; \j & 5 Write the reading of the following /cany/ in hiragana. © E3Bf ©HA 6*^^ t/ J; 3 Write the correct kanji characters and hiragana in the blank squares. © l^'OOl sfz%- © l ^oo - 26-30 no Coo 4 < ~f\/^ six persona AAA ^ 5^ six A 3 fxft June 7A""@" six hundred -H-'l fX~~> SB", AA «4 5! L'l' 4' -fX 0 tne sixth day of the month, six days A H, f%*i, A A -t tt six o'clock AA ^ -M Al 27 2B C-0 tits. seven -c l % «t seven "t 3! July -tfl 11« l t I seven o'clock -fcj& "Si ■t^N, seven persons -fc'I'A ^ -t A. sevenpersons ■fc'f-A ^i?^ ttttO -tO seven -t, -fc+ •t S the seventh day of the month, seven days -b 0, -t;-^, -t?c ^ 1— 28 2H y eight A &I8 B /\ eight A * it ^ 1: ^1§" eight hundred A"ff *«l ^f»0-0 AO eight A, A A jc 1 *• d»3 ^0 the eighth day of the month AH,A#, A* 4 °J ^ ^ \~ QP ''^"S'/H. a fruit and vegetable shop SKK *£7<-7l ip.....fwiiii........inm /\H^f eight o'olock A.'K °IS Al 29 2H 3SS A 2 li (56 ~ 30) nine % °1* t1 3 a 1 nine A -"L < «• > September Xft •?* TL^f "toe o'clock °W *l Q the ninth day of the month, nine days AS, ft^, AS ^ nine persona A Is A "l-S-'l < C "flS^ nine hundred Jl/ff ^ ^LiA. nine persons A1~A °>-M lluOO ^L^ nine AAA •» 2B p—-f- Cf) 1111111 SiliAv^ Ai A, ,*iSiV : *»fc• • AKA W 2/1 "5 +tonm t«i r. -)"B^ ten o'clock A ,6 -»1 u -> f x- ~\"7J' len minutes t#, AJM+ -a r £35 -f- ten t, A A a li -i ^ JZ."*^~ H the twentieth day of the month, twenty days —A -~f~^ twenty years of age — & -'"^ -j- ^ October IJj *1« -f-•j}' ten minutes +#, l'»W AJ* Q the tenth day of the month, ten days I H, l"t> hA 'd?= 9, " 1-35 •1-41« S U =©pi fi*f3rS U cfe 3 Write the correct /cany'/ characters in the blank squares 34 4B CD) n ri n circle, yen li' PI acirole.yen HH, (H)% fl, U ft-[A red *l»>,ttUB! *>*,**■» 39 cm i n n ~n blue W "» 8 3535 hl; •fl- blue # «W v bine B (Mi 4*4 5^3 i~"3 ■;. is © (5) <£(&3: 0 efc 3 Write ,he wading of the following kanji in hiragana. ® yC/Cl2 -kO^T-fc That baby Is a girl. (D^Ali fatfifiT-fo I Ufa white color. © Z (D M.^ ^^'yH J?ti-N Z ) < ) ( >■ ■( ) ( ) J ^ Month -/! SE ?LE = E AE + B EE tE -t- -E Li »0-5 IC *s-^ HE AE H Date — b D'lG^US CCS -t -B C Ultf 9I.*S ICS = + -b £A Ci*-5l,>S ICS EE + -B -5- -3 # = b LI 0-5 C ■t =B IC C»5 C ICS ~+ =B + ES IC Uisb^SAlCS = tEB &A.ICS fqJB KB U I* 0 =fc -3 # i- G3B (C D' B> 9 =fc -3 A' = -h Eg a IB -t £B IC C»5 C (CS = t5B Ci^ ft AB + AB ic c»54