IE. Read the following story.
* #H specialty
P.E. (physical education) Bfi 0 day of the week
X i If
~>W*T-f I like^ ^A/b £> we ~"f ^ ~ for each ~
fr < T" near-
~ §f ~ language ^cjS last week
-ttyC L r» T
^ -Z, W ^>
j. various
—for one hour
1. ■/^--SXJiB^AT-f rf'
2. ^--H^liiTZW,
3. 7p7--^lifaJ3faHKB*^$ iL/;l
5. 7°-7--^A/-z^li^oaj^^$ i ltzti\
6. -tf/^TfaA^S £ l/c^o
all together