*i — *B ^^^^ W AIRLINES hängkong gongsl m ✓DA O siHffi^aaEmffíiiiSfôfť^^si, Rnmifi-K, ^£403, *6 mm^i% : "ÍJllF^ac^8383ilEmac^ffíllÄ13 : 00, ......" Behavior Fire zuofeng Subscribe .vn dingyue yuzhou 1. "^"fi^Ěo 2. ^—^0 l.UßSadv. búbi wěibi mši Ě /\\\ l.adj. Lisi:, #^fe£f /\\\ 2.tt«->"W*ír*f«* Ó^J Jjfk JfcA O shíhui youhui 3. JfflJMMíttÄ* , 35*ffiRT^ffiS20%o youhui 4.*Ä/tt«íS#fflJiS>h«xfŕS5A»é*«ÍSo shihui youhui i. m^inmhk&mmjsmm xu wu piao miao Describe the emptiness. ípmÄiľiasp, it^226......" 48 I.V. m Ě /\\\ 1^ I » ✓\\\ ft M fern. jieyi zäiyi 4. $nmfctfcÄ#®*^£Ä , tfil-fe7é5l&ÄÄ£®ftÍR]IEo i.Sffl**iK<*?F>h5č*#qrŤ^S!l^«/S*i»o Reputation kou bú dui xín duplicity; say yes and mean no tanbushang question simply does not arise be out of the question far from being not to mention tánbúshäng shuobúshäng IR IRJ m i tándéshäng shuodéshäng qTng méi zhúmä 3. A : fä^mmň^^&fäMšÁtih? if *hSo " fé-^fä , ttfrSIM^ifc : "iž^55573......" humor psychologist xinii xue jia shějí s l.adj. 2."(«JR )Ä * » Ä<£ M ¥ MS" M * JS o 1^ 1 J mu túwu tú rán 7\ 7\\\ túwú túra n bá di ér qí ^ dangerous steep;precipitous 7\. 7\\\ túwu túra n "5?M"ŘTJj!.S"Adv.", "In (Expressively deep and with a sigh of tone.) $?^+2syllable Adj. or V. representing mental activity mojiän-jiezhöng N 3. A : fcfl^ffftfciČŤ , Ä*tta3K^#? 4. A : qifiÄS*^íP^Ji3SiliÍSP»7 ? 5čfc5áÄ«i ? r ■ mnmm^m 11 félftlH|f&*7 , iäľ^ttfcÄiSWnfcfcfi^ , UPAS* , depressing kewang hesitate m panghuang panic-stricken jTnghuang BMW J tanherongyi be easier said than done ; by no means easy if it's not A, then it's B Usage : ^te + A , MS + B -> A and B can be verbs, adjectives or nouns. X3I : " ✓Q/N ✓CTv also, too; likewise zaoyi one ago L=-l ?\\\ guran no doubt; true rumengchGxTng as if awakening from a dream at one's last gasp; on the verge of death yanyan-yixi shěn bú yóu zhů without the freedom to act independently (idiom) if J£7o " tit¥&60 "ft»$#ftH#?Ä»5WŤ£Ä» , iffé8 , ^HŔÄfll , 1»fô12......" 30.ÍŠI5 kůnhuo mihuö kunhuö □ ✓\\\ 3. NM/ pi *V. mihuo kunhuo ting'erzouxian (to take a risk out of desperation (idiom) So -> ft/jŇÍ Usage : ÍPjlt + adj./v. ^adj./v. ->2 syllable or more than 2 syllable adj./v. -> 2 syllable or more than 2 syllable. liüliän-wängfän to remain enjoying oneself and forget to go home have much enjoyment and forget to go back home adj./v. -> 1 syllable e bu slshu not expected at the outset 7ĎŇÍ 3.A: misu, ^&mmm&mmx? B : 4.A : ±ÄÄfr&2tfö#Ä&*föiftSlJbiff ? B : if $13 , W , if í£l4o " "flinci iíEírSA , i»fö17 , ^ , JMJ£l8o " mim o li. ŕ*»U***Síltt^»JiH»^a*tt*7o n»»Tfii+7***a0 JÉft ^7Ľ fem. mm mug. ^7Ľ fem. mm mug. I3.ffi*fcfi0ttiríft£«-SEft#«Sä , J*U£»£Äo ÜB mm U\[,i9p $01 im 7o " HB mm $01 »31 fÉ7o A ÉETIge ÖS -«I*IBSSř»7o 2.Ä D s.mm Alk , BttA^ÍI^IBSJgfflWo 6.?B