fiery, burning #0 jumu Flow iüdöng obey, comply with, follow xünzhe jiaoyi búbl 1 if +B [=1 -1 £R;fe-"2ffl-il±l ů zu »ruh ^ ffl -to M M 1. IjP'B 5ĚB1W qínshěn qínzi l.£±tfeÄ& IK (disaster area) , ffiSÄÄfií) 7 Afllít&ÄŤ JlSífcí^toassistK ÝlíljJnaflSlňtii it (friendly feelings)0 1 1. Adj. , féfflféll ——r i i a •> n 11 íl A>. i i i -n-—i 1. Adv. , ffiffilSH qinshen qinzi Adv.MiBSa*flt"tt*JB ix o 2.JtUj(8MjR#EW3M$ , WfflT^n—JAl(seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times) , jffl3k?fc§frW%& ~ TM^P3fi 7 o Adv. , m^'m&EtMmtiorganM&m^W'ffiM&o (total eclipse of the sun) tfy ^T^!H(marvelous spectacle) , í7m 3. ůmm^^mimm ? 1 mi mm 1. ftffllSlI&'K ~> F1 T5T pŕ BS íh1 is ^ Z. ^IflJ/VTftRlRJlp ^ 3. ^ ^ Ť 1—1In" o 3.#ÍŽIÍ , ftfflft»fil>T-__________________ Structure : ^/M+N.+Pif+V./verb phrase0 l^tt(defeat) N ^LlJU 5IE'Kfto order sb about) N sua, im. 'mm, mks /Sff-freveal) \ l^$?(misunderstand) \ ffl^ (to expose ) \ N Jffl (to endorse) ffi.(impedek m(force) Ť(Beijingopera) Ä je^ÍT(unprofessional) , PjHftlfiEf^ífe 3.Ä£SUjBJÄÄ*«J*BmiSo #BS*£ , fM3Ai^ÜJ3& , RMÄMhÍJEA geology dlzhl obstruct xingjin Reason mm yuángú t. xTnjiäng täkelämágán dá gěbi ^^^H J1E3 I yuangü yuanyin fr J 1 1 P3 A^s. —1— H J «^1^ II H ü -'Li» n 'l—r> O 2MI SE, IÄlv.-iBttffl. "ICS", ^ÄBJTHWo 2."i^H"^^^iRl, SE, IÄ"fv- l.flfelRl*!lipÄ^Ä*±*»mHo absent without leave dän qiäng pT má single-handed ; go it alone mogul make trouble; create trouble zuoguai store, save, hoard, gather guang guai lu If monstrous and multicolored, grotesque and variegated ke bu ke nai to be so thirsty as to no longer be able to tolerate it huan tian xT dl be highly delighted rT M M rT R ke wang bu ke ji can be looked at but not touched Wo a magic weapon early years of a century fäbäo chüye to puncture, expose (lies etc) colony MR* chuöchuän zhimind * «53 5. A : nJŕimW&Ttmm , 45^^W7m^Ťo 6. A: ^E»a»»**S7 , -m££A& , 7.A : ÍMIIII7-f»A^ÍJ( ✓Q/N^VJ O TH JÄL küre cuöjue dioptric REFLECTION OF LIGHT zheguäng a measure word of area m qlng if.. rudshl horizon xunchan lang äi5 daoyu castles in the air; illusion kongzhonglouge 30.ÍŠI3 xúncháng ti □ □ 1. adj. 2. fP#" if Ä /ŮA o "Wo ¥3? píngcháng xúncháng píngcháng adj. , fß#" ä /Qa o xúncháng píngcháng xúncháng píngcháng i.Adv., *jsft-JA*-, «^a*aa«»«»*» 3.Structure : |o|*+phrasal verbs / phrasal adjectives / 2 c\/llohlÜ (toadvocate)M