(of a girl) in the prime of youth Passed away recollection (of the deceased) lO VINA zhulsl dress; attire fashion have ties of kinship lftfeW't"##'tt(morali„..g,iW^ A , piaoran er zhi People or things are like the wind, arriving their destination very quickly chu mu jlng xln shocking; startling collect; recruit collected works appendix style of conversation appropriate to the occasion, fitting weigh; deliberate m detT tulqiao ■ ■ huT Ian facial feature; look l.adv. 2.'1R, fflSJft"WÄSo (very;rather) _3:m%"^!^m%_ 2.^Ítt$33t>a;^E , Ä/ÄífellífeÄíiií —Mťřlsetback; twists and turns)o 2.A : #5SÄffl»«í±W»*»#ffí^#a? 3.A: T»#É&a^-T&»«ř¥m»#*fl-^aiíi? B : ÄftSfitHaiiJÄi , WWÔFJu ±W..... l.conj. 2."BEffi"fôÄJBo (even if) Íl^...'ti2/*h... l.A : &**Ä»ÉA&*ltf«fô£S#*3RS B : 2.A : #Ä*í*¥Ä«ÄÄXéttÍÄÍBíS^33US , $ B : mm MJř..."tfe/5di... 3.A : afflfflAftaŘTÍIW^lEÄÄ^t&ätsuftable,»** , íl A M. ^ ^ (excuse) o 7 , pT«S^±Ä , ÄWiP^íBílí pretty f v fashion coerce ; be swept forward V • f guoxie make use of the subject under discussion to put over one's own ideas r Arftl\U V., Adjj^ v.+; F3fc= v.+^F7 JRÄ- sa*Tie, j±« , *#a#ň9jT», est as , a to criticize, criticism Downwind piping MR shunfeng unavoidable, can't be avoided to say goodbye, to take one's leave cant avoid mianbulle 1=1 gaoci rely on, depend on spellbound, entranced, «a9Ä7"Ť«=«-o fresh and pure qlngchun even lb naizhi lit changshi pep pill;narcotics pp dupm Suddenly get good grades jlshen mm jiecheng to give sb a word of advice Light; trifling ; slight Marijuana to underline, bottom line, baseline, minimum, BASELINE mm IV • \ dixian be living zäishi sexual liberation new generation of youths xln xln renlei qingchún ^^^^^^H chúnjié 1_1 l.adj. /\\\ /\\\ M 26 qíngchún chúnjié qíngchún mm chúnjié naizhi US naizhi shenzhi F ✓\\\ l.conj. 2. ^7jNjH5ft(goforward one by one)^)^^ , RTJ^fflS^f^'J (juxtapsition) £ft is] In 5jv 'qj (clause) £ft ll Jn ~ IJH^fUo 3. a^SS9S^ (emphasize) ^S'ff^lJ^^a-JS^lMS FJ ✓\\\ 2.SM^JItiJ^(extreme)'ft/iil( , ifcRTJ^adv. hA + >aV^&W(rude) , 4^Č|fc# (toeducate) , B^t^W* s" jsm^ £ASľTäm, axiale 2. <ÖHH^> (A Dream of Red Mansions)Ť H É Ä If , IR I.V. IRJ l.'ftie-^i^ÄtpracticeJ^MÄlttperceptuaDÄSiUiRSr**» , *t (interest) , XÍÄEEJtSWÄÍPJŕS^fô*'** AW**, Wfcfô MP* #1* tíyän tíwěi N. •Ú? Vr 3HJ 6ÍJ Ol '^^X^S JU Q tíyän ft Q* tíwěi ##«lHífflS(hardshlp)tó*#TÍPfir^#T4o mstí j^m« ä-s«"» in jBP*¥ ôs » s......mmmxfc white-collar texture vanish; be stamped out to accord with, to conform to, ft ✓As fuhe BEFORE AFTER miaotiao ask for common customs it täo shisü jiu niu er hu zhi h tremendous strength laxní iusě SÄ *l l.adj. ✓\\\ 1. H ^ >£í£" M S o 2. H tí -> B S o 2.Ä*ffi/»tt* Iři * !ÜF« tti —^(Rl Ho 1. AÄ-» + #ŽA , AÄ+V. , a^JtKJ(infer)o 2. (A)M+adj.^a^Sf1]IIJto_ -TCo #ľ*« ? B : Ä#ffeAÄSiH7 3.A: ^mim^m^í^^M-mm^mj^? B :_m±MMžMZ 4.A : Jg##*í , ftíŤ^ÍsÉ^ÍIo fengxíng /jítíT liúxíng i.ÄÄft¥SA+S»ÄMíRJRlíŤ/äEÍŤo 2.&m»»ísft¥SA*jRiíŤ/atfŤ-rto 4.43HSRÍŤÄ^o /S^aEÍŤTIS« kuazhang i^^^^^^H kuadä IR ✓\\\ I.V. ä>'£a o RJ ✓\\\ "> >^ "A" _V ^ Ä ^ -íftíSSfio Íl lit adv. ajikftai ätjfc3í3E »jlkffjh /Mjtb^^fstop) «jfcff iL no need for cause of formation wuyong chengyln portend /IN ................."...............""w'n""............. yüshi nmggu to descend, to arrive, to come jiangnn chibang be equivalent to effect (scientific phenomenon) xiängdäng xiaoying »JURI , "5*7 , tbMBi^ATSJBio *HÍ93K1IM^ strange and changefu guijue Heavy kang zebei Secular sushi energy jmgii ^"^(irreproachable) W^^RJfhave no alternative) RTibJOl (compare) Pj^m (indisputable) ^^"pj^^^" (no comment) "rT [SlU (indubitable) Pj$^|^ (incurable) Pj^[H] (retrieve) RJt^ H (undeniable) "RT J^^"^ (give no cause for much criticism) )5£íäl(can find no way out) J o 3. {-tfeO^JÍŤ^llÄŤIE^K&niuustifiabledefense) , 3£ÍA^ care about and cherish, Finally! zhongyu mm panduan young people qmgnian ,0,0 think deeply about täidü taste tTwei *HR£Ir]H. x2£ JxUť 2. a ä í - n ±m ť sdba m ML ± a 0 x2£ JxUť Ute /stupíš] £IifÉr;Ě7o 9 mm Ii* II JÄLiiE 3.«^fe!)iF^g£flfflIE^ttai Ii AHB«, mm Ii* II JÄLiiE 7.ía»:IIBÍB»Äl°lií , ^®Ž15 ~Ä -To 11.P \ # O O