Workshop: Social Movements in Chinese Societies Reading list DAY 1 30-Year Roads to Democracy in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China Speaker Shih Fang-long Social Media and Social Movement in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China Speaker Calida Chu Questions for Discussions - What is the uniqueness of the role of social media in the articles, comparing to that in the Czech Republic? - How do you think social media assists in the development of social movements in each of these regions? - What is the significance of the articles? Required Readings Lee, Francis L. F. and Joseph M. Chan. Media and Protest Logics in the Digital Era: The Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong (New York: Oxford University Press, 2018), 1–23. Travagnin, Stefania, Religion and Media in China: Insights and Case Studies from the Mainland, Taiwan, and Hong Kong (New York: Routledge, 2017), 1–15. Available at google scholar: ts+and+Case+Studies+from+the+Mainland,+Taiwan,+and+Hong+Kong&source=bl&ots=HgKasKGBbm&sig=ACfU3U1BH OB5JddK5BM57X-GUq5_txVkmw&hl=sk&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisr4Lq1JPkAhWR7KYKHWy5BEkQ6AEwBHoECAkQAQ#v=onepage& q=Religion%20and%20Media%20in%20China%3A%20Insights%20and%20Case%20Studies%20from%20the%20Mainland% 2C%20Taiwan%2C%20and%20Hong%20Kong&f=false Tsatsou, Panayiota. ‘Social Media and Informal Organisation of Citizen Activism: Lessons from the Use of Facebook in the Sunflower Movement’. Social Media + Society (January–March 2018): 1–12. Recommended Readings Lee, Paul S. N., Clement Y. K. So, and Louis Leung. ‘Social Media and Umbrella Movement: Insurgent Public Sphere in Formation’. Chinese Journal of Communication 8, no. 4 (2015): 356–75. Huang, Dianlin. ‘Social Media and Activism of Grassroots NGOs in China A Case Study of love Save Pneumoconiosis (lSP)’. In Chinese Social Media: Social, Cultural, and Political Implications. Edited by Katie Ellis and Jian Xu (London: Taylor and Francis, 2017), 22–41. Available at google scholar: =0#v=onepage&q&f=false DAY 2 2014 Occupy Taipei: Sunflower Student Movement and Large Intestine Flower Forum Speaker Shih Fang-long Sunflower Movement in the Democratization of Taiwan Speaker Liang Chia-Yu 1. What is the relation among decolonisation, westernisation, and sinicisation in the context of Taiwan’s democratisation? 2. How will Taiwan’s adoption of values that concern global issues (such as transitional justice, aboriginal right, LGBTQ right, labour right, refugee right, environmental justice, etc.) affects its further democratisation, in view of its relation to China, and its geopolitical status in the international system? 3. What is the role of Taiwan’s democratisation in global history? Required Readings Mearsheimer, John (2014),’ Say Goodbye to Taiwan’, The National Interest (25, Feb, 2014), Chen, Chia-Min (2015), ‘Searching for Constitutional Authority in the Sunflower Movement’, Hong Kong Law Journal, 45, 211-228. Dirlik, Arif (2018), ‘Taiwan: the land colonialisms made’, boundary 2 (2018) 45 (3): 1-25. Recommended Readings Audio-visual materials Sunflower Movement and the Issue of Taiwanese National Identity Speaker Stéphane Corcuff Required Readings Recommended Readings DAY 3 The Politics of the Return of Tianxia and its influence on the social movements Speaker Liang Chia-Yu How does, and how can, the Chinese concept of tianxia challenge the Westphalian system (the international system)? Is the Chinese concept of tianxia a valid alternative for the allegedly hegemonic international system dominated by the West, represented by the United States? What is the place of human right in a tianxia system, where different social groupings of people are unified in a harmonious world order? Required Readings Zhao, Tingyang (2006), ‘Rethinking Empire from a Chinese Concept of ‘All-under-Heaven’ (tianxia, 天下)’, Social Identities, 12-1, pp. 29-41. Callahan, William (2008), ‘Chinese Vision of World Order: post-hegemonic or a new hegemony?’, International Studies Review, Vol. 10, pp. 749-761. Lagerwey, John (2014), ‘Religion and Politics, Church and State in Chinese History’, in Johann P. Arnason and Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski eds., Religion and Politics: European and Global Perspectives, Edinburg: Edinburg University Press. Dirlik, Arif (2015), ‘Born in Translation: “China” in the Making of “Zhongguo”’, Boundary2, 29, July, 2015, Weil, Simone (2004)[1955], ‘Meditation on Obedience and Liberty’, in Simone Weil, Oppression and Liberty, London: Routledge, pp. 132-138. Recommended Readings Audio-visual materials Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement Speaker Lai Tsz Him Required Readings King Jr, Martin Luther. “A Documentary Edition of the ‘Letter From Birmingham Jail’” in Blessed Are the Peacemakers: Martin Luther King, Jr., Eight White Religious Leaders, and the "Letter from Birmingham Jail. Written by S. Jonathan Bass. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State Univ. Press, 2001, 237-256. ______. “The Meaning of Hope” Sermon, 10 December 1967. Atlanta: Martin Luther King, Jr. Center Archives. Mantena, Karuna. “Showdown for Nonviolence: The Theory and Practice of Nonviolent Politics” in To Shape a New World: Essays on the Political Philosophy of Martin Luther King, Jr. Edited by Tommie Shelby & Brandon M. Terry. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2018, 78-101 Recommended Readings Ling, Peter J. “Chronology”. in Martin Luther King Jr. New York: Routledge, 2015. Social Movement and Public Theology in Hong Kong and Mainland China Speaker Calida Chu Questions for Discussions - What is the significance of the articles? - For Chow’s article, do you consider the protestant public engagement as a movement? - For Kwok’s article, some perceived the Occupy Central Movement as a revolution and not simply a movement. Do you agree with that? Required Readings Chow, Alexander. ‘Calvinist Public Theology in Urban China Today’. International Journal of Public Theology 8 (2014): 158–175. Kwok, Wai-luen. ‘Reconsidering Public Theology: Involvement of Hong Kong Protestant Christianity in the Occupy Central Movement’. Journal of Dharma 40, no. 2 (April–June 2015: 169–88. Recommended Readings Kung, Lap-yan. ‘The Public, Church and Hong Kong Society: The Narrative Nature of Public Theology’. In Political & Public: Western and Chinese Theological Discourse, edited by Jason Lam, 245–75. Hong Kong: The Logos and Pneuma Press, 2014. Tsang, Sam. ‘Exegeting the Occupation of Hong Kong: The Umbrella Movement as a Battleground for Liberation Hermeneutics’. In Theological Reflections on the Hong Kong Umbrella Movement: Asian Christianity in the Diaspora. Edited by Justin K. H Tse and Jonathan Y. Tan (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), 104–126. Early Rain Covenant Church,‘Women Dui Jiating Jiaohui Lichang De Chongshen (Jiushiwu Tiao)’ [Reiterating Our Standpoints on Housechurches (Ninety-Five Theses)], Shengming Jikan [Life Quarterly], no. 75 (September 2015), Available online: (In Chinese). DAY 4 The Use of Martin Luther King, Jr. in Hong Kong Umbrella Movement Speaker Lai Tsz Him Required Readings Ma, Ngok. “Rude Awakening: New Participants and the Umbrella Movement” in The Umbrella Movement: Civil Resistance and Contentious Space in Hong Kong. Edited by Ngok Ma and Edmund W. Cheng. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019, 77-98. Tai, Benny Y. T. “From Past to Future: Hong Kong's Democratic Movement” in Citizenship, Identity and Social Movements in the New Hong Kong Localism after the Umbrella Movement. Edited by Wai-Man Lam and Luke Cooper. New York: Routledge, 2018, 151-171. ______. “Introduction” & “Conclusion” in China’s Sharp Power in Hong Kong. Edited by Benny You-Ting Tai. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Civil Hub, 2018, 9-12, 103-108. Recommended Readings Ma, Ngok and Edmund W. Cheng. "Appendix The Umbrella Movement---Chronology of Major Events" in The Umbrella Movement: Civil Resistance and Contentious Space in Hong Kong. Edited by Ngok Ma and Edmund W. Cheng. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2019. Social Movements in Taiwan and Identity Speaker Stéphane Corcuff Required Readings Recommended Readings