P R E F A C E. f e ^ t o r can now congratulate his readers and himfelf, on having brought this work to a conclufion. He expected to have done fo, at a much more early date. Unforefeen difficulties arofe to prevent the accomplifhment of his deftgn*. The heft apology for this delay, is to point out fome of the principal i m provements that it was found requifite to make to the original publication, and which have principally occafioned the tardinefs of the editor in fulfilling his engagements. In the article of Poland, befides numerous corrections in point of ftyle, and the omiilion, or emendation of many exceptionable paflages, the hiftory of the eftablifhment of the new conflitution in 1791, a n d its fubfequent overthrow, have been newly written for the prefent edition. The eflay on Greek literature, in the fucceeding article, has alfo been added, and another, on a fimilar fubjecr,, under the head of "Turkey in Afia. W i t h refpecr. to the internal adminiftration of the Ottoman empire, and the domeftic manners of its people, fome interefting details have been borrowed from Baron de Tott, and M . de Peyfonnel. The article of Tartary in Afia will alfo be found confiderably improved. T o that of China large additions have been fubjoined, and in particular, belides other heads, under thofe of population and literature. India within the Ganges has, among other additions, an article extending to twelve pages, on the adminiftration of the Britifh Eaft-India Company. The hiftory, under the fame head, being eight pages, is, a few paragraphs excepted, entirely new. T o the fates of Barbary there has been added a new article on their hiftory. The united ftates of America occupy from p. 2 4 3 , to p. 5 8 0 , inclufive, in the prefent volume. It was noticed, in the preface to vol. I. that the account given by Guthrie was altogether trifling. It has been entirely laid afide. Under this head, though the editor has exerted himfelf to the utmoft for obtaining authentic materials, he is fenftble that his account is at a very great diftance from perfect accuracy. The rev. Jedidiah Morfe, author of the Univerfal Geography, has furnifhed the principal part of it. T o render it as complete as poftible, application has been made to gentlemen refiding in different ftates ; and to their affiftance the work is indebted for many interefting particulars that have not hitherto been publifhed. F r o m the multiplicity of fubjecls that are to be examined, and the multiplicity of opinions that arife upon every fubjecT:, it becomes a talk of the greateft delicacy to * O n e reafon for the delay has been, that the work has extended to fifty-fix numbers, inftead of forty-eight, which were originally propofed. The eight extra, numbers have been delivered gratis to the fubfcriberS; agreeably to engagement.