Adobe Systems English Autonomously Second Introductory Session Autumn 2020 Martina Šindelářová Skupeňová Technické hlášení Small talk Představení (improvizovaný rozhovor vedoucí k „priorities“) ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY checking understanding Finish the sentence: Autonomous learning is … In English, I am really good/bad at … When learning, I feel … When learning, I would like to … When learning, I need … In EA, I can … Counselling is … Modules are … With EA materials, I did …. Složky – ve skupinkách prochází, diskutují, ptají se… examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY slido #EA2 Fotka nějakého dobrého kontraktu pro inspiraci…? MŠS, poté erasure examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY plan for today – 1st part CONTRACT COUNSELLINGS LOG SLIDO READINESS Fotka nějakého dobrého kontraktu pro inspiraci…? MŠS, poté erasure examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY plan for today – 2nd part (7-7.20 pm) BOOKING 1st counselling module module study buddy Fotka nějakého dobrého kontraktu pro inspiraci…? MŠS, poté erasure examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY contract/ agreement Fotka nějakého dobrého kontraktu pro inspiraci…? MŠS, poté erasure examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY contract/ plan/ agreement -Připomenout DIY!!!!!! -contact hours – 4,5 with modules plus home preparation – how much? -Odkazy na videopozvánky? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY contract/ plan/ agreement Obsah obrázku text Popis byl vytvořen automaticky -Struktura kurzu!!! -contact hours – 4,5 with modules plus home preparation – how much? -Odkazy na videopozvánky? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY metacognition for autonomous learning planning evaluating monitoring MAI – všichni snad mají… ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY counselling sessions planning evaluating monitoring ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY counseling session 1 - planning Image from Výsledek obrázku pro needs TASK: In pairs talk about your preparation for the 1st counselling session: What do I want and need to achieve? Do I know what to bring? Do I know what to do with each paper and why? Do I have a plan? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY getting ready for 1st counselling ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY counseling session 2 - monitoring Image from ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY counseling session 3 - evaluating gray and white pathway between green plants on vast valley Image from ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY learning diary/ log/ reflective writing Obsah obrázku osoba, brýle, interiér, hledání Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku interiér, stůl Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku interiér, přenosný počítač, počítač, osoba Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku stůl, interiér, přenosný počítač, vsedě Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba, stůl, budova Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Obsah obrázku osoba, interiér, držení, muž Popis byl vytvořen automaticky Images from examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY reflective writing •a guide by University of Hull •a very brief guide by Vancouver Community College • thumb image ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY log writing Focus: English learning Activity: regular Writing style: use I/we/me structure your writing (before/during/after; event/learning/what/how/why/next time) ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY log writing Questions: What have I learned? What do I know now that I did not know? What were my strenghts and weaknesses during the experience? What were the challenges and how did I handle them? What was useful? What would I do better next time? What have I learnt from this? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY log writing - •Form: online log, video log, audio log, hand-written log, portfolio, book... • •language learning history (LLH) to start with ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY learning by doing – writing a reflection Try to reflect on your recent learning experience. ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY log writing Questions: What have I learned? What do I know now that I did not know? What were my strenghts and weaknesses during the experience? What were the challenges and how did I handle them? What was useful? What would I do better next time? What have I learnt from this? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY What do you need for your first counselling session: •agreement (contract, plan) •language learning history starting your log (based on your drawing from the last session…) Self-reflection tools: •MAI (What sort of a learner am I?) •CEFR (How competent as an English speaker am I?) •needs analysis (priorities!) •SWOT analysis ALL FILLED IN! ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY FAIR BOOKING 1st counselling module module study buddy Make sure you stay till the end to find out which modules and showers get opened. Fotka nějakého dobrého kontraktu pro inspiraci…? MŠS, poté erasure examples??? ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY modules and showers Conversation Public Speaking Module Listening to Brno Architecture Academic? Ambitious? Absolute? Vocabulary Builder Real-life German – English translations Fear Writing Lab Board Games Stress Management Breakfast to learn English from Let'sTalk Safe Tech Mindsets Theatre Night: Frothing Mouths. Hungry Eyes Sitting Through a Sitcom Adobe Systems ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY Thank you for the second session:) ENGLISH AUTONOMOUSLY bibliography Holec, Henri: Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning. Oxford, 1981. Little, David: Learner autonomy 1: definitions, issues and problems. Dublin, 1991. Karlsson, Leena, Kjisik, Felicity & Nordlund, Joan: From Here To Autonomy. Helsinki, 1997. Schraw, Gregory and Dennison, Ryne Sperling: Assessing metacognitive awareness. In: Contemporary Educational Psychology, 19, 460-475.