Videokonference v anglickém jazyce

Group Project

The class on 2.12. had to be cancelled, sorry.

On 9.12. you are going to conduct a Group Project.


Using the following materials and your own research and ideas, you are going to prepare a 5-minute presentation in pairs /small groups.

·         Choose 1 of the Hofstede´s cultural dimensions.

·         Explain what it represents.

·         Illustrate it by an authentic example (find photos, video sample, texts, situations).

·         Analyse and interpret your example.

·         Based on your analysis, provide some recommendations for intercultural communication.

·         Present your results using some visual support.

The 6 dimensions model of national culture by Geert Hofstede 

Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions - From

Based on our today´s discussion, these are the criteria for your individual final projects:

You are going to present your projects on January 13.