VII. Rome and the “Provinces” The Art of Ancient Rome DU1741,Autumn Semester 2020 Roman Emperor Trajan (ruled 98–117 AD) offering to Hathor, Roman Mammisi, Dendera Temple complex Epona, second or third century CE, Luxembourg Musée national d'art et d'histoire, Luxembourg Epona, from Köngen, Germany, about 200 CE Warrior of Vachères, second half of the 1st century BCE, limestone Musée Calvet, Avignon Tetrapylon Relief of a man, 2nd centuryAD / Geneva, Musée d’art et d’histoire Maura K. Heyn,“Gesture and Identity in the FuneraryArt of Palmyra”, American Journal of Archaeology, 114/4 (2010), pp. 631–661 Funerary Bust of Bat’â, end 2nd, early 3rd centuryAD / Museum of Grenoble Portrait bust of a priest, c. 150–200 / British Museum, London Portrait bust of a young man, 2nd centuryAD / Rome, Gregorian Egyptian, Vatican Museums Funerary relief, c. 2nd–3rd centuryAD, from Palmyra, limestone / NewYork, Metropolitan Museum Funerary relief ca. 125–150 AD / MET, NewYork Funerary relief of a merchant, 2nd century AD / Copenhagen, Ny Carlsberg Glyptothek Cult relief with Palmyrean triad, limestone, first half of the 1st century AD / Musée du Louvre, Paris Relief showing a procession, marble, first centuryAD, Temple of Bel, Palmyra / Palmyra, Syria, destroyed in 2015 Temple of Baal, frieze with Gods sequence, first centuryAD, Palmyra in 2002