« Kindle File Modifica Visualizza Vai Strumenti Guida © W ^ $ ^> 17% CO Q abc - esteso Sab 09:04 Q, Q -S • ® II Kindle di Daniela per Mac - The Story of Art Biblioteca C *® 99% _ D Pagina | 146 ^\ di - < > H Mostra Blocco Note 140 130. 7"/u' Entombment of Christ. From a Psalter manuscript from Bonmont. Probably painted between 1250 and 1300. Bcsancon, Bibliothcque Municipale To work for cathedrals was the main task of the northern sculptors of the thirteenth century. The most frequent task of the northern painters of that time was the illumination of manuscripts, but the spirit of these illustrations was very different from that of the solemn Romanesque book pages. If we compare the 'Annunciation' from the twelfth century (p. 128, Fig. 120) with a page from a 28% Pagina 146 di 468