A. Give advice to the people below. @ Example: ž T 'J —/check newspaper -» ItM £ M,tz h i^l Ex. check newspaper 1. consult with the teacher 2. send résumé to companies 3. go to a party 4. join a club (7 7 7"|:X^) !il> 5. give up 6. propose marriage 7. give her a ring 8. meet her parents B. Pair Work—Give your partner some suggestions on the following comments using ~fc6£5"Cř"3~ft\ Example: A : BKd'ft v\&"C1~0 to* ofc 5. b^^/vtto 6. i < ft&ftftv^-Cl-o fa 9. ífe/tt^r^tt^-C, Hi < ti&^-C'1-0 i) Complete the dialogues. 1. A : a ^&te~?i±^-ii I tz iV,tt B : 11 A, *H< (Why don't you send a resume to the company?) 2. A : Jc^MHx&H^'t'f o B :_ (Why don't you go to a party?) 3. A : 3&#ttv*SX/-C't0 B :_ (Why don't you go to bed early?) 4. A : fx F^i*f,i^o/-^tto B I -1 \«■ s hi (Why don't you consult with the teacher?) 5. a : n^k & < lfc,t-e-fo B : (Why don't you go to the police [HHr] ?) I) Make a dialogue according to the cues. A : l. (What's wrong?) B : 2. confessing the problem a : 3. giving advice B I 4. (I will do so. Thank you.)