{ 11 ' (" ^13^11 Potential Verbs —1 (T) Fill in the chart. dictionary form te-form potential potential negative Ex. fe5 faX fahtit fa h ti & ^ 1. h % J>i 3. (Dt: 4. ^*b5 5. i -3 t < § 6. 3o 7. 7 "5 8. o < S 9. J < 10. -ts 11. < 5 12. 13. £ Ml3iiQ Potential Verbs —2 i) Read the first half of the sentences and fill in the blanks with the potential verbs. Determine whether you should use the affirmative or the negative. 1.+sn:-f3^-cv^o-t\ +at§**___ (speak) 2. ^M^M^'C, (swim) 3. ^z>^z>?j:zz (thing) |:H^**5©t, (decide) 5. k&^#»-fv^^;S^-C\ fc<^ (go) (eat) (go out) (n) Translate the following sentences. 1. What kind of songs can you sing? 2. Where can I buy cheap clothes? 3. I was not able to sleep at all last night. 4. I was unable to eat a green pepper (t°—-? >) when I was a child, but I can eat it now. 5. I was able to wear kimono on the New Year's.