←→ ← „“„“ „“„“ ČTENÍ KLASICKÝCH TEXTŮ 1. opakování Kokinshuu 2 春たちける日よめる             紀貫之 袖ひちてむすびし水のこほれるを春立つけふの風やとくらむ Question 1 Explain the し inむすびし水 Question 2 Explain the construction水のこほれるを Question 3 What does けふの風 mean? Question 4 Translate the poem (Kokinshuu 2) Question 5 Comment on the poem. What is the basic imagery behind the poem and how does it play with seasonal differences? Question 6 What is the principle of there being two separate forms called shuushikei and rentaikei in Classical Japanese? Question 7 What is the meaning of these words? おみな をみな Question 8 What is the difference between these two sentences? この夜の月おもしろし。 この夜の月こそおもしろけれ。 Question 9 Identify at least two words of this 3-word passage from a Kojiki song 和賀由久美知 ←→ ← „“„“ „“„“ “”“” “””