Sosban Fach Traditional Welsh song, written by Mynyddog in 1873. Associated with the rugby union club in Llanelli (where they used to tinplate saucepans and other kitchen utensils. Welsh Mae bys Meri-Ann wedi brifo, A Dafydd y gwas ddim yn iach. Mae'r baban yn y crud yn crio, A'r gath wedi sgrapo Joni bach. Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tân, Sosban fawr yn berwi ar y llawr, A'r gath wedi sgrapo Joni bach. Dai bach y soldiwr, Dai bach y soldiwr, Dai bach y soldiwr, A chwt ei grys e mas. Mae bys Meri-Ann wedi gwella, A Dafydd y gwas yn ei fedd; Mae'r baban yn y crud wedi tyfu, A'r gath wedi huno mewn hedd. Sosban fach yn berwi ar y tân Sosban fawr yn berwi ar y llawr A'r gath wedi huno mewn hedd. Llanelli.PNG English (literal translation) Mary-Ann has hurt her finger, And David the servant is not well. The baby in the cradle is crying, And the cat has scratched little Johnny. A little saucepan is boiling on the fire, A big saucepan is boiling on the floor, And the cat has scratched little Johnny. Little Dai the soldier, Little Dai the soldier, Little Dai the soldier, And his shirt tail is hanging out. Mary-Ann's finger has got better, And David the servant is in his grave; The baby in the cradle has grown up, And the cat is "asleep in peace". A little saucepan is boiling on the fire, A big saucepan is boiling on the floor, And the cat is "asleep in peace".