Poruchy autistického spektra Katarína Kemková Semináre každý týždeň 80% účasť na seminároch + 2 veľké domáce úlohy + malé domáce úlohy Pri online výučbe je účasť hodnotená na základe odovzdávania odpovedníkov do stanovených termínov (8 odpovedníkov aby ste boli pripustení ku kolokviu), ktoré sa budú venovať témam z prednášky a úlohám. Záverečné kolokvium Veľká úloha I Esej na ľubovoľnú tému súvisiacu s PAS 1000 slov +/- 100 Termín odovzdania 13.12. 2020 Veľká úloha II skupinová práca téma “Zlepšenie života ľudí s PAS” tabuľka skupín poster + prezentácia (20 min.) 16.12. Sylabus 1.základné poznatky o autizme 2.autistická triáda 3.senzorické abnormality a jazyk 4.vznik, komorbidita a poznatky z neurovied 5.diagnostika 6.teórie autizmu 7.intervencia 8.práca s kazuistikami 9.skupinové projekty Čo je autizmus?... DSM-5 vs MKN-10 vs ICD-11 MKN-10 Definícia - DSM-5 MKN-10 ICD-11 - 6A02 Štatistiky... USA Rok 2000 - 1 zo 150 USA teraz - 1 z 54 Celosvetovo - 1 zo 160 ČR +1500 až 2000 detí ročne chlapci 4x častejšie ako dievčatá Eugene Bleuler Hans Asperger Leo Kanner Leo Kanner “Every child, every adult, everybody wants what I call the three As: affection, acceptance and approval. If the child has that, regardless of his IQ or anything else, he will be all right.” “disorder of the mother–child relationship” “extreme autistic aloneness” “In his key 1943 paper, Kanner considered five features to be diagnostic: a profound lack of affective contact with other people; an anxiously obsessive desire for the preservation of sameness in the child’s routines and environment; a fascination with objects, which are handled with skill in fine motor movements; mutism or a kind of language that does not seem intended for interpersonal communication; good cognitive potential shown in feats of memory or skills on performance tests” Hans Asperger “Autistic psychopathy” “It helped to be a little autistic if you wanted to do things well.” “While the schizophrenic patient seems to show progressive loss of contact, the children we are discussing lack contact from the start.” “We claim—not on theoretical grounds but from the experience of dealing with many children—that this boy’s positive and negative features are two naturally necessary, connected aspects of what is really a homogenously laid-out personality. We can also express this as follows: the difficulties which this boy experiences with himself, as well as with his relationship to the world, are the price he has to pay for his special gifts.” 60.te roky Bruno Bettelheim 1967 - The empty fortress: Infantile autism and the birth of self 60.te roky In defense of mothers National Autistic Society (UK) Zdroje obrázkov: https://cdn.clipart.email/e63024c7af7ff074dfa1f5a2a57d19ef_things-you-should-know-vol-5-how-to-chan ge-a-tire_299-256.png https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000255451784-fsm3zi-t500x500.jpg https://static01.nyt.com/images/2018/04/20/world/europe/20asperger/20asperger-superJumbo.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/49/54/d4/4954d41f6100ca6264e8a8fb20c5e3f7.jpg https://img.universitystudent.org/1/4/3149/when-youre-the-only-one-contributing-to-a-group-project- meme.jpg https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/dXVAO9OcNZLi0qnwvg-6AomPuqs7XNsRx4XqNupyauqMGx2XwF1OkocQtIg AoaxZrDN8itoRnPbPMpWRBYZlM66gmFHEzY4vjqWP-sGY2qsvs-9wWYuimveb9RT2 https://www.clinical-partners.co.uk/images/autism/triad-of-impairment.png https://media.sciencephoto.com/image/h4020600/800wm https://indianfolk.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/p2eugenics-copy.sized-770x415x225x239x1831x987.pn g https://node2.sdccdn.com/images/savings/logo/4639159.png?width=225&height=150 https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/proxy/n-pS5E--3T5-Wfj1av3vjymA0V6bp0Avjt-vTny9T6s92PdZbjku1gfx1_t h37jzNcLywjO_7UKJU6Bl4eY_qA https://www.autismsociety-nc.org/wp-content/uploads/1in54-3.jpg