Presentation Criteria expectations penalization Language vocabulary correctness correct use 1 mistakes that impede understanding 0 vocabulary range a variety of words that reflect important differences in ideas 1 word choice too simplistic to convey important differences 0 register precise, professional language appropriate for the audience and situation 1 excessive use of slang or vague, casual language ("like", "stuff", “thing”), or clichés ("in my humble opinion") 0 grammar range use of more complex structures (relative clauses, variety of verb tenses, modals) 1 limited range of structures 0 grammar accuracy correct use 1 mistakes that impede understanding 0 spelling in the visuals correct spelling in slides 1 spelling mistakes (2 or more in the body, 1 or more in the title) 0 pronunciation / intonation clear and pleasing; standard pronunciation of key words; accented correctly; loud enough for the audience to understand 1 mistakes that impede understanding; key words mispronounced; mumbling 0 fluency a natural, unbroken "flow" and rhythm 1 unnecessary pauses; monotone; distracting fillers ("um, well, so") 0 Task topic selection presents a specific problem / question / issue which is relevant to the audience 1 general overview of a broad field ("Sigmund Freud"; "Brno History") 0 topic coverage content fulfills the promise of the title and purpose statement; reflects thoughtful analysis 1 not getting what we expect; superficial, "first-page Wikipedia" content 0 appropriate focus on/explanation of key terms explains unfamiliar terms/concepts essential for understanding the topic 1 complex terms not explained; too much time spent on very basic concepts 0 engaging the audience presenter involves the audience (e.g. asking questions; humor) and is aware of their needs 1 no attempt to connect to audience or develop rapport; no adapting to their needs 0 title development at least 5 words; captures the purpose and tone of the presentation; catches attention 1 less than 5 words; simply names the topic, does not express a problem / issue 0 non-text presentation aids audio / visual elements which support the main points (e.g. photos; videos; music samples, if relevant) 1 only text; no samples of the relevant work if the topic is visual or auditory 0 clear and balanced visuals minimal text, arranged well on slides; visuals are referred to directly ("As you can see…") 1 too much text; inconsistent formatting; designs that hurt the eyes; pointless visuals 0 body language appropriate gestures, confident posture, eye contact 1 reading directly off of notes; distracting gestures; looking down only 0 sources - choice and attributing well-chosen sources, crucial sources for facts/photos clearly referenced throughout the presentation 1 only 1 source, no academic source, no English language source, no credit given to source 0 timing 10 minute presentation (with all its parts) 1 under 8 minutes or over 12 minutes 0 Organization opening makes the purpose and relevance of the presentation clear ("This is important because...") 1 merely gives an outline of the presentation without stating purpose/relevance 0 closing ties up loose threads of argument and gives the audience a memorable "takeaway" point 1 merely restates the outline of the presentation; ends abruptly ("That's all.") 0 efficiency / economy saying things once, effectively, memorably 1 redundancy; repetition 0 signposting language / cohesion appropriate transitional phrases which logically and smoothly connect the parts of presentation 1 moving to the next part suddenly without logical connections 0 coherence the parts of the presentation proceed in a logical order 1 no clear direction or organizing principle, audience/presenter get "lost" 0 TOTAL 23