The Owl and the Pussy-Cat to vjatA IMPOHTANT MOTICI Purin by EDWARD LEAR IfiOR STRAVINSKY UM M. W. J'* 140 tnr£»> Canto I;- 7 The Owl Jind the Pus - sy - Cat Went— to sea ,^H^~—- beau - ti - ful pea - green boat, ff i, They took some »«y, nod pic p fowl! How =1 charm - iag - ly sweet_ you sing! Oh let us be t Hlr"~"iir~Tr B i 11 11)551 n * h. mříži Tut key who lives. on the hill. -p—r—r 11 li y dined On f ft* -f % H & Hi 1HI52I