27.10.2021 - Neuropsychologické testy. Dotazníky - jednodimenzionální, multidimenzionální. Přednáší doc. PhDr. Hana Přikrylová Kučerová Ph.D.
pro zájemce doporučuji na Youtube.com:
- Measuring personality. Crash course psychology 22
- Rorschach and Freudians: Crasch course psychology 21
- The big 5 OCEAN traits explained - personality quizzes
- My presentation - the California Psychological inventory
- The Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory -MMPI (Intro Psych Tutorial 136)
- Stress profile
- Cornel index
- Personality inventories
- MMPI-2-RF: basic overview
- Dr. Marc Janoson, leading psychological experts in the MMPI personality test, used in Forensic evals
- The Five factor model or big five (intro psych tutorial 138)
- Trait-based assessment of personality (intro psych tutorial 134)
- Which personality traits matter? (intro psych tutorial 137)
+ celé intro psych tutorial - Psychology - Personality