KOREAN CLASS WEEK 1 INDEX • •Introduce •About Korea •About Hangeul •Vowels / Consonants •Today’s K-pop INTRODUCTION 사람, 의류, 가장이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 •Ye-eun Kim •Born in Seoul, Live in Gyeong-gi. •Student of Sungshin Women’s University •Exchange student in Masaryk university •Studying in Faculty of Education • INTRODUCTION •Yeri Kim •Born in Seoul, Living in Seoul •Student of Sungshin Women’s University •Exchange student in Masaryk university •Studying in Faculty of Sports • 지도이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 ABOUT KOREA 사람, 쥐고있는, 앉아있는, 사진이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 ABOUT KOREA FEEL THE RHYTHM OF KOREA https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_Lkw4Jwe-heWkDNPYtx3QSYpEXGvEdWb ABOUT HANGEUL •King Sejong created with many scholars • •He made it for the whole nation • •Cultural heritage 실외, 남자, 조각상, 서있는이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 ABOUT HANGEUL ABOUT HANGEUL 잔디, 작은, 장난감, 조그만이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 Watch video! https://youtu.be/2aDPpssj0h0 ABOUT HANGEUL CONSONANTS [자음:JA EUM] CONSONANTS [자음:JA EUM] •Let’s learn how to write and make sounds of consonants CONSONANTS [자음:JA EUM] •Let’s learn how to write and make sounds of consonants • CONSONANTS [자음:JA EUM] •Let’s learn how to write and make sounds of consonants • These consonants let out a lor of air when pronounced CONSONANTS [자음:JA EUM] •Let’s learn how to write and make sounds of 쌍자음 [ssang:jaeum] These consonants let out no air when pronounced VOWELS [모음:MO EUM] •Basic vowels 테이블이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 VOWELS [모음:MO EUM] •COMBINED VOWELS 테이블이(가) 표시된 사진 자동 생성된 설명 COMBINED VOWELS •ㅐ [ae] =ㅏ+ㅣ ㅘ [wa] =ㅗ+ㅏ ㅞ [we] =ㅜ+ㅔ • •ㅒ [yae] =ㅑ+ㅣ ㅚ [oe] =ㅗ+ㅣ ㅟ [wi] =ㅜ+ㅣ • •ㅔ [e] = ㅓ+ㅣ ㅙ [wae] =ㅗ+ㅐ ㅢ [ui] =ㅡ+ㅣ • •ㅖ [ye] =ㅕ+ㅣ ㅝ [wo] =ㅜ+ㅓ TODAY’S K-POP •Let’s watch video! •https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4TrCcG2yUSA 광 permission to dance - BTS Thank you 댓글 심장