Adobe Systems SOME FEATURES OF MONTREALIAN ACCENT Annamária Zemanová & Catherine Girard AJL22093 Adobe Systems SOME FEATURES OF MONTREALIAN ACCENT / DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES 2 CANADIAN RAISING AND CANADIAN SHIFT ̶Centralization of /aɪ/ or /aʊ/ before voiceless consonants, raising the open a sound to /ɐ/, /ʌ/, or /ə/ ̶ ̶Example: „price“ and „clout“ but not „prize“ or „cloud“ or typical „out and about“ ̶ ̶Merger of /ɑ/ (cot) with /ɔ/ (caught) in low back position as /ɒ/ (on) ̶Lowering of the tongue in the front short vowels /æ/ (trap), /ɛ/ (dress), and /ɪ/ (kit) The vowel chart used in the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). | Download Scientific Diagram [USEMAP] [USEMAP] IPA Chart,, available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License. Copyright © 2018 International Phonetic Association. Adobe Systems SOME FEATURES OF MONTREALIAN ACCENT / DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES 3 CANADIAN SHIFT IN MONTREAL ̶According to Boberg‘s 2005 study ̶The Canadian Shift, or something very similar to it, is active in Montreal, but its phonetic character is not identical with the version of the Shift reported for Ontario English ̶ ̶The retraction of /ɛ/ is the most active part of the Canadian Shift in Montreal ̶ ̶The Shift is somewhat influenced by gender and age of the speakers ̶ Adobe Systems SOME FEATURES OF MONTREALIAN ACCENT / DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES 4 DISTINCTIVE MONTREALIAN FEATURES ̶Among young Canadian women in particular, the pronunciation of /ɛ/ is sometimes low enough to produce potential confusion with /æ/, at least when taken out of context ̶ ̶left, bet → laughed, bat ̶ ̶Vowel sounds before intervocalic /r/ ̶Resistance to „merry-marry“ merger ̶ ̶Mary vs merry vs marry [USEMAP] [USEMAP] Adobe Systems 5 CULTURAL INFLUENCES ̶ ̶Communities (Italian, Jewish, British) ̶ ̶Surrounded by French ̶ ̶Local vs. Global prestige SOME FEATURES OF MONTREALIAN ACCENT / DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES Adobe Systems SOME FEATURES OF MONTREALIAN ACCENT / DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES 6 RESOURCES ̶Boberg, C. (2005). The Canadian shift in Montreal. Language Variation and Change, 17(2), 133-154. ̶ ̶Kelly, J. (2014, February 22). The quest for the Montreal English accent [Radio broadcast]. CBC, EeokOps-IOc ̶ ̶Labov, W., Ash, S., & Boberg, C. (2006). The Atlas of North American English. Berlin: Mouton-de Gruyter. ̶ Adobe Systems SOME FEATURES OF MONTREALIAN ACCENT / DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STUDIES 7 Q&A