Labov’s Research The Social Stratification of (r) in NYC Department Stores Introduction •William Labov •1966 •Hypothesis: “If any two subgroups in New York City speakers are ranked in a scale of social stratification, then they will be marked in the same order by their differential use of (r).” • • • • Method •3 Manhattan Stores: •Saks •Macy’s •S. Klein •Asking for items that can be found on the 4th floor Variables •independent •e. g. age, race, occupation, accent, floor •dependent •natural and emphatic pronunciation of (r) Results •Labov’s hypothesis verified •People with higher socioeconomic status pronounced (r) more frequently •Increase in (r) pronunciation when speaking with emphasis Impact of Independent Variables •Race •African Americans •S. Klein > Macy’s > Saks •Age •Expected result only at Saks Possible Sources of Error •Selecting sample •Not tape recorded •Emphatic speech Sources: •Labov, W. “The Social Stratification of (r) in NYC Department Stores” • •Pictures: • • • • •Labov, W. “The Social Stratification of (r) in NYC Department Stores” • • • • • • • Thank You for Your Attention