Tomkova@Accents 2012 Kateřina Tomková, Brno, CZ [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 Perceptions of Non-Native Pronunciation of English by Native Speakers [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 EXPERIENCE AND MOTIVATION • • •Teaching English since 1986 •Specializing in Phonetics since 1991 •Running the TomCat Playgroup since 1993 •Adrian Underhill: Sound Foundations (1996) •J.C.Wells: Summer Course of English Phonetics at UCL(1996) [USEMAP] figure 5 [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 What next ??? •Rhetorics ? •Elocution ? • • • » NO !!! [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 Instead, by studying the PERCEPTIONS of non-native pronunciation of English, to find out which aspects of pronunciation are vital for positive/negative personality perception. [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 THE CORPUS • •15 non-native speakers of English •Texts for them to read; a question to answer •Recordings •5+1 assessors, native speakers of English •Questionnaires [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 EVALUATION •Phonetic assessment •based on the system devised in 1996. • •Sociolinguistic assessment based on Questionnaires; criteria: intelligibility, confidence speaking English, elligibility for a childminding job, appropriateness of speech behaviour. Other criteria (secondary) not fully used. • •Correlations between them [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 CORRELATIONS • •The group of 4 best speakers by phonetic criteria remained unchanged. • •Two shifts occurred between the 5 average speakers and 6 inferior speakers. Speakers 11 and 3 obtained much better results by perception than by phonetic criteria. • [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 COMMON FEATURES • •Their speech is appropriately loud. •Their speech is appropriately slow. • •In other words, their loudness is sufficient for being comfortably heard, •and their tempo is sufficiently moderate for their pronunciation mistakes to be decoded. [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 CONCLUSIONS AND PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS In teaching, appropriate LOUDNESS and TEMPO must be emphasized. ECHOING is to be avoided. [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS on the author’s pronunciation • • •A) Nemluvíš jako Angličanka. Mluvíš • jiným tónem. • [You don’t speak as if you were English. You use a different tone.] • • • • • [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS on the author’s pronunciation • •B) I didn’t know you were foreign. •C) I knew at once you were foreign. • •D) How many O-levels have you got? • •E) You speak like an upper-middle class person. • • • • • •F) Mrs. Tomkova’s accent is better than mine. • • [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS on the author’s pronunciation • •F) Mrs. Tomkova’s accent is better than mine. •G) You speak a bit American. •H) You sound very British, we’ll work on that. •I) I don’t usually understand a word of what the British say but you’re very intelligible. [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS on other foreign pronunciation • •J) I’ll turn the volume up for you. • •K) Someone speaks with an Irish accent here. Keep it! •L) Your accent is charming. • •M) You sound like a Russian spy in a James Bond movie. [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS on other foreign pronunciation • •N) ………. – Pardon me? • •O) My name’s Tom. – Dominic? • •P) Camden Town, please. – Kensington? • •Q) The one with the Czech accent? • [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS made among native speakers • •R) When did you first become aware of the special rhythmicality of English? - Not until I started Spanish. • •S) Never mind Phil’s accent, he’s O.K. • •T) Oh? You’re Canadian, aren’t you? • • [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS made by Czech speakers • •U) My name’s David Konečný. • •V) Těm Angličanům se vůbec nedá rozumět. Víc toho neřeknou než řeknou. •[It’s ever so hard to understand the English. They swallow more than they say. • [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS made by Czech speakers • •W) Já jsem té Angličance říkal všechno tak zřetelně a ona dělala, že mi nerozumí. •[I was so distinct speaking to the English person and she pretended not to understand me.] •X) Té angličtiny jsem nechala. Připadalo mi, že ze sebe dělám šaška. •[I quit English classes. I felt I was making a fool of myself.] [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 AUTHENTIC COMMENTS made by Czech speakers • •Y) Otevři hubu, vole. •[Open your yapper, man.] • •Z) Čeština mě namáhá víc. •[Czech requires more of my effort.] [USEMAP] Tomkova@Accents2012 CONCLUSIONS QUESTIONS INVITATION TO DISCUSSION SESSION ON EURO-ENGLISH THIS AFTERNOON » » » » [USEMAP] • • • • • tomcat logo.JPG Tomkova@Accents2012 Thank you for your attention and have a Meowy Christmas ! [USEMAP] Brno again… [USEMAP]