Academic skills Week Six, 27. 10. 2022 Work-In-Progress: Seminar I Dr. Šárka Gmiterková Agenda •Structure • •Presenting your individual research papers (topic, research questions, primary and secondary sources) • •Targeted Learning Outcome • •Identifying issues with current state of research and finding possible solutions Present briefly your paper •What is your topic? •What are your primary and secondary sources? •What is currently known in your area of research and do you have any idea how you might contribute to the field (your position)? •What is/are your research question(s)? •What kind of challenges are you facing with your research? •Do you have any possible solutions to the issues you are facing right now? Take-aways •Your research is still in an early stage - you got time to come up with your position on the specific area of your interest. •Rest assured that it is natural to do a wider research first and then narrowing it down to certain areas and / or cases of your interest. •However, we are moving towards the execution phase of the seminar. You should at least know what topic you would like to research and what parts of your selected area offer a hypothesis for a short research paper. • Next time •Date: 3. 11. •Instructor: Richard • •Topic: Project Execution Seminar I: Arguments • •Outcome: Delivering argument-driven work •Prepare:Think about something from everyday life that you hold strong opinions about, and be prepared to talk about it in class. •