BRITISH SCHOOl] at 1 MHEN3 List of tables Source: British School at Athens Studies, 2007, Vol. 14, KNOSSOS POTTERY HANDBOOK: NEOLITHIC and BRONZE AGE (MINOAN) (2007), pp. xii-xiii Published by: British School at Athens Stable URL: | JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at British School at Athens is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to British School at Athens Studies JSTOR This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Aug 2021 19:21:34 UTC All use subject to List of tables o.i Summary of the Evans-Mackenzie pottery sequence as presented in The Palace of Minos 3 and major subsequent modifications proposed by various authors (c. 1900-2000). 0.2 Knossian ceramic sequence, suggested Neolithic / Minoan labels and approximate 7 calendar dates. 1.1 The relationship between Cretan, Greek, Anatolian and Syro-Mesopotamian Neolithic / 12 Chalcolithic phases. 1.2 Past and present subdivisions of the Knossos Neolithic-EM I sequence. 13 1.3 Central Court Strata: Strata IA-IIIB redefined for Area ABCD (1957-60), and extended 16 to Trenches P and Q_and Areas F, KLMN and RST (1969-70). 1.4 West Court Strata: Area AABB, Strata A-P with corresponding excavated level numbers. 18 1.5 Past attempts to correlate the Greek and Knossian / Cretan Neolithic sequences and 19 scheme proposed in this chapter. 1.6 Selected Cretan sites with material contemporary with the Stratum IC Group (FN IV) and 20 with EM I (Sub-Neolithic) assemblages. 2.1 EM I Well Group (EM I): form distribution by ware. 51 2.2 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the EM I Well Group (EM I). 56 2.3 West Court House Group (EM IIA early): form distribution by ware. 58 2.4 North-East Magazines Group (EM IIA late): form distribution by ware. 65 2.5 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the West Court House and 70 North-East Magazines Groups (EM IIA early and late). 2.6 South Front Group (EM HB): form distribution by ware. 71 2.7 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the South Front Group (EM IIB). 76 3.1 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the SFH Foundation Trench and 93 Upper East Well Groups (EM III). 3.2 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary or partly overlapping with the House 99 C/RRS Fill Group (MM IA). 4.1 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the Early Chamber beneath the West 121 Court Group (MM IB). 4.2 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the Royal Pottery Stores Group 134 (MM IIA). 4.3 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the Trial KV Group (MM IIB). 143 4.4 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the West and South Polychrome 149 Deposits Group (MM IIIA). 5.1 A. J. Evans's (1921, 552-90) main MM III deposits and suggested new dating. 151 5.2 Dates of selected Knossian MM III-LM IB deposits according to different scholars. 155 5.3 a) Deposits assigned to the KS 178 Group and dates given by previous scholars. 156 b) Deposits assigned to the Gypsades Well (Upper Deposit) Group and dates given by 157 previous scholars. c) Deposits assigned to the SEX North House Group and dates given by previous scholars. 157 5.4 The Neopalatial, Final Palatial and Postpalatial ceramic sequence and main events at 154 Knossos. 5.5 Overlap of KS 178 forms with other deposits. 159 5.6 KS 178 Group (MM IIIB): (a) conical cup and ledge-rimmed bowls in fine buff fabric, 167 distribution by ware; (b) small open pots in fine buff fabric, distribution by ware. 5.7 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the KS 178 Group (MM IIIB). 171 5.8 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the Gypsades Well (Upper Deposit) 183 Group (LM IA). 5.9 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the SEX North House Group (LM IB). 195 This content downloaded from on Tim, 26 Aug 2021 19:21:34 UTC All use subject to LIST OF TABLES I PLATES 6.1 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the MUM South Sector Group 213 (LM II). 6.2 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the Long Corridor Cists Group 223 (LM IIIAi). 6-3 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the MUM Pits 8, io-ii 234 Group (LM IIIA2). 6.4 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the Makritikhos 'Kitchen' Group 244 (LM IIIB early). 6-5 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the MUM North Platform Pits 247 Group (LM IIIB late). 6.6 Selected Cretan sites with deposits contemporary with the SEX Southern Half Group 249 (LM IIIC early). List of plates 1 Photomicrographs of the main Neolithic fabrics local to Knossos. (/) Photomicrograph of Fabric ia, calcareous, rare quartz, fine-grained sparite; (2) Photomicrograph of Fabric ib, calcareous, rare quartz, crushed fine-grained sparite; (j) Photomicrograph of Fabric id, calcareous, rare quartz, biomicrite/micrite; (4) Photomicrograph of Fabric ie, calcareous, rare quartz, crushed euhcdral calcite, biomicrite; (5) Photomicrograph of Fabric if, calcareous, rare quartz, crushed coarse-grained sparite; (6) Photomicrograph of Fabric 2a, low/non-calcareous, fine quartz-rich, chert, sparite. This content downloaded from on Thu, 26 Aug 2021 19:21:34 UTC All use subject to