1 Peasants, Wars and Lots of Treaties. The Medieval Swiss Confederation III Dr. phil. Heinrich Speich MAS Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 2 Questions on the lecture of 30.09.2022 ? 1. Short presentations of further battles 30’ 3. How it all began: the early middle ages 30’ 4. Abbeys, lords, peasants and towns 60’ 5. Break 6. Exercise: The Federal Charter of 1291 45’ Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 3 3. Alliance, agreement, contract, treaty, friendship and combourgeoisie: The art of contracting. Dr. phil. Heinrich Speich MAS Exercise: bilateral alliances between Bern and Fribourg Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 4 Content: 04.11.2022 1. Alliance, agreement, contract, treaty, friendship 40’ and combourgeoisie 2. The long 14th c.: from regional «Landfrieden» 40’ to the «Swiss Confederation» (1350 – 1450) 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» 20’ 4. Break 5. Case study 2: «Bilateral alliances BE-FR» 30’ 6. Preparation of the exam / research questions 30’ Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 5 1. Alliance, agreement, contract, treaty, friendship and combourgeoisie August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1. Mapping alliances 2. Alliance practice 3. Alliance types 4. Conclusions 6 Mapping alliances 15./17. c. 7 Mapping alliances 18./19. c. 8 Mapping alliances Hektor Ammann / Karl Schib (ed.): Historischer Atlas der Schweiz/Atlas Historique de la Suisse/Atlante Storico della Svizzera, Aarau 1951. Andreas Würgler: Eidgenossenschaft, Article in: Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (2012), Eidgenossenschaft (hls-dhs-dss.ch) Nadir Weber, Philippe Rogger: Unbekannte inmitten Europa. Zur aussenpolitischen Kultur der frühneuzeitlichen Eidgenossenschaft, in: Rogger/Weber, Beobachten, Vernetzen, Verhandeln, Itinera 45 (2018), p. 22. 20. c. 9 Mapping alliances Hektor Ammann / Karl Schib (ed.): Historischer Atlas der Schweiz/Atlas Historique de la Suisse/Atlante Storico della Svizzera, Aarau 1951. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 10 Mapping alliances Guy P. Marchal, Die Ursprünge der Unabhängigkeit (401-1394), in: Ulrich im Hof et al. (ed.), Geschichte der Schweiz und der Schweizer, p. 186/187. 11 Mapping alliances 12 Michael T. Clanchy, From Memory to Written Record. England 1066-1307, Oxford 1979 (3rd ed. 2013). Activities with texts: - Making - Using - Keeping Excursus: from memory to written record 13 Alliance practice The contract is discussed by the city council in the town-hall. It is subject to negotiations and compromises The agreed text is written down in a draft-paper (Nottel) Luzern, Korporation Luzern / Eidgenössische Chronik des Luzerners Diebold Schilling, p. 251: Der Stadtschreiber von Luzern liest den Boten von Freiburg und Solothurn die besiegelte Bundesurkunde mit Luzern, Bern und Zürich vor (1477) Making 14 The contract is read aloud to the public The public (men over 14) is swearing to follow the content Luzern, Korporation Luzern / Eidgenössische Chronik des Luzerners Diebold Schilling, p. 25: the oath of Lucerne 1332. Alliance practice Using 15 bag for storing a charter in the archive (1587 for the charter of 1294, resp. 1343) Alliance practice Keeping Fribourg, AEF, bourses d’archive No 5, bearing the combourgeoisie with the count of Neuchâtel of 1294 16 Contract type: Federal pact Bilateral Pact with confederate allies - Status of contracting partners - Military assistance (no limits) - Jurisdiciton and Arbitration - Defined help-area Schwyz, StASZ HA II 100. Luzerner Bund 1332 17 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie • Contracted naturalisation under conditions (basic idea) • Political contract / alliance • Enforced protection 18 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Contracted naturalisation under conditions: 1. Reservations and aid commitments 2. Fiscal provisions (taxation) 3. Delimitation of the legal districts 4. Arbitration 5. Duration and renewal - Military levy - Access to urban market and credit business 19 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Counts of Neuchâtel Abbey of Frienisberg (OCist) Town: Neuveville de la tour de Nugerol 1257 20 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Bern, StABE, C1a Fach Aarberg (1257.03.25), Rudolf of Neuchâtel gives the abbey of Frienisberg Burgrecht in the town of Neuveville de la Tour de Nugerol (…) that they may build a house there, and have the rights of Burgensie, with all the pertaining rights and liberties (...) 21 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Bern, StABE, C1a Fach Aarberg (1257.03.25), Rudolf of Neuchâtel gives the abbey of Frienisberg Burgrecht in the town of Neuveville de la Tour de Nugerol Noverint presentes ac posteri, quod nos Bertoldus comes Novicastri et Rodolfus fdius noster, pro remedio animarum nostrarum et omnium parentum nostrorum, contulimus libere et absolute aream unam sive fundum in Villanova prope turrim de Nugerols viris religiosis . . abbati et conventui de Frinisperc, Cisterciensis ordinis, ut ibidem domum construant et jus habeant burgensie cum omni libertate et juribus universis, ita quod ab omnibus serviciis, talliis, exactionibus et vexationibus liberi sint ipsi et domus eorum penitus et quitati, sicut ordo ipsorum habere libere consuevit in aliis villis, civitatibus et castellis domos suas, excepto si seculares in eadem domo commorentur, quod illi sicut ceteri burgenses vigiles pro se habeant, tamen sine dampno domus; (…) 22 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Boniface de Challant, Bishop of Sion Town: Berne Conflict between the bishop and nobles in the upper Vallesian and Bernese valleys 1296 23 Bern, StABE, C1a Fach Wallis (1296.04.04) Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie … we became citizens of Berne … 24 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Anna von Geroldseck Town: Rottweil - R.= Imperial town, imperial law-court for upper Germany - AvG = heiress 1395 25 Rottweil, StadtA, II. Arch., I. Abt., Lade XLII, Fasz. 2, Nr. 4 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie (…)That I have received and sworn the Burgrecht of the city of Rottweil (…) 26 Rottweil, StadtA, II. Arch., I. Abt., Lade XLII, Fasz. 2, Nr. 4 Ich Anna von Geroltzegg her Hainrichs von Geroltzegg seligen wilant ehesti hussfrouwe geborn von Ochsenstein vergich offenlich und tuon kunt menglichem mit disem brief daz ich daz burgrecht der stat ze Rotwil empfangen und gesworn haun ze haltende fünf gantzi jare die nechsten nachenander ze zellend nach datum dis briefs ungevarlich und darnach als lang ich wil. Und darumb sol ich inen verglichs uf sant Martins tag geben fünf pfund guoter haller ze stüre alle die wile und ich daz burgrecht also halt. Ich sol inen ouch warten mit der vesti Ruwenberg daz die ir offen huse sin sol zuo allen iren nöten alle die wile und ich ir burgrecht also halt ane alle geverde. Und ob daz were daz ich mit den egenanten von Rotwil oder mit iren ützit ze schaffend hett oder gewunne alle die wile und ich ir burgrecht halt darumb sol ich recht von in nehmen vor irem schulthaissen ze Rotwil und mich da rechtz von in 10 benügen lassen. (…) Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie 27 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Heinrich von Werdenberg Rural communities: Glarus/Schwyz 1437 28 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie LAGL AGA Cl. 51 Nr. 7(1437) (Vidimus Eberhard Wüst, (1443) 29 Mapping alliances Guy P. Marchal, Die Ursprünge der Unabhängigkeit (401-1394), in: Ulrich im Hof et al. (ed.), Geschichte der Schweiz und der Schweizer, p. 186/187. 30 Synopsis on late medieval «alliances» Alliance treaties name the holders of political power as contracting parties. They are always the result of negotiations and compromises that took place not only between the contracting parties but also within their political environment. The conclusion of a treaty creates the reality of an alliance. However, this is always influenced by developments outside the treaty. Synopsis according to Schmid, Prolegomena (2019) Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 31 Synopsis on late medieval «alliances» To grasp the social impact of alliances means first of all to focus attention on all persons and groups who acted with and in the alliance. Secondly, it means isolating changes in the social structure that can be essentially attributed to the fact of contractual political ties between institutions - i.e. alliances. But this also means being able to grasp the potential of the contractual political bond for the formation of personal, familial, group-related or institutional strategies. Synopsis according to Schmid, Prolegomena (2019) Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 32 Synopsis on late medieval «alliances» To this end, the properties inherent in alliances must first be mentioned: Alliances are contracts between two or more partners. They come about on the basis of shared legal principles and procedures. They are the result of negotiations; their content and semantics refer to the traditions and current concerns of all parties involved. In this way, deeds of alliance build a bridge between local traditions. They are the result of an exchange and influence local situations for the period of their validity - and possibly beyond - just as much as they are able to shape the nature and content of the exchange. Synopsis according to Schmid, Prolegomena (2019) Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 33 Synopsis on late medieval «alliances» Successful alliances are an expression of converging, but not necessarily "common" interests - even if the commonality of concerns can be inscribed in the alliance document in a legitimising form. Written down, cast in legal formulas and equipped with normative (and thus generalising) principles, alliances define their own, overarching frameworks for action. Synopsis according to Schmid, Prolegomena (2019) Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 34 Synopsis on late medieval «alliances» Covenants are contracts and thus follow legal principles and are subject to negotiations referring to legal ideas. Their conclusion therefore requires legal and diplomatic know-how. They require specific knowledge and competences. Synopsis according to Schmid, Prolegomena (2019) Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 35 Synopsis on late medieval «alliances» The content of the alliance provides for specific, alliance-bound roles, especially with regard to arbitration, but also promotes the expansion of existing roles - accounting, writing, military coordination. The successful performance of such roles expands the knowledge and know-how of those acting. Alliance-building is part of the arcanum of urban politics; the transfer of knowledge and know-how as well as the necessary relationships happens partly within the council, but also within the family. Thus, alliances become catalysts of social dynamics within the elites. Synopsis according to Schmid, Prolegomena (2019) Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 36 Synopsis on late medieval «alliances» Alliances are made by members of the leadership groups, but in implementation they are supported by broader groups of the population. If the "common man" is included in the alliance by oath, he is able to identify with it and derive his own political role from it. Alliances thus always carry the potential for social upheaval. Synopsis according to Schmid, Prolegomena (2019) Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 37 2. The long 14th c.: from regional «Landfrieden» to the «Swiss Confederation» (1350 – 1450) August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 38 5. Recap: Factors for urban communities 1. Freedoms and privileges 2. Municipal law, legal autonomy 3. Jurisdictional autonomy 4. The direct superior is only the King (payment of taxes, revenue, law) 5. Coinage/fiscal law Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Origins, 30.09.2022 39 From town to city-state… 1. Emerging towns in the Swiss midlands: 2. Imperial and Royal cities: Zürich, Berne, Solothurn, Laupen etc. 3. Bishops towns: Basel, Constance, Lausanne, Geneva, Chur etc. 4. Noble rule: Schaffhausen, Winterthur, Zofingen etc. 5. Internal self-organisation and administration since the late 12th c. 6. Political (external) activities since the late 13th c. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 40 From town to city-state… Berne 41 From town to city-state… Regimental organisation of Berne in the 15th c. Mayor 4 captains chamberlain 4 tribunes 17 further = minor council chancellor major council of «burghers» or «of the twohundred» offices citizens 42 …from city state to Confederate Canton 1. Lucerne: 1332 pact with Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden 2. Zürich: 1351 pact with Uri, Schwyz, Unterwalden and Lucerne 3. Berne: 1353 pact with Uri, Schwyz Unterwalden. Epistle for Zurich and Lucerne 43 …from city-state to Confederate… StABE C1a F Eidg. (1353.03.06) •Zurich Berne• Lucerne• 3 confed. countries =forest cantons Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Origins, 30.09.2022 44 …from city-state to Confederate … StABE C1a F Eidg. (1353.03.07) •Zurich (1351) Berne• Lucerne (1332) • 3 confed. countries Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Origins, 30.09.2022 Epistle for Zurich and Lucerne: no direct pact between the cities Berne, Zurich and Lucerne (bilateral character of the pact) 45 …from allies to members… Sarnen, StAOW. 01.0103 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 …next time (4.12.) 46 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 Laupen 1339 Bregenz 1408 47 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1780 Habsburgian posessions 1486«1315» 48 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1315: Morgarten war 1350-1352: War on Zug and Glarus, Rapperswil 1380s: Sempach and Näfels war 1412: 20 jears-peace 1415: Conquest of the Aargau 1443: Imperial war against (some) Confederates 1460: Conquest of the Thurgau 1474: Ewige Richtung (eternal peace agreement) 1499: Swabian wars 49 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 «1380s»: West to east: - Burgdorf (1384) - Luzern (Sempach 1386) - Zürich - Glarus (Näfels 1388) Sempacherbrief 1393 50 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1415: «conquest of the Aargau» 51 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1440-1446: imperial war against the Confederates 52 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1499 Swabian war 53 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1474 Ewige Richtung 54 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1499 Swabian war 55 Break Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 56 4. Case study 2: «Bilateral alliances BE-FR» August Bachelin 1867: Settlement of stilt-houses in the neolithics. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 57 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie Town: Fribourg Town: Berne Contracts: 1243, 1271, 1341, 1403 58 StABE, C1a F. Freiburg, 11.20.1243 17 x 21 cm 503 words latin From town to city-state… Burgrecht 1243 BE-FR 59 From town to city-state… StABE, C1a F. Freiburg, 04.16.1271 24 x 25 cm 951 words latin Burgrecht 1271 BE-FR 60 Concluded alliances of Berne (13th .c.) From town to city-state… 61 StABE, C1a F. Freiburg, 06.06.1341 36 x 34 cm 1054 words german From town to city-state… Burgrecht 1341 BE-FR 62 Concluded alliances of Berne (1339-1364) in brackets: indirect alliances From town to city-state… 63 From town to city-state… AEF, traités et contrats 41, 78 x 64 cm 3825 words german Burgrecht 1403 BE-FR 64 Concluded alliances of Berne (1364-1399) From town to city-state… 65 Contract type: Burgrecht / Combourgeoisie 1243 Bern-Freiburg: Burgenses utrique in ambabus civitatibus consimile ius habebunt. 1341 Die Forme des eidez alz wir untz her ze samen verbunden waren hein ernüweret 1271 Forma juramenti qua confederati erant (..) sunt et esse desiderant et tetentur imperpetuum renovaverunt (…) 1403 ein ewig burgrecht an uns genomen und emphangen 66 Self-denomination 1243: Noverint universi hanc litteram inspecturi, quod de Friburch et de Berne burgenses formam juramenti, sub qua confederati erant... 1271: Noverint universi presentem litteram inspecturi , quod dominus Gonradus de Vivirs scultetus , Consilium et Universitas de Friburgo ex una parte , et dominus Chüno de Bübinberc scultetus , consilium et Universitas de Berno ex altera formam juramenti qua confederati erant tempore ducis Bertoldi de Zeringen , sunt et esse desiderant et tenentur in perpetuum , renovaverunt et recognoverunt concorditer in hanc formam… 67 1295: …scultetus, consules et communitas de Friburgo, sinceri amoris constanciam cum salute.(…) 1308: Salutation formula Circonspectis viris et omni honore dignis, sculteto, consulibus et communitati de Berno, amicis nostris dilectis et conjuratis karissimis, scultetus, consules et communitas de Friburgo, suorum serviciorum non ultimi, sincere dilectionis incrementum perpetuum cum salute. (…) 1368: …lieben fründen und eitgnoszen, dem schultheisz, dem rat und den burgern von Berne (…) 68 1383: Salutation formula …Nach ünserm willigen dienst, lieben fründ und eytgnossen (…) 1389: …Nach unsern willigen dienst, lieben frünt und nachgeburen (…) …frommen fürsichtigen und wisen, unsern besundren guotten fründen und gar getrüwen lieben mitburgeren von Berne (…) 1453: …als ob wir in einer ringmur sament gesessen weren (…) 69 Questions? 70 5. Preparation for exam Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 71 5. Preparation for exam Lerning-Taxonomy of Benjamin Bloom: Bloom's Taxonomy Center for Instructional Technology and Training University of Florida (ufl.edu) 72 Blooms Taxonomy: Bloom's Taxonomy Center for Instructional Technology and Training University of Florida (ufl.edu) 73 Recap: Course objectives 1. The medieval Swiss Confederation as a research topic seems far away and unimportant for East-Central European students. There are though many similarities. 2. Basically, Swiss History is often dealt with under the plea of being a “special case” in European history. 3. The course-topic is to investigate whether the introduced processes and related events are of general-importance or rather of regional significance. 74 Recap: Course objectives II 4. The Swiss Confederation is considered the reference-model to test general medieval concepts such as the fief-system, conflict-resolution strategies, the evolving city-states or the politically emerging rural communities. 5. As a result, (national) historiography is questioned for its accuracy to embed Swiss events and structures into a transnational European History. Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 75 Recap: Learning outcomes I Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 1. Students are aware of the specific topographical, historical and methodological terminology of Swiss historiography 2. Students can locate main Swiss historic events of the medieval period in time and space 3. Students can describe the methods of research and main sources for the medieval Swiss history 4. Students are enabled to embed Swiss events and processes into the general history of the time 5. Students can assign examples of events and processes regarding their relevance for history and in the national historiography 76 Recap: Exam questions I.1 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 Students are aware of the specific topographical, historical and methodological terminology of Swiss historiography 1. The geographical and political components of Switzerland: how are they called ? 2. There are city-states and rural communities. Name at least five of them, indicating their nature (city/rural/other) 3. What is the federal diet? 77 Recap: Exam questions I.2 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 Students can locate main Swiss historic events of the medieval period in time and space 1. The federal pact –according to the national tradition- was concluded in which year? Alternative datations? 2. What happend in this year (situation in the empire) 3. Name, locate and date at least three medival battles of the Confederates, the context and the outcome 78 Recap: Exam questions I.3 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 Students can describe the methods of research and main sources for the medieval Swiss history 1. What types of sources do we have from the early middle-ages? 2. What is the difference of the developments between the Swiss area and the Czech lands in the early middle-ages? 3. Which one is the most preserved form of late-medieval sources in Swiss archives? 4. What is a town-cronicle and how was it used in historiography? 79 Recap: Exam questions I.4 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 Students are enabled to embed Swiss events and processes into the general history of the time 1. The formation of the Swiss Confederation out of urban and rural communities: explain and compare. 2. Explain the «special case» in Swiss historiography 3. Has neutrality of Switzerland medieval origins? 80 Recap: Exam questions I.5 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 Students can assign examples of events and processes regarding their relevance for history and in the national historiography 1. Name the main phases in Swiss national historiography. 2. Explain the connection between political events/phases and Swiss national historiography by examples 3. Compare Swiss and Czech national history in their decisive phases. Are there similarities? 81 Recap: Exam question 2 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 1. Students are aware of the specific topographical, historical and methodological terminology of Swiss historiography: In which phase a charter may have been described in the following way? Explain. «The pact of the forest-Cantons of 1291, or its renewal of 1315, is by far the closest and most perfect of all confederate pacts, and it is only to be regretted that its provisions were not simply transferred to the later members of the Confederation. All the later confederations, although much more detailed and broader in content, are merely weakened versions of the first. We therefore have every reason to present the wreath of honour to the men who created it, Arnold von Silenen, Konrad ab Iberg, Werner von Attinghausen, Rudolf Stauffacher, Burkard Schüpfer, Konrad Hunn, Konrad von Erstfelden. Swiss history has had more famous politicians, but hardly better and more successful ones.” 82 Recap: Exam question 3 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 2. Students are enabled to embed Swiss events and processes into the general history of the time Locate the following text regarding time, space and connected events or structures. Time: When is the text being written? Are there dates mentioned? termini post/ante quem? Space: Where in Switzerland: are Names, Locations, Communities mentionned? Names of Cantons, Cities, Nobles? Events: What might the context be? Is there a concrete occasion? Structures: Situation at the specific time? 83 Recap: Learning outcomes – question 3 StASZ HA II. 11 Fridericus dei gratia Romanorum imperator semper augustus, Ierusalem et Siciliae rex, universis hominibus vallis in Switz fidelibus suis gratiam suam et omne bonum. Literis et nuntijs ex parte vestra receptis et vestra ad nos conversione et devotione assumpta expositis et cognitis per eosdem, vestrae purae voluntati affectu favorabili concurrimus et benigno, devotionem et fidem vestram commendantes non modicum de eo,quod zelum, quem semper ad nos et imperium habuistis, per effectum operis ostendistis sub alas nostras et imperij (sicut tenebamini) confugiendo tanquam homines liberi, qui solum ad nos et imperium respec-tum debeatis habere. Ex quo igitur sponte nostrum et imperij dominium elegistis, fidem vestram patulis brachijs amplexamur, favoris et benivolentiae puritatem vestris sinceris affec||tibus exhibemus, recipientesvos sub nostra speciali et imperij protectione, ita quod nullo temporevos a nostris et imperij dominio et manibus alienari vel extrahi permittemus, dantes vobis certitudinem, quod plenitudenem gratiae et favoris, isquam benignus dominus effundere debet ad subditos et fidèles, vosgaudeatis in omnibus assecutos, dummodo in nostra fidelitate et servi-tijs maneatis. Datum in obsidione Faventiae, anno domini M° CC° XL°,mense decembri, XIIII» indictione Text from: Aegidius Tschudi, chronicon helveticum vol. 2, p. 122. 84 Recap: Learning outcomes – question 3 StASZ HA II. 11 Frederick, by the grace of God, emperor of the Romans, always august, king of Jerusalem and Sicily, to all the people of the valley in Switz, his faithful ones, his grace and all good. Having received the letters and messages from your side, and having explained to us the conversion and devotion assumed by you, and being acquainted with them by them, we meet with a favorable affection for your pure will, and with kindness, commending your devotion and faith, not a little for the zeal which you have always had for us and for your government, by the effect of the work you have shown by fleeing under our wings and the empire (as we were held) as free men, who owe only respect to us and the empire. Since, then, you have freely chosen our dominion and empire, we embrace your faith with open arms, favor and benevolence. We offer you the purity of our sincere affections, receiving you under our special and powerful protection, in such a way that we will not permit any temporal ones to be alienated or taken out of our and imperious dominion and hands, giving you the certainty that the fullness of grace and favor, as a kind lord must pour out to his subjects and faithful ones, may you rejoice in all that you have achieved, provided you remain faithful to us and your servants. Given at the siege of Favente, in the year of the Lord MCCXL, in the month of December, the 14th indictment. Text: Tschudi, chronicon,vol. 2, p. 122. Translation: “google translator” 85 Recap: Exam question 4 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 3. Students can describe the methods of research and main sources for the medieval Swiss history Locate the following text regarding time, space and connected events or structures. Time: When is the text being written? Are there dates mentioned? termini post/ante quem? Space: Where in Switzerland: are Names, Locations, Communities mentionned? Names of Cantons, Cities, Nobles? Events: What might the context be? Is there a concrete occasion? Structures: Situation at the specific time? 86 Recap: Learning outcomes – question 4 (…) Zurich makes an everlasting alliance with the four forest-cantons of Lucerne, Uri, Schwyz and Underwalden and became confederate. But this bond was not certified until the following year. The city of Zurich was besieged for the first time by Duke Albrecht of Austria on September 13 with 2’000 horses and 20’000 foot soldiers. There were in person 5 princes, 5 bishops, 26 counts and the cities Strasbourg, Basel, Bern, Freiburg im Breisgau, Solothurn, Schaffhausen and Neuchâtel. 87 Recap: Exam question 4 Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 3. Students can describe the methods of research and main sources for the medieval Swiss history Locate the following text / image regarding time, space and connected events or structures. Time: When is the text being written/designed? Are there dates mentioned? termini post/ante quem? Space: Where in Switzerland: are Names, Locations, Communities mentionned? Names of Cantons, Cities, Nobles? Events: What might the context be? Is there a concrete occasion? Structures: Situation at the specific time? 88 Recap: Learning outcomes – question 4 Time: When is the text/image being created? Are there dates mentioned? Termini post/ante quem? Space: Where in Switzerland: are Names, Locations, Communities mentionned? Names of Cantons, Cities, Nobles? Events: What might the context be? Is there a concrete occasion? Structures: Situation at the specific time? Diebold Schilling, Great Burgundian Chronicle BBB Mss. Hist. Helv. I.3, S. 757 p. 89 Recap: Learning outcomes II Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Introduction 23.09.2022 1. Students can locate main Swiss historic events of the medieval period in time and space 2. Students can describe the methods of research and main sources for the medieval Swiss history 3. Students are enabled to embed Swiss events and processes into the general history of the time 4. Students can assign examples of events and processes regarding their relevance for history and in the national historiography 90 Questions on November 4? Heinrich Speich – Peasants, wars and lots of treaties. Alliances, 04.11.2022 1. Alliance, agreement, contract, treaty, friendship 30’ and combourgeoisie 1. The long 14th c.: from regional «Landfrieden» 30’ to the «Swiss Confederation» (1350 – 1450) 3. Case study 1: The «Habsburg issue» 30’ 4. Break 5. Case study 2: «Bilateral alliances BE-FR» 30’ 6. Preparation of the exam / research questions 15’ 91 Content on December 9: 1. The «Old Zurich War» (1436-1450) 20’ 2. The «Burgundian Wars» (1476-1477) and the treaty of Stans 20’ 3. The Italian Wars (1500-1525) and Swiss Neutrality 20’ 4. Case study : The «Agreement of Stans 1481 20’ 5. Conclusion 30’ 6. Break 7. Written exam: - 3 short Questions on «Swiss medieval history» 10’ - Text-analysis of a charter 20’