Footer1 Landeszeugnaus Graz MATERIALITY Medieval Conflicts and their Remains Dr. phil. Heinrich Speich MAS Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies Room G02, Fr. 30.09.2022 3 II. CONFLICT Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, sept 30, 2022 4 4. Conflict records and Conflict Studies a. Medieval Chronicles b. National Histories c. Military History 19./20. Jh. d. Security Studies 21. Jh. Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, sept 30, 2022 5 4d. Security Studies a. Copenhagen School b. Securitization approach c. Legal approach (LOAC) Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, sept 30, 2022 6 5. Materiality and Medieval Conflict a. Personal- and research interest and of the participants b. Individual needs Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, sept 30, 2022 7 III. NEXT STEPS Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, feb 28, 2020 8 6. Individual learning plan a. Aim b. Project work c. Individual reading d. Output definition e. Output control and evaluation Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, sept 30, 2022 9 6. Next steps a. Readings: Barbara Stollberg-Rilinger, Macht und Dinge, in: Handbuch Materielle Kultur. Bedeutungen, Konzepte, Disziplinen, ed. by S.Samida/M. Eggert/H.P. Hahn, Darmstadt 2014, p. 85-88. Bjørnar Olsen, In Defense of Things, Lanham 2010, p. 1-19. Erik G. Johannesson, Michelle L. Machicek, War and Peace. A Reassessment of the Archeological Traces of Warfare, Inter-Personal Violence and Peace in the Material Record, in: Archeological Review from Cambridge 25.1, April 2010, p. 13-28. Gerhard Jaritz, Zwischen Augenblick und Ewigkeit. Einführung in die Alltagsgeschichte des Mittelalters, Wien 1989. Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, sept 30, 2022 10 6. Next session, 04.11.2022 Discussion on : Stollberg-Rilinger, Macht und Dinge. Olsen, In Defense of Things. Johannesson/Machicek, War and Peace. Development of individual project and reading plan Introductions: 1. Mediality of Violence, 2. Materiality of Armed Conflict in the Middle Ages Reading: Schramm, Herrschaftszeichen. Moździoch, Consensus, etc. Further session: Fr. 09.12.2022 Heinrich Speich, BA-Seminary MATERIALITY, sept 30, 2022