IIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111LuE Gusto for Things A History of Objects in Seventeenth-Century Rome Renata Ago Translated from the Italian by BRADFORD BOULEY COREY TAZZARA with PAULA FINDLEN With a Foreword by PAULA FINDLEN UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PRESS * Chicago & London 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111F---- III1111II11111111I1111IIIII111111111111111111111I1111IIII1111111I11111II CONTENTS Foreword: Early Modern Romans and Their Things, by Paula Findlen ix Acknowledgments xxxv A Note on Roman Coins and Money xxxvii Introduction PART I. THE NATURE OF GOODS 1. The Function of Goods 15 z. Reflecting on Things 41 PART II. MATERIAL GOODS 63 3. Furniture 65 4. Furnishings and Clothing 95 3 PART III. IMMATERIAL THINGS 12.3 5. The Great Collections 12.5 6. Paintings 139 7. Ostentatious Things 159 8. Books 187 Conclusion z15 List of Abbreviations 2.2.7 Notes 2.2.9 Bibliography 2.87 Index 305 1II111111111III I111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111 FOREWORD Early Modern Romans and Their Things Paula Findlen In 1664 two Roman booksellers, Biagio Diversin and Felice Cesaretti, decided to finance the publication of a guidebook.' It was not a description of Rome—the subject of numerous guidebooks by the mid-seventeenth century—but an account of the many spaces in the Eternal City in which one could see the most interesting objects in the possession of early modern Romans. Or perhaps we should say the most enticing artifacts that connoisseurs of things within Rome considered worth indicating to visitors. To accomplish this task, they needed a Roman truly knowledgeable about the system of things embellishing the Eternal City, capable of writing a new kind of guidebook yet willing to have it appear without any indication of his role in this publication. Until recently, the author of this anonymous book has been identified as one of the prominent antiquarians and art theorists of this generation, Giovan Pietro Bellori (1613-1696).2 Bellori, who trained as a painter under Domenichino, would become theVasari of seventeenth-century Rome, with the publication of his Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (i672) and its critical assessment of the evolution of the arts in the age of Poussin, Borromini, and Bernini. In the mid-seventeenth century Bellori was already well known for his studies of Roman antiquities and associated with the learned circles around N OTA DELLI MVSEI' LIB RERIE GALERIE, ET ORNAMENTI DI STATVE PITTVILS NePilazzi, ache Care,eaGiar;. duidi Roma • TN ROMA; Apprelso Biagio Deuerfin oe Felice Cefiretti Neils Stamperis del Falco . 166 CM liceaus4e:$10,?‘ • FIGURE I . The First Guidebook to Roman Museums, Libraries, and Galleries. Source: [Fioravante Martinelli and Giovan Pietro Bellori], Nota delli musei, librerie, galerie, et ornamenti di statue e pitture ne' palazzi, nelle case, e ne' giardini di Roma (Rome, 1664-65). Courtesy of the Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome. Cardinal Francesco Barberini and eventually Queen Christina of Sweden that would lead to his appointments as papal antiquarian in 167o and Queen Christina's antiquarian and custodian of medals in 1677. He had recently published an account of the life of his good friend Pietro della Valle (1586- 1652), whose travels were being published posthumously by the French bookseller Diversin at the behest of della Valle's sons.' Bellori also had begun to make a name for himself as an art critic by publishing an interpretive description of the Carracci frescoes adorning the Farnese gallery. During this period Bellori successfully established himself as an authoritative figure in Rome's most important artistic academy, the Academy of St. Luke, where he delivered a well-received lecture on "The Idea of the Painter, Sculptor, and Architect" in 1664 before publishing a version as the preface to his Lives.4 But was he the author of the anonymous book titled Notice on Museums, Libraries, Galleries, and Ornaments ofStatuesand Paintings in the Palaces, Houses, and Gardens of Rome (1664-1665)? Notice on Museums is actually two books within one since the guidebook concludes with an essay on ancient art titled On the Vestiges of Ancient Paintings from the Good Century of the Romans. Paying closer attention to the hybrid quality of the text, art historian Margaret Daly Davis confirms Bellori's authorship of the second part while identifying the author of the Notice on Museums as Fioravante Martinelli (ca. 1599-1667), a librarian and antiquarian who spent most of his career as scriptor of Latin and Hebrew manuscripts in the Vatican library.' Two decades earlier Martinelli had written an important guidebook, Rome Sought on Site (1644), reprinted and updated multiple times during the seventeenth century. In 1664 Girolamo Lunadoro's Relation of the Court of Rome included the expanded third edition of Rome Sought on Site. Diversin and Cesaretti explicitly conceived of Notice on Museums as a supplement to this recent publication. The two publishers seem to have encouraged Martinelli to create a new account of early modern Rome that narrowed its focus to those locations housingsome of the city's most interesting things, enriching the publication with the addition of Bellori's equally anonymous essay. Notice on Museums, Libraries, Galleries, and Ornaments ofStatues and Paintings in the Palaces, Houses, and Gardens of Rome remains an arresting portrait of the profuse and complex patrimony of things in the Rome of Alexander VII (1655-1667) whose imprint on the city, with the assistance of his most important architect Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680), transformed many of the public spaces of Rome into a dazzling theatrical setting for the enactment of the Grand Tour.6 Martinelli was just the kind of person EARLY MODERN ROMANS AND THEIR THINGS :: Xi to be fully in command of information about Roman collections, though we cannot entirely discount the possibility that Bellori, equally knowledgeable about the worlds of Roman art, antiquities, and scholarship, played some role in the first part of this joint publication.' There is no better introduction to the world of early modern Roman things than this unique and compelling guidebook. The Glory and Marvel of Things What would a visitor who purchased the Notice on Museums have learned about seventeenth-century Rome? While some recent guidebooks such as Martinelli's Rome Sought on Site and especially the second edition of Pornpilo Totti's Portrait of Modern Rome in Which the Churches, Monasteries, Hospitals, Brotherhoods, Colleges, Seminaries, Palaces, Architecture, Libraries, and Museums are Portrayed (1645) began to identify important sites of Roman collecting for visitors, no other book focused on this subject to the exclusion of all others.' The two booksellers Diversin and Cesaretti made certain that readers of their contribution to the burgeoning publishing industry about the beauty and uniqueness of the Eternal City understood that many different kinds of Romans contributed to the creation and display of its rich cultural patrimony. "Therefore in Rome not only the learned cloisters of religious men and women, titled families, and cardinals [de' Sacri Porporati] but almost every honorable and civil family [Casa honesta, e civile] preserves something of value that is memorable and worthy." They wanted their readers to understand that collecting was not only an activity of the highest echelons of Roman nobility and the papacy but also a practice of ordinary patricians. Inside many Roman houses were interesting and valuable objects that had accumulated over time. Knowing the value of this collective patrimony for understanding the importance of Rome, Diversin and Cesaretti lamented the tendency of certain Romans to sell their valuable possessions. "Some people, who have no regard for learning, the arts, and honored memories, personally alienate and despoil the ornaments of their ancestors, and allow the glory and marvel of things to travel elsewhere."' Such comments revealed the perennial bitterness of those who cared deeply about Rome's unique cultural patrimony—la gloria e la meraviglia delle cose—when confronted with the economic realities of both the local and the international market for antiquities, paintings, and sculptures that, papal restrictions on the exportation of Rome's antiquities notwithstanding, offered impoverished nobles, merchants, and speculators numerous Xli :: FOREWORD opportunities to make a quick scudo selling off Rome, one fragment at a time.io The focal point of this seventeenth-century guidebook was not Rome's dispersed patrimony but the splendors that remained, indeed those that had increased and multiplied in recent decades. Most of the approximately one hundred collections described in Ulisse Aldrovandi's On Ancient Statues That One Sees Everywhere in Rome (1556) had vanished, transforming an innovative and comprehensive guidebook written in 1549-50 into a historical mirage." Yet many of the principles about why and how to collect, carefully articulated in such works as Paolo Cortesi's De Cardinalatu, which described an ideal cardinal's palace around 1510, continued to be evident in the further evolution of Roman collecting.12 In the mid-seventeenth century remnants of the Renaissance rediscovery of antiquity could still be found in the homes of a few Roman families who maintained these early collections in their original location—the Cesi family being one of the most noteworthy examples'3—or in newer collections containing singularly important works of antiquity alienated by their original owners. The stock of materials from which one formed a collection of antiquities continued to alter and expand. Discussing the patrimony of the "Signori della Valle on the street bearing their surname," Martinelli not only described the innovative incorporation of ancient statues and ruins into the palace building and courtyard created for Cardinal Andrea della Valle in the early sixteenth century but also highlighted more recent additions by his friend, the celebrated adventurer and scholar Pietro. "These gentlemen preserve the mummies and diverse curiosities that Signor Pietro della Valle the Pilgrim brought back from his eastern travels," wrote Martinelli (did he consult Bellori who inspected this collection a few years earlier to complete his friend della Valle's biography?)." Such entries served to underscore the dynamic nature of Rome's collecting culture, which incorporated new things in relation to the old. However much Martinelli and his publishers lamented what had been lost, their primary goal was to celebrate the present and future state of Rome as a city of collectors. In contrast to virtually every guidebook written about Rome before the mid-seventeenth century, the Notice on Museums described the collecting of antiquities in light of the emergence of a considerable number of libraries,galleries of paintings, and gardens containing not only sculptures—a tradition we can trace to ancient Rome whose Renaissance revival Aldrovandi lovingly described—but also exotic plants, trees, fruit, and beautifully embellished casinos in imitation of ancient Roman grottos. Paolo Francesco Falconieri's EARLY MODERN ROMANS AND THEIR THINGS :: Xiii fantastic garden on Via Giulia displayed that rarest and most desired seventeenth-century flower, the tulip; on the other side of the Tiber, Pietro Gigli's garden on the Lungara was especially well known for its incredible variety of exotic citrus fruits.15 Martinelli also included detailed information on Roman cabinets of curiosities, drawings, gems, and medals. Given Martinelli's professional interests, it is not surprising to discover the attention he paid to the studio—a space connoting scholarship and reflection as well as craft and labor"—of Rome's artists, antiquarians, mathematicians, and philosophers. He also took note of the role of lawyers, merchants, and the scholars who were employed as secretaries, custodians, and antiquarians by the nobility and the church in transforming baroque Rome into a city of art and learning. This final group had a special place in Martinelli's cosmos.17 Individually, their contributions to Rome's material culture were modest in comparison with the lavish profusion of things in the palaces and gardens of the great Roman families and churchmen, but collectively they not only preserved but, most importantly, also interpreted Roman things. Bellori was a fine example of this kind of Roman collector. Martinelli's intimate knowledge of Rome produced a rich and varied list of things to see, arranged alphabetically for ease of consultation. His guidebook described no less than i50 libraries, collections, and gardens—a 5o percent increase in comparison with Aldrovandi's description of Rome with virtually no overlap with this earlier guidebook, further enhancing the impression that seventeenth-century Rome was an energetic city of people eager to display their precious artifacts to informed visitors." The majority of entries provided a succinct description of the collection and its owners, past and present, and often noted its location, allowing visitors to create a topography of seventeenth-century Roman collecting, an itinerary through the city organized around libraries, museums, galleries, and gardens that presumably could be plotted on one of the excellent maps available for sale in most Roman bookshops.° In every possible respect, Martinelli's anonymous publication amply demonstrated why the mid-seventeenth century was the era in which the taste for things reached its apogee in the Eternal City. The Notice on Museums began with the library of Cardinal Ottavio Acquaviva (1609-1674) in Palazzo dei Ceuli (later renamed Palazzo Sacchetti) on Via Giulia. An inheritance from his uncle, the original Cardinal Ottavio who was appointed archbishop of Naples in 1605, the library was described as "plentiful in every subject, especially theology, law, mathematics, and every learned discipline, and rich in Greek authors."2°The Acquaviva collection was the first of fifty-four libraries Martinelli enumerated, not including palace xiv :: FOREWORD ly 4 • — T:r•rr: : •MEAIDIES IN 31 a 3 S; a) 0 0.) a) V> 12:1 0 00 NC 0 libraries such as the famous ones of Cardinal Francesco Barberini and Queen Christina of Sweden, libraries in houses and studies including the well-known collection of Cassiano dal Pozzo, "with manuscripts and many volumes of drawings," and the fabled Vatican Library, "famous above all the other libraries of the world."2' The most striking feature of Martinelli's guidebook is the emergence of the library as a signal feature of mid-seventeenth century Rome and its definition as both a private enterprise and a public (and largely religious) institution. Just as Pliny the Elder engaged readers of his Natural History by describing the spectacular effect of piling together all the buildings of ancient Rome, Martinelli presented modern Rome as a city that had more books—in modest homes and palaces, colleges and monasteries—than any other place in the world.22 He was not wrong in this assessment. Despite the prominence of the word museum in the title of Martinelli's guidebook, only seven collections earned the designation of museo. Carlo Antonio Magnini's museum near Piazza del Fico was connected to his collection of ancient and foreign arms and armor (the only Armeria identified as such in Rome). Martinelli praised him for having "everything drawn and studiously annotated by him in manuscript books." He also admired Torquato de Alexandris's "museum of various antiquities and things acquired in travel" inside the palace of Monsignor Buratti, for whom de Alexandris was the custodian.23 The most noteworthy museums in his catalog were Cardinal Francesco Barberini's "museum of natural and foreign things" inside Palazzo Barberini, Cardinal Flavio Chigi's "museum of natural, foreign, and ancient curiosities in his castle at Formello," and the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher's "museum rich in every kind of magnetic, mathematical, mechanical, and natural curiosity, forming a theater of art and nature, to which is attached the gallery of Alfonso Donnino, Secretary to the Roman People, with paintings, antiquities, and a medals cabinet left by Cardinal Buoncompagni," housed in the Collegio Romano. Two museums were set in gardens: Cardinal Virginio Orsini's "curiousand noble museum of natural and foreign things, and others of antiquity and artifice," outside Porta del Popolo, and the naturalist Corvino Corvini's "museum of natural things, and various ancient and foreign curiosities with a garden of simples and rare foreign trees" on Via della Lungara, which also contained many of his sister Maddalena's celebrated miniatures.24 Martinelli's image of the museum reflected the evolution of the language of collecting in a city in which people were in the process of perfecting their understanding of how to classify and display things. The library, the gallery, the study (studio), the cabinet (studiolo or gabinetto), the gem cabinet (datXVi :: FOREWORD < •anow 4 0.0 a) U a) -0 a) C 0 0 -0 (;) . on C 0 C 0C Hb.0 C 0 C cf) (-) C cf) 7t- 00 as CORRESPON-MEDI-V) 0 LANGUAGESECRETSTOTAL U z C 11.1 X 0. HISTORY o o o 0 0 0 0 0 r 1- (y., r.,-, 7 . H ts1 (.o a) a) U O w \D ce, 'I- 0 U 0 rn 0\ 0 0 0 0 0 o q (x) ▪ tr, N N •••4 S 0., 0v) O 0\ e4-, N O I, 0 I,. .-Z o 0 0\ 0\ N H E--4 CS Q., N tr, \0 c+, N 1- .1- 0 00 4 8.,...., 0\ ,, 0, co. H 8° q i" 00 0 0 . 0 ey., ts 0 . 0 ..,:-. , ai. •., , , 484 N \D \D \D \D 6 N (.4 00 ▪ \.t) a.) "zt tel I, H.1 C C 4:5 •c1cz s.., t.1) CIcq:s . C a) .bb :2 0 a. E , g j p2 -, o. g U t-,0 or consilia of illustrious jurists for practical models and immediate instructions. Just as a lawyer would turn to collections of decisiones and consilia when he needed to draw up a legal opinion, this other genre of publication was a resource for writing a letter, developing a good and proper speech, or constructing an efficacious argument. The presence of four manuals on correspondence in a jeweler's house and Annibal Caro's familiar letters and the epistolae of Cicero, Simmacus, and Marsilio Ficino in a lawyer's house was therefore an eloquent sign of the success of printing, a phenomenon that has been attested in many other ways.51 Between 1538 and 1627 around 54o volumes of contemporary letters were published in Italy. In fact, it was the publishers themselves who promoted their printing: Gabriele Giolito published thirty-eight of these books, while Paolo Manuzio produced twenty-two. Other works that presented themselves as "selections of `sayings,' flowers' of speech, and repertories of infinitely reproducible discursive situations, for every occasion in which epistolary communication could be used" were closely tied to correspondence manuals.52 Books like Adages for the Two Best Written Languages, published by Manuzio and found in Pari's collection, or Giovanni Gisano's Treasure of Poetic Concepts owned by Cangiani, were intended to be "support apparatus" and therefore meant for practical purposes. Of course this did not exclude the possibility that a reader instead might also be content to use a compendium or a collection of exempla solely for edification or recreation. Nonetheless, the primary reason for the success of these anthologies or encyclopedic collections was perhaps different from the ones we have mentioned so far. As we have observed with the scholastic manuals, the goal of the authors and publishers involved in creating these works was to "produce useful books, capable of helping the public, and offering the user a short, easy, verifiable, and repeatable guide to literary writings and, more generally, knowledge."" In this spirit, a bibliographic collection such as Anton Francesco Doni's The Library, published in the mid-sixteenth century, defined itself as "a useful and necessary book to all those who need to understand language and who want to know, write, and discuss all authors, books, and works."'" From such comments we can see the importance of and public consensus on the many different kinds of anthologies that filled Neruzzi's library, as well as indexes and the increasingly copious aids to consultation that accompanied old and new classics, including "commentary, allegories, rhyme index, commonplaces, and sayings."" Equipped with specula, synoptic tables, and other visual aids, these texts allowed immediate reference BOOKS :: 197 to a much larger corpus of knowledge, supplying the reader with a key for accessing the universality of culture." As Doni described the process: We put ourselves in front of a mountain of books, inside of which there is a flood of words, and from this mixture we make others, so that from so many books we arrive at one. Those who come afterward will again take this or that fact and, remixing words with words, create another mishmash and from that a work. Thus turns this wheel of words up and down a thousand times per hour: yet one does not depart from the alphabet, nor from saying in the same style and way (and the same things, I should say!) all that others in the past have said.57 This activity of indexing and publication was not limited to belles lettres. On the contrary, the sixteenth century saw the publication "of every sort of encyclopedic manual, including books for everyone from barbers to meat carvers to stone engravers."58 For every possible intended reader the words of a Spanish scholar at the end of the sixteenth century held true: "the reader should choose as if he were seated at a table richly laid with everything that seems appetizing, healthy, and fortifying. If the text seems to be too long, he should read only as much of it as he can stand."" While it is a bit of a strain to call thisgenre of works "encyclopedias," since these volumes often lacked any principle of subject classification and the taste for variety dominated over the need to be methodical, nonetheless assuccessive editions of thesame work evolved, it is often possible to see traces of its systematic transformation into the approach of the summa, including the adoption of an alphabetical or a chronological order and a more precise principle of classification.°In making these changes publishers seem to have responded to the demands of readers who wanted instruments with which they could immediately identify what would be useful in the text. Traces of this profound tension between an easily accessible literature and a tool for action appear in the libraries surveyed here." The jeweler Cangiani owned at least eight titles that pertained to the art of writing:correspondence manuals, grammars, and dictionaries. But technical works also were not neglected since he possessed two treatises on firing a harquebus and a volume on the Universal Discipline ofthe Military Arts. He owned an additional five texts on war, which were less technical and more historical-political. They included Galeazzo Gualdo's The Prudent Warrior, Giovanni Pontano's Reports of the Wars of Naples, and Giulio Rosso's The Book of Portraits and Eulogies of Illustrious Captains.62 To this list we can also add a volume of 198 :: CHAPTER EIGHT Tacitus's HistoricalAphorisms and another titled Pleasing Deeds of Various Princes Collected by Ludovico Guicciardino. Three manuals for "social" or "sociable" professions then followed: Lelio Pascali's The Preceptor, Bartolomeo Scappi's The Butler, and Francesco Listini's The Chamberlain. The presence of these works in Cangiani's library confirms the ability of this type of literature to serve diffuse audiences. However, Cangiani also had a very active interest in current events, as his books on universal history and above all by his copy of Pietro della Valle's Travels demonstrate."This predilection made his collection of books the most up to date of all. Indeed, Cangiani was the only owner surveyed who could boast a consistent presence (nine works) in his library of authors who had died after 165o, while in the other three libraries the "moderns" were primarily from the sixteenth century. For his part, the lawyer Pari owned some classics in abridged versions, such as Cicero's Sententiae insignes and a commentary on Cicero's dialogue, De Oratore.64 He rounded out his collection with a volume of Exemplorum memorabilium cum ethnicorum tum christianorum, a learned manual on the art of gymnastics, and two tracts midway between economics, agronomy,and botany." Finally, he possessed two works by Erasmus well hidden beneath the name of their publisher, Paolo Manuzio: the Apophtegmatum ex optimis utriusque linguae libri and the Adages. Raspantini's library was also filled with anthologies and encyclopedic collections. However, being a painter, his interests largely centered on emblems, images, and figures. Thus he owned a book of Diverse Imprese Accommodating Different Morals Taken from Alciato's Emblems,at least three handbooks of ancient and modern medals, Cesare Ripa's Iconologia, Cesare Vecellio's Ancient and Modern Clothing of the Whole World, and Vincenzo Cartari's Images of the Ancient Gods. Ovid's Metamorphoses, which evidently constituted a privileged subject for a painter who also had literary interests, merited a place apart. Indeed, Raspantini owned a book of Ovidian figures by Antonio Tempesta, the Metamorphoses itself, two copies of Ovid's Letters translated into the vernacular by Remigio Nannini Fiorentino, and a final volume in Latin of select passages. Completing this catalog was the work of Gabriele Simeoni titled The Life and Metamorphoses of Ovid Illustrated and Abbreviated in the Form ofEpigrams. The style of this last work recalls that of the Handbook of the Medals of the Most Illustrious and Famous Men and Women from the Beginning of the Word. . . With Their Abridged Lives, which Raspantini also owned. Both demonstrate the pervasiveness of a model that we could call "Giovian." Giovian works were characterized by a repertory of images accompanied by explanatory epigrams.66 The preface to BOOKS :: 199 the 1593 edition of Ripa's Iconologia is very indicative in this respect. Ripa declared that "images are made to signify something diverse from that which one sees with the eye. Images have no more certainty, nor a more universal truth than the imitation of memory which one finds in books" unless they are in medals and engraved marbles.67 There was traditionally a very strong relationship of equivalency and mutual reinforcement between images and words, but by the mid-seventeenth century the icon was diminishing in its power to convey meaning. Increasingly there was a need for words that alone could clarify the significance of the icon." Next to these illustrated encyclopedias, Raspantini also had more traditional works, such as Lucio Fauno's Italian translation of The Customs, Laws, and Fashions of all Peoples Divided into Three Books Collected by Johannes Boemius of Ulm German; Mauro Fiorentino's Italian translation of the Latin original of Alessandro Piccolomini's The Vulgar Sphere Newly Translated with Many Notes, Geometrical Additions, Cosmography and Other Things; and Mario Antonini's volume On the Various Practices of Things Resolved in Three Ordered Books. The technical manuals in his library also were not limited to the topics of painting and perspective. Raspantini possessed a New Vocabulary with Which One Can Learn by Oneself Various Languages, That Is, Italian, Greek, Turkish, and German. This title explains rather well how texts in this genre fulfilled the goals of a good manual, namely, a didactic purpose tied immediately to practice. From this point of view one cannot differentiate between the works of Daniele Barbaro, Giacomo Barozzi, Andrea Palladio, Vincenzo Scamozzi, Sebastiano Serlio, Domenico Fontana, Giovan Paolo Lomazzo, Raffaello Borghini, and others, that is, the many manuals on perspective, painting, and architecture owned by Raspantini. In addition to these fairly heterogeneous summae that represented, at least in theory, knowledge resulting in action, our book collectors owned numerous examples of purely edifying or recreational works, beginning with some of those poetry collections that were often republished from the middle of the sixteenth century onward.69 The lawyer Pari contented himself with Angelo Poliziano'a Works and Giovanni Battista Guarini's The Loyal Pastor. However, in the house of the jeweler Cangiani one in four books belonged to the category of belles lettres, while with Raspantini the proportion jumps to one in three. Cangiani did not have a particular proclivity for lyric poetry even if he owned four poetry collections and two works each by Marino and Guarini. Instead, narrative prose and drama commanded his attention. He especially loved picaresque novels (e.g., I/ picaro, Il picariglio, La vita della 2.00 :: CHAPTER EIGHT picara), and even owned two modern novels that had enjoyed great success: Giovan Francesco Biondi's Eromena and Giovan Battista Rinnuccini's The Scottish Capuchin. Judging from his collection of chivalric stories, Raspantini also loved narrative. He owned both serious and comedic examples of this genre, including Amadis and Miserable Guerin, along with recently published novels such as Carlo della Lengueglia's Prince Ruremondo or Giovan Ambrogio Marini's Calloandro.7° However, the painter Raspantini also enjoyed satire since he possessed the works of Cesare Caporali and Giovan Francesco Loreadano's WittyJokes. Finally, he loved poetry, and in this area his titles were the most up to date of the three book collectors. He even preferred modern poets and the writings of Cortese, Gelli, Sanazaro, Stigliani, along with Tasso and Marino. Ariosto was present in two editions, both with commentaries by Ludovico Dolce. The only work by Petrarch he owned seems more a book of art than one of poetry; it was described as "a little book adorned with the most beautiful copperplate engravings." As for Lansi, we have only a partial catalog of his library. He owned various literary works in a small and manageable format. His other books were particularly interesting. Together with Pari and Cangiani, he was one of the few members of "the middling class" who owned a Tacitus, and he was the only person to have a contemporary work on the art of government: Paolo Paruta's Political Discourses. He seems to have had a real interest in reason of state. However, Lansi also had another peculiarity, which deserves attention: he was the only owner of a treatise on good manners, Stefano Guazzo's Civil Conversation.7' The literary preferences of these three people were perfectly consistent with those of the great contemporary artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini who, despite appearances, was from the same middling social group. In Bernini's house, like Lansi's, one can find manuals on comportment such as Castiglione's The Book ofthe Courtier and Della Casa's Galateo, even if the works that dominated his library were, on the one hand, professional manuals and, on the other hand, narratives, with a massive presence of novels and romances, the same ones found in Cangiani's and Raspantini's libraries. In fact, the genre of the novel enjoyed great popularity in the seventeenth century; between originals and translations during the course of the century there were more than eight hundred published editions of them.72 The libraries surveyed here reveal the public that determined this degree of success, confirming the opinion of one writer from the period who stated that these works were read by "every level and condition of person, whether learned, of a middling sort, or even fools."" The authors whom we have just encountered were among the BOOKS :: 2.01 most well read: during the course of the century Biondi's works appeared in thirty-seven editions, those of Ambrogio Marini in thirty-eight, and those of Loredano in forty.74 A Noble Library If we compare these "middling class" libraries with the more well furnished libraries of the Giustiniani or the Santacroce—whose inventories were taken respectively in 1638 and z7o7—the results are most instructive. While the differences are noteworthy, the collections do not lack certain similarities; at their core, even noble libraries were largely composed of "professional" manuals. Indeed, what else were treatises on the art of government or on courtly etiquette if not works intended for a specific field of action— politics—in which their owners were involved? Vincenzo Giustiniani, who most likely inherited the books of his cardinal brother,owned a good number of controversial texts concerning the Venetian Interdict and the separation of the Anglican Church from Rome—England was a country that Giustiniani visited as a youth!' Yet as one can see in the table below, books on history, current events, politics, the art of government, military practice, and reports on exotic countries such as China or the Congo dominated his collection enough to give it a certain feel. Indeed, the few classics present in the library represent only writers consistent with this preoccupation, such as Tacitus, Plutarch, Suetonius, and Valerius Maximus. There was not a single work of poetry or even an edition of Cicero in the whole collection! Naturally, the principal thinkers on contemporary politics, including Antonio Guevara,Justius Lipsius, Giovanni Botero, Paolo Paruta, and Ludovico Zuccolo, were present and, next to them, numerous volumes of history (including works on the papacy, the Republic of Genoa, Milan, the kingdom of France, and so on) and reports on recent events (the war in Flanders, Bohemia, and such). A good half of the books the Giustiniani brothers owned were therefore made up of works devoted to professional utility, just as was the case with Raspantini, Bernini, Cangiani, and Peri. Despite these similarities, there were also differences between the noble and middling libraries. For example, the Giustiniani were interested in astrology, signs from dreams, and heraldry, but other book owners did not share these interests. Most importantly, the Giustiniani owned books in French and Spanish besides works in the Italian vernacular and Latin. Thus among the few literary works in their possession the Life of Don Quixote from La Mancha, and especially Barclay's Argenis and Chavigny Beaunois's Les 202. :: CHAPTER EIGHT TABLE 8.5 The Giustiniani library: subjects that can be securely identified SUBJECT NUMBER OF BOOKS PERCENT OF TOTAL Art 4 I.1 Literature II 3.3 Controversies 27 8.i Religion 51 15.3 Saints' lives 24 7.2 Classics 1.2 History/current events 76 2.2.8 Politics 27 8.1 Military arts 6 1.8 Reports on countries 5 1.5 Philosophy z6 7.8 Science I2 3.6 Medicine 4 I.1 Secrets 2. o.6 Language o.6 Correspondence o.6 Exempla 5 1.5 Law 44 13.2 Total 334 roo.o Pleiades, stand out. The cardinal and his collector brother do not seem to have been great lovers of literature. Yet they did not fail to procure French novels and poems, and even the fashionable novel par excellence, the Argenis, which, together with Urfe's Astree, was the most read narrative work of the period. BOOKS :: 203 Thus for the owners of the libraries we have considered, books were not solely an ornament or a cultural product devoid of practical purposes, but like law books for judges and lawyers, they were collected for professional purposes, to be used as works of reference whose purpose placed them fully in the realm of utility.76 Yet they also made up a library, that is, one of the most typical kinds of collections containing objects to be preserved. Perhaps their use was not entirely in contradiction with their transformation from useful to meaningful objects. The Power of Censorship and of Chance Cardinal Giustiniani was authorized to keep any type of book that could be useful to him, even if that work had been listed on the Index of Prohibited Books.77 His library cannot therefore serve as a test case with which to measure the pervasiveness of censorship or, alternately, the ability of prohibited books to circulate!' The situation of the other four bibliophiles, who respected without exception the decisions of the Congregation of the Index, was quite different. Neruzzi was the most audacious; he owned a copy of the Tommaso Stigliani's Rhymes, condemned in 1605. However, he might simply have benefited from the professional status of his father who, since he was a judge or a lawyer, could more easily obtain permission to keep prohibited books. This hypothesis is supported by the fact that the other two lawyers—Negrelli and Pari—were the only ones who also owned banned books. Negrelli had Girolamo Cardano's Desupplement°almanach and the De restitutione ternporum et motum coelestium, while Pari owned Marchino's De bello Divino, which was condemned in 1647. While the field surveyed is fairly small, the fact remains that out of nearly 42.0 titles only four works were prohibited, and, moreover, their owners were probably authorized to have them. The evidence suggests that during the second half of the seventeenth century censorship in Rome still functioned rather well." If Cangiani, who died in 1667, came to possess a copy of Giovan Battista Marino's Lira, he must have acquired it at least ten years before it was put on the Index in 1678, when it was still legal to do so. However, Cangiani and Raspantini owned the entire Bible in "the maternal language," as did Bernini, despite the fact that it was still prohibited." The title of Cangiani's copy of the Bible of the Old and New Testament is very reminiscent of the edition Giovanni Diodati translated that was present in the library of this great Roman architect, since the typographic characters from the frontispiece of the first edition of 1607 were arranged in such a way 2.04 :: CHAPTER EIGHT as to induce the reader to synthesize the slightly longer full title in this fashion." In the 166os and i67os a jeweler and a great artist allowed themselves to own the most well known Protestant version of the Sacred Scriptures in Italian and have it included in their library inventories without incurring particular censure. The Bible Recently Printed in the Mother Tongue with Theological and Moral Notes in Raspantini's possession, while also in Italian, was not heretical. Its author was Nicole Malerbi who completed the first vernacular translation of the entire Sacred Scriptures at the end of the fifteenth century." During the first decades of the sixteenth century his work was reprinted several times, remaining the canonical text until at least 153o." From this point onward, other versions appeared, some of them suspect, such as Antonio Brucioli's version, which ended up on the Index, and other more reassuring versions such as the one by Sante Marmochino that we find in Bernini's library." All of this is fairly surprising. In Italy the prohibition against access to complete translations of the Bible, definitively introduced by the Clementine Index of 1596, remained officially enforced until the mid-eighteenth century." Nonetheless, the Inquisition's strength must have been rather attenuated after 165o if the prohibition against reading sacred texts in the vernacular could be so easily circumvented. Or perhaps in the course of the seventeenth century it became so easy to obtain a license that even members of the artisan elite succeeded in getting one. The composition of these libraries did not depend, however, only on censorship but also on chance, which is far more difficult to measure. The arguments I have presented up until this point presume that book owners had in some way chosen the works they possessed, and that these choices reflected their interests. However, one can become the owner of a book—just like any other artifact—randomly. A few volumes or even an entire library can enter into a house through inheritance, as happened to Neruzzi. Raspantini probably inherited the thirty or so juridical books he owned from a relative who was a jurist." Indeed, there are signs of books being left to heirs in wills. The lawyer Carmillo Moretto, for example, ordered all of his books to be sold "except those humanist texts which could serve Tommaso di Girolamo Vannini and Cecchino my nephew." He then added: "I leave to messer Tommaso Vannini the Theatrum orbis et imagines civitatum."87 The ex-governor Francesco Maria Frollieri had books to leave to his heirs, but added that "there are some books, which are legal texts that I have kept in my care as security for a certain Pietro Paolo Schieggio, to whom I have lent 5o scudi."88 His legatee found himself in possession of books chosen by a person BOOKS :: 2.05 very far away from him, with whom he had no contact and whom perhaps he had never even met. Probably he would have been very content to restore these works to the rightful owner in exchange for the settling of the old bill of 5o scudi. Frollieri had come into possession of these legal books by chance as well, as they were ceded to him—temporarily in theory—as a guarantee for a debt. Next to involuntary owners who were probably not readers of the books, there also existed readers who were not owners. It could in fact happen that a person had access to books that were not his own property because he had obtained them on loan from someone else. The practice of loaning books among erudite individuals and bibliophiles has been amply documented. In the inventory of Negrelli's library, next to a certain number of juridical texts a note was added, "loaned to . . ." demonstrating that the practice of lending was widespread among professionals as well, who considered these books the tools of their trade." On the other hand, in his youth Bernini borrowed and never returned a copy of Cesare Ripa's konologia." The diversity of ways in which objects, including books, circulated—being bought and sold, but also exchanged, offered as a guarantee, sequestered, loaned and borrowed, and even given or received as gifts—conditioned the way in which libraries were put together in a manner that is difficult to evaluate, but certainly important to assess.9' The libraries that appear in these inventories contained a maximum of about a hundred volumes. It is probably unrealistic to try to find traces of the contemporary method of classification in which books were first divided according to size and then by a few large thematic categories such as theology, medicine, jurisprudence, history, philosophy, mathematics, fine literature, and such."' However, Polidoro Neruzzi respected at least the division according to size, even if it is rather difficult to discern a division according to subject. Vincenzo Giustiniani's books underwent a more rigorous organization by size and subject matter, even though his library, containing a little more than 3 5o volumes, was closer to those of Neruzzi or a Raspantini than a bibliophile like Cassiano dal Pozzo, Cardinal Del Monte, or even Carlo Cartari. The criteria that determined the organization of the Santacroce library were even more precise, rich as it was with several thousand tomes. Imposing Tomes and Manageable Books Regarding the way in which these books were used—whether they were read in silence or aloud, consulted frequently and intensively, or each read from 206 :: CHAPTER EIGHT beginning to end—we unfortunately do not have any clues. We must base our conclusions on circumstantial evidence. Historians of the book have coined the expression "intensive reading" to define a rapport with texts based on the continuous and repeated consultation of a small number of works. Whoever possesses only a small number of books generally uses them in this way, while those who have many can decide to engage in "extensive reading," that is to say, a diffuse reading practice not concentrated on only one or two works. Cornelia Alicorna probably devoted herself to the intensive reading of her only book, The Office of the Madonna. Meanwhile, the rich libraries of Neruzzi, Cangiani, or Raspantini would have allowed them to vary their choices, passing from one book to another. An analysis of the format of those texts for which we have this information yields results that partially support this hypothesis: books that were small and manageable, that is, easy to pick up and leave off, comprised the great majority of works in these libraries." Works of philosophy or classics were for the most part in octavo versions, while poetry, narrative, prose, and some works of devotion were presented in the even smaller format of sextodecimo, or the generic "small" form. By contrast, collections of decisiones and consilia, and in general all juridical texts, were exclusively available in folio versions." The size of a book naturally affected its value, but even some of Raspantini's little books, described as "small but rather good," "decorated," or "historiated," must have been quite expensive. Nevertheless not a single library inventory was accompanied by an appraisal, and thus we do not have detailed information about the value of individual pieces.95 We do know, however, that Dorotea Antolina's heirssold her library for more than 700 scudi—the equivalent of a good dowry—and that the procurator Pietro Paolo Schieggio gave his books as a guarantee for a loan of 5o scudi. We have seen how some bibliophiles recorded their own libraries in their wills and recommended their care to their heirs. Even if every one of these books could not be worth more than a few dozen baiocchi, altogether the books had a commercial as well as an emotional value.96 This can also be deduced from the way in which the books were kept and preserved. Only Margherita Betti kept hers in a little trunk; everyone else placed them on bookshelves or in credenzas made for the purpose. Those individuals—like the playwright Azzavedi or the lawyer Moretti—who due to their profession or their passion came to identify themselveswith their books, could do no less than to extend this connection with books to their entire family. They established the inalienability of their libraries, entrusting the continuation of their biological and spiritual inheritance to their permanence in time. BOOKS :: 207 Ways of Reading The small and manageable format that distinguished the majority of nonjuridical books is a primary indication of the way in which books were treated and used.97 Some other indications can be taken from the typology of works in the libraries. Many of them were designated for a practical purpose, and a good number could even be considered professional tools for work. The academic model of the compendium, furnished with indexes and synoptic tables, and organized in a way to allow information or citations to be found immediately, therefore influenced a considerable portion of library production, as we learned from looking at contemporary publishing practices. However, this model was evidently capable of influencing the consumption of printed works and orienting the direction of public taste. People continued to choose anthologies and collections even when they treated subjects that were devoid of practical value for the owner, and hence should be thought of as entertainment. A jeweler certainly did not read the Historical Aphorisms drawn from Tacitus or The Pleasing Deeds of Various Princes as a guide for his actions. Even edifying literature conformed to this model. Poetry, for example, existed in many anthologies of ancient and modern poets that our bibliophiles owned. The true exception seems to have been prose literature, that is, comedies, tragedies,and novels that filled the libraries of seventeenthcentury readers in ever-growing numbers. These works were therefore the true progenitors of the evolution in reading styles. Yet there was probably something else at work in our bibliophiles' choices. The diffusion of compendia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias did not depend only on the influence of the academic model that defined the scholarly genres by which such books might be categorized. This type of work attempted to offer to the reader the sensation of being able to dominate every type of knowledge or field of inquiry. It allowed him to find the response to any genre of question or problem. It made every book into a library and multiplied its potential uses. This expansion of the possible uses of texts—no longer presented as a compact and well-defined system but rather as an assemblage of distinct parts to be infinitely dismantled and recombined in diverse ways and for diverse uses—became the principal reason for their success. This conclusion is perfectly consistent with what we have begun to know about ways of reading in the early modern period. The reader occupied a dominating position over a text that was dismantled and reassembled according to the common categories of humanist education." Compendia were commonly organized according to the same principles. Even the practice of rereading the 2.08 :: CHAPTER EIGHT same book multiple times, pursuing again and again the answers to various questions, reveals an analogous rapport with written works." In northern and central Europe—Germany and England—a reader made this way of reading tangible by redacting selected passages extracted from the books he owned in a personal notebook.'" In Italy it seems that the printing industry itself took charge of this task. Domestic Writing Next to true and proper books, domestic account books and family correspondence also became objects of systematic collection and cataloging. After her first purchases of Giuseppe Flavio and Anacreon, Isabella Vecchiarelli did not buy many more books. However, she did have a group of sonnets bound that were dedicated to her.'°' Many years earlier, Orazio Spada collected the letters that he exchanged with his wife and other members of his family and regularly had them bound.102 Carlo Cartari, who sent his son detailed instructions on how to put together and catalog the private papers of the Febei family, who were relatives of the Cartari, did the same. Cartari advised his son: the letters that must be chosen to create books of them are those from illustrious people, that is, cardinals, prelates, and other men of status, either in letters, arms, or worth. ...The other letters either will be about domestic affairs and must be kept, or will be letters from other people about unimportant things and likewise should be kept. . . . Using these distinctions, you should makesome bundles, and write out in ink on top of the bundle the sort of writings contained therein; if there are historical writings or other learned works, make a separate bundle."' Infected by a similar passion for archiving, Orazio Spada had bound even the bills that various suppliers gave him.104 He also invested considerable sums in the acquisition of ledgers for household accounting.105 Domestic writings were kept as the most precious treasures. As Leon Battista Alberti noted in an earlier century, they were absolutely inalienable because they contained the family's memory. The greater and lesser nobles who constructed well-organized archives confirmed Alberti's statement.106 However, the "extravagance" of Orazio Spada, which led him to have his proofs of payment sewn together and recopied onto vellum, can only be fully understood by considering the ordinary uses of paper and writing. For BOOKS :: 2.09 TABLE 8.6 The Spada Veralli family: the paper maker's bill, 166z DESCRIPTION OF THE OBJECT SUPPLIED PRICE IN SCUDI A book in the "imperial" format with 500 paper pages and covered with red leather from Cordoba. The book is painted at the top in miniature with the letter A and the family crest. Another painted crest appears atop the gilded and lined cover. 15.00 A golden family crest in miniature atop the o.8o cover. An alphabet covered with vellum with forty paper pages for the mentioned book written in Venetian style inside. 1.00 A book in the "royal" format with zoo paper z.00 pages marked on top with "Journal A" this purpose, however, inventories are not the most useful source; some of them mention papers and documents, but none undertake to describe them. Instead, the parts of family archives left to pious institutions such as the Hospital of San Giacomo or San Girolamo give us a fairly good idea of the rapport that many people had with the material culture of writing and record keeping. For example, in the midst of moving to Rome, Giovanni Battista Contelori wrote various reminders to himself, his wife, and a trusted associate. He listed all of the movable goods that must be taken to Rome and those that instead must remain in Cesi. Always recycling paper, Contelori used the backs of letters addressed to him or the blank parts of pages full of other writings, or scrap pieces.107 Aurelio Baldini did the same, writing on the back of some legal notes, and even dividing his paper into rectangles that were about 6 x Io cm. He would then fill in a different section every time he wrote in a way that separated the various notes in each square.'" None of these writings were sewn together, and parchment was used less and less frequently. This parsimonious recycling of paper did not depend on the relative importance of the notes written on it, however. On the contrary, at the head 210 :: CHAPTER EIGHT of one of the pages lined into several squares by Baldini it was written: "this reminder [memoria] is extremely important." The same attitude led people to fill in all the empty spaces and to exploit fully every blank page, as, for example, happened in memory books, which contained receiptsof payment and other notes in addition to their more central subjects. There were also explicit declarations about being thrifty with paper. Lavinia Beccoli, for example, advised her son Carlo Cartari: "when you write you should write smaller so that everything can fit on one sheet, as I am spending too much."109 Paper was thus rare and expensive and so could not go to waste."° Yet some people left blank spaces on their pages and did not fill the margins with words. They left blank pages in their diaries, and they failed to recycle letters and receipts; instead they kept these things in bound volumes. These acts implied a sacrifice of the utility of a product invested with certain economic value. They were therefore all acts intended to create meaning. On the other hand, when Orazio Spada spent 20 scudi for a ledger, his motives were fairly transparent: the glory and greatness of the house was also present here. The same aspirations of greatness evidently inspired Antonio Santacroce, who purchased a book for his memories with a cover made not from cardboard or vellum, as was usually the case with books of this sort, but rather of "black sharkskin from France with silver buckles."' Although these examples might seem to suggest the contrary, those who collected and bound their domestic writings were the exception. There were, TABLE 8.7 Inventories that mention objects necessary for writing NUMBER OF MALE OBJECT INVENTORIES PERCENT OUT OF ALL THE MALE INVENTORIES NUMBER OF FEMALE INVENTO- RIES PERCENT OUT OF ALL THE FEMALE INVENTORIES Lamps and candlesticks 2.9 63.04 13 43.33 Pens and inkwells 7 15.21 3.03 Sheets of paper 3 6.5z 1 3.03 BOOKS :: 211 in fact, very few people who had the means to preserve their papers, let alone to bind them. As one can see from the table above, only a tiny minority of people owned paper and pen. Surprisingly, even the owners of objects to make light constituted little more than half of the total surveyed, alongwith the usual disparity between men and women. One should not be surprised therefore that only thirteen people (eleven men and two women) had letters, bills, receipts, and other domestic writings in their house. Indeed, only the banker Rotoli owned a diary." 2 These results, though, reflect very improbable absences. The lawyers Pari and Negrelli, for example, did not possess either a pen or an inkwell. Negrelli did not appear to have had any private writings.''3 Francesco Bava's inventory, made at the behest of his creditors, mentions instead at least eight registers and notebooks for sales, expenditures, bank receipts, and copies of letters. This illustrates how full and accurate the bookkeeping practices of a representative of the middling class could be. The postmortem inventory of a tailor sheds even more instructive light on the situation: he had seven books of receipts, a similar number of diaries and memory books, eight records of the compagnie di ufficio (credit bonds), a dozen shares in the Monte, "a tailor's book with bills marked by an MB," five bundles of writings and bills, a set of notarial instruments, and another of "information," that is, judicial documents, the dowry agreement from his first wife, a second wife's miscellaneous writings and insurance policies, and finally "a half sack of bound, poorly written things." 114 This tailor's heirs, who likely also inherited his profession, kept and had inventoried the details of the papers in his archives. Others, like the two lawyers' heirs, did not show any interest in having documented exactly what could be found in their studies, except for the books, which had a value. Pari's papers were only named as accessories to "a shelf for writing," while Negrelli's papers remain totally unmentioned. Books and Other Things What else did book owners own? Can the fact of having books indicate a recognizable cultural orientation, or even a quest for distinction? Could it also mark certain boundaries in lifestyle between those who did and did not read? As one can see from the table below, book ownership undoubtedly correlated with the possession of other categories of goods such as musical and scientific instruments or natural curiosities. This correlation also was appar- U U CRYSTALCURIOSITIES PAINTINGS 0 0 z o . 0 0 0 C'3 Z 0 Z 0 Z 0 Z r, `(.3 0 t' >- ITortoiseShell bt, Cr) 0 0 0 0 0 N 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 H o 2 2 2 2 2 2 >..6' 2 >2 2 2 2 2 2 2 z> Wolf'sTooth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7; '4 0 ic-. x .E c ..g pa Ls o . > o . Z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 •-0 -0C -8 .5 v, .) C7 Z 0 0 00 0. N Mappamundi CC ao 0 'E.V) 0 0 0 H 0 0 H 0 ;-,6' >-,6 ;-'3 2 2 >2 >4) 00 H N N N N N 0 `,1- 00 N 0 0 '.0 ty, H •A.1 41 H bt, P`..1 C Le, N o o ti Z Z Z Z >- 0 ess CA , 0 \O \O In I, ,f) N tn M . 0\ N tn . f•'' C) '03 •-.'" Zi >0 ›. N >° ...q a I.-, o • r.> .2... -z.. -2u _a tx ei .r.. .e ..-,o 'i'.." -o 0 .." g<71 61 :I .7. at .--, .-1 (..) u C) •Z fd 1<5 . 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 2 2 2 2 2 w ent with "novelties" such as clocks, powders, and perfumes as well as fragile and decorative objects made from crystal, porcelain, or fine ceramic. Those who did not own books, in contrast, had a much smaller chance of owning even some of the items just mentioned. The impression that one gets is therefore of a material culture in which habitual readingwas associated with other forms of cultural distinction, such as the possibility of making music, a certain interest in nature and technology, and an openness to uncommon and ostentatious goods. The presence of all these categories of objects together creates a complete profile that demands attention and is distinguished from the profile of those who instead did not possess any of these furnishings. The image that emerges is one of "cultivated" and fashionable individuals who were capable of differentiating themselves from others, thanks to a lifestyle that appears to be more refined, elegant, and richer in "immaterial things," less oppressed by physical needs, less dominated by the ethic of utility, and hence more disposed toward making aesthetic choices. Neruzzi, Raspantini, Cangiani, and Margherita Betti stand out from the somewhat opaque totality of the group to embody an elite of taste, founded on the possession of cultural goods whose value, for those who could see it, was based on the beauty, ingenuity, or innovation more than the richness of materials. In the complete absence of any other type of documentation or testimony, direct or indirect, it is their material culture speaks for them, restoring a rich and multifaceted image of their complete physiognomy that is, in every instance, neither flat nor one dimensional.'" 2.14 :: CHAPTER EIGHT 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CONCLUSION A Material Culture The decision to adopt the lens of material culture has a precise aim: to understand, through the patrimonies of objects documented in inventories, the type of rapport that existed between human beings and things, the ways in which individuals and social groups objectified themselves in the culture of their material world, and how objects in turn affected culture. All of this must be understood on its own terms, however, resisting the temptation to look for forerunners of a consumer society that was still somewhat distant in time, or to label a culture backward through facile comparisons with the present. Inventories have been the means toward the realization of this goal.Therefore, as a starting point for such a project, we have had to test the reliability of these documents to be reasonably certain they were neither too incomplete nor overly conditioned by the logic of those who requested or executed the inventories. Examining their internal coherence and elements of their incoherence, and comparing them with other kinds of documents, has revealed them to be up to the task. Inventories are limited, however, because they only document property and not the availability of objects and are at times incomplete, yet such limits are fairly evident; if nothing else, they do not induce errors. In compensation, inventories supply ample information that when supplemented with details from account books, contracts, and legal testimonies effectively succeeds in giving us an idea of what the patrimony of objects looked like to its owners. Thus they permit us to reconstruct their material culture. In many ways this culture was very distant from our own. Many early modern Romans did not cook—nor did they eat—at home, and nearly everyone had only a single pair of shoes. Others did not own some of the furnishings they used and thus had to borrow everything from equipment for work to beds and linens. For this reason these same people were in general very attentive to underscoring their relations with property, for example, by making an inventory of everything they loaned or rented out, and also what they subdivided between their various dwellings or shared among the diverse members of their family. Thus we confront a culture that was, on the one hand, based on the possession of a fairly limited number of things, forcing people to come up with substitutions for what they lacked, while on the other hand being defined by a strong sense of having one's own possessions. In regardingthe first point—the limited number of objects people owned— we find the inventories and other sources reveal the numerous and varied products in circulation in seventeenth-century Rome. Nevertheless, people either did not own or owned only very small quantities of these objects. It is difficult to find traces of tools for sewing, for treating textile fibers and making thread, as well as implements for cooking, consuming food and drink, and even for generating light. In many other sectors it is evident that supply—of plates and glasses, for example, or shoes and decorative objects— was substantially richer and more varied than demand. At times, however, demand could not be satisfied. Not all of the channels for supplying Roman clients with garments and textiles necessarily passed through local shops. Suppliers' inventories never indicated the presence of particularly precious or sought-after goods. Their assortment of wares was decent but not outstanding. Goods beyond a certain quality or price could not easily be found in the marketplace but needed to be ordered specially on commission from a merchant, as the domestic manuals advised, or by requesting the services of some friends abroad who could get the item, as private correspondence reveals. If local supply was in excess in one thing and deficient in another, this was not an incomprehensible Roman incongruence but rather a fairly predictable consequence of a demand that was still uncertain and limited. Yet even in the Roman piazzas things were changing. Novelties, luxuries, and purely decorative objects were still few and far between, and a single inventory did not mention more than one or two at most, but the variety of objects found in Roman households had increased enormously relative to what had been the norm in the early Renaissance. The discrepancy between what was available in Rome and what was recorded in the inventories is perhaps the result of the many different ways of possessing property. If someone lacked the necessary equipment they 216 :: CONCLUSION could borrow or rent it, as likely happened with tools for work. Additionally, tasks that could not happen inside the home due to a lack of materials could simply be done outside of the home, as people did with their eating of meals. Contemporaries regularly ate at the osteria or had food brought in to be eaten at home. The diffusion of eating establishments throughout the city not only responded to the demands of foreign visitors, who were always numerous, but also met the needs of all those regular urban inhabitants who did not have any means of cooking at home. To eat one needed to have access to not just a hearth and kitchenware but also to food provisions. In their totality these things required an investment that people who lived on what they earned day to day could not make.' A meal taken at an osteria and eventually consumed at home ended up being a more economical solution. This practice was also documented in contemporary literature: in one scene from a dialogue by Pietro Aretino a woman dines in her own house on a meal offered by an admirer and purchased from an osteria.2 A person's relationship with his possessions, not to mention the singularly complex relationship between ownership and use of things, also distinguished the material culture of this period. The familial division of goods, sanctioned by the dowry system, reaffirmed the way in which inventories recorded and organized objects: only that which was property, in the strict sense of the term, came to be included in these documents. A spouse's goods were not included in this tally. Obviously in everyday practice this distinction was not necessarily applied; indeed, often the two patrimonies became confused with each other and each of the spouses had access to the other's possessions. This reality creates problems of definition because, most of the time, a person's constant and exclusive use of an object constituted proof of his or her ownership.' Yet law forbade donations between spouses. Even exclusive and repetitive use of clothing and jewelry was not enough to give a wife ownership of goods bought with her husband's money. Gifts between spouses were always temporary and did not infringe upon the rights of their respective heirs. The experience of objects therefore contradicted their legal definition, and, as some wills demonstrate, individuals were conscious of this problem. Property rights were always at risk and were continually being reaffirmed: the inventories themselves offer tangible proof of this fact. Criteria for Social Stratification Over the course of the preceding chapters we have encountered some people and their inventories more frequently and at greater length than others. Their CONCLUSION :: 217 things more often have become objects of analysis. Their patrimonies and their consumption practices have therefore assumed a more precise appearance, defined against the rather undifferentiated background that makes up the rest of the inventories. They delineated their choices in a particularly clear way, and the resulting image is therefore well defined. They owned all or nearly all of the products we could define as being "cultural," including paintings, books, pens and inkwells, musical instruments, clocks, scientific instruments, and/or natural curiosities. These items were supplemented by other objects that I would call "ostentatious," such as crystal glasses or carafes, porcelain or fine ceramic plates, perfumes, fans, snuffboxes, and finally jewelry and silverware. They loved paintings for their aesthetic value; they read books that taught them how to compose letters or a speech with distinction and elegance. They owned anthologies of citations that made their own conversations authoritative and encyclopedic works that expanded the horizons of their knowledge, and they brought into their houses news from faraway lands. They aspired to a conscious religious devotion and they read the Bible in Italian. Finally, they were fashionable: they read novels and collected landscapes or paintings of flowers. The image of these people their goods created was that of refined, wellto-do gentlemen and gentlewomen. The arrangement of rooms inside their houses and of objects inside their rooms expressed the same type of culture: landscape paintings and still lifes as well as images of the Madonna or of the saints hung on their walls. They owned desks and little tables in addition to the traditional chests. Among the women whose documents we have studied, only Margherita Betti belonged to thisgroup. There are more male examples: Neruzzi, Raspantini, Cangiani, Pari, Contelori, Rotoli, all of whom we have encountered many times, were full-fledged participants in this new culture of things. To this list we must also add Silvestro Bellini, whose profession we do not know, and the embroiderer Bronconi. In total there were more than a few of these elites; others such as Cartari, Azzavedi, Bernini, and Dorotea Antolini, who are not included in this survey but who have been discussed in other ways, shared their material culture. Men of law—as well as their women—played an important role, while scholars and artists held an even greater position of prominence. Rich merchants and artisans associated with this latter group.4 Together they give the impression of creating a separate social class, unified by a common culture—material and immaterial—more than by income or even profession.' To reiterate this point: the ownership of paintings of secular subjects, books, musical instruments, decorative items, and even scientific instruments 2I8 CONCLUSION indicates the existence of a social class among the intermediate strata of the population that wanted to be recognized as "cultivated," "attentive to novelty," and "refined," entrusting its own respectability to these traits. The current supply of goods, the quality of products circulating in Rome, local style, and the criteria of legitimation that people of different social standing applied to their own choices all had an undoubted effect on the final outcome, determining the spaces of objectification that each individual enjoyed. Individual and movable patrimonies are the result of this process. However, as I have argued throughout this study, the relationship between culture and material culture is not a one way street. The former does not simply determine the latter. On the contrary, as we have witnessed with our own eyes, things define the appearance of their owners. Even at the level of individual experience we can confirm an analogous process: people define themselves in terms of their possessions. The salient characteristic of this culture—which included artists, merchants, and successful artisans—was its distance from the more immediate and material category of utility and its valorization of the more abstract categories of the beautiful, the new, and the ingenious. This feature separated and distinguished these people from others, from people who had few paintings, no other cultural products, and rather bare household interiors. These other people also constituted a "social class" that when seen through the lens of material culture appears impoverished and deprived. Or we might say, culturally withdrawn. Unfortunately we cannot estimate with precision to what extent this rapport with goods was linked to income, but one suspects that such a relationship was not perfectly unambiguous and linear. There were artisans who made up this culturally deprived social class, but also some merchants. And they were above all women whose patrimonies were restricted essentially to furniture, clothing, and some devotional images. Yet their relative poverty does not imply a lack of interest in things. Theirs was a different culture—both material and immaterial—in which the category of utility was central. Accordingly, it is therefore possible to hypothesize the existence of a type of social stratification based on lifestyle rather than on other categories. This way of understandingsocial stratification was rooted in the culture of the period and not, asstatistics for the nineteenth century have uncovered, founded on estates or professions. As many richly focused studies of phenomena such as apprenticeship, spousal choice, or participation in devotional organizations have revealed, early modern urban societywas crisscrossed by networks of relationships that closely connected individuals employed in various trades CONCLUSION :: 219 with people of diverse levels of wealth. The attention to appearances,so typical of the baroque period, forms a final piece of the evidence: social status was connected with lifestyle. To this end people paid attention to the clothes and jewelry they wore and, more generally, to displays of wealth. This also explains concerns about sumptuary abuses, as a subversion of social order, and the corresponding efforts to use laws to guarantee a perfect correspondence between the appearance and the quality of an individual.° Gender difference constitutes the final element of social stratification. The fact of being male or female signified a level of noteworthy discrimination generally ignored by traditional principles of classification. Such criteria tend to assume, somewhat casually, that women enjoyed the same social prestige as the men who had jurisdiction over them, that is, their fathers, husbands, and in some cases brothers. However, investigating material culture illustrates profound differences between women and men of the same social class. Women appear to have been more utilitarian in their material culture and much less inclined to cultivate a taste for the superfluous. The boundaries of legitimation within which they moved were much more restricted: only contact with the sacred or considerations regarding the stability and perpetuation of the lineage—and their own position within this familial structure—allowed women to abandon an essentially instrumental rapport with things. Taken as a whole, such considerations imply a cultural formation more tied to practice and less open to abstract ideas, but they also suggest a different conception of one's own patrimony and possibilities for economic survival. In other words, women had other ways of feeling poor or rich than men. Finding honorable employment in the exercise of a trade or a profession was especially difficult for women. Instead, their things, which served as a treasury, assumed a fundamental and permanent guarantee of whatever security life might offer. For this reason their patrimonies tended to be made up primarily of goods that were easy to convert into money: clothing, fine wall hangings, and jewelry that easily could be pawned as a guarantee for credit and enjoyed a steady demand on the market for used and rentable goods. The Paradigm of Emulation We generally take for granted the notion that new products diffuse from the top to the bottom of the social pyramid, and similarly assume—and consider so true that there is no need for demonstration—that the middling classes tried to emulate the elites, and that they used consumable objects and lifestyle 2.2.0 :: CONCLUSION to reach their goal. Conventions like these, which common sense dictates, are often refuted by research, yet this problem cannot be discarded with too much confidence. The Roman case demonstrates that members of the lower classes, in some circumstances, did indeed take up models of comportment of the higher social groups. The structure of dwellings, for example, seems to support this point, to such an extent that I have used the term "an almost noble lifestyle" to underscore the differences between the homes of the richest merchant-bankers and those of others. Certain consumable goods, such as cold drinks, chocolate, powders, and perfumes, also seem to fit this pattern of emulation. Unfortunately, inventoriesgive us very little information on the use of these items, and what little we have available comes almost exclusively from noble account books. In many other cases, however, the role of material culture in mediating relationships among the varioussocial classes is far more complex than what common sense alone would dictate. This relationship was founded upon proximity but also distance, on emulation but also indifference. At times, even the spread of novelties began with the lower classes before reaching the higher ones. The artists, lawyers, merchants, and successful artisans we have discussed throughout this book occupied a position that facilitated or even encouraged mediation, and accordingly the transmission of tastes and lifestyles from high to low within the social hierarchy, and vice versa. We should not besurprised that they adopted other aspects of the genteel lifestyle, beginning with its forms of sociability. To take one example of the reciprocal influence that likely transpired between the heights of the social pyramid and the intermediate social classes, it is worth underscoring the existence of a "local" style that both groups shared. In Rome this local style manifested itself primarily in the passion for paintings. Every house in the Eternal City, evidently, no matter how modest, contained at least one painting. This occurred not just at the level of the great collectors but also for more ordinary sorts of people, and therefore the interest in paintings thus outstripped the desire for exotic products or natural curiosities by a wide margin.' This is an essential fact about this world we still do not fully understand. In the great noble houses, collections of objects—artistic, precious, curious, or simply pleasing—were strictly tied to the need for them to be displayed and thus facilitated the development of sociability. This explains the many testimonials from the period describing visits to collections, conversations of virtuosi, and so on. The structure of noble palaces, with their successions of antechambers and their public rooms furnished with particular "splendor," CONCLUSION :: 2.2.1 seems to confirm the openness of such dwellings to social life.' Instead, with the middling classes, we are groping in the dark: we do not know if their paintings of secular subjects, their mixed marble balls, or their silk flowers were made to be displayed to strangers. More generally, we do not know if they received guests,and there are fewsources that can tell us anything.Thus conclusions must be based on circumstantial evidence. On the one hand, what we know so far is that many seats and stools filled a great number of houses and in particular the larger ones, more likely to be furnished with antechambers and living rooms. On the other hand, we have literary evidence: for example, the cautionary advice the knight Pietro Belmonte dedicated to his daughter Laudomia on the occasion of her marriage. Belmonte instructs her on how to behave after her marriage, when other ladies of her rank will certainly come to visit her: When the gentlewomen, who due to their courtesy and gentility come to visit you, they will rightfully bow down. Have them rise and ask them to come with you elsewhere: and thus lead them either to the fire, the window or the garden, according to the season and the temperature. Show them the house and something of yours that is either new or beautiful. . . . And then let them refresh themselves, restoring their strength with sugared almonds, fruits, or something else that you will have had prepared for them.' This document is precious because it tells us two important things:women received and offered refreshments (one notes, however, that when speaking of refreshments drinks were not mentioned), and they showed their house to their guests along with the new and beautiful things it contained. The domestic environment and valuable objects held an important role in everyday life: they acted as "ritual accessories" in the ceremony of visits, making such an occasion more refined, more elegant. Among women of "middling condition" even a single object, provided that it was new or beautiful, could be just as much the pivot for sociability as a collection of statues would be in the garden of a Roman noble. The gusto for things could not be better illustrated. Gusto for Things In the absence of a will, the traces of individuals from the middling classes are not many, and those that do remain aid little in understanding what 222 :: CONCLUSION their relationship with objects might have been. As a key for reading this phenomenon, I have therefore exploited the example of the great collectors, their attitudes toward their own collections, and their explicit declarations on this subject. From the evidence with which they provide us, a rapport with things emerges that celebrated their intrinsic value, but that also exalted the relationship between subject and object, between owner and property. A large part of the value of objects derived from their belonging to a respected person. At the same time a great part of a person's reputation derived from having collected or possessed these things: the sacrifice of utility that was required for this undertaking demonstrated the owner's capacity for using his own wealth not for base or utilitarian ends but to pursue higher—even transcendent—purposes. In this way one constructed an "immortal fame." However, the collection had to be protected from dissipation to be able to fully materialize the prestige of the owner and his lineage. In other words, it had to become inalienable. Between subject and object there existed a bilateral rapport: inalienable goods conferred on their owner huge amounts of prestige—and the power that was connected to this prestige. How can these concepts be extended to people who owned more than a few objects, but certainly did not have a collection? Howshould we consider the material culture of people who did not have power and were certainly not in a position to compete for a spot at the top of the social hierarchy? What should we make of people who left us lists of their goods, but hardly commented on them, or said nothing at all? We have seen how the gusto for things could manifest itself through the objects themselves, especially if they were accumulated and preserved by people with few resources. The discrepancy between the circumstances of poor people—and we know they were poor because they lived in small houses and possessed goods of mediocre quality—and the abundance of furnishings that filled individual rooms is a good indicator. Even a poor woman could aspire to create a modest "splendor" for herself. Keeping old things and refusing to get rid of them in order to acquire new things could be seen as another index of affection, especially when we are talking about nonessential items such as paintings, books, or decorative things that could be exchanged for something more useful. Moreover, even individuals of middlingstatus made wills, and they at times explained at length the destiny they had in mind for some of their things. Some declared them inalienable, as Azzavedi did with his books. Others reconstructed their histories to give them greater importance, as Filippo della Molara did when he explained that the "clock with the enameled gold case" that he intended to leave to the princess of Nerola, CONCLUSION :: 2.2.3 was left to him by his "patron," the prince. For this reason it seemed to him proper to leave it to the princess as a display of gratitude. Others illustrated the closeness of an object to their heart, or they described objects with care, emphasizing their exceptionality, as Gregorio Giulianelli did regarding a "showclock with an alarm and all its parts."'° Finally, there were those who left valuable paintings and family portraits to their heirs. More than any other object, images of "ancestors" had the power to construct and transmit genealogies, and women pursued this objective as much if not more than men: patrilineage was not a deterrent here. Even those who had a few valuable possessions, but certainly not a true collection, demonstrated an attachment to their goods. They demonstrated this through their actions, preserving their own paintings or their clocks instead of offering them in exchange for something else, but also in their words. They envisioned a destiny for their unique objects that would save them from loss of individuality and prevent them from being transformed back into merchandise. In recompense these objects offered their owners a fundamental service. In reality the house and its furnishings made visible the identity of individuals who could not realize that identity through the ownership of prestigious tracts of land or particularly impressive urban real estate. This is not to say these people were poor; rather,wealth unto itself was an abstract entity that had to be translated into things to become manifest; those things needed to be beautiful and ingenious because through them one inferred "ingenuity, politeness, civility, and courtliness."" Inalienable Treasuries One of the principal functions of goods was to construct a "treasury" in a double sense: a collection of things that tended to be inalienable and a reserve of wealth that could be mobilized in extraordinary situations. At least in principle this function could be assigned to any category of object, provided that it had a minimum value of exchange. Nonetheless, some objects were used more regularly for this purpose, whether because of their high intrinsic value or because there was a long tradition that sanctified their use as credit. Naturally jewelry and silverware were among the things first to be pawned. But more precious textiles—whether clothing, wall hangings, or bed covers—often enjoyed thesame fate, as numerous examples demonstrate. Books, paintings, and decorative objects were pawned less often. Thus the goods that were most easily turned into treasuries were typically feminine. Family practices confirmed this tendency: jewelry and wives' clothing most often 2.2.4 :: CONCLUSION ended up at the pawn shop. Furthermore, the evidence of wills indicates that jewelry and female clothing were always transformed by choice into more permanent institutions: sacred images, church altars, and noble dwellings. For women, even more than for men, objects were therefore a guarantee of permanence in life. In their daily lives these items provided them with an income because they could be pawned or rented out. After death, these goods allowed them to obtain a kind of permanence that transcended the limits of time, because, having absorbed something of the person to whom they had belonged, these things were able to preserve and transmit aspects of this individual to future generations. If a treasury was by definition naturally inalienable, in seventeenth-century Rome there was nothing that truly and absolutely fit this definition. Even family dwellings or adored collections could at a certain point be put up for sale by heirs who were far less conscientious, or simply interested in other matters. Inalienability was therefore not an intrinsic quality of some specific classes of items, but rather the result of a relationship that owners created with their possessions. The criteria of inclusion or exclusion were therefore changeable and varied according to circumstance. Not all things achieved with equal efficacy the task of incarnating a permanence that money in itself could not create. Similarly, all items could not speak in the same manner to human beings' diverse needs. While reputation and temporal permanence can be said to constitute unwavering objectives for rather different types of individuals, the means for realizing these aims are not necessarily the same. On the contrary, it varied according to the quality of the individual. Respectability for an artisan required different rules from those for a noble, just as a widow's respectability was founded on principles that were not valid for a merchant. People sought to neutralize change by objectifying themselves in something enduring and stable. Some realized this goal by fashioning an aesthetic image of themselves that was informed, cultivated, and open to novelty. For these people the distance from immediate utility, along with the ability to materialize beauty, novelty, or ingenuity, permitted an object to enter the realm of the potentially inalienable. Beauty, novelty, or ingenuity, much more than the intrinsic value of the materials from which a thing was made, made it an object worth preserving. The piece of silver worked in a particular manner was listed separately in a will, but not "all the silverware," which by contrast was often converted back into merchandise and therefore sold. The same held true for clothing and jewelry. Entrusted to others as a gift or an inheritance, these unique products that were able to materialize something of those who had chosen them thus became an essential step on the CONCLUSION :: 22.5 path toward contesting change and achieving permanence. The transmission of objects raised the power of preservation. Along with these people there were other individuals who entertained a much more instrumental rapport with things that set the category of utility above the more ephemeral categories of beauty and novelty. They used things for their normal purposes and as a monetary equivalent, trading them for different items that were of greater utility at that moment. Yet even these people preserved certain objects. Their care for objects, dictated primarily by their exchange value, can in fact be translated into attention to the intrinsic qualities of these goods. But even these people aspired to pass on not just a generic patrimony but also a few things that were dear to them, thus hoping like the others to give life to their own modest genealogy.'2 Preservinggoods instead of trading them—that is,sacrificing utility on the altar of something higher—naming items individually in a will, and leaving them as an inheritance to a specific person or institution did not necessarily make these items effectively inalienable, but it clearly reflected this aspiration. The attempts by members of the middling class to construct the continuity of their own lineage through the introduction of fedecommessi, the adoption of son-in-laws or nephews if one lacked other direct male descendants, and so on were by now commonly accepted practices. We have seen how women fully interiorized the logic of the language men employed to the extent that they willingly identified with their husband's lineage in these undertakings." The transmission of things besides money allowed people to make visible that familial continuity, giving it concrete, material support. The preservation of some objects to leave to one's heirs was indeed equivalent to constructing a genealogy, and in this sense one can speak of the aspiration to inalienability. It emerged not from the desire to compete with great nobles but, far more simply, from the desire to continue to exist. 22.6 :: CONCLUSION 11111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111IIIIIIIIIfill111111111111111111 ABBREVIATIONS AC, Archivio Capitolino AG u, Archivio Generale Urbano, Rome ASR, Archivio di Stato, Rome Notai AC, Notai dell'Auditor Camerae Notai RCA, Notai della Reverenda Camera Apostolica TN, Trenta notai capitolini 11111111111 III1IIII 1111 111 11111 NOTES Foreword Thanks to Renata Ago, Brad Bouley, and Corey Tazzara for their comments, and to RoseMarie San Juan and Laurie Nussdorfer for providing me with crucial illustrations. 1. On Roman printingin this era,see Massimo Ceresa, Unastamperia nella Roma del primo Seicento: Annali tipografici di Guglielmo Facciotti ed eredi (1592-1640) (Rome: Bulzoni, woo). The history of early Roman guidebooks is further discussed in Ludwig Schudt, Le guide di Roma: Materielen zu einer Geschichte der romische topographie (Vienna: Filser, 193o); Eunice Howe, ed. and trans., Andrea Palladio: The Churches of Rome (Binghamton, NY: Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies, 1991); and Rebecca Zorach et al., The Virtual Tourist in Renaissance Rome: Printingand Collecting the Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae (Chicago: University of Chicago Library Publications, zoo8). 2. Giovanni Mercati, Note per la storia di alcune biblioteche romane neisecoli XVI— XIX (Vatican City: Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, 1952.), 147-60. 3. Pietro della Valle, Viaggi, 3 vols. (Rome, 1650-63). Diversino (or Diversin in French) funded the publication, which was printed by Vitale Mascardi and included Bellori's Vita. 4. Giovan Pietro Bellori, Levite de'pittoriscultoriearchitettimoderni (Rome,1672); also available in a modern critical edition and translation: Alice Sedgwick Wohl, Helmut Wohl, and Tommaso Montanari, eds., and trans., The Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors, and Architects (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, zoos). For more on Bellori, see Evelina Borea and Carlo Gasparri, eds., L'idea del hello: Viaggio per Roma nelseicento con Giovan Pietro Bellori, 2 vols. (Rome: Edizioni de Luca, z000);and Janis Bell and Thomas Willett, eds., Art History in the Age ofBellori:Scholarshipand Cultural Politics in Seventeenth-Century Rome (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, zooz). 5. Margaret Daly Davis, "Giovan Pietro Bellori and the Nota delli musei, librerie,galerie, et ornamenti distatue e pitture ne'palazzo, nelle case, e ne'giardini di Roma (1664): Modern Librariesand Ancient Painting in Seicento Rome," Zeitschriftfur Kunstgeschichte 68 (2005): 191-233. 6. [Fioravante Martinelli and Giovan Pietro Bellori], Nota delli Musei, Librerie, Galerieet OrnamentidiStatue e Pitture ne'Palazzi, nelle Case, e ne' Giardinidi Roma (Rome, 1664-65).I have consulted the facsimile edited by Emma Zucca (Rome: Istituto Nazionale di Archeologia e Storia dell'Arte, 1976), though all my references to the Nota refer to the original pagination. While the title page dates the work, printed at the Stamperia del Falco, as 1664, the colophon bearing Falco's imprimatur is dated 1665. In light of Daly Davis's excellent research, I have attributed the Nota delli Musei to both Martinelli and Bellori to reflect their probable respective roles in the two different parts of the text while also leaving open to further research whether we should consider this simply a pairing of two different publications on Rome in a single book by the publishers or a more active collaboration between the two authors. On Rome during this era, see Richard Krautheimer, The Rome of Alexander VII, 1655-57 (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1985); Torgil Magnuson, Rome in the Age of Bernini, 2. vols. (Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1982); and Thomas James Dandelet, Spanish Rome, 1500-1700 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, zooi). 7. Daly Davis'sarticle (see n. 5) may resolvesome of the disparities between theaccount of Roman art galleries in Nota delli Musei and Bellori's clearly articulated aesthetic preferences in his theoretical writings on painting and sculpture. See Hans Ruben, "Bellori's Art: The Taste and Distaste of a Seventeenth-Century Art Critic in Rome," Simiolus 32, no. 2/3 (2006): 126-46. 8. Fioravante Martinelli, Roma ricercata nel suo sito (Rome, 1644); and Pompilo Totti, Ritratto di Roma modern (Rome, 1638). The expanded title quoted above belongs to the 1645 edition and surely was one of the direct sources of information and inspiration for Martinelli and Bellori's Nota delli Musei. The culture of guidebooks in seventeenth-century Rome is further discussed in Cesare D'Onofrio, Roma nel Seicento: "Roma ornate dall'Architettura, Pittura e Scoltura" di Fioravante Martinelli (Florence: Vallecchi, 1969). 9. Biagio Diversino and Felice Cesaretti, "A' Lettori," in Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 4. 1o. On the legislation restricting exportation of Rome's patrimony, especially its antiquities, see Ronald T. Ridley, "To Protect the Monuments: The Papal Antiquarian (1534-1870)," Xenia Antiquq 1 (1992): 117-54; and Frances Haskell, "La dispersione e la conservazione del patrimonio artistico," in Storia dell'arte italiana, part 3, vol. 3 (Turin: Einaudi, 1981), 5-35. 230 :: NOTES TO PAGES Xi—Xiii II. Ulisse Aldrovandi, Delle statue antiche che in Roma da ogni parte si vedono (Venice, 1556), later retitled Delle statue antiche, che per tutta Roma, in diversi luoghi, e casa si veggono in the 1562 edition. In all instances, Aldrovandi's work appeared as part of Lucio Mauro's Le antichita della citta di Roma. For more on this work, see Kathleen Wren Christian, Empire without End: Antiquities Collections in Renaissance Rome, c. 1350-1527 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010);and Paula Findlen, A Fragmentary Past: The Making of Museums in Late Renaissance Italy (forthcoming). The culture that inspired these earlyantiquitiescollections is well described in Leonard Barkan, Unearthing the Past: Archaeology and Aesthetics in the Making of Renaissance Culture (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999). 2. Kathleen Weil-Garris, ed., John F. D'Amico, trans., The Renaissance Cardinal's Ideal Palace: A Chapter from Cortesi's "De Cardinalatu" (Rome: Edizioni dell'Elefante and the American Academy in Rome, 1980); Patricia Falguieres, "La cite fictive: Les collections de cardinaux, a Rome, au XVIeme siecle," in Les Carrache et les decors profanes (Paris and Rome: Ecole francaise de Rome, 1988), 215-333; and Gigliola Fragnito, "Cardinal's Courts in Sixteenth-Century Rome," Journal ofModern History 65 (1993): 26-56. 13. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 17: "Nel suo palazzo in Borgo le celebri antichita del Cardinale Pier Donato Cesi." See Sabine Eiche, "On the Layout of the Cesi Palace and Gardens in the Vatican Borgo," Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz 39 (1995): 258-81. 14. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 54-55. is. Ibid., 24,27. On gardens,see especially David R. Coffin, Gardensand Gardening in Papal Rome (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991);and Lisa Jane Neal Tice, "Recreation and Retreat: Garden Casini in Late Sixteenth and Early Seventeenth Century Rome" (PhD diss., Rutgers University, 2009). The passion for tulips has been especially well described in Ann Goldgar, Tulipmania:Money, Honor,and Knowledge in the Dutch Golden Age (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007). i6. Dora Thornton, The Scholar in His Study: Ownership and Experience in Renaissance Italy (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997). 17. Interestingly, Martinelli did not include any reference to Cassiano dal Pozzo's contemporary, the Barberini intimate and papal servant Francesco Gualdo (1576-1657) whose home on via della Salita del Grillo was filled with natural curiosities and Egyptian and Roman antiquities and was visited by such noteworthy figures as John Evelyn. This absence reinforces the idea that Martinelli was creating a guidebook of contemporary Rome, which could not include even recently defunctcollections, in contrast to Dal Pozzo's collection that was maintained after his death in 1657 by his brother Carl'Antonio. On this museum, see Claudia Franzoni, "Ancora sul museo di Francesco Gualdo (1576-1657)," Annalidell'Istitutostorico italo-germanico in Trento17 (1991): 561-72;and Franzoni and NOTES TO PAGES Xiii-X1V 231 Alessandra Tempesta, "Il museo di Francesco Gualdi nella Roma del Seicento tra raccolta private ed esibizione pubblica," Bollettino d'arte ser. 6, 77 (1992): 1-42.. 18. Determining the exact number of listings in Martinelli's guidebook has its complications since a number of entries describe multiple collections in the same or adjoining locations, but there are no less than 150 sites to see in Rome, quite separate from the numerous Roman ruins which were the subject of most guidebooks. 19. On the evolution of Roman mapmaking in this period, see Rose Marie San Juan, Rome: A City Out of Print (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, zoo'). zo. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 5. 2.1. Ibid., 46, 38. On the Dal Pozzo collection, see Donatella Sparti, Le collezioni dal Pozzo: Storia di una famiglia e del suo museo nella Roma seicentesca (Modena: Franco Cosimo Panini, 1992); Mirka Beneg et al., The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo (Ivrea: Olivetti, 1993); and Francesco Solinas, ed., I Segreti di un collezionista: Le straordinarie raccolte di Cassiano dal Pozzo 588-1657 (Rome: Edizioni de Luca, z000). 2.2.. Pliny the Elder, Natural History, XXXVI.xxiv. oi. On Roman libraries, see Giuseppe Lombardi, "Libri e istituzioni a Roma: Diffusion e organizzazione," in Storia di Roma nel Rinascimento, ed. Antonio Pinelli (Rome: Laterza, zoo'), 267-90; Valentino Romani, Biblioteche romane del Sei e Settecento (Rome: Vecchiarelli Editore, 1996); and Daly Davis, "Giovan Pietro Bellori." 23. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 31, 6. 24. Ibid., 11, 17, 19, 21, 37. On the Chigi and Kircher collections, see Giovanni Incisa della Rochetta, "Il museo di curiosity di Card. Flavio I Chigi," Archivio della Societa Romana di Storia Patria ser. 3, zo (1966): I4I-2.92.; Eugenio Lo Sardo, ed., Athanasius Kircher: II Museo del Mondo (Rome: Edizioni de Luca, 2001);and Paula Findlen, "Scientific Spectacle in Baroque Rome: Athanasius Kircher and the Roman College Museum," in Jesuit Science and the Republic of Letters, ed. Mordechai Feingold (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003), 225-84. Corvino Corvini was a naturalist of Flemish origin and the brother-in-law of the well-known Roman physician and botanist Pietro Castelli, who had been custodian of the Farnese gardens. 25. Paula Findlen, "The Museum: Its Classical Etymology and Renaissance Genealogy," Journal of the History of Collections i (1989): 59-78. 26. Cristina De Benedictis, ed., Per la storia del collezionismo italiano: Fonti e documenti, znd ed. (Florence: Ponte alle Grazie, 2002), 165, originally published in V. Golzio, "II testament di Martino Longhi junior," Archivi 5 (1938): 140-41, 207-8. On the emergence of the collection as a special kind of patrimony, see Paula Findlen, "Ereditare un museo: Collezionismo,strategie familiari e pratiche culturali nel Cinquecento," Quaderni storici 115 (2004): 45-81. This essay appeared in a special issue edited by Renata Ago on Consumi culturali nell'Italia moderna. 2.32. :: NOTES TO PAGES X1V-XViii 27. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 47-48. Ricci was an intimate of Cardinal Leopoldo de' Medici and a talented mathematician who became a cardinal in 1661. 28. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, zz. On Divini's reputation asan instrument maker, see Maria Luisa Righini Bonelli and Albert Van Heiden, "Divini and Campani: A Forgotten Chapter in the History of the Accademia del Cimento," Annali dell'Istituto e Museo di storia della scienza di Firenze 6 (1981): 3-176. 29. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 24, 28, 3o, 42. The most recent study of this important collection is Silvia Danese Squarzina, ed., La collezione Giustiniani (Turin: Einaudi, 2.003). 3o. Janis Bell, Introduction, in Bell and Willett, Art History in the Age ofBellori, 6-7,12. 31. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delliMusei, 3o. On the idea of the gallery, see Wolfram Prinz, Die Entstehung der Galerie in Frankreich and Italien (Berlin: Mann, 1970); Italian trans., Claudia Cieri Via, ed., Galleria: Storia e tipologia di uno spazio architettonico (Modena: Edizioni Panini, 1988). 32. Giulio Mancini, Considerazionisulla pittura, ed. Adriana Marucchi, 2 vols. (Rome: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1956). This modern edition includes his Viaggio di Roma per vedere le pitture. On Mancini, see Frances Gage, "Exercise for Mind and Body: Giulio Mancini, Collecting, and the Beholding of Landscape Painting in the Seventeenth Century," Renaissance Quarterly 61 (2008): 1167-207; and Silvia de' Renzi, "A Career in Manuscripts: Genres and Purposes of a Physician's Writing in Rome, 1600-1630," Italian Studies 66 (zoi I): 234- 48. 33. For an overview of the Roman art scene during this period, the best starting point is Francis Haskell, Patrons and Painters: A Study in the Relations between Italian Art and Society in the Age of the Baroque, rev. ed. (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1980);and Patrizia Cavazzini, Paintingasa Business in EarlySeventeenth-Century Rome (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008); and most recently Richard Spears, Philipp Sohm, et al., Painting for Profit: The Economic Lives of SeventeenthCentury Italian Painters (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, zoio), especially the sections dealing with Rome by contributors such as Spears and Ago. 34. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, 48. 35. Ibid., 7-8. 36. Ibid., 48. 37. On Christina as a collector, see Enzo Borsellino, "Cristina di Svezia collezionista," Ricerche di Storia dell'Arte 54 (1994): 4-16; and Tomaso Montanari, "La dispersion delle collezioni di Cristina di Svezia: Gli Azzolino, gli Ottoboni e gli Odescalchi," Storia dell'arte 90 (1997) : 250-99. 38. Martinelli and Bellori, Nota delli Musei, it (quote), 66. 39. Ritratto di tutti quelli the vanno vendendo per Roma (ca. 1600), as described in Peter Partner, Renaissance Rome, 1500-1559:A Portrait ofa Society (Berkeley: University NOTES TO PAGES XViii-XX1 233 of California Press, 1976), 89. See also Ambrogio Brambilla's engraving, Ritratto di quelli che vano et lavorando per Roma con la nova agionta de tutti quelli che nele altre mancavano sin al presente (Rome, 1582), reproduced in D'Onofrio, Roma nel Seicento, 290-91, which also includes Martinelli's description of all the locations in which goods were sold each week. 4o. EugenioSonnino, "The Population in Baroque Rome," in Rome- Amsterdam:Two Growing Cities in Seventeenth-Century Europe, ed. Peter van Kessel and Elisja Schultz (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1997), 50-70, esp. 53. For slight variations in these numbers, see Laurie Nussdorfer, Civic Politics in the Rome of Urban VIII (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992), 2.7. 41 Krautheimer, The Rome of Alexander VII, .r655-57, 13. 42. Paolo Malanima, "Measuring the Italian Economy, 130o-1861," Rivista distoria economica 19 (2003): 265-95. 43. Renata Ago, Carriere e clientele nella Roma barocca (Rome: Laterza, 1990). See also Maria Antonietta Visceglia, La nobilta romana in eta moderna: Profili istituzionali e pratiche sociali (Rome: Carrocci, 2001); and Caroline Castiglione, Patrons and Adversaries: Nobles and Villagers in Italian Politics, 164o-176o (Oxford: Oxford University Press, zoos). 44• Andrea Spetiale, Historia nuova, et piacevole dove si racconta tutte le core, che si vanno vendendo ogni giorno da gli artigiani per Roma (Rome, 1629), zv. This text is cited by Partner, Renaissance Rome, 88, and quoted in San Juan, Rome, 152, 185n47. It can also be translated as "disposes" or "gets rid of stuff," but given the function of Piazza Giudea as a secondhand market, I have preferred the more specific meaning. 45. San Juan, Rome, 146-49, 153-54. 46. Thomas V. Cohen and Elizabeth S. Cohen, eds. and trans., Words and Deeds in Renaissance Rome: Trials before the Papal Magistrates (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993), 39, 4o, 170, 176. 47. Renata Ago, Economia barocca: Mercato e istituzioni nella Roma del Seicento (Rome: Donzelli, 1998), 6. 48. Partner, Renaissance Rome, 89;see also Nussdorfer, Civic Politics in the Rome of Urban VIII, z8. On the fascinating story of Sixtus V's vision of repurposing the Colosseum in order to create a late Renaissance industrial manufacturing complex that would employ Rome's poor, see Luca moia, "States and Crafts: Relocating Technical Skills in Renaissance Italy," in The Material Renaissance, ed. Michelle 0' Malley and Evelyn Welch (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2007), 142. 49. Giacomo Lauro, Antiquae urbissplendor (Rome, 1612-18). See Nussdorfer, Civic Politics in the Rome of Urban VIII, 8, 12.0-2.1, 12.4. 5o. Patricia Waddy, Seventeenth-Century Roman Palaces: Useand the Art ofthe Plan (New York and Cambridge, MA: The Architectural History Foundation and MIT Press, 2.34 :: NOTES TO PAGES Xxi-Xxvi 1990), 8. The details in this section are taken entirely from this excellent study, which focuses especially on Palazzo Barberini with several other points of comparison. 51. Ibid., 308. I have extrapolated from Waddy's description of Cardinal Flavio Chigi's bedroom and study. 5z. Ibid., Ii; Raffaella Sarti, Europe at Home: Family and Material Culture, 1500- 180o, trans. Allan Cameron (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, zooz), .110. 53. Waddy, Seventeenth-Century Roman Palaces, 36-4o (quote on 39-4o). 54. Ibid., 29-30. 55. A prie-dieu is a prayer desk that might be simply a padded chair in which to kneel or a full-fledged wooden desk that could contain a few books, devotional images, and small religious objects such as Agnus Dei. 56. Waddy, Seventeenth-Century Roman Palaces, 43. The contrast with the wellappointed lifestyle of his employer is apparent in Volker Reinhardt, Kardinal Scipione Borghese (1605-1633): Vermogen, Finanzen and sozialer Aufstieg eines Papstnepoten (Tubingen: Martin Niemeyer, 1984). 57. Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism r5th-I8th Century, 3 vols., trans. Sian Reynolds (New York: Harper and Row, 1981-84). 58. A good starting point into this considerable literature includes: Richard Goldthwaite, "The Empire of Things: Consumer Demand in Renaissance Italy," in Patronage, Art, and Society in Renaissance Italy, ed. F. W. Kent and Patricia Simons (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987), 155-75; Chandra Mukerji, From Graven Images: Patterns in Modern Materialism (New York: Columbia University Press, 1983); Lisa Jardine, Worldly Goods: A New History of the Renaissance (London: Macmillan, 1996); Simon Schama, The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age (New York: Alfred Knopf, 1987); Neil McKendrick, John Brewer, and J. H. Plumb, The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England (Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1982); and John Brewer and Roy Porter, eds., Consumption and the World of Goods (London: Routledge, 1993). 59. The fundamental starting point for understanding this approach to material culture is Arjun Appadurai, ed., The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986). Among recent historical studies that have taken this approach to aspects of the early modern economy, see Richard A. Goldthwaite, Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy, 13oo-i600 (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993); Keith Wrightson, Earthly Necessities: Economic Lives in Early Modern Britain (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2000); and especially Jan de Vries, The Industrious Revolution: Consumer Behavior and the Household Economy, 165o to the Present (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, zoo8). 6o. A fundamental point of departure for this subject is John Brewer and Roy Porter, eds., Consumption and the World of Goods (London: Routledge, 1993);and Lisa Jardine, NOTES TO PAGES XXvi—xXX 235 TifWorldly Goods:A NewHistoryofthe Renaissance (New York: Doubleday,1996). More recent work includes Maxine Bergand Helen Clifford,eds., Consumersand Luxury: Consumer Culture in Europe, 1650-185o (Manchester: Manchester University Press,i999); Woodruff D. Smith, Consumption and the Making of Respectability, 1600--x800 (New York: Routledge, zooz); Linda Levy Peck, Consuming Splendor: Society and Culture in Seventeenth-Century England (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, zoos); and Marcello Carmagnani, Le isole del lusso: Prodotti esotici, nuovi consumi e cultura economica europea, r65o—I8oo (Turin: UTET libreria, zoio). 61. Daniel Roche, A History ofEveryday Things:TheBirth ofConsumption in France, 1600-1800, trans. Brian Pearce (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, z000); and idem, The Culture ofClothing:Dressand Fashion in theAncien Regime, trans.Jean Birrell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). 6z. Daniel Roche, The People ofParis:An Essay in Popular Culture in the Eighteenth Century, trans. Marie Evans with Gwynne Lewis (Leamington Spa, UK: Berg, 1987);and Lorna Weatherill, Consumer Behavior and Material Culture in England, 1660-1760, znd ed. (London: Routledge, 1996), esp. 201-7. See also such works as Lena Cowen Orlin, ed., Material London, ca. 16oo (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, z000). 63. Richard Goldthwaite, The Building of Renaissance Florence: An Economic and Social History (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982); idem, Wealth and the Demand for Art; Patricia Fortini Brown, Private Lives in Renaissance Venice: Art, Architecture, and Family (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004); O'Malley and Welch, The Material Renaissance; and Evelyn Welch, Shopping in the Renaissance: Consumer Cultures in Italy, 1.400-1600 (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2009). For a relevant critique of recent work on Italian Renaissance material culture, see Samuel Cohn, "Renaissance Attachment to Things: Material Culture in Last Wills and Testaments," Economic History Review (zoix): 1-22. 64. The classic starting point for thissubject is Philippe Aries and Georges Duby, eds., A History of Private Life, vol. 3, Passions of the Renaissance, trans. Arthur Goldhammer (Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1989). For recent case studies,see Marta Ajmar-Wollheim and Flora Dennis, eds.,At Home in Renaissance Italy (London:Victoria and Albert Museum, zoo6);Annick Pardailhe-Galabrun, La naissance de l'intime: 3000 foyers parisiens, XVlle—XVIIIe siecles (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988); Sarti, Europe at Home; and Amanda Vickery's Behind Closed Doors: At Home in Georgian England (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2.009). 65. Krzysztof Pomian, Collectorsand Curiosities:Parisand Venice,15oo-1800, trans. Elizabeth Wiles-Portier (London: Polity Press, 1990). See also Paula Findlen, "Possessing the Past: The Material World of the Italian Renaissance," American Historical Review 103 (1998): 83-114. 236 :: NOTES TO PAGE XXX 66. Tara Hamling and Catherine Richardson, eds., Everyday Things: Medieval and Early Modern Material Culture and Its Meanings (Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Press, 2010). For an interesting experiment in looking at those rare everyday objects that end up in museums, see Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, The Age of Homespun: Objects and Stories in the Creation of American Myth (New York: Knopf, zoo'). See also Roberta J. M. Olson, Patricia L. Reilly, and Rupert Shepherds, eds., The Biography of the Object in Medieval and Renaissance Italy (Oxford: Blackwell, zoo6). 67. For a fascinating discussion of the outer limits of thisworld,see Duccio Balestracci, The Renaissance in the Fields: Family Memoirs of a Fifteenth-Century Tuscan Peasant, trans. Paolo Squatriti and Betsy Merideth (University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1999). 68. Victoria de Grazia,ed., with Ellen Furlough, TheSex ofThings: Genderand Consumption in Historical Perspective (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1996). 69. Roche, People of Paris, 126. 70. Wolfgang Schivelbusch, Tastes ofParadise:A SocialHistory ofSpices, Stimulants, andIntoxicants, trans. DavidJacobson (NewYork:Pantheon,1992);and Piero Camporesi, Exotic Brew: The Art of Living in the Age ofEnlightenment, trans. Christopher Woodall (Cambridge: Polity Press,1994). More recent studies include Brian Cowan, TheSocialLife of Coffee: The Emergence of the British Coffeehouse (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2.005); and Marcy Norton, Sacred Gifts, Profane Pleasures: A History of Tobacco and Chocolate in the Atlantic World (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008). 71. Anne E. C. McCants, "Exotic Goods, Popular Consumption, and the Standard of Living: Thinking about Globalization in the Early Modern World," Journal of World History 18 (2007): 433-62; idem, "Poor Consumers as Global Consumers: The Diffusion of Tea and Coffee Drinking in the Eighteenth Century," Economic History Review 61, SI (2008): 172—zoo; Roche, Culture of Clothing; and Giorgio Riello and Prasannan Parthasarathi,eds., TheSpinning World:A GlobalHistory ofCotton Textiles,1200-1850 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, zoio). Introduction 1. Jean Baudrillard, La societe de consommation: Ses mythes, ses structures (Paris: Gallimard, 1974); Mary Douglas and Baron C. S. Isherwood, The World of Goods (New York: Basic Books, 1979); Alan Aldridge, Consumption (Cambridge: Polity, 2003); Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984);James Clifford, "On Collecting Art and Culture," in The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1988); Angus Deaton, Understanding Consumption (New York: Clarendon, 1992.);Colin Campbell, "Capitalism, Consumption NOTES TO PAGES XXX-I : : 237 and the Problem of Motives," in Consumption and Identity, ed.Jonathan Friedman (New York: Routledge, 1994); Daniel Miller, Acknowledging Consumption:A Review ofNew Studies (New York: Routledge, 1995); Daniel Miller, Consumption: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences (New York: Routledge, zoos). 2. Daniel Roche, The People of Paris: An Essay in Popular Culture in the Eighteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987); and especially Daniel Roche, The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the "Ancien Regime," trans. Jean Birrell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). 3. Neil McKendrick,John Brewer, andJ. H. Plumb, The Birth ofa ConsumerSociety: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England (London: Europa Publications, 1982); John Brewer and Roy Porter, eds., Consumption and the World of Goods (New York: Routledge, 1993); Simon Schama, The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation ofDutch Culture in the Golden Age (NewYork:Vintage Books,1997);Sara Pennell, "Consumption and Consumerism in Early Modern England," Historical Journal 42, no. z (1999): 549-64; Peter N. Stearns, Consumerism in World History: The Global Transformation of Desire (London and New York: Routledge, zooi). 4. Amanda Vickery, "Women and the World of Goods: A Lancashire Consumer and Her Possessions," in Brewer and Porter, Consumption and the World of Goods, 74-104. 5. Annik Pardailhe-Galabrun, La naissance de l'intime: 3000 foyers parisiens aux XVIIe-XVIIIesiecles (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988). 6. Neil McKendrick, "Home Demand and Economic Growth: A New View of the Role of Women and Children in the Industrial Revolution," in Historical Perspectives: Studies in English Thought and Society in Honor ofJ. H. Plumb, ed. Neil McKendrick (London: Europa Publications, 1974), 152-210; McKendrick, Brewer, and Plumb, The Birth of a Consumer Society: The Commercialization of Eighteenth-Century England; Lorna Weatherill, Consumer BehaviourandMaterial Culture in Britain, r6oo-r76o (London: Routledge, 1988); Lorna Weatherill, "The Meaning of Consumer Behaviour in Late Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth-Century England," in Brewer and Porter, Consumption and the World of Goods, 206-27. 7. On this subject see also Dominique Poulot, "Une nouvelle histoire de la culture materielle?" Revue d'Histoire Moderne et Contemporaine 44, no. z (1997): 344- 57,who discusses the conceptual difficulties apparent in a series of French and Anglo-American studies on consumers. 8. Douglas and Isherwood, The World of Goods. 9. Georg Simmel, On Individuality and Social Forms; Selected Writings (Chicago: University of Chicago Press,197i); Daniel Miller, Material Culture and Mass Consumption (New York: Blackwell, 1987); Daniel Miller, A Theory of Shopping (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, x998). 238 :: NOTES TO PAGES 2-3 io. See the contracts archived in ASR, TN, uff. 5, vol. 107, cc. T3t, 133, 135, all from January II, 162.6. 11. Krzysztof Pomian, "The Collection: Between the Visible and the Invisible," in Interpreting Objects and Collections, ed. Susan M. Pearce (New York: Routledge, 1994). 2. Krzysztof Pomian, "Collezione," in Enciclopedia (Turin: Einaudi, 1978), 1:33o-64. 13. Igor Kopytoff, "The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization asProcess," in The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, ed. Arjun Appadurai (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1986), 64-94. 14. Jane Schneider, "Trousseau asTreasure:Some Contradictionsof Late NineteenthCentury Change in Sicily," in Beyond the Myths of Culture: Essays in Cultural Materialism, ed. Eric B. Ross (New York: Academic Press, 198o); Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, x985);Annette B.Weiner andJane Schneider, Cloth andHuman Experience,Smithsonian Series in Ethnographic Inquiry (Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989). I5. Annette B. Weiner, InalienablePossessions: The ParadoxofKeeping-While-Giving (Berkeley: University of California Press, 199z), z6. i6. Martha C.Howell, "FixingMovables:Gifts byTestament in Late Medieval Douai," Past and Present 150 (1996): 3-45. 17. On the concept of the "sentimentalsociety" see Campbell, "Capitalism, Consumption and the Problem of Motives." 18. Weiner, Inalienable Possessions, 33. 19. Ibid., 7. 20. Ibid., io. 21. Giulio Mancini, Considerazioni sulla pittura (Rome: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1956). 22. On the paradigm of emulation, the obligatory reference is naturally to Thorstein Veblen, The Theory of the Leisure Class (New York: Penguin Books, 1994). 23. Apart from Kopytoff, "The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization as Process," see the similarities considered by Pamela H. Smith and Paula Findlen, eds., Merchants and Marvels: Commerce, Science, and Art in Early Modern Europe (New York: Routledge, 2002). 2.4. As was happening, for example, for goods acquired on ceremonial occasions and then quickly given back;see Klapisch-Zuber, Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy. 25. Renata Ago, Economia barocca: Mercato e istituzioni nella Roma del Seicento, Saggi (Rome: Donzelli, 1998). z6. Given the lack of more precise data, wealth was measured in terms of household size. NOTES TO PAGES 4-8 :: 239 '17 17. Regarding all uses readily available for any type of good, including those of poor quality,see Melanie Tebbutt, Making Ends Meet: Pawnbrokingand Working-Class Credit (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983); Renata Ago, "Di cosa si puo fare commercio: Mercato e norme sociali nella Roma barocca," Quadernistorici 91 (1996):113-34; Renata Ago, "Gerarchia delle merci e meccanismi dello scambio a Roma nel primo Seicento," Quadernistorici 96 (1997): 663-83; Luciano Allegra, "Come it capitalismo maturo riscopri la protoindustria e la impose (agli altri)," in IIgenere dell'Europa: Le radici comuni della cultura europea e l'identita di genere, ed. A. DeClementi (Rome: Biblink, 2.003). 2.8. For the idea that the economic value of a thingshould be measured via the resources, which could have been used differently but were sacrificed to acquire this object,see Georg Simmel, The Philosophy of Money (New York: Routledge, 1990). 2.9. For an example among many of such accusations see Pietro Belmonte, Institutione della sposa del cavalier Pietro Belmonte Ariminese fatta principalmente per Madonna Laudomia sua figliuola nellesue nuoue nozze (Rome: Per gl'heredi di Giouanni Osmarino Gigliotto, 1587). 3o. In fact, Rome did not have a magistrature, like that of the pupils ( pupilli) of Florence or that of the orphans of Amsterdam, that kept specific documents related to inheritance. From this point of view, the index or repertory of the notarial acts is generally useless, and relying on chance is still the most efficient solution. 31. While the former are unedited, the latter have in most cases been edited. 32.. I use here the term splendor, following Pontano's usage, to indicate a noble and honorable domestic wealth aimed at increasing the reputation of the person who possesses it. Chapter One I. For recent reviews on consumption and material culture, see Alan Aldridge, Consumption (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2.003), Daniel Miller, Consumption: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences, 4 vols. (London: Routledge, 2.001.), Fred R. Myers, ed., The Empire of Things: Regimes of Value and Material Culture (Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, zooi). z. Krzysztof Pomian, "Collezione," in Enciclopedia (Turin: Einaudi, 1978), I: 33o-64. 3. See Jonathan Friedman, Consumption and Identity (Chur, Switzerland: Harwood Academic Publishers, 1994); and above all Igor Kopytoff, "The Cultural Biography of Things: Commoditization as Process," in The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, ed. Arjun Appadurai (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986), 64- 94. 4. What Simmel maintained for human beings also applies to goods: the diffusion of 2.40 :: NOTES TO PAGES 9-16 money "liberates" from physical ties. Cf. Georg Simmel, The Philosophy of Money (New York: Routledge, 1990). 5. Ruggiero Romano and Ugo Tucci, eds., Economia naturale, economia monetaria, vol. 6, Storia d'Italia, Annali (Turin: Einaudi, 1983), xxvi. 6. Ibid., xxvii. 7. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, July 8, 1684. 8. Romano and Tucci, Economia naturale, economia monetaria; and Renata Ago, Economia barocca: Mercato e istituzioni nella Roma delSeicento (Rome: Donzelli, 1998), 59; Craig Muldrew, The Economy of Obligation: The Culture of Credit and Social Relations in Early Modern England (New York: Palgrave, zooi). 9. Ago, Economia barocca. o. Federico Chabod, "Stipendi nominali e busta paga effettiva dei funzionari dell'amministrazione milanese alla fine del Cinquecento," in Carlo V e it suo impero (Turin: Einaudi, 1985), 2.81-450. I I. Jane Schneider, "Trousseau as Treasure:Some Contradictions of Late NineteenthCentury Change in Sicily," in Beyond the Myths of Culture: Essays in Cultural Materialism, ed. Eric B. Ross (New York: Academic Press, 198o); Helen Ward, "Worth Its Weight in Gold: Women and Value in North West India" (PhD diss., University of Cambridge, 1997); Muldrew, The Economy of Obligation, 8o; Giulia Calvi and Isabelle Chabot, eds., Le ricchezze delle donne: Diritti patrimoniali e poteri familiari in Italia (XIII—XIX sect.) (Turin: Rosenberg and Sellier, 1998). On the role of women in the circulation of goods,see also Marilyn Strathern, The Gender ofthe Gift: Problems with Women and Problems with Society in Melanesia (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988); Marilyn Strathern, Property, Substance, and Effect:Anthropological Essays on Personsand Things (London: Athlone Press, 1999). 12.. Renata Ago, "Oltre la dote: I beni femminili," in II lavoro delle donne, ed. Angela Groppi (Rome-Bari: Laterza, 1996), 164-8z; Sandra Cavallo, "Propriety o possesso? Composizione e controllo dei beni delle donne a Torino (1650-1710)," in Le ricchezze delle donne, 187-2.08. 13. See the case of Dorotea Antolini, pp. 35-36 herein; ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. zzlf., will of Bernardino Gioj; ibid., b. 1474, cc. 2.75f, will of Marta de Rossi (1639). 14. Giovanni Gioviano Pontano, I libri delle virtu sociali, ed. Francesco Tateo (Rome: Bulzoni, 1999). On the uses of money, also see Tateo's introduction, p. 16. is. Ibid., 18. 16. Ibid., 2.31. 17. ASR, TN, uff. 2.8, Wills, vol. z, cc. 63f. 18. Some examples of bequests that called for the liquidation of furniture, silver, and other goods are found in ASR, TN, uff. 2.8, Testamenti, vol. 2., cc. 63, 79o, 916; ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 6, 7, 2.3, 2.21, 2.66; ibid., b. 854, C. 849. NOTES TO PAGES 16-19 :: 2.41 19. ASR, Giustiniani, b. 132, CC. 29-31. zo. On the role of time in creating a symbolic link between an object and itsowner,see Daniel Miller, A Theory ofShopping (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998), 171-72. 2.1. ASR, Giustiniani, b.13z, cc. 3o-3I. Giustiniani was not the only one to withhold part of his goods from sale. The lawyer Camillo Moretti ordered everything to be sold except his "books of the humanities," which his nephew might use (see ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, C. 6, 1597). 22. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969 and b. 747, f. 3. 2.3. Ibid. 24. Biblioteca Casanatense, Rome, ms. 5054, Letteredi Girolama NaroSantacroceal figlio Scipione. In reality he was in exile because of a duel, but this did not prevent his full participation in court life or cause the disgrace of his family in Rome. 25. Despite their power and riches, even the Colonna family did not disdain pawning their jewelry, tapestries, silver, and other goods to obtain hard currency. See Natalia Gozzano, La quadreria di Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna: Prestigio nobiliare e collezionismo nella Roma barocca (Rome: Bulzoni, 2004), especially 152-55. z6. Pontano, I libri delle virtu sociali, 239. 27. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 22., November x, 1633. 28. Ibid., January 17, 1634. 29. Daniel Roche, The CultureofClothing:Dressand Fashion in the "Ancien Regime," trans. Jean Birrell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Patricia Allerston, "Clothing and Early ModernVenetian Society," Continuityand Change15, no. 3 (z000): 367-90;Patricia Allerston, "The Market in Second Hand Cloths and Furnishings in Venice, c. 1500-1650" (PhD diss., European University Institute, 1996); Ago, "Gerarchia delle merci e meccanismi dello scambio a Roma nel primo Seicento," Quadernistorici96 (1997): 663-83;Beverly Lemire, "Second-Hand Beauxand "Red-Armed Belles": Conflict and the Creation of Fashions in England, c. 1600-1800," Continuity and Change 15, no. 3 (z000): 391-417; Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, Guardaroba medievale: Vesti e societa dal XIII al XVI secolo (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1999). 3o. See, for instance, Ludovico Santolino's inventory of goods, drawn up by the secondhand clothes dealer Simone dell'Arpa, who afterward acquired them en masse (cf. chapter four, note 49 herein). 31. ASR, Giustiniani, b. 2.1, fasc. 2., October 13, 1659. 32. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 775, conto n. i6, 1681. 33. Luciano Allegra, "Come it capitalismo maturo riscopri la protoindustria e la impose (agli altri)," in IIgenere dell'Europa: Le radici communi della cultura europea e ridentita di genere, ed. Andreina De Clementi (Rome: Biblink, 2003). 34• ASR, Santacroce, mandati nn. 174, 193, 2.07, 208 in 17o2 and 35 in 1703. 35. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 22, December 6, x633. 242. :: NOTES TO PAGES 19-2.2. 36. Ibid., December 13, 1633. 37. Ibid., December 20, 1633. 38. Ibid., February 1634. 39. The mother had written: "I have already made the fur coat for Father Gregorio and I spent two scudi on it, and now it is necessary to send money as payment to our agent Facchini, otherwise he won't do anything for us" (ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 22, December 6, 1633). 4o. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 22, December zo, 1633. 41. Cesare Evitascandali, Dialogo del maestro di casa (Roma: Vullietti, 1603), 81, cited also by Gozzano, La quadreria di Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna, 158. 42. ASR, Sforza Cesarini, b. 249, Register of Payments, 1689. 43. ASR, Santacroce, b. 747, n. 164 of 17oz. 44• ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 2.2, 20 and 27 of June 1634. 45. Ibid., October 29, 1633. 46. Ibid., December 24, 1633. 47. Ibid., November 12, 1633. 48. Theoriginal reads x9 hore(19 hours).Since Italian hours began the dayata half hour after sunset, on May 6, 1593, the sun set at 7:13 p.m., making this just before 4 p.m. (PF). 49. ASR, S. Giacomo, b. 172, fasc. 10 (Fabiani). 5o. ASR, S. Giacomo, b. 172, fasc. 8 (Gavotti). In 1657 Maria Veralli gave Venetian wax and finesugar to the lawyers who were dealingwith one of her cases (see ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 1002). 51. Cited by Donatella Livia Sparti, Le collezioniDalPozzo:Storia diunafamiglia edel suo museo nella Roma seicentesca (Florence: Panini, 1998), 169, December 13, 1642. 52. Ibid., February 1702, March 1702,July 1702, March 1704,and May 1703. Even melonswere a sought-after food: in an account book theyappear asan exceptional expense for the Feast of the Assumption (see ASR, Santacroce, b. 713, August i552). 53• Ibid., March 1702 and March 1704. 54. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o. 55. Ibid., b. 22, February 14, 1634. 56. Ibid., b. 22, August 8, 1634. 57. Pomian, "Collezione." 58. Maura Piccialuti Caprioli, L'immortalita dei beni:Fedecommessieprimogeniture a Roma neisecoli XVII e XVIII (Rome: Viella, 1999). 59. Fynes Moryson, An itinerary written by Fynes Moryson Gent. 1. . .1containing his ten yeeres trauell through the tvvelue dominions of Germany, Bohmerland, Sweitzerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland,Jtaly, Turky, France, England, Scotland, andIreland(London:John Beale,1617), 1:93. Quoted by Richard A. Goldthwaite, Wealthand theDemand for Art in Italy, 1300—x600 (Baltimore:Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993), 242. NOTES TO PAGES 22-30 :: 243 6o. Goldthwaite, Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy. 61. In ibid., 217. 6z. From the Palazzo Venezia to the Palazzo Farnese, the bibliography on the great Roman palazzos of the Renaissance is very rich. For a recent synthesis see Maria Letizia Gualandi, "Fervore edilizio, trasformazioni urbanistiche e realizzazioni monumentali da Martino V Colonna a Paolo V Borghese," in Roma del Rinascimento, ed. Antonio Pinelli (Rome: Laterza, zoos), 123-6o. 63. Maria Luisa Madonna and Mario Bevilacqua, "The Roman Families in Urban Development," in Rome and Amsterdam: Two Growing Cities in Seventeenth-Century Europe, ed. Peter van Kessel and Elisja Schulte van Kessel (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1997), 104-2.3. 64. Ibid., 1x8-19. 65. Ibid., 12o. 66. Mario Bevilacqua, IIMontedei Cenci: Una famiglia roman e itsuo insediamento urbano tra Medioevo ed eta barocca (Rome: Gangemi, 1988), 78. 67. Benedetta Borello, "Du patriciat urbain a la Chaire de Saint Pierre: Les Pamphilj du XVe au XVIIIe siecle" (PhD thesis, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales [Paris], woo). 68. Goldthwaite, Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy, 168-69; Bevilacqua, II Monte dei Cenci, 76-78. On the "obsession" of Filippo Strozzi, who in his testament devoted page after page to a minute assessment of all the genealogical possibilitiesthat could have led toa similar catastrophe-namely, the loss of the family palazzo,see Goldthwaite, Wealth and the Demand for Art in Italy, 233. 69. ASR, Notai RCA, c. 2.74, 1638. 7o. Ibid., c. 2o6, 16o6. 71. Paula Findlen, Possessing Nature:Museums, Collecting, andScientific Culture in EarlyModern Italy(Berkeley:Universityof California Press,1994), 293.Identicalconcepts are found in the wills of Ulisse Aldrovandi (1603) and Alfonso Donnino (1651). 72.. Rodolfo Amedeo Lanciani,Storia degliscavi di Roma e notizie intorno le collezioni romane di antichita (Bologna: A. Forni, 1975), 83. 73. Christoph Luitpold Frommel, "Caravaggios Friiwerk and der Kardinal Francesco Maria del Monte," Storia dell'arte 9-10 (1971): 5-52.; Zygmunt Wazbinski, II cardinale Francesco Maria del Monte, 1549-1626, 2 vols. (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 1994). 74. ASR, Giustiniani, b. 132., C. 3o. 75. ASR, Cartari, b. 22, November i, 1633. 76. Ibid., March 21, 1634. 77. Ibid., March 25, 1634. 78. Ibid., March 27, 1634. 79. Ibid., April 4, 1634. 144 :: NOTES TO PAGES 3 o-3 4 80. Ibid., April 18, 1634. 81. Ibid., May 25, 1634. 82. Ibid., December 18, 1633. 83. Ibid., February 14, 1634. 84. ASR, Misc. famiglie, b. 61, fasc. 6. 85. Leon Battista Alberti and others often used the adjective "massaio" and the noun "masserizia" to indicate "concern and care for things." See Leon Battista Alberti, I libri della famiglia, ed. Ruggiero Romano, Alberto Tenenti, and Francesco Furlan (Turin: Einaudi, 1994). 86. Martha C.Howell,"FixingMovables:Gifts byTestament in LateMedievalDouai," Past and Present 15o (1996): 3-45. 87. ASR, S.ma Annunziata, b. 44, cc. 277-78 (italics mine). 88. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 2.62f., will of Francesco Raimondo, 1634; ibid. cc. 275f., will of Marta de Rossi, 1639. For other examples of bequeathed objects see ibid., cc. 6f., cc. 8of., cc. 2oxf., and cc. 329f. See also Howell, "Fixing Movables." 89. "Movables must be acquired by a splendid man for honest uses, so that he can avail himself of them when necessary and also, when reason so counsels, give them away, sometimes in great quantities." Pontano, I libri delle virtu sociali, 2.31. 9o. ASR, Santacroce, b. 286, October and November 1702;ASR, Santacroce, b. 747, gifts, 1703. 91. ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772., cc. 321, 1667. 92. Letter of October 2, 1627, cited in Sparti, Le collezioni Dal Pozzo, 173. 93. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 827, cc. 7, 9, 10, 13, x7, 33. 94. Ibid., cc. 7 and 9. 95. ASR, Cartari, b. 33, August 31, 1672. 96. Ibid., August 6, 1672. 97. ASR, Misc. famiglie, b. 61, fasc. 6. 98. ASR, S. Girolamo della Cart* b. 4. 99. Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, "The Griselda Complex: Dowry and Marriage Gifts in the Quattrocento," in Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), 213-46. 100. That the commercial value of objectscreated a favorable climate for the development of a different attitude toward them is argued by Smith and Findlen, Merchantsand Marvels. Chapter Two 1. ASR, S. Giacomo, b. 183. On family record books in Italy, see Angelo Cicchetti and Raul Mordenti, I libri di famiglia in Italia (Rome: Edizioni di storia e letteratura, 1985). NOTES TO PAGES 34- 41 :: 245 z. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, f. 1. 3. ASR, Santacroce, b. 514. 4. ASR, S.ma Annunziata, b. 15o, 1616. 5. Monsignor Giovan Battista Gavotti always had his household steward keep the account books, although he reviewed them himself (ASR, S. Giacomo, b. 172, 1628-31). 6. ASR, Santacroce, b. 5z4, 1647-53. 7. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. rooz, years 651-63. An old inventory defines them as ledgers, but in reality they were journals of income and expenditure. They contained all the receipts and expenses in which the marquise was involved on a daily basis, with income written on the left side of the page and expenditures on the right side. 8. The first is in ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 756, 166z. 9. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 40, July 3o, 1647. 10. ASR, Notai AC, b. 945, cc. 37f., 1700. I I. ASR, Santacroce, b. 713, 1551. 12.. For some examples see ASR, TN, uff. z8, vol. 142., cc. 51f., February 7, 16z8; ibid., uff. 2.5, vol. 'or, cc. 499f., August zr, 162.5; ASR, Notai AC, vol. 22.04, cc. 565f., 1645 13. See the expense book of Monsignor Gavotti in ASR, S. Giacomo, b. 172. 14. Virgilio Spada divided his notebook into six distinct, highly ordered parts, such as the expenses for the Spada family of Rome, his "relatives, the Fantuzzi," his "own upkeep," the Spada of Faenza, etc. He concluded with a few pages of general summary (see ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 82.7). 15. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 82.7, c. 3o. 16. On economic treatises and the duties of the paterfamilias, see Daniela Frigo, II padre di famiglia: Governo della casa egovern° civile nella tradizione dell'Economica tra Cinque e Seicento (Rome: Bulzoni, 1985). 17. Ibid. 18. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. rooz, 1657. 19. Ibid., 1658. 2.0. Ibid. 2.1. Ibid., 1659. 22. The documents record a taffeta hood from England in 1659, a feather beret in 166o, and a robe of silver leaf in 1661 for one girl. For the other, a shawl embroidered with gold and a matching outer girdle in 1657 and a collar of white lace and a dress of quilted fabric in 1660. See ASR, Spada Veralli, b. Tool. 2.3. Young chickens, pigs, pigeons, eggs, and sausage on various occasions. See ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 1ooz. 2.4. See ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 1002. 2.5. ASR, Spada, b. 756, n. 15, 1663; ibid., n. 46, 1663. 2.46 :: NOTES TO PAGES 42 - 48 26. Ibid., n. 3o, 1663; ibid., n. zo, 1663; ibid., nn. zo and 5o, 1663. 27. ASR, Spada, b. 794, c. 3. 18. ASR, Spada, b. 801. 2.9. ASR, Spada, b. 794,January, April, May, and July 1667;August, February, April, June, July, and August 1668. 3o. Ibid., December 1667. 31. Ibid., January, May, and December 1668; January and February 1669. 32. Ibid., July 1669. 33. ASR, Spada, b. 8or, September 167o:1.5oscudi for "stuff bought from the milliner who came to the Castle to give [the purchased merchandise] to those women." 34• Ibid., November 1668; February, June, July, October 1669; October 1670;January, July, August, December 1671; May 1672, etc. 35. That is, like a tapestry. See Luigi Grassi, Marco Pepe, and Giancarlo Sestieri, Dizionario diantiquariato: Dizionariostorico-critico di Arte e Antiquariato dall'antichita all'inizio del Novecento (Turin: UTET, 1989). 36. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, March, September, and December 17oo; May 1701. 37. Ibid., November and December 170o, October 1701, January and May 1702; March 1703. 38. Ibid., February, October, and November 1700. 39. We do not know their titles because the first two inventories mention only "twentyfour different books" and "one devotional to the Virgin Mary," and the final one only speaks generically of "thirty books" and "three devotionals." 4o. The sources offer at least one more case in which the monetary part of a dowry was restituted in kind: the will of the merchant Bernardino Gioj (1632), which ordered the restitution of 300 scudi in the form of jewelry, silverware, and "stuff from the shop." See ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 221f. 41. Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, "Un salario o l'onore: Come valutare le donne fiorentine del XIV-XV secolo," Quaderni storici 79 (1992): 41-49. 42. The sample consisted of seventy-six inventories-not only postmortem but also dowry and others-chosen at random, provided that the testators were members of the middling classes (they did not come from the titled nobility). 43. Paolo Malanima, I Riccardi di Firenze: Una famiglia e un patrimonio nella Toscana dei Medici (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 1977); Carole Shammas, The Pre-Industrial Consumer in England and America (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990); Maria Antonietta Visceglia, "I consumi in Italia in eta moderna," in Storia dell'economia italiana, vol. z, L'eta moderna: Verso la crisi, ed. Ruggiero Romano (Turin: Einaudi, 1991), esp. 2,2-15. 44. See Malanima, I Riccardi di Firenze, 159, table XVIII. On the Odescalchi family, see Giuseppe Mira, Vicende economiche di una famiglia italiana dal XIVal XVII secolo NOTES TO PAGES 48- 57 247 (Milan:Societa editrice "Vitae pensiero," 194o). On the expenditures of noble households in general, see Valeria Pinchera, Lusso e decoro: Vita quotidiana e spese dei Salviati di Firenze nel Sei e Settecento (Pisa: Scuola normale superiore, 1999). 45. ASR, TN, uff. 5, Testamenti 1645, cc. 15f. 46. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 6f e cc. 2oif. 47. See, for instance, the will of Serafina Mancini, who left "her best garment to her cousin." ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 329f. 48. ASR, Notai AC, Testamenti e donazioni, b. 4, 1641. For. Dorotea Antolini, see pp. 35-36 herein. 49• Lanciani, Storia degli scavi di Roma. 5o. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 854, cc. 849, will of Gian Girolamo Spinola, 1622; ASR, TN, uff. 28, Testamenti, vol. 2, cc. 63f, will of Attilio Casini, 1623; ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 7f, will of Vincenzo Panziroli, 1598. 5i. Ibid., cc. 79of., will of Alessandro Cataneo, i6o2; ibid., cc. 916f., will of Giovanni Maria Benaglia, 1629; ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 6f., will of Camillo Moretti; ibid., cc. z3f., will of Virginia Bardi, 1604; ibid., cc. 266f., will of Sofonisba Ciaroni, 1635; ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1029, cc. 3011., will of Alessandra Pelliccia, 1648. On "becoming Roman," see ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. zzif., will of Bernardino Gioj, 1632. 5/. Fideicommisary agreements emerged with increasing frequency in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Italy, inspired by Roman law. They offered a version of entail, creating an inalienable trust, often in perpetuity, out of the most precious aspects of a family patrimony (PF). 53. Leon Battista Alberti, I libri della famiglia, ed. Ruggiero Romano, Alberto Tenenti, and Francesco Furlan (Turin: Einaudi, 1994). Book 2, De re uxoria, 86f. Elsewhere, when he spoke about "unnecessary" but still honorable expenses, he cited only "beautiful books and noble horses" (ibid., 224). Even Giovanni Pontano spoke only about vases, drapes, flatware, and "similar things." Pontano, I libri delle virtu sociali, 229. 54• Sabba da Castiglione, Ricordi overoammaestramenti di monsig:Sabba Castiglione, caualier gerosolimitano; ne i quali con prudenti, e christiani discorsi si ragiona di tutte le materie honorate, the si ricercano a un vero gentil'huomo (Venice: Griffio, 1575), 160-67. 55. Alberti, I libri della famiglia. 56. Ibid., 263. 57• Ibid., 218. 58. Ago defines this distinction more vividly as beni del corpo (corporeal things) and Beni dello spirito (goods for the soul), but since "spiritual" in English has a more specific meaning than the idea of "goods for the soul" in Italian, we have preferred a less literal translation. 248 :: NOTES TO PAGES 57-61 Chapter Three T. Keep in mind that half of the female inventories were for dowries and unsurprisingly did not mention rooms. Another ten lists were only partial and explicitly did not catalog all the property of the testator, but only some goods. If one excludes these two "anomalous" categories, a majority of inventories (71.4 percent) were detailed by room. 2. Thisarrangement was still widely prevalent in Paris (see Annik Pardailhe-Galabrun, La naissance de l'intime: 3000 foyers parisiens aux XVIIe—XVIIIe siecles (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1988); more generally, on the use of space and specialization of room functions, see Giorgio Simoncini, L'uso dellospazio privato nell'eta dell'Illuminismo (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 1995) and Raffaella Sarti, Vita di casa:Abitare, mangiare, vestire nell'Europa moderna (Rome-Bari: Laterza, 1990). 3. Peter Thornton, The Italian Renaissance Interior, 1400-1600 (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1991), 300. 4. Sebastiano Serlio, I sette libri dell'architettura (Forni: Sala Bolognese, 1987), published in Venice between 1537and 1575;and VincenzoScamozzi, Dell'idea dell'architettura universale (Forni: Sala Bolognese, 1982), published in Venice in 1615. 5. See the Marquis Giustiniani's private apartment, pp. 83-88, or that of the Marquise Maria Isabella Vecchiarelli Santacroce, pp. 90-91 herein. 6. At the theoretical level, Francesco di Giorgio Martini was the first to have discussed the "distribution of rooms" in his Trattato di architettura, which was composed around 1480. But apparently he did not resolve all the problems, since much later texts such as Scamozzi's L'idea dell'architettura continued to discuss the issue. See Thornton, Italian Renaissance Interior, 284. 7. See the study on Amsterdam by John Loughman and John Michael Montias, Public and Private Spaces: Works of Art in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Houses (Zwolle: Waanders, z000). 8. See, for instance, the engravings of Abraham Bosse. 9. On the other hand, inhabitants of Paris and Amsterdam did not begin to draw this distinction until the second half of the century. See Pardailhe-Galabrun, La naissance de l'intime, and Loughman and Montias, Public and Private Spaces: Works of Art in Seventeenth-centuryDutch Houses. Cf.Ursula Priestlyand P.J.Corfield,"Roomsand Room Use in Norwich Housing, 1530-1730," Post-Medieval Archeology 16 (1982.): 92-123. ro. This was not the case in Paris, where chairs were found largely in bedrooms. This is a sign that entertaining took place in the bedroom. See Daniel Roche, The People of Paris: An Essay in Popular Culture in the Eighteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987). 11. Pardailhe-Galabrun, La naissance de l'intime;Daniel Roche, A History ofEveryday Things: The Birth ofConsumption in France, 1600-1800 (New York: Cambridge University NOTES TO PAGES 65-68 :: 249 Press, z000);AnneMontenach,"Uneeconomie de l'infime:Espaceset pratique du commerce alimentaire a Lyons au XVIIe siecle" (PhD thesis, European University Institute, 2.003). 12. Raspantini, Francesco, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 32f., January 18, 1667, inheritance. 13. On furniture in general, see Goffredo Lizzani, Il mobile romano (Milan: Gorlich, 1970); Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios, Fasto romano: Dipinti, sculture, arredi dai palazzi di Roma (Rome: Leonardo-DeLuca, 1991); Thornton, Italian Renaissance Interior; Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios, Imobili italiani (Milan: Electa,1997);Alvar Gonzalez-Palacios, Arredi e ornamenti alla corte di Roma:1560-1795 (Milan: Electa, 2004). 14. Pardailhe-Galabrun, La naissance de l'intime. 15. On the material culture of childhood, see Karin Lee Fishbeck Calvert, Children in the House: The Material Culture of Early Childhood, 1600-1900 (Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1992). 16. Raspantini, Francesco, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 3zf., January 18, 1667, inheritance. 17. Marozzi, Teresa, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 945, cc. 44if., February 22, 1700, dowry. 18. Rotoli, Giovanni, ASR, TN, uff. 28, vol. 142, cc. 5'of., February 7, 1628, inheritance. 19. On the importance of portraits, see chapter six. zo. ASR, Santacroce, b. 747, fasc. 1, conto n. 12, 1702. 21. Ibid., conto n. 83, 1702.. 22. Ibid., fasc. 2, conto n. 157, 1703. 23. Ibid., fasc. 3, conto n. 76,1704. 24. Giunti, Ippolito, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2095, cc. I39f., 1645. 25. Lirighetti, Nicola, Francesco e Antonio, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 766, cc. 484f., 1648, judicial; and Rosati, Santa, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 945, cc. 365f., January 28, 1700, sale. 26. Venturola, Ippolita, AC, AGU, sez. VII, vol. 2, cc. 225f., June 9, 1626, inheritance. 27. On silverware as gifts, see pp. 172-73 herein. 28. Taglina, Portia, AC, AGU, sez. XLVI, vol. 17, April 21, 1666, inheritance. 29. Giunti, Ippolito, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2095, cc. 139f., 1645, inheritance; Piantarella, Barolomeo, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2204, cc. 554f., 1645, inheritance. 3o. De Litteris, Maria, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 694f., March 9, 1667, inheritance. 3I. Vittori, Pietro Antonio, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 3z4f., February 22, 1667, rent. For a comparisonwith other rented homessome decades later, see Paolo Coen, "Vendere e affittare quadri: Giuseppe Sardi, capomastro muratore e mercante d'arte (Roma XVIII secolo)," Quaderni storici 1161‘ 2004): 421-48• 32. Tinelli, Alessandro, ASR, TN, uff. 5, vol. 172, cc. r73f., 1645, inheritance. This 250 :: NOTES TO PAGES 6 8—78 I S seems to have been the most widespread organization for apartments in seventeenthcentury Paris. See Pardailhe-Galabrun, La naissance de rintime. 33. Betti, Marghertia, ASR, S. Girolamo della Carita, b. 4, cc. 25f.,1669, inheritance; Raspantini, Francesco, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 32.f., January 18, 1667, inheritance. 34. Negrelli, Francesco, ASR, TN, uff. 18, vol. 142, cc. 71f.,January 5, 1638, inheritance; Pan, Nicola, ASR, TN, uff. 5, vol. 258, cc. 1if., April 2, 1667, inheritance. 35• Lirighetti, Nicola, Francesco, and Antonio, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 766, cc. 484f., 1648, judicial. 36. Cangiani, Paolo, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 413f., March 20, 1667, inheritance. 37. See pp. 139-40 herein. 38. Rotoli, Giovanni, ASR, TN, uff. 28, vol. 142, cc. 51of., February 7, 1628, inheritance. 39. Ugolini, Fabio, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 945, cc. 520f., March 5, 1700, guardianship. 4o. On the dwellings of Roman nobles, see Marilyn Aronberg Lavin, SeventeenthCentury Barberini Documents and Inventories of Art (New York: New York University Press,1975);Patricia Waddy,Seventeenth-Century Roman Palaces: Useand theArt ofthe Plan (NewYork:Architectural History Foundation,1990);Stefanie Walker and Frederick Hammond, Life and the Arts in the Baroque Palaces of Rome: Ambiente Barocco (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1999). On their furnishings see Gonzalez-Palacios, Fasto romano. On the Giustiniani, their collections, and their inventories see Silvia Danesi Squarzina, ed., La collezione Giustiniani (Turin: Einaudi, 2003). 41. Although the table asa whole is veryclear, in the case of women there issome risk of ambiguity. As I have said, a third of female inventories are dowry inventories. It is thus normal that they dealt primarily with bedsand weddingchests while excludingchairsand stools. Nonetheless, the percentages of tables, cupboards, and stuodioli were very near those for men, and this seems to reduce the chance of a possible distortion owing to the nature of the documents. 42. On travel literature see Cesare De Seta, L'Italia del Grand Tour: Da Montaigne a Goethe (Naples: Electa Napoli, 1992); Cesare De Seta, Grand Tour: Viaggi narrati e dipinti (Naples: Electa Napoli, zooi); Antoni Mgczak, Travel in Early Modern Europe, trans. Ursula Phillips (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1995);Attilio Brilli, Quando viaggiare era un'arte: Il romanzo delgrand tour (Bologna: II Mulino, 1995). On epistolary writing see Amedeo Quondam, Le "Carte messaggiere":Retorica emodellidi comunicazione epistolare per un indice dei libri di lettere del Cinquecento (Rome: Bulzoni, 1981); Renata Ago, "Donne, doni e public relations tra le famiglie dell'aristocrazia romana del XVII secolo," in La donna nell'economia XIII—XVIII secolo, ed. Simonetta Cavaciocchi (Florence: Le Monnier, 1990), 175-83; Irene Fosi, All'ombra dei Barberini: Fedelta e servizio nella Roma barocca (Rome: Bulzoni, 1997). NOTES TO PAGES 78-89 :: 251 43. ASR, Santacroce, b. 86, cc. 45v-46v. 44. ASR, Santacroce, b. 86, cc. 45v-46v. 45. ASR, Santacroce, b. 1122., unnumbered folio (f.n.n). 46. Here too Santacroce was influenced by his travels, in the course of which he visited the curiosity cabinets of illustrious collectors whom he apparently wanted to imitate, at least in appearance (ASR, Santacroce, b. 86, cc. '2.v-13r). On the sociability tied to collections see pp. 136-38 and following, herein. Chapter Four . I have excluded from this figure all those cauldrons that were specifically designated "for washing," but probably even those that did not receive any particular designation were usually used for this purpose. z. On culinary practices and the manner of eating food, see Jean Louis Flandrin and Massimo Montanari, Food: A Culinary History from Antiquity to the Present, trans. Albert Sonnenfeld (New York: Columbia University Press, 1999). 3. One "baking tin" was said to be explicitly for "tarts." 4. On the kinds of kitchen utensils used in other contexts,see Daniel Roche, The People of Paris: An Essay in Popular Culture in the Eighteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987); Flandrin and Montanari, Food; Raffaella Sarti, Vita di casa: Abitare, mangiare, vestire nell'Europa moderna (Rome-Bari: Laterza, 1990); Madeleine Ferrieres, Le bien des pauvres: La consommation populaire en Avignon, I600-I800 (Seyssel, France: Champ Vallon, 2.004). 5. In addition, another five women possessed at least a "small tray" which could also be used as a plate. 6. The small value of these objectscould have led to their exclusion from the inventories, which are otherwise so detailed as to list even rags and broken flasks. In any case, this proviso would only have been true for wooden spoons, not for knives or even plates. 7. See Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process: The History of Manners, trans. Edmund Jephcott (New York: Pantheon Books, 198z). 8. This relative poverty of female trousseaus certainly owed to the smaller dimensions of their homes as well. In fact, constructing a table by room rather than by head changes the results in favor of women, as we saw in the case of furniture as well: 252 :: NOTES TO PAGES 90-102 Categories of household linen by room (eighty male rooms and fifteen female rooms) CATEGORY OF LINEN MEN WOMEN Sheets 4.1 8 Pillowcases 1.4 3 Tablecloths 5.4 5.1 Towels 10.3 17.1 Napkins 6.5 5.7 Blankets 1.3 1.7 9. Cartari, b. 4o, unnumbered sheet, "Inventario dell'acconcio, the Maria Verginia mia figlia porta seco a casa del S. Giulio Febei suo sposo." On Renaissance trousseaus see Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, "The Griselda Complex: Dowry and Marriage Gifts in the Quattrocento," in her Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), 113-46. Jo. Cf. the testator who claimed to have made money through managing some of her linen in ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, c. 25, 1604; also see Renata Ago, "Di cosa si puO fare commercio: Mercato e norme sociali nella Roma barocca," Quaderni storici 91 (1996): 113-34. 11. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 337f, 1649. Another testator left his wife a pearl necklace that was bought when they were married (ASR, TN, ufficio 5, Testamenti, cc. 97f., 1645). Iz. Cf. Klapisch-Zuber, "The Griselda Complex." 13. Pietro Belmonte, Institutione della sposa del cavalier Pietro Belmonte Ariminese fatta principalmente per Madonna Laudomia sua figliuola nelle sue nuoue nozze (Rome: Per gl'heredi di Giouanni Osmarino Gigliotto, 1587), 19. 14. See the will of Bernardina Bertazzoli, wife of Giovanni Parola (ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, C. 2.72., 1635). 15. Keep in mind that not all the inventories pertained to inheritance. 16. On the appearance and use of these various garments, see Rosita Levi Pisetzky, Storia del costume in Italia, vol. 3, Il Cinquecento e it Seicento (Milan: lEI, 1966); Rosita Levi Pisetzky, Moda e costume, Storia d'Italia (Turin: Einaudi, 1973); Rosita Levi Pisetzky, Il costume e la moda nella societa italiana (Turin: Einaudi, 1978); Anna Giulia Cavagna and Grazietta Butazzi, Le trame della moda (Rome: Bulzoni, 1995); Ranieri Varese and NOTES TO PAGES 102-107 :: 253 Grazietta Butazzi, Storia della moda (Bologna: Calderini, 1995); Nathalie Bailleux and Bruno Remaury, Moda: Usi e costumi del vestire (Trieste: Electa Gallimard, 1996); Carlo Marco Belfanti, "Maglie e calze," in Storia d'Italia, Annali, vol. 19, La moda, ed. Carlo Marco Belfanti and Fabio Giusberti (Turin: Einaudi, 2003), 583-6x7. 17. Paola Venturelli, Vestireeapparire:Ilsistema vestimentariofemminilenella Milano spagnola, 1539-1679 (Rome: Bulzoni, 1999), 24. 18. Diana, Dorotea, ASR, TN, uff. 5, vol. 259, cc. 347f., August 19, 1667, inheritance. 19. On French fashions, see pp. 11 114 herein. zo. Levi Pisetzky, Storia del costume, 361, figure 161. 21. Neruzzi, Polidoro, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 318o, cc. 857f., 1641, inheritance. 21. Fourteen men had collars and cuffs, and fifteen possessed hats or berets. 23. Only two women owned a hat, while another two had some bonnets. 24. Onstockings,see Belfanti,"Maglie ecalze";on the appearance and qualityofshoes, as well as their diffusion, see Andrea Vianello, "Storia sociale della calzatura," in Storia d'Italia, Annali, vol. 19, La moda, ed. Belfanti and Giusberti, 627-66. 25. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, f.n.n. 26 Vittoria Santacroce's account book from the mid-sixteenth century mentions various payments to cobblers for shoesand slippers, both for members of her family and their apprentices (ASR, Santacroce, b. 713). For an example of the cost of slippers, see Vittoria Patrizi Spada's account books (ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 801, April1669 and January 1671). In Cangiani's inventory, two pairs of boots and two umbrellas were valued at 4 scudi. 27. ASR, TN, uff. 23, vol. 23, c. 431, October 6, 1626. 28. For the argument that shoes were only a conquest of the Age of Enlightenment,see Roche, People ofParis, i66;see also Carlo Poni, "Norms and Disputes:The Shoemakers' Guild in Eighteenth-Century Bologna," Past and Present 123 (1989): 80-108. 2.9. Bronconi, Filippo, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4773, cc. 515f., August zo, 1667, inheritance. 3o. Di Profilo di Francesco, Caterina, AC, AGU, sez. XLVI, vol. 17, December 1, 1666, dowry. 31. On Florence, see Giulia Calvi, "Abito, genere, cittadinanze nella Toscana moderna (secoli XVI—XVII)," Quadernistorici110 (2002): 477-504. On France,see Daniel Roche, The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the "Ancien Regime," trans. Jean Birrell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994). On sumptuary legislation elsewhere in Italy and Europe, see Alberto Liva, "Note sulla legislazione suntuaria nell'Italia centro-settentrionale," in Le trame della moda, ed. Anna Giulia Cavagna and Grazietta Butazzi (Rome: Bulzoni, 1995), 31-52; Alan Hunt, Governance of the Consuming Passions: A History of Sumptuary Law (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1996); Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli, Gli inganni delle apparenze: Disciplina di vesti e ornamenti alla fine del Medioevo (Turin: Scriptorium, 1996); Maria Giuseppina Muz- 254 :: NOTES TO PAGES 107-109 zarelli, "Le leggi suntuarie," in Storia d'Italia, Annali, vol. 19, La moda, ed. Belfanti and Giusberti, 185-22o; Maria Giuseppina Muzzarelli and Antonella Campanini, eds., Disciplinare it lusso: La legislazionesuntuaria in Italia e in Europa tra Medioevo ed Eta Moderna (Rome: Carocci, 2003). 32. Bullarum, Privilegiorum ac Diplomatum Romanorum Pontificum Amplissima Collectio, vol. 4 (Rome: Tipografia della Camera Apostolica, 1747). 33. Marinoni Ricciardini, Anna Agnese, AC, AGU, sex. XLVI, vol. 16, October 4, 1664, dowry; Trombetta, Margherita Teresa, AC, AGU, sex. XLVI, vol. 17, February 15, 1667, dowry. 34. Marozzi, Teresa, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 945, cc. 441f., February 22, 1700, dowry. The manteau came intostyle around 168o and was a kind of gown with short sleeves open in front of the "little petticoat" and with the tails collected in back. The zamberlucco was a loose, oriental-style garment that could be used as a nightgown. 35. Before this time, purchases clustered around the time of matrimony. See Renata Ago, "Il linguaggio del corpo," in Storia d'Italia, Annali, vol. 19, La moda, ed. Belfanti and Giusberti, 117-48. 36. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 80I, January, April, and August 668; January and September 1669; January 1670; January 1672. The hongreline (from Hungary) is a closefitting garment, long to the knee, which became very fashionable in the late seventeenth century. 37. Ago, "Il linguaggio del corpo." 38. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, April, May, August, and September 17024 May 1703; January 1705; August 1706; October 1707. 39. ASR, Santacroce, b. 544, February, March, and May 1706; January r707. 4o. ASR, Santacroce, b. 544, passim. 41. ASR, Santacroce, b. 1122, fasc. 1, account n. 181, 1732. 42.. Renata Ago, "Gerarchia delle merci e meccanismi delloscambio a Roma nel primo Seicento," Quadernistorici 96 (1997): 663-83. 43. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, May 1703. 44. Cesare Vecellio, Degli habiti antichi, et moderni di diuerse parti del mondo libri due (Venice: Zenaro,1590);Alessandra Camerano, "La restaurazionecinquecentesca della romanitas: Identity e giochi di potere tra Curia e Campidoglio," in Gruppi ed identity sociali nell'Italia dell'eta moderna, ed. Biagio Salvemini (Bari: Edipuglia, 1998), 29-79; Alessandra Camerano, "Donne oneste o meretrici? Incertezza dell'identita fra testamenti e diritto di propriety a Roma," Quadernistorici 99 (1998): 637-66. 45. Muzzarelli and Campanini, Disciplinare it lusso; Ago, "Il linguaggio del corpo." 46. Santolino, Ludovico, ASR, TN, uff. 25, vol. 101, cc. 499f., August 21, 1625, inheritance. The title "illustrious" did not designate a noble, but simply a gentleman. 47. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, f.n.n. NOTES TO PAGES 109-114 255 48. Their inventories were in fact ones for guardianship. 49. ASR, TN, uff. 25,vol. Ioi,cc. 379f., August 12, 1625; CC. 499f., August 21 1625; AC, AGU, sez. VII, vol. II, cc. 1771., May 27, 1626. so. Cangiani's patrimony confirms this: the value of his clothing totaled 46.6 percent of that of his sumptuous furnishings. 51. ASR, S. Girolamo della Carita, b. 4, c. 188. 52. Ibid., c. 199. 53. ASR, TN, uff. 28, cc. 74r—v, January 4, I63o. 54. ASR, TNC, uff. t, vol. 117, 16zo; ASR, S. Girolamo della Carita, b. 4, inventari del 41 -44) 1653, 1656, 1669. For other examples,see AGU, sez. XLVI, vol.17,1647;TN, uff. 5, vol. 258, 1667. 55. ASR, Misc. famiglie, b. 61, fasc. 6, Contelori. 56. Renata Ago, Economia barocca: Mercato e istituzioni nella Roma del Seicento (Rome: Donzelli, 1998). 57. Ago, "Gerarchia delle merci." 58. See, for example, the case of a woman who, in the course of a trial, declared that she used to work under a "female master," in ASR, Tribunale civile del Senatore, b. 2083, cc. 933 and 934, August 23, 1628. On the work of women in general, see Angela Groppi, II lavoro delle donne (Rome: Laterza, 1996); Merry E. Wiesner, Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe, 2nd ed. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, z000). 59. Jean Boutier, "La fattoria, le palais, la boutique: Les consommations textiles d'une famille aristocratique florentine, fin xviie—début xviiie siècle," in Echanges et cultures textiles dans l'Europe pre-industrielle, ed. Jacques Bottin and Nicole Pallegrin, Revue du Nord ([Villeneuve d'Ascq]: University Charles-de-Gaulle, Lille III, 1996), 39. 6o. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 8o1. 61. Ibid., January and April 1673; ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 794, January 1667. 62. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. Iooi, i66o and 1661. A frame for making ribbons and one for embroideringwere also present in a Santacroce inventory from 1707 (ASR, Santacroce, b. 112.2, f.n.n.). 63. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, f.n.n. The bobbinsserved precisely for making collar lace. 64. ASR,Santacroce, b.969,October i700and May1705.But in1707amongthe family expenditures appear one for "spindles and pins" (ASR, Santacroce, b. z86, fasc. 1). 65. Alessandra Mottola Molfino, "Nobili, sagge, e virtuose donne: Libri di modelli di merletti e organizzazione del lavoro femminile tra Cinquecento e Seicento," in La famiglia e la vita quotidiana in Europa dal '400 al '600:Fonti e problemi,atti del convegno distudi (Rome: Libreria dello Stato, 1986), 277-93. 66. Evelyn Lincoln, The Invention ofthe Italian Renaissance Printmaker (NewHaven, CT: Yale University Press, z000);Evelyn Lincoln, "Models for Science and Craft: Isabella Parasole's Botanical and Lace Illustrations," Visual Resources 17, no. I (zoo'): 1-35. 256 :: NOTES TO PAGES 114-118 67. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 801. 68. Ibid., July 1669, and elsewhere. As a point of comparison, keep in mind that the amount of thread contained in the dowry inventories varied between twenty and fifty pounds. 69. Ibid., but see also the "payment accounts" of her father-in-law Orazio (ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 756). 7o. ASR, Sforza Cesarini,serie 1, etichetta ovale, b. 36, Giustificazioni di pagamento 1687-99, fasc. 31. 71. Ibid, July 1689. 72. Jan de Vries, "Between Purchasing Power and theWorld of Goods:Understanding the Household Economy in Early Modern Europe," in Consumption and the World of Goods, ed. John Brewer and Roy Porter (London: Routledge, 1993), 85-132. 73. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 8o1, October 1668. 74. Maria Veralli, for instance, recorded an expense of only 1.10 scudi for four canne of camlets the color of musk, "the remainder for which was taken from the five canne of black wavy taffeta which were sold for 3.22 scudi per canna." ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 1002, 1661. 75. ASR, Tribunale civile del Senatore, b. 2083, c. 295v, April 24, 1625. 76. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 22, 20 and 27 of June 1625. 77. Ago, Economia barocca. 78. ASR,Tribunale civile del Senatore, b. 2083,C. 295v, April 24, '625;c. 933, August 23, 1628. 79. On the textile industry see the essays and bibliography in Belfanti and Giusberti, eds.,Storia d'Italia, Annali, vol. 19, La moda;on the capillary circulation of garmentsand fabrics, see Margaret Spufford, The Great Reclothing of Rural England: Petty Chapmen and Their Wares in the Seventeenth Century (London: Hambledon Press, 1984); Daniel Roche, The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the "Ancien Regime," trans. Jean Birrell (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994); Beverly Lemire, "The Theft of Clothes and Popular Consumerism in Early Modern England," Journal of Social History 24 (199o): 225-76; Beverly Lemire, Fashion's Favourite: The Cotton Trade and the Consumer in Britain, 166o-1800 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991); Beverly Lemire, Dress, Culture, and Commerce: The English Clothing Trade before the Factory, 1600--1800 (Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1997). 80. See chapter seven, pp. 182-84 herein. 81. ASR, TN, uff. 28, vol. 142, c. 41, December 31, 1627. 82. ASR, TN, vol. 138, c. toot, March 28, 1627. 83. On the trade in secondhand furniture and clothing, see Patricia Allerston, "The Market in Second Hand Cloths and Furnishings in Venice, c. 15oo-165o" (PhD diss., European University Institute, 1996), 367-9o; Patricia Allerston, "Clothing and Early NOTES TO PAGES 118-12.0 257 Modern Venetian Society," Continuity and Change 15, no. 3 (z000): 367-90; Patricia Allerston, "L'abito usato," in Storia d'Italia, Annali, vol. 19, La moda, 561-82.. 84. Natalia Gozzano, La quadreria di Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna: Prestigio nobiliare e collezionismo nella Roma barocca (Rome: Bulzoni, 2004), 147-48. 85. Ago, "Gerarchia delle merci." 86. See chapter one. Chapter Five 1. Roberto S. Lopez, "Hard Times and Investment in Culture," in The Renaissance: Six Essays, ed. William K. Ferguson (New York: Harper and Row, 1962), 29-54; Roberto S. Lopez, The Three Ages of the Italian Renaissance (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1970); Judith C. Brown, "Prosperity or Hard Times in Renaissance Italy?" Renaissance Quarterly 42, no. 4 (1989): 761-80. 2. Fernand Braudel, Civilization and Capitalism, 15th-18th Century (New York: Harper and Row,1982);Fernand Braudel, The WheelsofCommerce (NewYork: Harper and Row, 1982); Richard A. Goldthwaite, Wealth and the DemandforArt in Italy, 1300— .r6oo (Baltimore:JohnsHopkinsUniversityPress,1993);Paolo Malanima, "Measuring the Italian Economy, 1300-1681," Rivista di Storia Economica 19, no. 3 (2003): 265-95. 3. Malanima, "Measuring the Italian Economy." 4. See for example Sabba da Castiglione, Ricordi, overo Ammaestramenti di monsig. Sabba Castiglione, cavalier gerosolimitano: Ne i quali con prudenti, e christiani discorsi si ragiona di tutte le materie honorate, the si ricercano a un vero gentil'huomo (Venice: Appresso Giouanni Griffio,1575);Matteo Palmieri, Vita civile,ed. GinoBelloni (Florence: Sansoni,1982);Giovanni Gioviano Pontano,Ilibridelle virtusociali,ed. FrancescoTateo (Rome: Bulzoni, 1999); For recent secondary sources on this issue see Tateo's intro to Pontano, I libri delle virtu sociali, 9-41, and Amedeo Quondam, "Pontano e le moderne virtu del dispendio onorato," Quaderni storici, no. 115 (2004): 11-44 5. Krzysztof Pomian, "Collezione," Enciclopedia (Turin: Einaudi, 1978), 1:330-64. But Schlosser traced thisgenealogy at thestartof the twentieth century (seeJuliusSchlosser, Raccolte d'arte e dimeraviglie del tardo Rinascimento,ed. Cristina De Benedictis (Milan: Sansoni, z000). On collecting during the Renaissance see also Oliver Impey and Arthur MacGregor, The Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth and Seventeenth-Century Europe (New York: Clarendon Press, 1985), 1-16; Patricia Falguieres, "Invention et memoire: Aux origines de ]'institution museographique: Les collectionsencyclopediqueset lescabinetsde merveillesdans l'Italiedu XVIesiecle" (PhD thesis, University of Paris1, 1988); Paula Findlen, Possessing Nature:Museums, Collecting, and Scientific Culture in Early Modern Italy (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994). 6. Pomian, "Collezione," 332. 258 :: NOTES TO PAGES 12.0-127 7. Pomian, Collectorsand Curiosities:Parisand Venice,1500-1800, trans. Elizabeth Wiles-Portier (Cambridge: Polity, 1990), 4-5. 8. Ibid., 42. It seems to me that despite the criticism offered of him by Antoine Schnapper, among others—see Antoine Schnapper, Legiant, la licorne et la tulipe: Collections et collectionneurs dans la France du XVIIe siecle (Paris: Flammarion, 1988)— Pomian's thesis on the centrality of the sacrifice of utility holds a fundamental heuristic value. 9. Pomian, Collectors and Curiosities, 39. io. The literature on collecting and collections in Renaissance Italy is too vast to be able to give an exhaustive account of it here. Indeed, for some time research has been specialized according to the nature of thecollection. On these topics, I will refer the reader to works I have already cited:see on the one hand Findlen, Possessing Nature; Pamela H. Smith and Paula Findlen, eds., Merchants and Marvels: Commerce, Science, and Art in Early Modern Europe (New York: Routledge, zooz); and on the other Olivier Bonfait et al., eds., Geografia del collezionismo: Italia e Francia tra XVI e it XVIII secolo: Atti dellegiornatedistudio dedicatea Giuliano Briganti:Roma,19-21settembre1996 (Rome: Ecole francaise de Rome, 2001); Silvia Danesi Squarzina, ed., La collezione Giustiniani (Turin: Einaudi, 2003). Paula Findlen, "Possessing the Past: The Material World of the Italian Renaissance," American Historical Review 103, no. 1 (1998): 83-114. 12. Annette B.Weiner, Inalienable Possessions:TheParadox ofKeeping-While-Giving (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992); Daniel Miller, Material Cultures: Why Some Things Matter (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998); Fred R. Myers, ed., The Empire of Things: Regimes of Value and Material Culture (Santa Fe, NM: School of American Research Press, zooi). 13. See Andrea Battistini, It barocco: Cultura, miti, immagini (Rome: Salerno, 2000), 68-70, which refers first of all to the Galeria of Giovan Battista Marino, published in Venice in i620. On thiswork see also Marc Fumaroli, Lascuola delsilenzio: Ilsenso delle immagini nel XVIIsecolo (Milan: Adelphi, 1995), 61-80. 14. On the collections of princes see the now classic Hugh R. Trevor-Roper, Princes and Artists: Patronage and Ideology at Four Habsburg Courts, 1517-1633 (New York: Harper and Row, 1976), and Jonathan Brown, Kings and Connoisseurs: Collecting Art in Seventeenth-Century Europe (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995). On private collections with particular attention to the case of Rome, aside from the works already mentioned above (n. 5), see Luigi Salerno, "Arte e scienza nellle collezioni del manierismo," in Scritti di storia dell'arte in onore di Mario Salmi (Rome: Edizioni de Luca, 1963),193-213;Paola Barocchi, "Storiografia e collezionismo dal Vasari al Lanzi," in Storia dell'arte italiana, part 1, Materiali e problemi, vol. 2, L'artista e it pubblico, ed. Giovanni Previtali (Turin: Einaudi, 1979), 5-81; Claudio Franzoni, "Le collezioni NOTES TO PAGES 1 2 7-12.9 :: 2.59 rinacimentali diantichita," in L'uso dei classici, ed.Salvatore Settis (Turin:Einaudi, 1984), 299-36o; Claudio Franzoni, "`Urbe Roma in pristina forma renascente': Le antichita di Roma durante it Rinascimento," in Roma del Rinascimento, ed. Antonio Pinelli (Rome: Laterza, zoo ), 291-336; Gigliola Fragnito, In museo e in villa: Saggi sul Rinascimento perduto (Venice: Arsenate,1988);Claudio Franzoni and Antonio Tempesta, "Il museo di Francesco Gualdi nella Roma del Seicento: Tra raccolta privata ed esibizione pubblica," Bollettino d'arte 73 (1992): 1-42; Donatella L. Sparti, Le collezioni dal Pozzo: Storia di una famiglia edelsuo museo nella Roma seicentesca (Modena: F. C. Panini,1992);Sergio Benedetti, ed., Caravaggio e la collezione Mattei (Milan: Electa, 1995), 29-54; Bonfait et al., Geografla del collezionismo; Elizabeth Cropper and Charles Dempsey, Nicolas Poussin: Friendship and the Love of Painting (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1996); Luigi Spezzaferro, "Le collezioni di 'alcuni gentilhuomini particolari' e it mercato: Appuntisu Lelio Guidiccioni e FrancescoAngeloni," in Poussin et Rome:Actesdu colloque a l'Academie de Francea Rome eta la Bibliotheca Hertziana, 8 novembre1994, ed. Olivier Bonfait (Paris: Reunion des musees nationaux, 1996), 241-55; Danesi Squarzina, ed., La collezione Giustiniani;Massimiliano Rossi, "Arte della memoria, antiquaria e collezioni fra '500 e '600," in Memoria e memorie: Convegno internazionale distudi: Roma, 18-19 maggio 1995, Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, ed. Lina Bolzoni, Vittorio Erlindo, and Marcello Morelli (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 1998), 107-32; Findlen, "Possessing the Past"; Dora Thornton, The Scholar in His Study: Ownership and Experience in Renaissance Italy(New Haven,CT:Yale University Press, 1998); Giuseppe Finocchiaro,Ilmuseo di curiosity di Virgilio Spada: Una raccolta romana delSeicento (Rome: Fratelli Palombi, 1999); Francesco Solinas, ed., I segreti di un collezionista: Le straordinarie raccolte di Cassiano dalPozzo,1588—x657 (Rome:Edizioni de Luca, 2000);Silvia Danesi Squarzina, Caravaggio e i Giustiniani: Toccar con mano una collezione del Seicento (Milan: Electa, 2001); Natalia Gozzano, La quadreria di Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna: Prestigio nobiliare e collezionismo nella Roma barocca (Rome: Bulzoni, 2004). 15. Castiglione, Ricordi, 159. 16. Ibid., 16o-67. 17. On this see also Giuseppe Olmi, "Science—Honour—Metaphor: Italian Cabinets of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries," in The Origins of Museums: The Cabinet of Curiosities in Sixteenth andSeventeenth-Century Europe, ed. 0. R. Impey and Arthur MacGregor (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1985), 5-16. 18. Paolo Cerchi, "La Piazza Universale: Somma di altre somme," in Repertori di parole e immagini: Esperienze cinquecentesche e moderni data bases, ed. Paola Barocchi and Lina Bolzoni (Pisa: Scuola normale superiore, 1997), 119-57. 19. Lina Bolzoni, "Memoria letteraria e iconografica nei repertori cinquecenteschi," in Repertori di parole e immagini: Esperienze cinquecentesche e moderni data bases, ed. Barocchi and Bolzoni, 13-47. See also pp. 135-36. 260 :: NOTES TO PAGES 129-130 2o. Jean-Marc Chatelain, Livresd'emblemeset de devises: Uneanthologie,1531-1735 (Paris: Klincksieck, 1993);Claude Balavoine, "Des Hieroglyphica de Pierio Valeriano a1' Iconologia' de Cesare Ripa, ou le changement du statut du signe iconique," in Repertori di parole e immagini:Esperienze cinquecentesche e moderni data bases, ed. Barocchi and Bolzoni, 99-117; Peter Burke, "Images as Evidence in Seventeenth-Century Europe," Journal of the History ofIdeas 64, no. 2 (2003): 273-96. 21. On this see also Lina Bolzoni, La stanza della memoria: Modelli letterari e iconografici nell'eta dellastampa (Turin: Einaudi,1995),esp.chap. 6.Schnapper also insists on the encyclopedic aspirations of many collectors,citing in support an article on cabinets of natural history from the Encyclopedie, in which the author says that "a cabinet of natural history is therefore a shortcut to nature in its entirety" (see Schnapper, Legiant, I0). 22. Fabio Albergati, Delcardinale(Rome: G. Facciotto,1598),186-87,emphasis mine. The image of the scholar as an animated book is clearly taken from the recommendation by Agostino Valier to Federico Borromeo where he says verbatim "erudite men are living books" (libri animati sunt homines eruditi) (see Agostino Valier, "De occupationibus diacono S.R.E cardinale dignis ad Federicum cardinalem Borromaeum (1587)," in Scriptorum veterum nova collectio, ed. Angelo Maio (Rome: Typ. Vaticanis, 1832), 303. See also Patricia Falguieres, La cite fictive: Les collections de cardinaux, a Rome, au XVIe siecle (Rome: Ecole Frangaise de Rome, 1988), 326-27. 23. Rossi, "Arte della memoria," 127-28. 24. To substitute an image for the inevitable gaps in one's actual collection was a common practice among collectors (see Schnapper, Le giant, 54). On the concept of the "printing as translation" (stampa di traduzione) see Barocchi, "Storiografia e collezionismo dal Vasari al Lanzi." On Cassiano dal Pozzo's paper museum see Francis Haskell, Il Museo cartaceo di Cassiano DalPozzo: Cassiano naturalista, Quaderni puteani, (Milan: Olivetti, 1989); Ian Jenkins and Jennifer Montagu, Cassiano dalPozzo's Paper Museum, Quaderni puteani, 2,3 (Milan: Olivetti, 1992); Mirka Benes, The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo, Quaderni puteani, 4 (Milan: Olivetti, 1993); Sparti, Le collezioni dal Pozzo; Solinas, Isegreti di un collezionista. 25. Castiglione, Ricordi, 168. z6. Findlen, Possessing Nature, 294. 27. Cited in ibid., 293. Identical concepts can also be found in the last will and testament of Ulisse Aldrovandi (1603) and Alfonso Donnino (1651), both of whom appear in Findlen's work. 28. Contemporariesspoke at length about this undertaking:see the letter of Cassiano dal Pozzo (cited in Sparti, Le collezionidalPozzo, 169-70, April 12, 1653), which among the painters cites Lanfranchi. For the contribution of Sandart to the operation see Ferdinando Bologna, L'incredulita del Caravaggio e l'esperienza delle "cose naturali" (Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 1992), 178-79; Sybille Ebert-Schifferer, "Naturalezza e `maniera NOTES TO PAGES 130-132 :: 261 antica':Joachim von Sandart disegnatore all'Antico," in Caravaggio e i Giustiniani: Toccar con mano una collezione del Seicento, ed. Silvia Danesi Squarzina (Milan: Electa, zoo'), 57-64; Cecilia Mazzetti di Pietralata, "Sandart e la scultura: La collezione Giustiniani nel capitolo sulle statue antiche," in Caravaggio e i Giustiniani: Toccar con mano una collezione del Seicento, ed. Silvia Danesi Squarzina (Milan: Electra, tool), 173-78. 29. The expression humor peccante is used here exactly in the manner Virgilio Spada used; see ASR, Spada Veralli b. 463 c.n.n., cited in Finocchiaro, Il museo di curiosita. Also Cassiano dal Pozzo and Michele Mercati underline the immensity of the investment of time and money. See Giacomo Lumbroso, Notizie sulla vita di Cassiano dal Pozzo (Turin: Paravia, 1875, 39); Alix Cooper, "The Museum and the Book: The Metallotheca and the History of an Encyclopaedic Natural History in Early Modern Italy," Journal of the History of Collections 7, no. 1 (1995): 6. 3o. Michele Giustiniani, Lettere memorabili, vol. 2. (Rome: Tinassi, 1667), 63. 31. Cassiano dal Pozzo, cited in Sparti, Le collezioni dal Pozzo, 17o, April 12,1653. 32. Vespasiano da Bisticci, The Vespasiano Memoirs: Lives of Illustrious Men of the XVth Century, trans. W. G. Waters and Emily Waters (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1997), 49. 33. Cooper, "The Museum and the Book," 6; Rodolfo Amedeo Lanciani,Storia degli scavi di Roma e notizie intorno le collezioni romanediantichita, vol. 3 (Bologna: A. Forni, 1975), 95; ASR, Giustiniani, b. 132, cc. 29-31; Lumbroso, Notiziesulla vita di Cassiano dal Pozzo, 38. 34. Lanciani, Storia degli scavi, 95. "Dico e confesso realmente haver speso piu di sessantamila scudi come appare per testimonij esaminati ad perpetuam rei memoriam da Ms Ottavio Capogallo gia notaro Capitolino reposti nel mio Archivio." 35. Giovanni Pietro Bellori, Nota delli musei, librerie, gallerie et ornamenti distatve e pitture ne' palazzi, nelle case, e ne' giardini di Roma (Rome: Apresso Biagio Deuersin e Felice Cesaretti, 1664). 36. Gabriel Naude, Advis pour dresser une bibliotheque (Paris: Rolet le Duc, 1644), 10-II. 37. Volker Reinhardt, KardinalScipione Borghese, 1605-1633 (Tubingen: Niemeyer, 1984). 38. Georg Simmel, The Philosophy of Money (New York: Routledge, 1990). 39. Bartolome Clavero, Antidora: Antropologia catolica de la economia moderna (Milan: Giuffre, 1991), but above all Giacomo Todeschini, II prezzo della salvezza: Lessici medievali del pensiero economico (Rome: Nuova Italia scientifica, 1994); Giacomo Todeschini, I mercanti e it tempio: Lasocieta cristiana e it circolo virtuoso della ricchezza fra Medioevo ed eta moderna (Bologna: it Mulino, 2o02.). 4o. Peter Burke, The Italian Renaissance: Culture andSociety in Italy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1999). 262 :: NOTES TO PAGES 132-134 41. Falguieres, La cite fictive, 317. 42. Vincenzo Giustiniani, Discorsi sulle arti e sui mestieri (Florence: Sansoni, 1981), 59. Emphasis is mine. 43. On Grimani, see Marilyn Perry, "Cardinal Domenico Grimani's Legacy of Ancient Art to Venice," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 41 (1978): 215-44; on Borromeo see Attilio Barera, L'opera scientifico letteraria del card: Federico Borromeo (Milan:Arti Grafiche Milanesi,1931);Giorgio Nicodemi, "L'accademia di pittura,scultura earchitettura fondata dal cardinale Federico Borromeo alla Ambrosiana," inStudiin onore di Carlo Castiglioni (Milan: Giuffre, 1957). See also Falguieres, La citefictive, 328. 44. Lanciani, Storia degli scavi, 165. On the will of Alessandro Farnese see also Pio Pecchiai, "La buona morte del cardinale Alessandro Farnese," Rivista di studi e di vita romana 21, no. 3 (1943): 333-44. It is nevertheless necessary to be cautious not toconnect too strictly the idea of "restitution" to the post-Tridentine ascetic climate, because this sentiment was much older. Already bythe end of the fifteenth century an epigraph,desired by Sixtus IV to solemnize the transfer into the Campidoglio of a few bronze statues from the Lateran, declared that it was an important sign that the past greatness of the Roman people needed to be restored to them. Additionally, Sixtus IV, in turn, did not neglect to take up the formula of so many Roman inscriptions from the republican and imperial periods (see Franzoni, "Urbe Roma," 308). 45. Pontano, I libri delle virtu sociali, 231. 46. Pierre de Nolhac, La bibliotheque de Fulvio Orsini: Contributionsal'histoire des collections d'Italieeta!'etude de la Renaissance (Paris: E. Bouillon and E. Vieweg, 1887), 2.64; G. Lombardi, "Libri e istituzioni a Roma:Diffusione e organizzazione," in Roma del Rinascimento, ed. Antonio Pinelli (Rome: Laterza, zoo'), 276-78. 47. Michel de Montaigne, Journal de voyage de Michel de Montaigne, ed. Francois Rigolot (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1992), 112.; see also Lombardi, "Libri e istituzioni," 272. 48. JeanJacquesBoissard,Romanae Urbis TopographiaandAntiquitates:Quasuccinte & breviter describuntur omnia quae tam publice quam privatim videnturanimandversione digna 3 . . . Pars Antiqvitatvm Sev Inscriptionvm & Epitaphiorum quae in saxi & marmoribus Romanis videntur cum suis signis & imaginibus (Francoforte: Johann Theodor de Bry, 1597); Franzoni, "Urbe Roma," 315. 49. Pontano, I libri delle virtu sociali, 232. 5o. Lanciani, Storia degli scavi, 95. 51. See pp. 4-5, 9-ii, 3o-33, and 59-61 herein. 52. Mary Douglas defines "service of identification" as participation of the public in the rituals of consumption; without this the ritual would be without meaning; indeed, it would not even be a ritual; see Mary Douglas and Baron C. S. Isherwood, The World of Goods (New York: Basic Books, 1979), 81-8z. NOTES TO PAGES T34 -I37 263 53. Ibid., 8z. 54• Fioravante Martinelli, Roma, ricercata nel suo sito e nella scuola di tutti gl' antiquarij (Rome: Bernardino Tani, 1644); now in Cesare D'Onofrio, Roma nel Seicento (Florence: Vallecchi, 1968), 231, 236. 55• Pompilio Totti, Ritratto di Roma moderna (Rome: Mascardi, 1638); Pompilio Totti, Ritratto di Roma moderna (Rome: De Rossi, 1645). 56. Bellori, Nota. 57. David R. Coffin, Gardensand Gardeningin PapalRome(Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991), 2.2.9. 58. Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco,ed., La festa barocca (Rome: Edizioni de Luca,1997); Flavia Matiti, "La Festa come `laboratorio'del Barocco," in La festa barocca,ed. Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco (Rome: Edizioni de Luca, 1997), 86-87; Carla Benocci, "Dalle donne illustri alle belle dame," in Le belle: Ritratti di dame del Seicento e del Settecento nelle residenze feudali del Lazio, ed. Carla Benocci and Tommaso Di Carpegna Falconieri (Rome: Pieraldo, 2.004), 19-32. Chapter Six 1. Vincenzo Giustiniani, Discorsisulleartiesuimestieri (Florence:Sansoni, 1981), 45. In Rome this phenomenon was a relative novelty. For a good part of the sixteenth century, wall decoration had consisted of frescoes or painted, worked leather, rather than collections of paintings. See Luigi Spezzaferro, "Problemi del collezionismo a Roma nel XVII secolo," in Geografia del collezionismo: Italia e Francia tra XVI e il XVIII secolo: Atti delle giornate di studio dedicate a Giuliano Briganti: Roma, 19-21 settembre 1996, ed. Olivier Bonfait et al. (Rome: Ecole francaise de Rome, 2001), 1-24. 2.. Francis Haskell, Patronsand Painters:A Study in the Relations between Italian Art and Society in the Age of the Baroque (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 198o), 125-28. 3. Ibid., 129. 4. Cited in ibid.,I30. See also Marc Fumaroli, "Rome 1630: Entree en scene du spectateur," in Roma 163o: II trionfo del pennello: Villa Medici, 25 ottobre 1994-1gennaio 1995, ed. Olivier Bonfait (Milan: Electra, 1994), 53-82. 5. If Haskell maintained that an "art market" real and proper had developed in Rome only in the second half of the seventeenth century, and that until then artists depended strictly on the commissions of the greater merchants, more recentstudies are showing that commerce in paintings was already very active at the beginningof the century.See Patrizia Cavazzini, "La diffusione della pittura nella Roma di primoSeicento:Collezionisti ordinari e mercanti," Quaderni storici 116, no. 2 (2004): 353-74. 6. Francesca Cappelletti, Decorazione e collezionismo a Roma nelSeicento: Vicende di 264 :: NOTES TO PAGES 137-140 artisti, committenti, mercanti (Rome: Gangemi, 2003); Cavazzini, "La diffusione della pittura nella Roma diprimoSeicento:Collezionisti ordinari e mercanti";and for theeighteenth century Paolo Coen, "Vendere e affittare quadri: Giuseppe Sardi, capomastro muratore e mercante d'arte (Roma, XVIII sec.)," Quadernistorici116, no. 2. (2004): 421-48. 7. The four series of estimates for paintings that I have laid out have an average value respectively of 1.09,1.37, 2.81, and 5.44 scudi for a total of 3o, 26, 36, and 43 paintings. For other seriesof estimatesthatconfirm the low value of thegreat majorityof these works, see Cavazzini, "La diffusione della pittura nella Roma di primo Seicento: Collezionisti ordinari e mercanti." 8. Sforza Cesarini, s. VIII, b. 249: Giuseppe Barberi 6 scudi in January, 1z scudi in March, 4 in May; Benedetto Guidetti 4 scudi in January, 20 in May; Giovanni di Momper 31dozen loavesof bread in April;Benedetto Guidetti 20scudiin May,Teodoro Helmbrecker 3o scudi in July;Juan Jopste 14 scudi in October and November, monsii Gasparo 7 scudi in November; Pietro Cappella 15 loads of coal in December. Giuseppe Barberi, Benedetto Guidetti, monsii Gasparo, and Pietro Cappella are not identified with any other artist mentioned in Kiinstlerlexikon 1999. The other three are instead cited: Giovanni di Momper was a painter of landscapes and ocean scenes who died in Rome after 1688. Teodoro Helmbrecker (Dirk Helmbreker) was a genre painter, born in Haarlem in 1633 and died in Rome in 1696; for Juan Jopste, Kfinstlerlexikon cites a Johann Jobst who died in Kassel around 1656 who could be his father. Momper and Helmbreker were two painters whose names appeared frequently in contemporary collections. In particular, Helmbreker was a "bambocciante," that is, a sort of genre painter who depicted realistic images taken from daily life, and his presence in the service of the duchess Sforza Cesarini demonstrates that he enjoyed favor not only among the middling classes but also with the elite. On this issue see Luigi Spezzaferro, "Per il collezionismo dei bamboccianti a Roma nelseicento:Qualche appunto e qualche riflessione," in Da Caravaggioa Ceruti:Lascena digenere e l'immagine dei pitocchi nella pittura italiana, ed. Francesco Porzio (Milan: Skira, 1998), 83-88. 9. On the success of copies see Gerard Labrot, "Eloge de la copie: Le marche napolitain (1614-1764)," Annales, histoire, sciences sociales 59, no. x (2004): 7-35; Richard Spear, "Rome," in Paintingfor Profit:TheEconomic LivesofItalian Seventeenth-Century Painters, by Richard E. Spear and Philip Sohm (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, zoxo). The copies to which I am referring were not those unique and fragile kinds of copies, destined to disappear, that were the foundation for Cardinal Del Monte's collection of copies or of Cassiano dal Pozzo's paper museum, but something far more ordinary. On Del Monte see Zygmunt Wazbinski, Il cardinale Francesco Maria del Monte:1549-1626 (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 1994); on Cassiano dal Pozzo see above, chapter 5, n. 2.4. Io. ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2205, c. 332, 1645; ASR, Misc. Families, v.61, fasc. 6, circa 166o. Black diaspro ispietra diparagone. On the fortuneof copies in Naples in more or less the same period, see Labrot, "Eloge de la copie: Le marche napolitain (1614-1764)." NOTES TO PAGES 140-141 :: 265 I1. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, cc. 6f., will of Camillo Moretti, 1598. 12. ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2095, C. 674, March 19, 1645. 13. Ibid., vol. 2.2.05, C. 332., 1645. 14. The average is taken from a total of 1,764 paintings (excluding the 1,778 owned by the painter Raspantini) divided between seventy-five inventories (including also those who did even have a single painting). The success of painting emerges also from the fact that in some documents paintings are even listed in a block, without an indication of the subject or the dimensions. For a consideration of the situation in the Low Countries see Bruno Blonde, "Art and Economy in XVIIth- and XVIIIth-Century Antwerp: A View from the Demand Side," in Economia earte, sect. XIII—XVIII, ed.Simonetta Cavaciocchi (Florence: Le Monnier, 2.0o2), 377-92;David Freedberg and Jan de Vries, Art in History, History in Art: Studies in Seventeenth-Century Dutch Culture (Santa Monica, CA: Getty Center for the History of Art and the Humanities, 1991);John Michael Montias, Artists and Artisans in Delft: A Socio-Economic Study of the Seventeenth Century (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1982); John Michael Montias, Le marche de l'art aux Pays-Bas, XVe—XVIIe siecles (Paris: Flammarion, 1996). 5. Haskell, Patrons and Painters. 16. Other than the already cited works by Pomian,see also Giovanni Pozzi, La parola dipinta (Milan: Adelphi, 1981); Giovanni Pozzi, Sull'orlo del visibile parlare (Milan: Adelphi, 1993); Marc Fumaroli, L'ecole du silence: Le sentiment des images au XVIIe siecle (Paris: Flammarion, 1994). 17. Alphonse Dupront, Du Sacre: Croisades et pelerinages: Images et langages (Paris: Gallimard, 1987), 119. 18. Camillo Cybo described the decorations of his rooms as "grotesque," saying that they inspired "a devotion but also a noble horror" (see Renata Ago, Carriere e clientele nella Roma barocca [Rome: Laterza,1990], 76). On the role of thespectator and responses to imagessee David Freedberg, The Power ofImages:Studies in the Historyand Theoryof Response (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1989);John K. G.Shearman, Artand the Spectator in the Italian Renaissance (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992). 19. Those who had not even a single painting account for 33.3 percent of women's inventories (ten out of thirty) against 26.1 percent for male inventories (twelve out of forty-six). Limiting the field solely to the inventories that mention at least one painting, every woman has on average twenty paintings, while, excluding the painter Raspantini who alone possessed 1,778 images, every man had on average forty-one. 2o. Devotional images constituted 6o percent of the total works they owned. 21. Profane subjects made up 57 percent of the total for men. 22. The images of the Madonna or of female saints possessed by women numbered at least sixty-three, equivalent to 15.5 percent of the total, against 186 for the men, or 5.9 percent. 266 :: NOTES TO PAGES 1 4 1-1 44 23. Natalie Zemon Davis, "Women on Top," in her Society and Culture in Early Modern France (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1975), 124-51. 24. On the history of still life and genre painting in Italysee Federico Zeri, ed., Forme e modelli (Turin: Einaudi, 1982), 35-116; Luigi Spezzaferro, "II Caravaggio, i collezionisti romani, le nature morte," in La natura morta al tempo di Caravaggio, ed. Alberto Cottino (Naples: Electa Napoli, 1995), 49-58; Spezzaferro, "Per it collezionismo dei bamboccianti"; Silvia Danesi Squarzina, "Natura morta e it collezionismo a Roma nella prima meta del Seicento: II terreno di elaborazione dei generi," Storia dell'Arte, no. 93-94 (1998): 266-91;Mina Gregori,ed., La natura morta italiana:Da CaravaggioalSettecento (Milan: Electa, 2003). 25. On "pictures of history" see Roberto Guerrini, "Dal testo all'immagine: La `pittura di storia' nel Rinascimento," in Memoria dell'antico nell'arte italiana, vol. 2, Igeneri e i temi ritrovati, ed. Salvatore Settis (Turin: Einaudi, 1985), 45-154. z6. Caterina Francescona, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2203, cc. 160f., 1644, possession. 27. On the role of ancient portraits in Italian art see Klaus Fittschen, "Sul ruolo del ritratto antico nell'arte italiana," in Memoria dell'antico nell'arte italiana, ed. Settis, 2:383-412. On the passion of collectors for portraits see also Osvaldo Raggio, Storia di una passione: Cultura aristocratica e collezionismo alla fine dell'ancien regime (Venice: Marsilio, z000). 28. Giulio Mancini, Considerazioni sulla pittura (Rome: Accademia nazionale dei Lincei, 1956), 141-42. 29. On family portraits see the by now classic Diane Owen Hughes, "Representing the Family: Portraits and Purposes in Early Modern Italy," Journal of Interdisciplinary History 17, no. 1 (1986): 7-38. 3o. ASR, TN, uff. 6, Testamenti 1591-1721, cc. III, f., 1644. 31. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1029, C. 265, 161o. 32. Ibid., b. 1474, cc. 275f., will of Marta de Rossi, 1639. 33. Isabella Cecchini, Quadri e commercio a Venezia durante it Seicento: Uno studio sul mercato dell'arte (Venice: Marsilio, 200o), 66. 34. On the value of diverse pictorialsubjectsand on their different weights in five noble collections see Richard Spear, "Rome." 35. Luigi Salerno, Pittori di paesaggio del Seicento a Roma, 3 vols. (Rome: Bozzi, 1977-80); Marco Chiarini, "Il Paesaggio," in Forme e modern, ed. Federico Zeri (Turin: Einaudi, 1982), 5-34; Ann Sutherland Harris, Marcel Roethlisberger, and Kahren Jones Arbitman, Landscape Painting in Rome, 1595-1675 (New York: R. L. Feigen, 1985); Margaretha Rossholm Lagerlof, Ideal Landscape: Annibale Carracci, Nicolas Poussin, and Claude Lorrain (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 199o); Helen Langdon, "Claude and the Roman Landscape, 1630-1690," Konsthistorisk Tidskrift 73, no. 3 (2004): 130-32. NOTES TO PAGES 4 4—1 4 8 :: 267 36. Francesco Raspantini, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 32.f., January x8, 1667, inheritance. This inventory is not the one that has been singled out by Bortolotti and, for the part concerning paintings and drawings, published by Richard Spear in his Domenichino (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1982). Rather, this is a separate document, put together three years later by a different notary and containing other books and paintings. The major difference concerns the attribution of the work: in this second inventory the paintings are practically all anonymous and only the drawings are attributed to a specific artist (Diirer, Carracci, Tempesta). Perhaps on this second occasion only the objects really belonging to Raspantini were mentioned, without those that he had inherited from Domenichino, as G. B. Passeri has asserted. See Spear, Domenichino, 22, 290. 37. Donatella L.Sparti, Le collezioni dalPozzo:Storia di una famiglia e delsuo museo nella Roma seicentesca (Modena: F. C. Panini, 1992), 107. 38. Nicola Pari, ASR, TN, uff. 5, vol. z58, cc. III, f., April 3, 1667, inheritance; Paolo Cangiani, ASR, notai AC, vol. 4772,cc. 413f., March 20, 1667, inheritance; Pietro Antonio Vittori, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 32.4f., February 22, 1667, rent; Onofrio Lansi, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4473,cc. '2,6,1667, inheritance; Francesco Bava, ASR, Notai AC, vol. z2o5, cc. 337f., 1645, inheritance. 39. They were actually quite popular in Naples: Gerard Labrot, "Un marche dynamique: La peinture de serie a Naples 1606-1775," in Economia earte, secc. XIII—XVIII, ed. Simonetta Cavaciocchi (Florence: Le Monnier, 2002), 261-79. 4o. On the history of flower paintingssee Marco Rosci, "La natura morta," in Forme e modelli, ed. Federico Zen (Turin: Einaudi, 1982), 83-116; Gregori, La natura morta italiana: Da Caravaggio al Settecento, 45- 49. 41. Alessio Moglia, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2205, cc. 332f., 1645, sale. This does not exclude the possibility that Alessio Moglia was one of those barbers who also acted as a painting merchant (see Francis Haskell, Patrons and Painters, 121). 4z. One can identify Davit with the painter David from Flanders or David Han, a Flemish painter who lived in the palazzo of the Marquis Giustiniani and who died in 1622. On this artist see Antonino Bertolotti, Artisti belgi ed olandesi a Roma nei secola XVI e XVII: Notizie e documenti raccolti negli archivi romani (Rome: A Forni Editore, 1974), 92, 98-100. The Kastlerlexikon 1999-2000 cites him as David de Haen, painter, who died in Rome in 1622. For Napoletano as a painter from real life see Chiarini, "II Paesaggio," 17. On Filippo Napoletano as a painter in the circle of Cardinal Del Monte see also Wazbinski, II cardinale Francesco Maria del Monte:1549-1626. 43• ASR, Tribunate Criminate del Governatore, Atti di Cancelleria, b. 232, fasc. 12./7, 1628. 44• Giacomo Cagnacci, ASR, notai AC, b. 2204, CC. ,8f., 1645, sale. 45• A large quantity of portraits of family members, but above all of princes and il- 268 :: NOTES TO PAGES 149-151 lustrious men and women, were present in the playwright Giovanni Azzavedi's house (see Spezzaferro, "Per it collezionismo dei bamboccianti," 85). 46. ASR, Santacroce, b. z86, February and March 17oz. 47. In fact,Santacroce had just received the news from the emperor of the appointment of his son as a privy councilor. 48. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 775, conto n. 2. 49. Gabriel Naude, Advis pour dresser une bibliotheque (Paris: Rolet le Duc, 1644), 146-47. 5o. Sparti, Le collezionidalPozzo,119.The model to which Cassianodal Pozzoaspired was clearly the Giovian Museum, in which each portrait of an illustrious figure was accompanied by an elogium (see T. C. Price Zimmermann, Paolo Giovio: TheHistorianand the Crisis ofSixteenth-Century Italy (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1995). 51. Sparti, Le collezioni dal Pozzo, 118. 52. Giovan Francesco Cusida, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 5344, cc. 934f., March 8, 162.4, inheritance; Nicola, Francesco, and Antonio Lirighetti, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 766, cc. 484f., 1648, judicial. An analogous combining of library and portraiture of illustrious men emerges from the inventory of G. B. Marino. See Spezzaferro, "Problemi del collezionismo a Roma net XVII secolo," 20. 53. See the inventory of the study of Giovanni Azzavedi in Spezzaferro, "Per it collezionismo dei bamboccianti." 54. Carla Benocciand TommasoDi Carpegna Falconieri,eds.,Le belle:Ritrattididame del Seicento e delSettecento nelle residenze feudali del Lazio (Rome: Pieraldo, 2004). 55. Francesco Petrucci, "Ferdinand Voet e le 'belle," in Le belle, ed. Benocci and Falconieri, 59-67. 56. The images of Genoa and Scio appeared in the salon of the second noble apartment of the marquis, whereas that of Bassano was on the wardrobe. ASR, Notai AC, vol. 1377, cc. 793f. 57. ASR, Notai AC, vol. 1377, CC. 793f., wardrobe. 58. The division of his goods assigned to hisson Felicecontained the "Cosmographical Maps in Rome and in Cesi." See ASR, Misc. famiglie, b. 61. 59. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o. 6o. Ibid., August 31, 1672. 61. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, October 1706. 62. Giovanni Careri, "Le lingue comuni dell'Europa dall'Umanesimo ai Lumi: Le arti," in Storia d'Europa, ed. Maurice Aymard and Perry Anderson (Turin: Einaudi, 1995), 364. 63. Natalia Gozzano, La quadreria di Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna: Prestigio nobiliare e collezionismo nella Roma barocca (Rome: Bulzoni, 2004), 19; Isabella Colucci, "II salotto e le collezioni della Marchesa Boccapaduli," Quadernistorici 116 (2004): 449- 94. NOTES TO PAGES 1 51-15 3 :: 269 According to Schnapper, "Peiresc's correspondence gives us a good example of the use of engraved plates to make miscellaneous flowers known to a distant correspondent." See Antoine Schnapper, Legiant, la licorne et la tulipe: Collections et collectionneurs dans la France du XVIIe siècle (Paris: Flammarion, 1988), 56. On the use of drawing or printing for natural illustrations see Giuseppe Olmi, L'inventario del mondo: Catalogazione della natura e luoghi del sapere nella prima eta moderns (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1992.); David Freedberg, "Cassiano, Ferrari, and the Drawing of the Citrus Fruit," in Citrus Fruit, ed. David Freedberg and Enrico Baldini (London: Harvey Miller, 1997), 45-84. 64. The collection of Del Monte's copies, the paper museum of Dal Pozzo, and the Galleria Giustiniana were born in this manner. 65. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 33, July 9, 1672.. 66. Ibid., July 13, 1672.. 67. ASR Cartari Febei, vol. 103, c. 24v. 68. Ibid., c. 2.5. 69. Ibid., cc. 26-2.7. 7o. Ibid., c. 41, 45, 46- 71. ASR Cartari Feberi, b. 33, August 6, 1672. In the same years Livia Sforza Cesarini paid 6.5o scudi to a certain Arnold Vannesteraunt (the engraver van Westerhout?) as the price for an imprecise number for "printed cards" (see ASR, Sforza Cesarini, s. VIII, b. 249, October 1689). 72. On the production and diffusion of thistypeof productsee Brendan Dooley, "Printing and Entrepreneurship in Seventeenth-Century Italy," Journal ofEuropean Economic History 25, no. 3 (1996): 569-98; Brendan Dooley, "De bonne main: Les pourvoyeurs de nouvelles a Rome au XVIIe siècle," Annales HSS 54, no. 6 (1999): 1317-44; Brendan Dooley, "Printing Matters—TheWages of War: Battles, Prints, and Entrepreneurs in Late Seventeenth-Century Venice," Word and Image 17, no.1 (2.001): 7-2.4. 73. ASR Spada Veralli, b. 794, July 1667, December 1667, June 1668. 74. ASR, Santacroce, b. z86. 75. Ibid., April 17oz. 76. Ibid., January 1703. Chapter Seven 1. Margherita Betti, ASR, S. Girolamo della Carita, b. 4, cc. 92f., 1644 dowry; idem, cc. 116f., 1653 dowry restitution; idem, cc. 157f., 1656, dowry; idem cc. 25f., 1669, inheritance. 2. Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, "Le zane della sposa: La donna fiorentina e it suo corredo nel Rinascimento," in La famiglia e le donne nel Rinascimento (Rome: Laterza, 1988), 193-2.12. 270 :: NOTES TO PAGES 153-161 3. Betti 1644 and 1669; Cornelia Alicorna de Fabiis, ASR, TN, uff. 5, vol. 258, cc. 34of., May 16, 1667, inheritance. 4. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, f.n.n. 5. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 8o1, March 1684, in total 29.5o scudi. 6. Fynes Moryson, traveling through Italy at the end of thesixteenth century, reported "Nunnes, more specially at Sienna, Ravena and Mantua, used to work curious flowers in silke, which our wemen of late have worne in their heads." Fynes Moryson, An Itinerary Written by FynesMoryson Gent... containinghis Ten Yeeres Travel!Through the Twelve Dominions ofGermany, Bohmerland, Sweizerland, Netherland, Denmarke, Poland, Italy, Turkey, France, England, Scotlandand Ireland (London:John Beale, 1617), 422; quoted in Peter Thornton, The Italian Renaissance Interior, 1400-1600 (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1991), 26o. 7. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 22, May 25, 1634. 8. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 8o1, December 1671. 9. See the letter of October 2, 1627, cited in Donatella Livia Sparti, Le collezioni Dal Pozzo: Storia di una famiglia e delsuo museo nella Roma seicentesca (Florence: Panini, 1998), 173. io. Aside from Raspantini there were only seven other men who possessed fake flowers, while not a single woman had any. On the precarious nature of marriage gifts to the young wife see Christiane Klapisch-Zuber, Women, Family, and Ritual in Renaissance Italy, trans. Lydia G. Cochrane (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985), 310-29. II. The "egg of belsuarro" or bezoar stone,wasa concretion that formed in thestomach of some herbivores, to which was attributed the property of working as an antidote against poisons deriving from plants. The "great beast" was usually an elk. 12. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, f.n.n. 13. Even Isabella Vecchiarelli, far and away the most fashionable of all the women being treated here, had an Agnus Dei dressed with a silver filigree (see ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, November 1702). Renata Ago, "Donne, doni e public relations tra le famiglie dell'aristocrazia romana del XVII secolo," in Economia e arte, secc. XIII—XVIII, ed. Simonetta Cavaciocchi (Florence: Le Monnier, 199o), 175-83. 14. On Roman gardens in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, including the plants that were cultivated and the arrangements that Romansadopted,see David R. Coffin, Gardens and Gardening in Papal Rome (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1991). 15. Bernardo Bizoni, Europa milleseicentosei: Diario di viaggio di Bernardo Bizoni, ed. Anna Banti (Milan: Rizzoli, 1942). 16. Vincenzo Giustiniani, Discorsisulle arti e sui mestieri (Florence: Sansoni, 1981). 17. Antoine Schnapper, Legiant, la licorne et la tulipe: Collections et collectionneurs dans la France du XVIIe siècle (Paris: Flammarion, 1988), 42. 18. Coffin, Gardens and Gardening, io8. NOTES TO PAGES 162-165 :: 271 19. Giacomo Lumbroso, Notizie sulla vita di Cassiano dal Pozzo (Turin: Paravia, 1875), 35; Schnapper, Le geant, 42.; on the rapport between Dal Pozzo and the Barberini see Lorenza Mochi Onori, "Il cavalier dal Pozzo ministro dei Barberini," in Isegreti di un collezionista: Lestraordinarie raccolte di Cassiano dal Pozzo, 1588-1657, ed. Francesco Solinas (Rome: Edizioni de Luca, woo), 17-2.0. 2o. See Giovanni Battista Ferrari, Flora ouero cvltvra di fiori distinta in quattro libri (Rome: Facciotti, 1638). On this treatise and the thick correspondence between Ferrari and Dal Pozzo on citrus fruits, see David Freedberg, "Cassiano, Ferrari, and the Drawing of the Citrus Fruit," in Citrus Fruit, ed. David Freedberg and Enrico Baldini (London: Harvey Miller, 1997), 45-84. 21. Lumbroso, Notizie, 35-36. 22. Ibid., 63. 23. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, March 3, 1681. "Simples" referred to the herbs that comprised the basic ingredients of many medicines. 24. Ibid., March 17, 1681. In another letter he added, "Ho sentito gusto che duri tuttavia it giardino de semplici, dal quale a tempo nuovo desidero una pianta d'Iris Faraonis, essendomi andata male quella che dal medesimo luogo ebbi un'altra volta E. . .1 intanto la ringrazio del seme delle zucche piene, e delle meraviglie di Spagna [. . .1 Mi sara carissimo vedere a suo tempo it libro del Trionfetti avendo genio alle piante pellegrine delle quali mi provvidi in Firenze d'alcuni altri libri che non son cattivi." Ibid., December 1684. 25. As has been noted, this phenomenonwas not limited toItaly: for a recent reflection of this issue see Anne Goldgar, "Nature as Art: The Case of the Tulip," in Merchantsand Marvels: Commerce, Science, and Art in Early Modern Europe, ed. Pamela H. Smith and Paula Findlen (New York: Routledge, 2002), 324-46. 26. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 756, 1663, accounts nn. 10, 3o, and 5o;ASR, Santacroce, b. 747, fasc. 1, 1701, account n. 27;ASR, Sforza Cesarini, b. 249, passim (October 1689: the acquisition of asparagus plants for Genzano's garden). Livia Sforza Cesarini kept an account as well with the florist from whom she often bought flowers for "dinners" (ASR, Sforza Cesarini, s. I, oval label, b. 36, 1687-99, account n. 39). 27. Carlo Cartari described the library at the palazzo Altemps as opening onto a loggia whose ceilingwas frescoed with "air and birds." Outside every window there were vases of plants "to make it green for thosestudying there" ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 185, c. 78;see also Joseph Connors,"Delle biblioteche romane intornoall'Alessandrina," in Roma e lostudium urbis:Spazio urban e cultura dalQuattroalSeicento,ed.PaoloCherubini (Rome:Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Uffico centrale per i beni archivistici, 1992), 486-97. 28. Girolamo Amatelli de Grotti, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 47_45, cc. 592f., 1665, inheritance; Polidoro Neruzzi, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 3180, cc. 857f., 1641, inheritance. 29. ASR Spada Veralli, b. 775, account n. 21. 272. :: NOTES TO PAGES 165-166 3o. Lumbroso, Notizie, 14; Sparti, Le collezioni Dal Pozzo, 42.f. 31. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 756, 1663. 32. Ibid., b. 794, October 1667. 33. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 801, May 1672 (to evaluate the entirety of the sum, one must also include that the young woman received from her husband a monthly allowance of 26 scudi). 34. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 33, October 1o, 1671. 35. Giovanni Rotoli,ASR,TN,uff. 28, vol.142,cc. 5Iof., February 7,162.8, inheritance; Francesco Raspantini, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 32f.,January 18,1667, inheritance; Alberto Battistoni, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2205, cc. 368f., 1645, inheritance; Margherita Betti, ASR, S. Girolamo della Carita, b. 4, cc. 25f., 1669, inheritance. On the passion for exotic birds see also Osvaldo Raggio, Storia di una passione: Cultura aristocratica e collezionismo alla fine dell'ancien regime (Venice: Marsilio, woo), 27, 28 and passim. 36. G. B. Masefield, "Crops and Livestock," in The Economy of Expanding Europe in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, The Cambridge Economic History of Europe, vol. 4, ed. E. E. Rich and Charles Wilson (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1967), 2.95-99. On the introduction of the novelty of hot drinks see Carole Shammas, The Pre-Industrial Consumer in Englandand America (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 199o); G. J. Barker-Benfield, The Culture of Sensibility: Sex and Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1992);John Brewer and Roy Porter, eds., Consumption and the World of Goods (New York: Routledge, 1993). 37. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 801, July and August 1674. 38. ASR, Sforza Cesarini, S. I, Oval Lael, b. 36: recordsof varioussuppliers, including the nevarolo, from 1687 to 1699. In 1689 the payment amounted to 31.80 scudi. 39. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 794. 4o. Ibid. 41. Ibid., April 1667 42. Giustiniani in i6o6at Murano had bought "a quantity of glasses," but it is highly probable that he was discussing refined decorative objects rather than drinking utensils (see Bizoni, Europa milleseicentosei, 48). 43. Nicola, Francesco and Antonio, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 766, cc. 484,1648, judicial. The friar's glasswas a type of short-stemmed glass for wine or beer. The "glass forspirits" was a long-stemmed glass similar to a modern grappa flute. 44. Stefano Del Chenne, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4765, cc. 3oof., May z8, 1665, inheritance. 45. Thesame Giustiniani who in i6o6 bought a "quantityofglasses" in Murano, in his 1634 inventory did not even have a single glass (see Bizoni, Europa milleseicentosei, 48). 46. Antonio Adami, Il nouitiato del maestro di casa (Rome: Per Tomaso Coligni, 1657), 165-66. NOTES TO PAGES 166-169 :: 273 47. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 794, April 1667. 48. Neruzzi, 1641; Betti, 1656. 49• ASR, Spada b. 775, account n. 2. 5o. Ibid., account n. 16. 51. ASR, Spada Veralli,b. 794, April 1667. Livia Sforza Cesarini's account book also includes an expenditure of 3.6o scudi "for chocolate" (see ASR, Sforza Cesarini, b. 2.49, April 1689). 52. Del Chenne, 1665; Lirighetti, 1648. 53. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, October £701. 54• Ibid., September 1701, September 1702, December 17o2. 55. ASR Santacroce, b. 747, fasc. I,June 17oz; idem, fasc. 3, December 1703; idem, b. z86, fasc. 1, October 17o2, idem, b. 747, fasc. 1, October 17oz, April 17oz. 56. ASR, Santacroce, b. 544, fasc 1., passim, November 1706, August 1706, February 1706. 57. Ibid., December 1706, March 1707, May 1707. The cuccumo was a sort of jug that is thicker on the bottom than the top. 58. ASR, Santacroce, b. Iizz, fasc. z. 59. ASR, Santacroce, b. z86,fasc.1.The pan dizucchero style wasa glass in theshape of a squat cone with the bottom ending in a rounded point. 6o. It is however possible that this absence has simply been caused by a documentary gap, and the missing crystals may have ended up in a separate inventory. 61. ASR, Santacroce, b. 544, April 1707. 6z. ASR, Cartari Febei, B. 4o. 63. On average 2.4.2. silver objects per man and 12.6 per woman. 64. Vittoria Patrizi Spada, who perhaps had these in her trousseau, during the first months of her married life bought a "flatware set" including a knife (see ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 801, September 1668). 65. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 817, C. 7. 66. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o. 67. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, February and December 1793, January 1704, December 1706, September 1707. On other similar occasions she gave instead a pearl charm (December 1701), a silver cup (June 1702), a chest of drawers (March 1703), or a pair of sleeves (July 1704). 68. On the weapons used by the artisans who had to guarantee the safety of the city gates see Eleonora Canepari,Stare in "compagnia":Strategie di inurbarnento e formeassociative nella Roma del Seicento (Rubbettino: Soveria Mannelli, 2007), 107. 69. Natalia Gozzano, La quadreria di Lorenzo Onofrio Colonna: Prestigio nobiliare e collezionismo nella Roma barocca (Rome: Bulzoni, 2004), 100-101. 7o. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, March 1702.. I 71. For the other owners we do not know whether they had music books of this type because they did not leave inventories of their libraries. 72. AC, AGU, sex. I, vol. 93, cc. 408f., February 19, 1626. 73. Similarly, the vermicellaro Tinelli owned various pasta-making instruments; the embroiderer Bronconi owned fifteen embroidery looms; the merchant Lirighetti had various implements forspinning;and the blacksmith Giunti had horse and muleshoes, anvils, hammers, bellows, and other tools of the trade (see the respective inventories). 74. The "manna from Saint Nicola" was a liquid that dripped from the sarcophagus of the saint into the Cathedral of Bari and came to be collected in precious painted bottles. 75. Lucrezia Marinella, Le nobilta, eteccellenze delle donne, et idiffetti, emancamenti de gli huomini: Discorso (Venice: Giouan Battista Giotti senese, 600). 76. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 8o1, May 1668, August 1669, September 167o, July 1672. 77. Ibid., January 1671, April 1672, June 1672, August 1674. 78. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, March 1704, April 1704, April 1707. 79. ASR, Santacroce, b. 544• 80. Marinella, Le nobilta. 81. Nicola Salvati, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 945, cc. 573f., March 16, 1700, inheritance. 8z. ASR, TN, uff. 28, Testamenti, vol. z, c. 821, 1602. 83. For the jewelry of Vecchiarelli Santacroce see ASR, Santacroce, b. 968, f.n.n. 84. Giuseppe Gatti, Statuti dei mercanti di Roma (Rome: Tipografia della pace di F. Cuggiani, 1885), 108-10; ASR Congregazione economica 1708, b. 28, fasc. 107. 85. Ibid., fasc. 112. 86. Ibid., fasc. 132; Adami, Ii nouitiato del maestro di casa, 175. 87. ASR, Santacroce, b. 86, c. 74v. 88. Ibid., c. 8ov. 89. Ibid. 9o. Ibid. 91. See above, n. 42; A Griffo, "Il viaggio di formazione di un giovane nobile nel Settecento: Il caso di Filippo Orsini" (Tesi di Laurea, University "La Sapienza" di Roma, 20.04). 92. Adami,11nouitiato del maestro di casa, 76. 93. Ibid., 77. 94. Thereare nowmany differentstudiesof the channelsof correspondents and friends that made the formation of many collections possible. Among the classic studies are Schnapper, Legiant; Giuseppe Olmi, "`Molti amici in vari luoghi': Studio della natura e rapporti epistolari nel secolo XVI," Nuncius 6, no. I (1991): 3-31; and the most recent is Pamela H. Smith and Paula Findlen, eds., Merchantsand Marvels: Commerce, Science, 2.74 :: NOTES TO PAGES 170-174 Ifs NOTES TO PAGES 175-184 :: 2.75 and Art in Early Modern Europe (NewYork: Routledge, 2002.). See in particular Findlen's article in this last collection, pp. 2.47-323. 95• ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 33, March 3, 1681. 96. Ibid., March 17, 1681. The book in question was by the Jesuit naturalist Filippo Buonanni, Ricreazione dell'occhio e della mente nell'osservazione delle chiocciole (Rome, i681). 97. Ibid., December 30, 1684. 98. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 784, cc. 59f., "Spese dal1 febbraio 1649," July 13, 1649, 2.5, 3o scudi to reimburse the expense of Abbot Merozzi; ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 1002, 1659. 99• ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 1002, 1659; idem, 1660, 1661. 100. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 801, September 1671; idem, November 1671; idem, July and November 1672. Ioi. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 794, July 1667. 102. Ibid., November 1667. 103. For a detailed analysis of this role of intermediary carried out by friends and acquaintances, in a manner that at times became nearly professional,see Vittoria Orlandi Balzari, "Alessandro Verri antiquario in Roma," Quaderni storici 116, no. 2. (2004): 495- 528 • 104. ASR, Santacroce, b. 698, fasc. 1, respectively: December 1702., February 1703, August 1704, March 1703, August 1704, January 1705, March 1706, January 1706, March 1706, March1706, September 1705, October 1703, November 1704,June 1705, April 1706. Tabinet is silk and worsted fabric with a moire finish. Thanks to Lydia Cochrane for this information (PF). 105. See the letter from 2 October 1627 cited in Sparti, Le collezioni Dal Pozzo, 173; ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 801, passim. The documents mention Monsii Claudio Mellun, Francesco Gasparini, Settimio Restagna, Francesco Liberti and Monsa Rubiaglio. 106. ASR, Santacroce, b. 698, fasc. 2, passim. The documents mention Monsii Giacomo,Bonelli merchant,Ferrari merchant,Monsii Profeta e Bevilard, Gammorra merchant e Medoro merchant. Chapter Eight 1. The difficulty in effecting this calculation for Italy has been noted, but at the end of the sixteenth century in Venice, which was not just any big city but the seat of the most important printing industry in Europe, the literacy rate was, for example, about 33 percent for men and 13 percent for women. See Peter Burke, "The Uses of Literacy in Early Modern Italy," in his The Historical Anthropology of Early Modern Italy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 110-31; Marino Zorzi, "La circolazione del libro a Venezia nel Cinquecento: Biblioteche private e pubbliche," Ateneo veneto 28 (1990): 117-89; Paul Grendler, "Form and Function in Italian Renaissance Popular Books," Renaissance Quarterly 46 (1993): 451-85. 2. On libraries,collections of books, and reading practicessee Armando Petrucci,ed., Libri, editori e pubblico nell'Europa moderna: Guida storica e critica (Rome: Laterza, 1977);Armando Petrucci, ed., Libri,scrittura e pubblico nelRinascimento:Guidastorica e critica (Rome: Laterza, 1979); Armando Petrucci, ed., Scrittura e popolo nella Roma barocca:1585-1721(Rome: Quasar,1979);Christian Bec, LeslivresdesFlorentins(1413- 16°8) (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 1984);Roger Chartier, The Cultural UsesofPrintin Early Modern France (Princeton, NJ:Princeton University Press,1987);Roger Chartier, Lectures etlecteurs dansla France d'Ancien Regime (Paris: Editions du Seuil,1987);Roger Chartier, The Order of Books (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994); Roger Chartier, ed., Histoires de la lecture: Un bilan de recherches (Paris: Editions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme, 1995); Daniel Roche, The People ofParis:An Essay in Popular Culture in the Eighteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987); Daniel Roche, La cultura dei lumi: Letterati, libri, biblioteche nel XVIIIsecolo (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1992); Zorzi, "La circolazione del libro a Venezia nel Cinquecento: Biblioteche private e pubbliche"; Simonetta Cavaciocchi, Produzione e commercio della carta e dellibrosect. XIII—XVIII(Florence: Le Monnier, 1992); Roger Chartier and Alain Paire, Pratiques de la lecture (Paris: Payot,1993);Henri-Jean Martin, Print, Power,andPeopleinSeventeenth-CenturyFrance (Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1993); Marc Baratin and Christian Jacob, Le pouvoir des bibliotheques: La memoire des livres en Occident (Paris: A. Michel, 1996); Frederic Barbier, SabineJuratic, and Dominique Varry, L'Europe et le livre: Reseaux et pratiques du negoce de librairie, XVle—X/Xesiecles (Paris: Klincksieck, 1996); Roger Chartier and Guglielmo Cavallo, A History of Reading in the West, trans. Lydia Cochrane (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999); Michel Marion, Collections et collectionneurs de livresau XVillesiecle:1598—I7or (Geneva: Droz, 1999); Brian Richardson, Printing, Writers, and Readers in Renaissance Italy (NewYork:Cambridge University Press, 1999); Lucien Febvre and Henri-Jean Martin, The Coming ofthe Book: The Impact ofPrinting, 1450-1800 (New York: Verso, 2000); Giuseppe Lombardi, "Libri e istituzioni a Roma: Diffusione e organizzazione," in Roma del Rinascimento, ed. Antonio Pinelli (Rome: Laterza, zooi), 267-90;Xenia von Tippelskirch, "Sottocontrollo:Letture femminili all'inizio dell'Epoca moderna in Italia" (PhD diss., European University Institute, 2003). 3. ASR, TN uff. 5, vol. 258, c. 34o, 1667; Margherita Betti, ASR, S. Girolamo della Carita, b. 4,cc.92f.,1644,dowry. Margherita Betti wasalso the onlywoman who owned an inkwell. 4. On female readers see Federica Ambrosini, "Libri e lettrici in terra veneta nel sec.XVI: Echi erasmiani e inclinazioni eterodosse," in Erasmo, Venezia e la cultura padana nel '500, ed. Achille Olivieri (Rovigo: Minelliana, 1995), 75-86; Tippelskirch, "Sotto 2.76 :: NOTES TO PAGES 184-187 NOTES TO PAGES 187-188 :: 277 controllo"; Giuseppe Lombardi, Roma donne libri tra Medioevo e Rinascimento: In ricordo di Pino Lombardi (Rome: Roma nel Rinascimento, 2004). 5. Dorotea Antolini's library must have been very full if it took twelve bookcases to contain it. In comparison Azzavedi, who was a scholar by profession, only needed five bookcases to contain his whole library. 6. ASR, S. Girolamo della Carita, b. 4, cc. 185f. 7. Cited in Luigi Spezzaferro, "Per il collezionismo dei bamboccianti a Roma nel seicento: Qualche appunto e qualche riflessione," in Da Caravaggio a Ceruti: La scena di genere e l'immagine dei pitocchi nella pittura italiana, ed. Francesco Porzio (Milan: Skira, 1998), 85. 44,._8. Gabriel Naude, Advis pour dresser une bibliotheque (Paris: Rolet le Duc, 1 9. Joseph Connors, "Delle biblioteche romane intorno all'Alessandrina," in Roma e lo studium urbis: Spazio urbano e cultura dal Quattro al Seicento, ed. Paolo Cherubini (Rome: Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali, Uffico centrale per i beni archivistici, 1992), 486-97. Io. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barberiniani latini, n. 436o, cited in Donatella Livia Sparti, Le collezioni Dal Pozzo:Storia di una famiglia e del suo mused nella Roma seicentesca (Florence: Panini, 1998), 80. it. Giovanni Pietro Bellori, Nota delli musei, librerie, gallerie et ornamenti di statue e pitture ne' palazzi, nelle case, e ne' giardini di Roma (Rome: Apresso Biagio Deuersin e Felice Cesaretti, 1664). 12.. ASR, Santacroce b. Iz6o, fasc. 8, G. V. Gravina, "Regolamento di studi," 5-6. 13. Ibid., 21-22.. 14. Ibid. 15. Ibid., 26f. 16. ASR,Santacroce, b. 969, August 1702;In September she bought "il Torsellino" (a book of histories from all over the world) and another book, in February 1703 "various devotional books," in March 1703 "4 breviaries printed in Cologne with a cover of red worked leather and golden thread." 17. Ibid., September 17o2. 18. ASR, Misc. Families, b. 61, fasc. 6. 19. Ibid., fasc. 1, fasc. 5. 20. Ibid., fasc. 2.. 2.1. Bellori, Nota. 22. Polidoro Neruzzi, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 3180, cc. 857f., 1641, hereditary. 23. Renata Ago, Carriere e clientele nella Roma barocca (Rome: Laterza, 199o). 24. The books on legal subjects numbered 138. 25. Felice, Giovanni, and Cristoforo Contelori, ASR, Misc. Famiglie, fasc. 6, c. 2, 1617, division. 2.78 :: NOTES TO PAGES 188-190 26. In reality there were other books that were probably not legal texts. However, for about fifteen books it is impossible to establish their subject matter. 2.7. Letter collections to be used as a model for one's own correspondence were a rather popular genre: the Libraria by Anton Francesco Doni,in the middle of the sixteenth century, included at least eighteen editions in just a few years (see Amedeo Quondam, "La letteratura in tipografia," in Letteratura italiana [Turin: Einaudi, 1983], 627-28). See also Amedeo Quondam, Le "Carte messaggiere": Retorica e modelli di comunicazione epistolare per un indite dei libri di lettere del Cinquecento (Rome: Bulzoni, 1981); Gigliola Fragnito, "Per lo studio dell'epistolografia volgare del Cinquecento: Le lettere di Ludovico Beccadelli," Bibliotheque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 43 (1981): 61-87; Roger Chartier, "Secretaires per il popolo? I modelli epistolari dell'Antico regime tra letteratura di corte e libro di colportage," in Dimensioni e problemi della ricerca storica (1988): 59-1oz. 28. Paolo Cerchi, "La Piazza Universale: Somma di altre somme," in Repertori di parole e immagini: Esperienze cinquecentesche e moderni data bases, ed. Paola Barocchi and Lina Bolzoni (Pisa: Scuola normale superiore, 1997), 122. 29. On thesuccess of verse collections and on the role of editors in this type of literary production (between 1526 and 1600 there were published at least thirty of these collections) see Quondam, "La letteratura in tipografia," 679. 3o. See Jacqueline Hamesse, "The Scholastic Model of Reading," in A History of Reading in the West, ed. Roger Chartier and Guglielmo Cavallo (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999), 103-19; see also Charles Schmitt, "Auctoritates, Repertorium, Dicta, Sententia, Flores, Thesaurus and Axiomata: Latin Aristotelian florilegia in the Renaissance," in Aristoteles Werk and Wirkung: Kommentierung, Uberlieferung, Nachleben, ed. Jurgen Wiesner (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1987), 515-37. 31. Cited in Hamesse, "The Scholastic Model of Reading," 109. 32.. Ibid., 118. 33. Ibid.; Anthony Grafton, Commerce with the Classics: Ancient Books and Renaissance Readers (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1997); Anthony Grafton, "The Humanist as Reader," in A History of Reading in the West, ed. Roger Chartier and Guglielmo Cavallo (Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1999), 179-213. Grafton insists on the continuity between the humanistic and scholastic styles of reading. 34. Hamesse, "The Scholastic Model of Reading," 111. See also Ann Blair, "Reading Strategies for Coping with Information Overload ca. 1550-170o," Journal of the History of Ideas 64 (2003): ii-28; Ann Blair, "Bibliotheques portables: Les recueils de lieux communs dans la Renaissance tardive," in Le pouvoir des bibliotheques: La memoire des livres en Occident, ed. Marc Baratin and Christian Jacob (Paris: A. Michel, 1996), 84-106. NOTES TO PAGES 191-I92 279 35. Naude, Advis pour dresser une bibliotheque, 62: "Et pour moy je tiens ces collections pour grandement utiles et necessaries, eu esgard de la briefvete de notre vie et la multitude des choses qu'il faut aujourd'huy scavoir ne nous permettent pas de pouvoir tout faire de nous mesme." 36. Ibid., 6o-61: "Il ne faut aussi oublier toutessortes de lieux communs, dictionnaires, meslanges, diverses lecons, recueils desentences, et telles autressortes de repertoires, parce que c'est autant de chemin fait et de matiere preparee pour ceux qui ont l'industrie d'en user avec advantage, estant certain qu'il y en a beaucoup qui font merveille de parler et d'escrire sans qu'ils ayent guere veu d'autres volumes que ces mentionnes." 37. Ann Moss, Printed Commonplace-Books and the Structuring of Renaissance Thought (New York: Oxford University Press, 1996), 178-79; see also the introduction from Chartier and Cavallo, A History of Reading in the West, 1-36. 38. Gigliola Fragnito, ed., Church, Censorship, and Culture in Early Modern Italy (New York: Cambridge University Press, zoo'). 39. Ann Blair has shown how the Universae naturae theatrum by Jean Bodin (1596) was built upon a collection of commonplaces (see Blair, "Bibliotheques portables"). 4o. The first work dealt with the work byJuan Gonzales de Mendoza, who was Philip II's ambassador to China, the summary of miracles were by the Milanese Jesuit Paolo Morigia, and the tract about the Moors was by Damiano de Fonesca. 41. Cerchi, "La Piazza Universale," 126. Lo Specchio della scienza universale (1564) was another of Fioravanti's popular encyclopedias. 42.. On this characteristic of libraries from the ancien regime see Marion, Collections et collectionneurs, 164; Amedeo Quondam, "Il barocco e la letteratura:Genealogie del mito della decadenza italiana," in I capricci di Proteo: Percorsi e linguaggi del Barocco, atti del convegno internazionale di Lecce, 23-26 ottobre 2000 (Rome: Bulzoni, zooz), 119. 43. Quondam, "Il barocco e la letteratura," 174-75. 44. Lina Bolzoni, "Memoria letteraria e iconografica nei repertori cinquecenteschi," in Repertori di parole e immagini: Esperienze cinquecentesche e moderni data bases, ed. Paola Barocchi and Lina Bolzoni (Pisa: Scuola normale superiore, 1997), 22. 45• Lina Bolzoni, La stanza della memoria: Modelli letterari e iconografici dell'eta della stampa (Turin: Einaudi, 1995), 61. 46. On the primacy of Venetian publishing during the first twenty-five years of the seventeenth century, and on the development of Roman publishing, see Quondam, "La letteratura in tipografia"; Amedeo Quondam, "`Mercanzia d'onore,"mercanzia d'utiles': Produzione libraria e lavoro intellettuale a Venezia nel Cinquecento," in Libri, editori e pubblico nell'Europa moderna: Guida storica e critica, ed. Armando Petrucci (Rome: Laterza, 1977); Mario lnfelise, "La librairie italienne (XVIIe-XVIIIe siecles)," in L'Europe et le livre: Reseaux et pratiques du negoce de librairie, XVIe-XIXe siecles, ed. Frederic Barbier, Sabine Juratic, and Dominique Varry (Paris: Klincksieck, 1996), 81-97;Richard- 2.80 :: NOTES TO PAGES 191-194 son, Printing; Ugo Rozzo, ed., La lettera e it torchio: Studi sulla produzione libraria tra XVI e XVIII secolo (Udine: Forum, zoos). 47. Francesco Negrelli, ASR, TN, uff. z8, vol. 142, cc. 71f., January 5, 1628, hereditary. 48. Nicola Pari, ASR, TN, uff. 5, vol. 258, cc. 'If., April 3, 1667, hereditary; Paolo Cangiani, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4772, cc. 413f., March zo, 1667, hereditary; Francesco Raspantini, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 4472, cc. 3zf., January 78,1667, hereditary. 49. These percentages are completely comparable with the French statistics reconstructed by Daniel Roche for more or less the same period (see Roche, La cultura dei lumi, 16f.). The same results appear in Marion, Collections et collectionneurs, 135: out of a field of 586 library catalogs at the beginning of the eighteenth century, theological works accounted for 15 percent of the total. 5o. For a comparison with the typology of works collected in similar French libraries see Henri-Jean Martin, Livre, pouvoirs et societe a Paris au XVIIe siecle (1598-1701) (Geneva: Droz, 1969). 51. It is perhaps worthwhile to remember that Negrelli owned seven volumes of letters and one of "compliments"; even Bernini had in his house at least four volumes of letters. See Sarah McPhee, "Bernini's Books," Burlington Magazine 142 (2000): 442-48; Maurizio Fagiolo dell'Arco, L'immaginealpotere: Vita di Giovan Lorenzo Bernini (Rome: Laterza, zoo'), 377-81. 52. Quondam, "La letteratura in tipografia," 677. 53. Bolzoni, La stanza della memoria, 57. 54. Antonio Francesco Doni, La libraria di Anton Francesco Doni: Divisa in tre trattati, ed. Vanni Bramanti (Milan: Longanesi, 1972), cited in Quondam, "La letteratura in tipografia," 62.3. The same holds true for Orazio Toscanella (see Bolzoni, La stanza della memoria, 63). 55. Bolzoni, "Memoria letteraria," 22.. 56. On these see Bolzoni, La stanza della memoria and in particular chapter 6. 57. Doni, La libraria, cited in Quondam, "La letteratura in tipografia," 63o. 58. Cerchi, "La Piazza Universale," izi. 59. Diego Perez de Valdivia, Annotazioni intorno alla vita, e morte della serenissima donna Maria principessa di Parma (Florence: Giunta, 1593), cited in Xenia von Tippelskirch, "'Con la lettura di questa santa operina attendera ad infiammare se medesima': Annotazioni alla Vita di maria di Portogallo, principessa di Parma e Piacenza (1538-1577)," Mélanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome-Italie et Mediterranie 113, no. (zoos): 25o. 6o. Claude Balavoine, "Des Hieroglyphica de Pierio Valeriano a l'Iconologia de Cesare Ripa ou le changement du statut du signe iconique," in Repertori di parole e immagini: Esperienze cinquecentesche e moderni data bases, ed. Barocchi and Bolzoni, 99-117; NOTES TO PAGES 194-198 :: 281 M. P. Paoli, "La donna e it melograno: Biografie di Matilde di Canossa," Mélanges de l'Ecole Francaise de Rome-Italie et Mediterranee 113, no. i (zooi): 173-215. 61. On reading "for action" see Lisa Jardine and Anthony Grafton, "'Studied for Action': How Gabriel Harvey Read His Livy," Past and Present 129, no. 1 (1990): 30-78; Kevin Sharpe, Reading Revolutions: The Politics of Reading in Early Modern England (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, z000). 6z. He also owned the History of the Wars of Ferdinand II. 63. He owned two volumes of the Book of the History of the World by Giovanni Tarcagnota, another two added by Mambrino Roseo, as well as a Universal History on the Origins of the Turks by Francesco Sansovino. 64. The commentary was by the humanist and professor of eloquence Marco Antonio Maioragio. 65. The first work was by the Portuguese Dominican Andre Resende. Deartisgymasticae was by the illustrious doctor Girolamo Mercuriale, and Lo stabulo dell'agricoltura e l'Economia del cittadino in villa was by Vincenzo Tanara. 66. The term "Giovian" is used because it was Paolo Giovio who first produced portraits of illustrious men accompanied by epigrams that exalted their lives and their talents (virtu) in the mid-sixteenth century. 67. Balavoine, "Des Hieroglyphica," 80. 68. Ibid., 88f.,Jean-Marc Chatelain, Livres d'emblemes et de devises: Uneanthologie, 1531-1735 (Paris: Klincksieck, 1993). 69. Quondam, "La letteratura in tipografia." 7o. On the spread of prose narrative, both ancient and modern, see Martin, Livre, 2.92-93. 71. As for the other books, he had a Plutarch that was translated and abridged by Giovan Bernardo Gualandi, a Historia sacra della Guerra di Gerusalemme by Guglielmo di Tiro, and finally the work Nautica mediterranea by Bartolomeo Crescenzio. 72. Albert N. Mancini, II romanzo nel Seicento: Saggio di bibliografia, parte prima (Florence: L. S. Olschki, 1970). 73. See Giovanni Maria Versari's preface to his Cavaliere d'honore (Velletrri, 1673), cited in Lucinda Spera, "Un consuntivo tardo-secentescosul romanzo (Gio Maria Versari e II cavaliere d'honore)," Studi secenteschi 35 (1994): 145-65; see also Quinto Marini, "La prosa narrativa," in Storia della letteratura italiana, vol. 5, La Fine del cinquecento e it seicento, ed. Enrico Malato (Rome: Salerno, 1997), 102.3. 74. Mancini, II romanzo nel Seicento. 75. On the Giustiniani libraryseealso Irene Baldriga,"La personality di Vincenzo Giustiniani nellospecchio della sua biblioteca," in Caravaggio e i Giustiniani:Toccar con mano una collezione del Seicento, ed. Silvia Danesi Squarzina (Milan: Electa, zooI), 73-80. 76. Cangiani and Raspantini were not the only ones who owned "useful" books: in 282 :: NOTES TO PAGES 198-204 addition to the jurists, Ippolito Giunti had books used for his profession, that is, "books on the blacksmith's art" (see Ippolito Giunti, ASR, Notai AC, vol. 2095, cc. 139f., 1645, inheritance). 77. Baldriga, "La personality di Vincenzo Giustiniani." 78. On censorship in Italy see Antonio RotondO, "Editoria e censura," in La Stampa in Italia nel Cinquecento, ed. Marco Santoro (Rome: Bulzoni, 1992); Antonio Rotondo, "La censura ecclesiastica e la cultura," in Storia d'Italia, vol. 2., I documenti, ed. Ruggiero Romano and Corrado Vivanti (Turin: Einaudi, 1973), 1397-492; Mario Infelise, I libri proibiti: Da Gutenberg all'Encyclopedie (Rome: Laterza, 1999); Fragnito, Church, Censorship, and Culture in Early Modern Italy. 79. Gigliola Fragnito, "The Central and Peripheral Organization of Censorship," in Church, Censorship, and Culture, ed. Fragnito, 13-49. 80. McPhee, "Bernini'sBooks." On the importanceof this issuesee Fragnito, La Bibbia al rogo:La censura ecclesiastica e i volgarizzamenti della Scrittura:1471-1605 (Bologna: Il Mulino, 1997). 81. The complete title was The Bible/that is the books (written in much smaller letters)/of the Old (in large letters again)/and the New/Testament. 82. Edoardo Barbieri, Le Bibbie italiane del Quattrocento edel Cinquecento:Storia e bibliografia ragionata delle edizioni in lingua italiana dal 1471 al 1600 (Milan: Editrice bibliografica, 1992). 83. Ibid. 84. McPhee, "Bernini's Books." 85. Fragnito, La Bibbia al rogo. 86. Whoever put together this inventory mentioned a "book of various instruments and sententiae by Marino di Basilio Raspantini di Assisi." A relative of the painter must have therefore been a notaryor perhaps a jurist. This would explain also the dozen works on civil procedure present in his library and the seven tomes of "acts and information." Raspantini himself could have been interested in Paolo Leonio's tract on thefedecommesso substitutions, or in Andrea Tiraqueau's work on donations, or even in Pietro Rebuffi's Praxis beneficiorum utilissima acquirendi, conservandique illa, acamittendi modos commitens, usumque &stylum literarum Curiae Romanae. 87. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, c. 6, 1597. Probably he is referring to the Theatrum orbis terrarum by Abraham Ortelius. 88. Ibid., c. 201, 1624. 89. ASR, TN, uff. 28, vol. 142, c. 61, 1628. 9o. McPhee, "Bernini's Books," 443• 91. On books given as gifts see Natalie Zemon Davis, "Beyond the Market: Books as Gifts in Sixteenth-Century France," Transactions of the Royal Historical Society 33 (1983): 69-88; on those loaned out and the spread of this phenomenon see Brendan NOTES TO PAGES 204-206 :: 283 Maurice Dooley,Morandi's Last Prophecyand the EndofRenaissance politics (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002) and in particular chapter five. 92. Naude, Advis pour dresser une bibliotheque, 131-32. 93. I have excluded from thisanalysis legal books, asI consider these to be largely texts for consultation rather than reading. 94. On the relationship between the work, its format, and reading see the famous letter by Machiavelli; Niccolo Machiavelli, Lettere, ed. Franco Gaeta (Turin: UTET, 1984), 42.5-26, which is also cited in Grafton, "The Humanist as Reader," 179-80. 95• The only library inventory accompanied by appraisals that have been found was that of a doctor who died in 1744 and who is therefore outside of the chronological limits of my research:see ASR, TN, uff. 19, vol. 558,cc. 519f.The doctors' books in this library, however, had a value that varied between ten and twenty baiocchi. Yet this source says nothing on the size or the bindings of these works, which obviously indicates much about the price of a volume. 96. See also Gian Ludovico Masetti Zannini,Stampatori e libraia Roma nella seconda meta del Cinquecento: Documenti inediti (Rome: Fratelli Palombi, 1980). 97. On the importance of the format of a book and itsaffect on the practice of reading see Grendler, "Form and Function"; Grafton, "The Humanist as Reader";Tippelskirch, Sotto controllo. 98. See Jardine and Grafton, "Studied for Action"; Sharpe, Reading Revolutions. 99. Sharpe, Reading Revolutions. ioo. Ibid.; Moss, Printed Commonplace-Books. 101. ASR, Santacroce, b. 969, December 1707. 102.. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 775, account n. 2, 1681. 103. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 4o, August 31, 1672. 104. ASR, Spada Veralli, b. 775, conto n. 16, 1682. 105. The meticulousness of Orazio Spada is quite peculiar and very pleasing to modern scholars. However, analogous cases, even if they kept their records in a more chaotic manner, can be found easily among the records of Federico and Livia Sforza Cesarini and Antonio Santacroce (see for example ASR, Sforza Cesarini, etichetta ovale,s. I, b. 36, account n. 41, 1687; ASR Santacroce, b. 747, fasc 3, account n. 55, 1703). 106. On the importance of the archive for family identitysee Maura Piccialuti Caprioli, L'immortalita dei beni: Fedecommessi e primogeniture a Roma nei secoli XVII e XVIII (Rome: Viella, 1999). 107. ASR, Misc. Famiglie, b. 61. 108. ASR, S. Giacomo degli incurabili, b. 172, fasc. io. 109. ASR, Cartari Febei, b. 22, November 8, 1633. See pp. 2.2-24. 110. On commercial production of paper see Cavaciocchi, Produzione e commercio della carta e del libro secc. XIII-XVIII. 2.84 :: NOTES TO PAGES 206-211 See ASR, Santacroce, b. 286, May 1703. 112. Inseventeenth-century Paris, incontrast,private writings began to be widespread. See Roche, The People of Paris:An Essay in Popular Culture in the Eighteenth Century, 207-9. 113. Itwould be valid tosay that all of this waswillingly left outside of the inventoryas it pertained to the professional life of the twolawyersand not to their private patrimonies. Butas wellas beinganachronistic this hypothesis denies the fact that the books were in fact recorded in their inventories. The more likely explanation is therefore that the inventory was interrupted because recording all the papers in the study would have been too time consuming, expensive, and of little use to their heirs. 114. ASR, TN, uff. 23, cc. 818f., August 8, 1627. 115. For Raspantini, for example, not a single known painting remains. See Richard E. Spear, Domenichino (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1982). Conclusion i. Melanie Tebbutt, Making Ends Meet: Pawnbrokingand Working-Class Credit (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1983); Daniel Roche, The People of Paris: An Essay in Popular Culture in the Eighteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987); Renata Ago, Economia barocca: Mercato e istituzioni nella Roma del Seicento (Rome: Donzelli, 1998). 2. Pietro Aretino, Ragionamento:dialogo (Milan: Garzanti, 1984). 3. Ago, Economia barocca. 4. From a census of 1656, which was limited only to the rione of Campo Marzio, it emerges that out of nearly one hundred painters surveyed, about half were classified as "comfortable," that is to say, well off. See Richard Spear, "Rome," in Paintingfor Profit: The Economic Lives of Italian Seventeenth-Century Painters, by Richard E. Spear and Philiop Sohm (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2010). 5. Their membership in a distinct class is indicated also by the fact that the honorific titles they adopted in public acts were very similar to one another: "illustrious and most excellent" for lawyers, "illustrious" for successful merchants, "knight" for established artists, and so on. 6. The importance of thisconnection had already been recognized by Max Weber, who constructed the notion of a class based on lifestyle rather than other different and more "objective" parameters (see Max Weber, EconomyandSociety:An Outline ofInterpretive Sociology [New York: Bedminster Press, 1968]). 7. Antoine Schnapper, Le giant, la licorne et la tulipe: Collections et collectionneurs dansla France du XVIlesiecle(Paris: Flammarion,1988);JuliusSchlosser, Raccolted'artee di meraviglie del tardo Rinascimento, ed. Cristina De Benedictis (Milan: Sansoni, 2o00). NOTES TO PAGES 21 I-2.21 :: 2.85 Mir 8. The literature on the family, the house, and social virtues discusses "conviti," or large dinnersoften connected with religious holidays, and gives prodigious advice on how to organize and manage these events. 9. Pietro Belmonte, Institutione della sposa del cavalier Pietro Belmonte Ariminese fatty principalmente per Madonna Laudomia sua figliuola nelle sue nuoue nozze (Rome: Per gl'heredi di Giouanni Osmarino Gigliotto, 1587), 58. 1o. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, c. 2.75, 1639. 1. See above, p. 131. 12. Annette B.Weiner, Inalienable Possessions: The Paradox ofKeeping-While-Giving (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992.), 7. 13. ASR, Notai RCA, b. 1474, c. 124,1612;see the case of Costanza Belo, widow of Pini, who left her goods to the male sons of her two daughters on the condition that they take the last name of her dead husband; or (in ASR, Notai RCA, b. 102.9, c. 265, 61o) that of Lavinia Dionisia,the widow of Barisiani,who did not force but invited the daughter or her sister, her heir, to marry a young man who bore the name Barisiani. 286 :: NOTES TO PAGES 222-226 II IIII III III IIIII1I III I 111 II BIBLIOGRAPHY III Ago, Renata. Carriere e clientele nella Roma barocca. Rome: Laterza, 1990. . "Di cosa si pith fare commercio: Mercato e norme sociali nella Roma barocca." Quaderni storici 91 (1996): 113-34. "Donne, doni e public relations tra le famiglie dell'aristocrazia romana del XVII secolo." In La donna nell'economia XIII—XVIIIsecolo, edited by Simonetta Cavaciocchi. Florence: Le Monnier, 1990. . Economia barocca:Mercato e istituzioni nella Roma delSeicento. Rome: Donzelli, 1998. 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See dell'Arpa, Simone Arpini family, 176t II1IIIII INDEX Ili III111111I1IIIIIIIIII I'll Avvisi, 49, 138, 153, 155 Azzavedi, Giovanni, 152, 188, 207, 218, 223, 2.78n5 Baldini, Aurelio Antonio, 27-28, zio—I Barberi, Giuseppe, 2.6t Barberini, Cardinal Francesco, xvi, 137, 165 Barberini convent, 171 Barberini family, xxiii, xxviii Barkley, John, 165 Battistoni, Captain Alberto, 167, 176t Bava, Francesco, 149, I76t, 212 beds, 29, 69; in noble houses, xxvi—xxviii, 89; in paintings, 66; in room descriptions, xxix, 54, 67-68, 77-80; typical Roman, 9i; in wills, 36 Bellini, Silvestro, 1754 187, 213t, 218 Bellori, Giovan Pietro, ix—xi, xix, xxxiii,; collections of, xxi; and Notice on Museums, xi—xiv, xvi, xxv,, xxxi, 137; on libraries, 133, 189. See also specific titles Bembo, Pietro, 191, 193 Bentivoglio, Marquis Filippo, 19 Bernini, Gian Lorenzo, xi, 201-2, 204-5 II Bertone family, 175 Betti, Margherita, 52.-55 91,163-64,1764 213-14, 218; books owned by, 187- 88, 207; clothing: owned by, xIo, 117; dolls owned by, i62.; furniture owned by, 78; jewelry owned by, 181; kitchen of, 96-98, 100-I; last will of, 38, 52; and singing birds, 166-67; snuffboxes owned by, 172;statues owned by, 159-61; tableware owned by, 170, 172-73; tools owned by, 116, 177 bezoar stone, 162., 177, 2711111 Bianchi, Giovanna, 116 Bible. See books Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 135 Biblioteca Marciana, 134 Bisticci, Vespasiano da, 133 Bizoni, Bernardo, 165 Black Plague, 12.5 Boccarini, Cilla, 42- 44,46 Boissard, Jean-Jacques, r35 Bologna, xx, 36, 185 Bonghi, Feliciano, 54 books, 187-94; anthologies, 192-93, 197- 99; about the art of memory, 193; Bible, 195, 204-5, 218; censorship of, 204-5; classification of, 206; on correspondence, 197, 279n27; Giovian works, 199, 2821166; novels, zoI; in Roman collections, i6ot, 175-764 194-204,213t; about Rome, ix-xiv, xvi, xix-xxi, xxvi, xxxi, 137; sizes, 207; technical works, 198-99. See also account books; reading Borghese, Scipione, xxix, 133 Borromeo, Carlo, 134,142., I43t Borromeo, Federico, 134 Bosio, Antonio, xx bottiglieria, xxviii Brancavalerio, Tommaso, 179 Braudel, Fernand, xxix, 126 brazier, 23, 25, 68 306 :: INDEX Bronconi family, 109, 1764 187, 213t, 218, 2751173 buildings: apartments, 66; residential types in Rome, 65-67. See also casa; individual families Buogni, Giovanni Francesco, 154 Buonarotti, Michelangelo, 3o, 140-41 cabinets des dames, 152, Caetani, Francesco, 165 Cagnacci, Giacomo, 150-51 Cameo, Abraham fu Martio, 175 Cangiani, Paolo, 1764 213-14, 218; books owned by, 187, 194-202, 204, 207, 282n76; children's clothing owned by, 109; clothing owned by, II4-15t, 122; house of, 79-8o, 814 82-83, 86; jewelry and, 181; kitchen of, 98, 99t; musical instruments owned by, 175; paintings owned by, 149; shoes owned by, 108; tools owned by, 116 Capizucchi, Faustina Madaleni, 42, 44 Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da, xix, 141 Cardano, Girolamo, 133 Caro, Annibal, 197 Carracci, Annibale, xx Carracci family, xix Cartari, Anton Stefano, 153 Cartari, Carlo, 38, 108, 206, 218; and account books 43, 45, 209; correspondence of, 184; flatware owned by, 172-73; and gardening, 165-66; and Lavinia Cartari, 26-27, 33-35, 38, 2.11; on libraries, 188, 272n27; and Maria Virginia Cartari, 118; and news collecting, 154-56; on refined objects, 37;scientific instruments owned by,177 Cartari, Lavinia 26-27, 30, 33- 34,38, 211; and clothing, 122; and domestic production, 119;silk flowers owned by, 162 Cartari, Maria Virginia, 38, 108, x14, 162- 63, 167 casa, xii, 8, 22, 3o-32. See also buildings; individual families Casa, Giovanni della. See della Casa, Giovanni Casini, Carlo, 18 Castiglione, Baldassare, 189 Castiglione, Sabba da, 6o, 129-31 Ceccarelli, Don Francesco, xxix Cenci family, 3i Cesalpino, Andrea, 177 Cesaretti, Felice, ix, xii Cesarini, Giovangiorgio, 137 Cesio, Carlo, xix Cesi family, xiii Cesi, Gilulia Veronica Sforza Attendoli Manzoli, 59 Chabod, Federico, 17 chairs, 3, 19; in account books, 51; and the middling class, 85; in noble houses, xxvi-xxvii; in Parisian homes, 249nio; in room descriptions, xxvi, xxix, 67-68t, 70t, 88; value of, 76 chamber pots, xxviii, 69, 7ot, 72t, 74-75, 87-88t, 171 Charles of Habsburg, Archduke, 141t, 151 Chenne, Stefano del. See del Chenne, Stefano Chiesa del Giesa, 36 Chigi, Cardinal Flavio, xvi, 138, 152, 173 Chigi family, xxiii children: and books, 35; and clothing, 109; and furniture, 73-75; and toys, 74,172 China, 89-90 chocolate, xxxiii, 167-68, 178, 185, 223; in ceremonies, 29; as a gift, xxvi, 49; serving of, 51, 9o, 170-7I Christina of Sweden (queen), xx; collections of, xxviii; and Giovan Pietro Bellori xi; libraries of, xvi Cicero, 189, 191-92, 195, 197, 199 Clement IX (pope), 155 Clement XI (pope),14it clocks, 161t, 164t, 175-764 213t, 224 clothing: colors of in Rome, ii2-13; domestic production of, 116-20; female, 108; gender differences in ownership of, 103-6, 114-15; male, 107-8; and the middling class, III; ready-made, 120-21; rented, 120-2I; sumptuary laws about, 109-10,113; value of, io5-6, 114-16 Coccurulli, Sebastiano, 141 coffee, xxxiii, 3, 167-68, 170-71 Colosseum, xxv collecting, xii-xiv, xvi, xviii-xxi, xxx-xxxi, 8; expense of, 133; gender differences in, 2, 9, I I; history of, 129-3 2; and Krzysztof Pomian, 127-28; manuals on, 188; and portraits, 151; and sociability, 136-38; and splendor, 130-31; value of, 127-29; women and, xx Colonna, Lorenzo Onofrio, 173-74 Congregation of the Campidoglio, 29 Constantinople, 165, 172 consumer revolution, z Contarini, Jacomo, 1o, 32, 131-32 Contelori, Felice, 133, 190 Contelori, Giovanni Battista, 153, 210 Contelori, Giovanni Maria, 34-35, 168- 704 175, 177, 189-90, 213t, 218 cooking. See kitchens Corduba, Francisco, xxiii, xxiv fig. 4, xxv Cornaro Piscopia, Elena Lucrezia, 155-56, 177 Cortesi, Paolo, xiii credenza, xviii, xxvi, xxviii-xxix, 35, 37, 207 Crivelli, Carlo, 7 Croll, Oswald, 178 curiosities, xiii, xviii, xix, xxxi-xxxii, 129, 135, 137, 159,174, 220, 223; and books, 212-13; Roman cabinets of, xiv, INDEX :: 307 curiosities (cont.) xvi, xviii; in Roman collections, 16ot, 162-64,2134 and scientific culture, 177-78 Cusida family, 175t Cybo, Camillo, 2661118 Daly Davis, Margaret, xi da Castiglione, Sabba. See Castiglione, Sabba da Dati, Carlo Roberto, 13o-31 Davis, Natalie Zemon, 144 de Ferrari, Carlo. See Ferrari, Carlo de de Grazia, Victoria, xxxii de Grotti, Girolamo Amatelli, 166 de la Rochefoucauld, Francois. See Rouchefoucauld, Francois de la del Chenne, Stefano, 168,181 Del Cinque family, 31 de Litteris, Maria, 77,92,113-14,116 della Casa, Giovanni, 189 dell'Arpa, Simone, II5 della Porta, Giambattista, 191 Del Monte, Cardinal, 32, zo6 Diana family, 176t Diodati, Giovanni, 2.04 dispensa, xxviii Diversin, Biagio, ix-x, xii Divini, Eustachio, xiii-xix Domenichino, ix, xx, 107, 140, 148 Dominic, Saint, 29t Doni, Anton Francesco, 197-98 Doni, Giovan Battista, 28 dolls, 16o-63 Douglas, Mary, 3,15 dressers, 67-68t Dupront, Alphonse, 142. England, xxx, 16,12.6,167,202., 209. See also London Evitascandali, Cesare, 22. Eyck, Jan van, 7 308 :: INDEX Falconieri, Piero Francesco, xiii-xiv Farnese, Cardinal Alessandro, 135 Farnese family, xxiii Farnese, Odoardo, 130 Febei family, 153 Febei, Febeo, 42 Febei, Francesco Maria, 28-29,38,46 fedecommesso, 31-32,59,189,248n52; and collections, 136; Mattei's, 3z; among the middling class, 61,226 Ferrari, Carlo de, 141 Ferrari, Giovanni Battista, 165 Ficino, Marsilio, 197 Fioravanti, Leonardo, 191,193 fireplace, xxix, 67-68 Florence, xx, xxx, i26,184-85,24on3o; clothing in,109,117,and collecting, 161; construction in, 3o-3i; and the Florentine Academy, 13o; and weddings, 39 flowers, 165-66; and the Cartari family, 32-34; for decorating food, z8; fake, 27into; in the Falconieri garden, xiiixiv; from the Netherlands, 34; paintings of, 22, 264 silk, xxv-xxvi, 29, 34, 37, 16ot, 162.-64; 186; and the Spada family, 48 Fontana, Carlo, 138 Fortini Brown, Patricia, xxx Fortini family, ii5t, 175t France, xxx, 153-55,165,167,183; clothing in, 109; descriptions of, 89; influence on Roman fashions, 89-90,I1z; painting in, 139. See also Paris Francescona, Caterina, 145, 151, 176t Francis, Saint, 142, 143t Frollieri, Francesco Maria, 205-6 fruit: and Contelori family, 35; as gift, 27, 34; in Gigli's garden, xiv; in Notice on Museums, xiii; rare types, 28; served at meals, 28; variety of available, 4 furniture, 69-70 for children, 73-75; gender differences in ownership of 69-714 materials used in, 73t; provided for servants, 75; in Roman houses, 72-73t; value of, 75-76; for workshops, 75. See also specific types offurniture Galeria, 129 gardens, 165-66,184-85,2.711114 Garzoni, Tommaso, 193 Gavotti, Giovan Battista, 46 gender: and account books, 44- 45, 50, 52; and archival sources, 25in41; and clothing ownership, to3-5;and collecting, 2, 9, I I, 55-57t, 92-93, 220; and furniture ownership, 69-7it, 86; and household linens, toz-3; and jewelry ownership, I79-80; and kitchens, 95, too-I;and ownership of paintings, 142-45,266n19 Genoa, Ito, 12.6,132,152,185,202 Gigli, Pietro, xiv Gioj, Bernardino, 247n4o Giolito, Gabriele, 197 Giulianelli, Gregorio, 3z, 224 Giunti, Ippolito, 77, '1st, 187, z13t, 2751173,282-83n76 Giustina, Cleria, 147 Giustiniani, Andrea, 43,45,47 Giustiniani, Cardinal Benedetto, 36,204 Giustiniani family, to, 21, 38,43,47 Giustiniani, Vincenzo, 36, 154; books owned by, 202-3, 206; and collecting, 132-33,177; and gardening, 165; guidebook created by, xix; house of, 83-85,86-87,91-92; last will of, 19, 32-33, 59, 134; and paintings, 8o,139- 40,152; tableware owned by, z7z,183, 2731142; toiletries owned by, 178 glassware. See tableware Goldthwaite, Richard, 126 Gondi family, 117 Gravina, Gian Vincenzo, 189 Grazia, Victoria de. See de Grazia, Victoria Grimani, Domenico, 134 Grotti, Girolamo Amatelli de. See de Grotti, Girolamo Amatelli Gualdo, Francesco, 2311117 guardaroba, xxviii; account books about, 43; in Roman houses, 83 Gubbio, 31 Guercino, xix Guidetti, Benedetto, 26t hairdressing, 48, 50 Han, David (Davit), 149,i5ot, 268n42 Haskell, Francis, 142, 264n5 hats, 47-48, to8, 110, 114,254n22 Holland, 89,126,167 house. See casa household linens, 102-3,253n8,254t household production, 116-20 Iacovacci family, 41-42,46 Index of Prohibited Books, 204 Innocent X (pope), 32, 140. See also Giovanni Battista Pamphili Italy: censorship in, 2o4-5;chocolate in, 167; circulation of currency in, 16; collecting in, 129-31; fabrics in, Ito; inventories in, 6; literacy in, 187; prosperity of, xxii; and the Renaissance, xxix, 125-27. See also individual cities Jamblico, Salomone, 191 Jani family, 175t, 213t Jerome, Saint, 143t jewelry, 179-81 Jews, XXiii, 20, 22, 23-254 175, 177 Kapsberger, Giovan Girolamo, 175 Kircher, Athanasius, xvi, xvii fig. 3 kitchens, 95, 215-17; account books about, 43,51; in house descriptions, 67-68, 77-78; utensils used in, 96t, 96-100. See also tableware INDEX :: 309 Lansi, Onofrio, 176t, 2.134 books owned by, 187, 201; paintings owned by, 149 Lauro, Giacomo, xxv-xxvi, xxviif Leone, Francesco, 154 Leopold I (emperor), 141, 151 Lirighetti merchants, 75, 176t, 18i, 213t; books owned by, 187; house of, 79; tableware owned by, 168; tools owned by, 116, 2.75n73 literacy, 187, 276n1. See also reading Litteris, Maria de, 77, 92, 113-14, 116 Lives of the Modern Painters, Sculptors and Architects, ix Lombard, Peter, 192 London, xxii, xxxiii, 16, 89, 183 Longhi, Marino, xviii Lorrain, Claude, 148 Lotto, Lorenzo, 167 Louis XIV (King of France), 167 Lucatelli, 172., 187, 2.13t Maccarani, Paolo, xix Madonna, 140, 143t, 146t, 2.661122. Magalotti, Costanza, xxviii Magdalene, Mary, 140, 142., 1434 146t Magnati, Abbot, 155-56 Malanima, Paolo, 126 Mancini, Giulio, xix; and the middling class, xxviii, 7; and painting, 139, 145 Mansueti family, 176t Manuzio, Paolo, 197, 199 maps, 153-54, 175t Maratti, Carlo, 107 Maria Teresa, Infanta, 167 Marinella, Lucrezia, 178 Marinoni, Anna Agnese, 110 Marozzi, Teresa, xxo Martinelli, Fioravante, xi xxxiii; and collecting, xii-xiv; and Notice on Museums, x, xvi, xviii-xxii, xxv, xxxi, 2.3on6, z31ni7; and Rome Sought on Site, xii, 137 310 :: INDEX masserizia, 35 Massimi, Camillo, 132. Mattei, Ciriaco, 32, 59, 133, 135, 137 Maurizio, Orsola di, xIo Mayno family, 175t Mercati, Michele, 133, 262n29 middling classes, xxii, xxxi, 218- 23, zz6, 285n5; and accounting, 41, 2,2; and books, zoi-z;and bridal trousseau, 110; and clothing, III;and collecting, xxxiii, 57, 130; Giulio Mancini's description of, xxviii; goods owned by, 60-61; houses of, 79, 83, 85-86; and jewelry, 18o-8i; and painters, 285n4; and paintings, 141-42, 152; in Paris, xxxii; and payments in kind, 22; and weapon ownership, 174 Miller, Daniel, 3 mirrors, 38, 78-80, 91-93, I6It Moglia, Alessio, 140-41, 149-50 Molara, Filippo della, 58, 2.13 Montaigne, Michel de, 135 Montalto, Cardinal, 36 Monte di Pieta, 5, 17, 19, 25t, 179 Monti, Gian Girolamo, 141t Moretti, Carmillo, 58, 2.05, 207, 242.n2.1 Moryson, Fynes, 30, 2.71116 Murano, 183, 2.731142 museums, xvi, xviii, 131, 135, 137, 174 musical instruments, lot, 129, '614 164t, 174-77,212-14,218 Naples, xxii, 114, 184-85 natural curiosities. See curiosities Naude, Gabriel, 133, 151, 188, 192 Negrelli, Francesco, 175t, 2134 books owned by, 187, 194, 204, zo6, 281n51; clothing owned by, '08, 114; house of, 79; toiletries owned by, 178, and writing, 212 Neri, Filippo, 142., 143t Nerola, Princess of, 58, 223 Neruzzi, Polidoro, 174, 1754 177, 2,13-14, 218; books owned by, 187, 190-95, 197, 204-6; clothing owned by, 108, 117; and gardening, 166; house of, 67; tableware owned by, 170 Netherlands, the, xxii, 34 Nicholas V (pope), 133 Notice on Museums, Libraries, Galleries, and Ornaments ofStatues and Paintings in the Palaces, Houses, and Gardens of Rome, ix-xiiv,, xvi, xix-xxii, 137, 23on6 Odescalchi family, 57 Olimpia, Lady, 140 Orsini familiy, xxiii Orsini, Filippo, 183 Orvieto, 20-22, 26, 33 osteria, 2.17 Ovid, xx, 199 Padovanino (painter), 152 paintings: commissioned by Maria Santacroce, 5o; devotional, 142-43, I46-47t, 1484 gender difference and ownership of, 142-45, 266n19; and the middling classes, 141-42., 152; and portraits, 147, 151-52; ready-made, 139-40; in Roman houses, 77-78, 80-82, 84t, I46-47t, 148, 2.13t; series of, 149; subjects of, 148-51; value of, 140-48 Palazzo Altemps, 188, 2721127 Palazzo Barberini, xxviii, 137, 188 Palazzo Borghese, xxix Palazzo dei Conservatori, xxvi Palazzo Farnese, xix, 135 Palazzo Giustiniani, xix Palazzo Ludovisi, xix Palazzo Orsini, xxviii Palazzo Pamphili, xix, 32 Pamphili family, xxiii, 31 Pamphili, Giovanni Battista, 3z. See also Innocent X (pope) Pamphili, Maria, 43, 47 paper, 209-12 Pari, Nicola, 1764 213t, 218; books owned by, 187, 194-97, 199-202, 2.04; clothing owned by, 108, 111, x14; house of, 79; paintings owned by, 149; weapons owned by, 174; and writing, 212. Paris, xxii, xxx, xxxii-xxxiii, 89, 91, 182- 83, 194 Parker, Elizabeth, 2. Partner, Peter, xxv Pasquino, 31 Pellegrino, Camilla, 55-57, 58t perfume, 178, 164t, 178-79 Pesaro, Girolamo, 147 Peter, Saint, 143t Petrarch, 10 Piantarella, Bartolomeo, 77 Piazza Navona, 31, 154 Piccardi, Gieronimo, xxiii, xxv Pio, Prince Francesco, 43 Pliny the Elder, xvi Pomian, Krzysztof, xxx, 4, 9, 127-28, 142. Pontano, Giovanni: on clothing, 20; on collecting, 6-7, 37, 135-37, 245n89; on giving gifts, 18; on splendor, 24on32 Ponte Sisto, 31 Porta, Giambattista, della. See della Porta, Giambattista Portrait of Everything BeingSold in Rome, xxi Poussin, Nicolas, 148 Pozzo, Cassiano del; and the Accademia de' Lincei, 166; on collecting, 133; collections of, xvi; on displaying paintings, 149, 152; and exchange of goods, 186; and Galileo Galilei, 151-52; and gardening, 165; on gifts, 28; and Vincenzo Giustiniani, 2611128, 2621129; and Francesco Gualdo, 231n17; paper museum of, 130-31; and silk flowers, 162; and his sister, 37 INDEX :: 311 Raleigh, Walter, 167 Rambouillet, Madam de, 91 Raphael, xxi, 141 Raspantini, Francesco, 140, 148-49, 16o, 163, 176t, 181, 2.13t, 2.14, 218; books owned by, 175, 187, 194-95, 196t, 199-2oz, 204-7, 2.821176; children's furniture owned by, 74; clients of, 162.; clothing owned by, 108-9, Ill, 114, 122; curiosities owned by, 177; and domestic production, 118; engravings owned by, 154; furniture owned by, 69, 75, 78-79; miscellaneous objects owned by, 161-62; paintings owned by, 140, 145 148-49;snuffboxes owned by, 172; toiletries owned by, 178; tools owned by, 116, 177 reading, 2.06-9, 214. See also literacy Reni, Guido, xx Riccardi family, 57 Riccia family, 2.6t Ricci, Cardinal Michelangelo, xviii Ripa, Cesare, 199-zoo, zo6 Robin (botanist), 165 Roche, Daniel, xxx, xxxii-xxxiii Romano, Ruggiero, 17 Rome, xii, xxv, xxxiii, 6-7, 122, 216, 219, 221, 2.25; books about, ix-xiv, xvi, xix-xxi, xxvi, xxxi, 137; characterization of, xiv, xvi, xviii, xxii-xxiii, xxv, 6; circulation of currency in, 16-17; comparison with Florence, xx, 30-31, 39, 115, 240n30; comparison with other cities, xx, 240n3o; Conservatori of, 171;construction in, 30-31; food preparation in, 98; French influence in, 89-90; houses in, 65, 67-69, 89, 221; libraries in, 188-89; maps of, xv fig. 2; number of artisans in, xxv; number of merchants in, 182; and paintings, 221; population of, xxii; production of knowledge in, xviii-xix; publishing in, 312 :: INDEX 193-94; supply of merchandise in, 216; textile market in, 12o Rondenini, Felice, xx, xxviii Rosa, Salvatore, xx Rossi, Carlo, xx Rossi, Giovanna de, 119 Rossi, Matteo Gregorio, 154 Rotoli, Giovanni, 175t, 213t, 218; books owned by, 187; and children, 74; 2.18; clothing owned by, 108, 114, 1i7; flatware owned by, 172; house of, 82-83, 84t, 85-87; and jewelry, 181; and singing birds, 166-67; toiletries owned by, 178; tools owned by, 116 Rouchefoucauld, Francois de la, 155, 174 Rudolf II (emperor), 178 Salvati, Nicola, iiz, 179 San Girolamo della Carita, hospital of, 115 San Juan, Rose Marie, xxiii San Lorenzo in Panisperna, 29 San Pietro in Montorio, 166 Sannesio, Cardinal, 165 San Pietro in Vincoli, 137 Santacroce, Marquis Antonio, 19; account books of, zi, z8, 211, 284n105; and gardening, 166; last will of, 74; and news collecting, 155; paintings owned by, I40-41t, ii; and Scipione Santacroce, 1; weapons owned by, 174 Santacroce family, JO, 20, 22, 37-38, 89, 202 Santacroce, Maria Isabella Vechhiarelli, 19-21, 75; account books of 50-51, zo9; and children's furniture, 74; and clothing, 113; dolls owned by, 167; and domestic production, 118; and exchange of goods, 185-86; furniture owned by, 90-91; jewelry owned by, 181; maps owned by, 153; and news collecting, 155; tableware owned by, 171-73; toiletries owned by, 178-79; weapons owned by, 174 Santacroce, Porzia, 46 Santacroce, Scipione, 45, 74, 174; and beverages, 168; and clothing, III; tableware owned by, 171-72; toiletries of, 179; travels of, 89-90, 182-83 Santacroce, Valerio, 43 Santacroce, Vittoria, 44, 46, 254n26 Santa Maria in Aracoeli; 29 Santolino, Lodovico, 114, II5t Saracinelli, Bernardino, list, 184 Sarda, Madonna Laura, 27-28 Scapucci family, 175t Schneider,Jane, 17 scientific instruments, 159, 1614 1644 174- 77, 213t Sebregondi, Francesco, 119 semiophore, xxx, 127-28, 136, 142, 159 Sessa, Duke of, 17 Sforza Cesarini, Duchess Livia, 22, 23, 26t, 118,166-67,284n105 Sforza Cesarini family, 121 shaving, 178-79 shoes, xxix, 108, 2.16, 254n26, 254n28 silk: availability of, 120; domestic production of, 116, I18-19; foreign exchange for, 185; Roman clothing and 1044 '05. See also flowers silverware. See tableware Simmacus, 197 Simmel, Georg, 3 singing birds, 166-67 Sixtus V (pope), xxv snuffboxes, 112, 167, 171-72, 183, 220 Spada, Bernardino: accounts books of, 45, 48-49, 51; and beverages, 167-68; and domestic production,1'8; and exchange of goods, 185; and news collecting, '55, and singing birds, 166; tableware owned by, 17o; toiletries owned by, 178; weapons owned by, 174 Spada, Orazio, 21, 166; account books of, 45, 48, 52, 209, 211, 28411105; flatware owned by, 173; paintings owned by, iii; tableware owned by, 170-71 Spada Veralli family, 38, 43, 89, ziot Spada Veralli, Maria, 43, 45, 47-48, 185, 4 Spadza.5,7Vni7rilio, 37, 45, 162., 165, 173, 246n14,262n29 Spada, Vittoria Patrizi, 50-51, 162; and beverages, 167; clothing owned by, II(); dolls owned by, 167; and domestic production, 117-19; and exchange of goods, 185-86; flatware owned by, 2741164; and shoes, 254n26; and singing birds, 166; toiletries owned by, 178 Spain, 36, 113, 153, 155, 167 Spetiale, Andrea, xxiii spinning, x16 Spinola, Leonardo, 17 splendor, 5, 7, 82, 88, 92, 221-22; and collecting, 130-31; and Petrarch, 10; and Pontano, 18; of the city of Rome, xiii, xxvi statues, 82, 159, I6xt Strozzi gardens, 49 studio, xiv; Bellori's, xxi; Contarini's, 32; difference from museum xvi; Divini family's, xix studiolo, xvi; ownership by gender, 7It; in Roman collections, 69, 76-78, 8o, 82-83, 84t, 87t, 92 sumptuary laws, 125; and clothing, 109- 10, 113 swords. See weapons tableware, 98-102, 168-73 Tagliana, Porzia, 77, 113 Teti, Girolamo, xix time, 243n48 Tinelli, Alessandro, 78, 2751173 tips, 29, 47, 49 Titian, 154 INDEX :: 313 tobacco, xxxii—xxxiii, 112, 1614 167, 171, 185 tools: for spinning, 116 Totti, Pompilo, 137 treasury, 4-5, 18, 220, 224-25 Trombetta, Teresa, 110, 176t Tucci, Ugo, 17 Ugolini, Fabio, 83, 85t, 87, 89 umbrellas, i6ot, 164t Valle, Andrea della, xiii Vatican Library, the, xvi, xviii, /33-34 Venice, xxii, xxx, 37, 126; clothing from, 48, 114; fabrics from, 184-85; glassware from, 168-69; literacy in, 276n1; painting in, xx, 139, 147; as publishing center, 193-94; Scipione Santacroce and 174 Venturola, Ipplolita, 77, 113 Vickery, Amanda, 2 314 :: INDEX Vienna, zo, ixo—ii, 168, 171-72 Vignolio, Marcantonio, 3z Vittori, Pietro Antonio, 78-79, 149, 176t Voet, Jacob Ferdinand, I52. Vries, Jan de, 119 Waddy, Patricia, xxviii Weatherhill, Lorna, xxx weapons, 173-76, 274n68; in Roman houses, 78 weddings: account books and, 46- 47; goods exchanged at, 27-28, 46-47, 53 Weiner, Annette, 6 Welch, Evelyn, xxx women: collecting practices, 9; leadership in consumerism, 2; ownership of goods, xxxii; relative poverty of, 69 writing implements, 211-13 Zarlino, Giuseppe, 177 Zericchi, Angela, 110